BlushingBard |
![Queen Ileosa Arabasti](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A19-Evil-Queen-IleosaR.jpg)
Weables wrote:Moorluck wrote:Would all those spell replicating items work in an Anti Magic Field?Sure wouldn't. Though the mental image of a ranger flying 300 feet up and activating his antimagic field, only to be a smear on the pavement 6 seconds later is highly amusingAnd Ta-da!
Wizard wins without any depletion of his daily spells.
I know, right?
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Let's get back on topic.
I think the d8 HD, 4+Int Skills, and extra feats should make the wizard a bit more formidable. Has anyone tried this in play? I'm sure my DM won't have an issue with testing it. I'm just sick of being a low hp pin cushion when the fighters sit on easily double the hp and way more ac, deal massive damage consistently, and have some excellent combat options.
All back and forth aside.
I have indeed tinkered with the wizard before, upping the HP, granting more skill points, etc. (I always preferred Sor, less bookkeeping.)
I found that it actually made them better than everyone else, so then I really sat down and examined the class's potential.
I'll guarantee you that the fighter will have his bacon pulled out of the fire by the "lowly" wizard more often than the other way around. Push come to shove, nobody in the group has more combat and damage options than the wizard.
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Hey Cranewings, no denying Ranger is a good class. They're my favorite class. :P
And one of mine as well. Hell slightly less than half my PCs, the martial ones anyway, have at least dipped* into Rngr.
*My own house rules require that if you multi-class you must take at least 3 levels in each class.
Weables |
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I assume that's why you thought you won the initiative on the surprise round instead, too?
It was sort of cute.
Forewarned (Su)
You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action. In addition, you receive a bonus on initiative checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). At 20th level, anytime you roll initiative, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.
rat_ bastard |
![Bee Doll](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Bee-Fairy-Doll.jpg)
The only thing that can save the wizard class is to give them 8+int skill points, d12 hit dice, any feats every level, 2 bonded objects and an animal companion instead of a familiar, sneak attack dice that work with spells (equal to his level), proficiency with all exotic weapons, all cleric spells, all domains and bardic song.
its the only reasonable thing.
master arminas |
![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
Side note, when I said anti-magic field I meant anti-gravity field. Check my earlier post. I just miss typed because I was trying to read and write at the same time.
Anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field? Nope ain't ringing a bell. Perhaps you meant reverse gravity, an 7th-level wizard spell.
I hope your Ranger has a 17 Intelligence, because otherwise you have will have to roll at a minimum a 32 on UMD just to emulate the ability score required. Then you have to use the scroll which requires you to beat a DC of 33.
Good luck with that. And you might want to read reverse gravity again. I don't think it does what you think it does.
Master Arminas
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Let's get back on topic.
I think the d8 HD, 4+Int Skills, and extra feats should make the wizard a bit more formidable. Has anyone tried this in play? I'm sure my DM won't have an issue with testing it. I'm just sick of being a low hp pin cushion when the fighters sit on easily double the hp and way more ac, deal massive damage consistently, and have some excellent combat options.
Ah, the truth comes out. You are trying to come up with methods and reasons to make a 'God-class' for yourself. Really, just A)learn how to play a wizard effectively and B) stick it out until you get those 3rd lvl (and higher) spells... you'll be more than effective enough at that point to make up for sucking at the low levels.
master arminas |
![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
On this topic, remember when wizards had d4 hp, didn't get a favored class bonus they could add to HP, and were still considered amazing?
I remember 1st edition, when wizards had a d4 (and you had to roll 1st level hit points), you didn't get any bonus from Con unless it was a 15 (+1) or 16 (+2) and since you weren't a fighter type it didn't matter if your Con was any higher. Oh, and you topped out at 10d4 at 10th level, gaining just 1 hp (regardless of Con) each level thereafter.
And you know what? Wizards were still the most powerful class.
Master Arminas
cranewings |
On this topic, remember when wizards had d4 hp, didn't get a favored class bonus they could add to HP, and were still considered amazing?
I started playing back in 2e, with a lot of 1e, and in THOSE DAYS wizards had about 1/4th the spells per day and if they were so much as bumped into anytime before their turn that round, they lost their spell. Bumping into them was usually enough to kill them sense an 18 CON still only granted +2 hp per level, and you know what? They were still the best characters.
cranewings |
cranewings wrote:Side note, when I said anti-magic field I meant anti-gravity field. Check my earlier post. I just miss typed because I was trying to read and write at the same time.Anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field . . . anti-gravity field? Nope ain't ringing a bell. Perhaps you meant reverse gravity, an 7th-level wizard spell.
