Monk and kensai (and possible other classes)

Rules Questions

Greetings, I'm looking through some stuff on the pfsrd and I found a character that I might make, but I'm unsure if the rules support it in anyway so I tought I would ask here.

The main thing I'm asking is if the monk ac (wisdom based) stacks with the duelist (or kensai arctype), I've been reading somewhere that ac doesn't stack witheach other, am I wrong, if so please give me a quick review of the rules since I clearly did not find them :).

It's a special bonus to AC, The monk gets to add Wis in addition to Dex to AC, likewise, both the Duelist and Kensai get to add Int and Dex to AC.

Multiclasing results in a class that adds Wis, Int and Dex to AC.

Yes, they stack;

Generally, bonuses of a type (say, deflection bonus) don't stack with each other.

However, Canny Defense is an add-on to the Dex bonus (counts as Dex bonus to AC), and Monk-like AC is an untyped bonus, hence stacking with others.

Still, I don't know what you'd go for with this. All I can think of is some really MAD stuff with a middling/poor Hit chance, good saves, and a smorgasbord of expendable resources that never really progress past "OK"

The AC and Saves would be decent, but there's more to defense than those, and the best defense is kill faster.

If you're thinking to go dervish dancer, you could theoretically make it work, and if your GM allows Guided weapons, then you don't even have to worry (but in that case, why bother with Kensai?)

But your GM shouldn't allow Guided weapons. Seriously.

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