I Want To Adventure Here

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Fire Mountain Games wrote:



Prague Castle of Prague,Czech Republic -- One of the largest and oldest castles in the world.


The background of the castle in the 16th century is really interesting... Rudolf II, John Dee and Edward Kelley, the Golem of Prague, the Kunstkammer of the Emperor, etc, etc. There's a brief article on the city then in Dragon #285.

I have extensive notes on Prague for a CoC/PF crossover.

I think this would be fun: Wieliczka Salt Mines

Think of it as a grand dungeon of a Vampire Cult ... of dwarves or something!

Amy Gillespie wrote:

I think this would be fun: Wieliczka Salt Mines

Think of it as a grand dungeon of a Vampire Cult ... of dwarves or something!

My wife went there last summer as a sight seeing trip while on business in Poland. She said it was amazing. She even brought me back a chunk of salt lol

Fake Healer wrote:
Oooo, I'll play!!! Ani, City of 1001 churches!

Awesome! Thanks for bringing this place to my attention.

Shadow Lodge

Laithoron wrote:

Oh wow, that looks like it must be the same castle that inspired the one in the old 2E campaign and catacomb guide (among a few others)! I did a little searching and found the following floorplan for Borthwick Castle here.

Does that floorplan match what you recall?

That's the same castle all right! Those super-thick walls are really there. See this cosmetic damage? That's where Oliver Cromwell fired his cannons at it. It prompted him to write a sternly worded letter to the castle owners.

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InVinoVeritas wrote:

That's the same castle all right! Those super-thick walls are really there. See this cosmetic damage? That's where Oliver Cromwell fired his cannons at it. It prompted him to write a sternly worded letter to the castle owners.

What could he have possibly said to them? "When next you build a castle to impede me, please make thy walls thinner so mine cannons may smite thee as I see fit." Perhaps he should have gone old school and used trebuchets.

Shadow Lodge

Your answer is here.

"To the Governor of Borthwick Castle there. Sir, I thought fitt to send this trumpet to you to lett you know, that, if you please to walk away with your company, and deliver the house to such as I shall send to receive it, you shall have liberty to carry off your armes and goods and such other necessaries as you have. You have harboured such parties in your house as have basely unhumanely murdered our men; if you necessitate me to bend my cannon against you, you must expect what I doubt you will not be pleased with. I expect your present answer, and rest your servant, O. Cromwell"

When you know what the Lord Protector was like, saying "walk away and I'll let you go" is NOT his style.

Since my current writing project for "Way of the Wicked" requires me to design a monastery, here are three that I am researching as examples.

The Montserrat Monstery in Spain

The Monastery of Gregoriou in Greece

Popa Taungkalat Shrine in Burma

Now all I have to do is design a monastery worth burning to the ground.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games wrote:

Since my current writing project for "Way of the Wicked" requires me to design a monastery, here are three that I am researching as examples.

The Montserrat Monstery in Spain

The Monastery of Gregoriou in Greece

Popa Taungkalat Shrine in Burma

Now all I have to do is design a monastery worth burning to the ground.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Montserrat is one of the places linked to the Grail legend in Spain...

Liberty's Edge

Awesome thread!

I love the gallery of the nunhead-Cemetery.

The link shows just one of dozens of fotos from this awesome place.

Here you get to the Friends of Nunhead Cemetery homepage.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gas Mask Island

Liberty's Edge

And following a link on the Gas Mask Island from DM_aka_Dudemeister, I found The Skeleton Lake.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Some of these adventures write themselves.

"That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell." -- Thomas Aquinas

Here then are three visions of hell on earth.

The Darvaza Gas Crater in Turkmenistan known by locals as "The Gate of Hell". This is a man-made entrance to the lower realms.

Kilauea, on the big island of Hawaii. The goddess Pele emerges and all perish in her wake.

Mount Etna in Sicily a spectacularly active volcano. It was here that the last son of Gaia, Typhon, Father of All monsters was imprisoned by the gods.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Great links! Keep 'em comin'!

Visions of Paradise.

La Digue in the Seychelles

Iguazau Falls in Argentina

Venice Italy by Night

It is in these most beautiful places, that the greatest of evil may dwell.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games wrote:

Visions of Paradise.

La Digue in the Seychelles

Iguazau Falls in Argentina

Venice Italy by Night

It is in these most beautiful places, that the greatest of evil may dwell.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Venice is amazing at night. I stayed there when backpacking around Europe and wandered around the city after sundown - the city is deserted by night, which is eerie and cool - this is because the population is overwhelmingly middle aged or elderly and don't go out after dusk. Or maybe they're afraid of the vampires.

Here's a great photo from Liechtenstein.

Castle in Liechtenstein

The Exchange


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Some places in China and Southeast Asia that have inspired me. Direct from my camera for your adventuring pleasure...

Small temple in Tiger Leaping Gorge, China

Mountains framing the Gorge

Konglor Cave, Laos

Lao jungle waterfall.

Angor Wat is of course tailor made to be an adventure location

Also at Angkor Wat

The steppes of Inner Mongolia

Stone spires at Zhangjiajie in China

More to come if you like these...

Those are great!!!