I hope your Ranger has a 17 Intelligence, because otherwise you have will have to roll at a minimum a 32 on UMD just to emulate the ability score required. Then you have to use the scroll which requires you to beat a DC of 33.
Good luck with that. And you might want to read reverse gravity again. I don't think it does what you think it does.
Master Arminas
He has UMD as a class skill, int +2, Skill +20, Class skill +3 - he only needs an 8. Sense he normally has a sack of them and he does the fight starting, it isn't a problem.
master arminas |
![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
Hate to bust your bubble, Cranewings, but UMD is a Charisma based skill, not Intelligence. What are the stats on that ranger anyway? And a sack full of them? They cost 2,450 gp each, not exactly pocket change even at 20th level. Especially considering you have armor, weapons, rings of protection, amulets of natural armor, stat-boosters, cloaks of resistance, and other misc. magic items to purchase.
Master Arminas
master arminas |
![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
master arminas wrote:Hate to bust your bubble, Cranewings, but UMD is a Charisma based skill, not Intelligence. What are the stats on that ranger anyway?
Master Arminas
STR 14
DEX 31
Con 18
INT 14
WIS 19
CHA 16
Pre-magic stats would be helpfull. As I presume those are post-magic.
Master Arminas
cranewings |
cranewings wrote:master arminas wrote:Hate to bust your bubble, Cranewings, but UMD is a Charisma based skill, not Intelligence. What are the stats on that ranger anyway?
Master Arminas
STR 14
DEX 31
Con 18
INT 14
WIS 19
CHA 16Pre-magic stats would be helpfull. As I presume those are post-magic.
Master Arminas
I'm sorry, I don't have them on me. I'll bring it up another time. (: For now, consider the Ranger 19, Sorcerer 1, bag of anti-gravity spell scrolls to be defeated.
master arminas |
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![Imeckus Stroon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9034-Imeckus.jpg)
Provided that you put all of level-based ability increases into Dexterity, and you have a +6 enhancement bonus on every all physical stats and a +4 enhancement bonus on all mental stats (for a cost of 208,000 gp), that would mean your starting 1st level ability scores would be Str 8, Dex 18 (+2 for race becomes 20), Con 14 (-2 for race becomes 12), Int 8 (+2 for race becomes 10), Wis 15, and Cha 12. That is a 27-point buy. You can't have a +6 headband, because as an elf your minumum starting Int is a 9; 9 + 6 = 15.
Now, you could have gained a +1 inherent bonus to Wis (another 27,500 gp, for a total of 235,500 gp spent), which would drop your 1st-level stat to a 14 and make the character a 25-point buy. Though I really have to wonder why you would ever play a ranger with a Str of 8, an Int of 9, and a Con of 12. It makes little sense to me.
Master Arminas
Run, Just Run |
Wizards are better then sorrcers because their more verstile, sure the sorrcer has cooler abilities but you say your about to fight a red dragon and your a piromancer, your dead you can't change spells. Meanwhile the wizard says lets rest for the day I need dragon killing spells, next day sorccer dose not do anything wizard takes out dragon. Your saying their underpowered but they are not as they are more verstile as they could theoretaclliy learn every spell. sorry about spelling.
Benicio Del Espada |
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![Low Templar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/crusader-col.jpg)
Believe it? I've actually played one (in 2nd edition, not even in 3.0/3.5/pathfinder, no less)!
Master Arminas
I remember playing one, too. Newer players laughed at him, but as we leveled up, that all changed. The "magic-user" had the mojo, even with so few spells compared to today. You really had to pay your dues back then, though.
It's still my favorite class to play.
AvalonXQ |
I don't really agree with giving the wizard better martial abilities; after all, that isn't what makes them special.
Personally I just give them a free spellbook full of all spells of the appropriate level, and make all their spell slots unlimited use. That way they can continue to cast their spells each round of combat.
I know it doesn't really fix the martial disparity problem, but the wizards seem to have a good time as long as they can find a spell that they feel contributes to combat each round.
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Flabbergasted by the topic, speechless at the reasoning and reeling from the proposed solution without any consideration of metagame balance issues and impact to other classes.
May as well just give the Wizard Full BAB, fighter feat progression and Rogue skill points. Oh and ability to cast Cleric spells.
Sarcasm aside MAYBE a way to approach this is Gesalt gaming if you feel your class concepts aren't rich enough.
You can google it but its - Choose two classes, take the best features of both and when you level its as if you leveled in both... so a Fighter/Wizard Gestalt would use Fighter BAB, HD, get the +2 fort save and the feats, AND get the Wizard Will Save, Spells etc.