Rotolutundro |

Currently we have a half-Varisian cleric of Shelyn, a Sklar-Quah Shoanti monk, an Ulfen ranger and a dragon sorcerer gnome.
Alternatively (or in addition, if you want), in another ROTR game I'm running I could use someone willing to take over a dwarf ranger. This group is slightly farther along in the first adventure.

David James Olsen |

Either would be fine, though if I took over the ranger I would probably want to rebuild him.
If in the first game I can go Barbarian or Fighter. Otherwise a ranger in the other would be OK.
Are you doing archetypes or any of the feats in other books (APG, UM/UC) or is everything core only?

Rotolutundro |

Either would be fine, though if I took over the ranger I would probably want to rebuild him.
If in the first game I can go Barbarian or Fighter. Otherwise a ranger in the other would be OK.
Are you doing archetypes or any of the feats in other books (APG, UM/UC) or is everything core only?
I'm open to archetypes and other feats, so long as I vet them first. I'll contact you by email with more info.

Rotolutundro |

We've lost our cleric of Shelyn, and I'm looking for a replacement or two. Someone willing to create a cleric, or play the old cleric, will have special attention paid to their application.
Currently we have a Shoanti barbarian, an elven rogue who will soon multiclass into wizard, and a halfling bard. The party is halfway through the first module, and currently in town, so able to meet up with newcomers.
Just a concept/background is fine at this point - don't bother statting up a character. No evil characters, please. Core races and classes only.

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I would be interested in playing a human cleric of Pharasma.
Durriken spent many of his days in the temple in Magnimar but later in life decided he wanted to do more and take a more active role in spreading the teachings of his goddess. Training in the ways of a field cleric, he has taken his first steps to a life of adventuring and had left to attend the festival in Sandpoint. Bad weather and a surprising amount of goblin raiders slowed down the caravan he was travelling with so he missed the festival. He has arrived in town and staying at the local inn.
Durriken is a middle-aged human male. He believes in keeping the party running in combat via healing surges but also can provide buffs. If called up he can also wade into combat with his trusty mace and will defend those he fights with to his dying breath.