I don't think anyone has posted this one yet: Sulfur mine at Kawah Ijen

Gordon the Whale wrote:
I don't think anyone has posted this one yet: Sulfur mine at Kawah Ijen

Those are really, really cool. I would name it the Crater of Eternal Stench, given what the photographer went through.

Gordon the Whale wrote:
I don't think anyone has posted this one yet: Sulfur mine at Kawah Ijen

WOW! I can't think of anything more than that to describe those pics!

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Some more locations from my travels...

More from Zhangjiajie It is hard to get a sense of scale, but those are full-sized trees growing out from the cliff face.

A small enclosure at the Summer Palace, Beijing

Mossy temple garden

I will be adding a few more everyday if people seem to like them.

Hop to this link and check out entries 2, 4, and 6. Creeeeepy....

Shadowborn wrote:
Those are really, really cool. I would name it the Crater of Eternal Stench, given what the photographer went through.

The place can't possibly smell worse than my son's dorm room.

Thread necro!

This gallery is really cool and creepy...

Those are incredible. I get photos from a couple of urban explorer pages on Facebook, and the images are both beautiful and saddening at the same time.

And Thread Necro is what will keep this thread alive!


Temples of Knowledge

The Admont Abbey Library the world's largest monastic library.

Morgan Library and Museum in New York City.

The largest library in the world the Library of Congress. Your tax dollar at work!

The abbey library of St. Gallen in Switzerland.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Mount Hua is pretty cool.

Lots of narrow ledges

And crazy steep stairs

Action Squad is a local group of Minneapolis urban explorers. Lots of really cool photos of underground and abandoned locations.


I don't know where this is, and I suspect it's Photoshopped, but it still makes an awesome site for an adventure. And magic substitutes for Photoshop anyway, so I can think of plenty of wizards wanting to live here.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
I don't know where this is, and I suspect it's Photoshopped, but it still makes an awesome site for an adventure. And magic substitutes for Photoshop anyway, so I can think of plenty of wizards wanting to live here.

The rock looks like it's the part of Thailand where Scaramanga hid out in The Man With the Golden Gun (I think close to P**@et). And yeah, definitely photo-shopped.

The Exchange


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

This would be fun.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Adam Daigle wrote:
This would be fun.

Yeah, though the climax of the adventure is a bit pre-ordained. It's like all the Atlantis movies with the smoking mountain in the background. Now, what would really mess with people is having nothing happen...

Adam Daigle wrote:
This would be fun.

Reminds me a little of the island of the Slave Lords. And the other Jeff is right; the climax is pretty much written into the terrain. Boom.

Is that a roper over there? Someone make a Knowledge (dungeoneering) roll.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Shadowborn wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
This would be fun.

Reminds me a little of the island of the Slave Lords. And the other Jeff is right; the climax is pretty much written into the terrain. Boom.

Is that a roper over there? Someone make a Knowledge (dungeoneering) roll.

The other Jeff =

Jeff de Luna. I've been using the same name that's on the stuff I've written for Paizo recently so there's no confusion if I get asked about something official.
Maybe I should add "The Other Jeff" as another alias, though. :)

That's simply how I refer to people that share my name. If you added "The Other Jeff" as an alias, I'd have to do so, because from any other Jeff's perspective, I'm the other Jeff. Could lead to some interesting online discussions though.

Sovereign Court Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:
That's simply how I refer to people that share my name. If you added "The Other Jeff" as an alias, I'd have to do so, because from any other Jeff's perspective, I'm the other Jeff. Could lead to some interesting online discussions though.

Ah, OK.

Here's an interesting place, in terms of topography.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Here's something else. Check out the links.

The Winchester Mystery house always appealed to me as the basis for a fun and scary game.

Jeff Erwin wrote:

Here's something else. Check out the links.

The Winchester Mystery house always appealed to me as the basis for a fun and scary game.

O.M.G. The links to these floorplans will keep me from designing my own keeps and dungeons for a long, happy time!!!!

Here's a link to the Facebook page of another great urbex site:

Another State of Mind Urban Exploration and Photograhs

Here's a site that shows some fascinating spots from around the globe.

Liberty's Edge

Fannette Island, Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe.

Jigokudani Monkey Park, Hokkaido, Japan

Snow monkeys in hot springs

I've always wanted to work a scene like this into one of my games set in the arctic wastes.

I do not want to adventure here...unless I'm a rogue with an amazing climb score, slippers of spider climbing, and insider knowledge on the market value of lemurs in a nearby city.

Still, pretty cool.

Shadowborn wrote:

I do not want to adventure here...unless I'm a rogue with an amazing climb score, slippers of spider climbing, and insider knowledge on the market value of lemurs in a nearby city.

Still, pretty cool.


Consider this stolen for my "This World has no Humans" setting.


Shadowborn wrote:

I do not want to adventure here...unless I'm a rogue with an amazing climb score, slippers of spider climbing, and insider knowledge on the market value of lemurs in a nearby city.

Still, pretty cool.

I remember an episode of "Crocodile Hunter" where Steve Irwin traveled there. I was gobsmacked at the place. Amazing!

The Exchange

Well, maybe not here. Who's got yer back?

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