dathom |

Though not a cleric, I have an solid concept for a half-elf witch and his fox familiar for your consideration:
Name: Andrezi
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Character Description
Appearance: Andrezi, weighing in at 165 pounds and standing at 5'8", is rather average for a half-elf. However, his olive tinted skin identifies him as being of Varisian descent and he is missing half of his left ear, giving his face an uneven look. When asked about his left ear by fellow Sczarni, Andrezi relates a story of a confidence scheme gone wrong and how his nimbleness cost him part of his ear instead of his throat. For non-Varisians who ask, he relates a random tale that changes with the telling, ranging from an accident with a knife as a child to dodging a giant's blade during his travels. Decked out in brightly colored clothing in blues and oranges, a silver bangle hangs from his left wrist and a hand-sized tattoo can be seen peeking out from the opening of his loose jerkin. Additional tattoos of butterflies and seven-pointed stars grace his right upper arm and side but are normally covered by his jerkin and vest. Draped around his neck is an elegantly made kapenia that depicts the scene of a Varisian man breaking the bonds that held him before dashing off into the unknown forests surrounding the city of his captors. A dagger is tucked into a bright orange sash that is wrapped around his waist and a few darts are tucked among the folds of his clothing. A fox’s head can be seen peeking out of a satchel that rests as Andrezi’s hip. The fox has the orange and red colorings of its kind, but its gaze holds an unusual intelligence.
Story/Background: Born to a Varisian fortune teller living among the Shingles of Korvosa, Andrezi was accepted among the Varisian's there despite his unique ancestry. Gifted with a keen intellect, Andrezi listened attentively to the stories his mother told him of Varisian lore and drew from them truths that he could use in his everyday life. It was this woman that he turned to for guidance as he grew. Divining her son's future, she saw him doing incredible things, not just for the Varisian people, but for Varisia as a whole. Hoping to continue the fortune telling traditions of her family, and foster a desire to accomplish good, Andrezi's mother even taught the half-elf the ways of the Harrowing. However, even with his brilliance, the ancestors refused to give the young Andrezi insight into the meaning of the cards he laid out. None-the-less, Desna and Andrezi's ancestors spoke to the boy in other ways, presenting paths that the boy would take that would lead him to Sandpoint.
While accepted into the Varisian fold, being the only half-elf in the clan made for a lonely existence and seeing that her son had no gift for harrowing, Andrezi's mother encouraged him to apply his intelligence to other pursuits. Passing him along to an old Varisian herbalist and magic user who had been friends with the Zindari's for many years, he learned about nature, magic and the mixing of herbs. Though his elven blood and intelligence helped him to understand the principles taught to him, these lessons did not appeal to Andrezi. However, during his apprenticeship, he became close friends with the old woman's grandson Zandu.
As the years past, the two boys fell in with the local Sczarni, which offered male role-models that the boys began looking up to. It was around that time, with Andrezi at the age of 32, that Andrezi’s mother passed from old age. This caused Andrezi to spend even more time with Zandu and his Sczarni family. Through what the Szcarni taught the two men, Andrezi and Zandu refined and polished their skill with words and began helping the Sczarni in their various confidence schemes. However, Andrezi didn't always agree with Szcarni methods, which led to personal conflict and doubt as the half-elf battled with doing what he thought was right and helping those he considered to be his family. This personal conflict soon created tension with Zandu as the two friends began disagreeing. This disagreement never had the chance to grow beyond the occasional argument however, as a botched scheme resulted in grabbing the attention of a regiment of Hellknights. With many of the local Szcarni either arrested or on the run, and his own friend Zandu disappearing in the chaos of the raid, Andrezi managed to escape arrest and joined a Varisian caravan leaving the city. Having heard Zandu speak of Jubrayl Vhiski of Sandpoint, Andrezi was determined to make his way there and see how he might start anew.
Only one or two days out from Korvosa's walls, the caravan had stopped to make camp for the evening. While helping with the duties, Andrezi spotted a small fox staring at him in the shadow of a nearby tree. Fixated by the fox, Andrezi drew the notice of other Varisians as they whispered about the good fortune that falls on those who receive a fox’s stare. Miraculously, the fox entered the camp and sat at Andrezi's feet. Surprised by the fox's actions Andrezi wasn't sure what to do. However, seeing this as a sign from Desna, he accepted the fox’s presence and allowed it to accompany him. After a few days traveling with the fox, Andrezi noticed that the connection between the fox and him grew. Soon after he not only could sense what the fox was feeling, but Andrezi found himself tapping into strange abilities that the fox helped him unlock. Using these new abilities, he helped defend the caravan as it continued its trip.
Arriving in Sandpoint a few days from the start of the Swallowtail Festival and still uncertain of the true nature of this newfound power, Andrezi parted ways from the caravan and sought out Jubrayl Vhiski at the Feetbag.
Personality: Average in appearance, he makes up for his lack of poise and confidence with clever wordplay that masks the uncertainty that he sometimes feels. This has helped Andrezi to speak as colorfully as he dresses and has led to no small amount of confusion for non-Varisians who have dealt with the man. Some of his favorite phrases include “the trip is long; we shall shorten the road” before assisting in a traveling song and “Silver and gold are the same with eyes closed” when passing along advice to his family and friends. Andrezi is want to spin tales that boast of accomplishments he has yet to achieve and isn't fully confident in his own abilities. Born to a Varisian mother, Andrezi holds firmly to the traditions, customs and beliefs of his people and is an avid Desnan. That being said, though he considers the Sczarni to be his family, a part of him fiercely holds to doing good and he respects people who are willing to bend and break the law to help those in need. His time with the Sczarni has marred the young half-elf however, and he often finds himself debating over whether he should do what he knows is right or what can to serve the interests of his Sczarni family. Andrezi has traveled with his familiar for only a short time, so he still speaks to the fox like he would a pet, something that usually earns him a nip from the rascal fox.
Adnisylvani’s personality is quite the opposite from his master’s. A confident fox, he is prone to boastful displays that draw attention to his presence. Where Andrezi spins tales that boast of accomplishments he has yet to achieve and only boast when he accomplishes something he didn't think he would be able to, his fox familiar is confident in its own skills and lets others know about through action. Not able to speak, he generally uses these displays to be the center of attention and point out interesting facts or sighting to Andrezi. A physical embodiment of Andrezi’s ancestors the fox can be seen running about gleefully during a celebration but has also been a wise advisor and guide for Andrezi as he learns to tap in to his new powers. While Adnisylvani understands the nature of his master’s patron, he hasn’t done anything to show that patron’s intent to the young half-elf.
I also have a less developed idea for a cleric of Shelyn and if given a bit of flexibility, would be willing to take over the cleric of Shelyn as needed.

Rotolutundro |

Deadshot: Durriken sounds interesting. Seems like a good candidate, but I'll leave recruiting open for a couple of days; I wouldn't mind up to 6 players.
dathom: Only core classes, as mentioned. Perhaps you could repurpose Andrezi. What sort of flexibility did you have in mind were you to take over the Shelynite?

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Deadshot: Durriken sounds interesting. Seems like a good candidate, but I'll leave recruiting open for a couple of days; I wouldn't mind up to 6 players.
Great! Anything you want me to do to get ready? You are using Yahoogroups, correct? Would it be possible to have access to the site to read what has happened thus far? If you want to communicate off board you can email me at deadshot15 at gmail dot com.

dathom |

Sorry, I missed that somehow. It shouldn't be too difficult to repurpose to a wizard though while keeping most of the character and background the same.
I was imaging a Shelynite that found beauty in the incorporation of the glaive in dance, not necessarily using it to improve combat, but stressing the use of weapons as more than something to defend, injure and kill with. Would probably want to take ranks in dance and would wield the deities favored weapon. However, the main focus would be on providing support in combat through spells, healing and the use of the glaive's reach to assist party members. For the flexibility on the cleric, that would depend on how the character was built and how established the character's personality is in game, but I don't see much change outside of maybe shifting around skill points, the stats and maybe the traits a bit. Again, that more depends on what the current build looks like.

BokaliMali |

Hello, I'd love to play RotR. I've never actually played a pathfinder game though. (I DM'd a 1-3 level module once so have a decent grasp of the rules) If you're willing to put up with a complete newbie, I was thinking of an Alchemist specializing in poison, potions and crafting. I haven't built the character sheet yet but I can tell you his backstory.
Aldous' father, Dannic Morgan ran a semi-successful and totally-obscure !!!!!POTIONS-REGENTS-SUNRODS GALORE!!!!! stall in the market square of the Cheliaxian city of Belde. While not advertised on the horrible, horrible sign, Dannic would also provide the intrepid adventurer with a multitude of poisonous oils, given the proper wink and nudge.
Dannic's poisons were of remarkable variety, thanks wholly to his loving wife Sarah. Sarah was a ranger of moderate renown, tales of her exploits were often recounted in Belde. Mostly by Dannic to Aldous as the latter lay in bed. Every time Sarah returned from her adventures, an event that occurred with less and less frequency as Aldous grew up, she brought with her a cornucopia of rare plants, herbs and poisonous critters (dead and preserved, of course) that Dannic distilled into potent oils and sold for a tidy profit.
Aldous grew up worshipping his father, who was also his only friend. And to Dannic's credit, as Aldous aged he began to act more and more like a functioning person. Thanks to invaluable lessons like "When people talk to you, you should usually respond" and "Try to complete what you're saying before walking away" and "No they're not trying to kill you! Are you daft?" Aldous grew up to be marginally well-adjusted, though still somewhat weird.
On a fateful evening, Aldous returned home with the load of empty sunrod-shells his father had sent him to pick up and found his father, unmoving, slumped over his workbench, white foam issuing from his mouth.
The authorities ruled it an accidental death. Dannic had a small cut on his hand and was careless with some Wyvern Venom. Aldous, of course, (thought he) knew better.
Whoever these mystery assassins were, they were sure to return and finish the job! Aldous hastily packed a bag and set forth! Using the trade his father taught him to survive, never staying in one place long, always trying to stay a step ahead of his (possibly imaginary) pursuers!
Months later, Sarah returned home to find her husband dead and her son dissappeared. Bummer.
EDIT: Missed the bit about core classes only. Oh well V_V

BokaliMali |

OK, so I'm thinking an Abyssal gnome sorcerer. Is it a 20 point buy? How do you do HP? My email is maxdbg@gmail.com
Torly Tripp was raised by one half of a loving family. It wasn't a single parent deal, it's just that his Mom didn't care for him much. She saw him more as a resource that wasn't quite ripe enough to use. See, she's a Demoniac and, as Torly's dad found out a few months ago, was only suffering Torly's presence until she put the finishing touches on a ritual that would grant her horrific demonic powers. (The final finishing touch cliche'dly being the sacrifice of an only son) When Torly's father found out, he was a little miffed. He sent Torly away to Varisia, where his mother hopefully won't be able to find him. He told Torly to avoid major city centres for awhile, so the young gnome decided to cool his heels in Sandpoint.
Torly is a nice young gnome, very energetic (you know... gnomes...) but, after the betrayal of his own mother has a hard time trusting people.

Rotolutundro |

3rd level, 25 point buy. We have a website with more information on character generation.
I'm not sure that Torly would be a good fit for the party, as the second module of the AP is partially set in a big city. I'd also like to see a stronger reason to go adventuring with the Heroes of Sandpoint. If he has a hard time trusting people, why would he stay with the party? I'd like to avoid "lone wolf" types of characters.