Snow Crash |
We have a game scheduled for that day but decided against it based on the fact we all have families etc.
We did however run a Xmas themed session on our last session. Took a break from the main characters who were away dealing with stuff in kingmaker and went back to some cohorts who were still in the Capitol.
A winter circus came to town complete with sleigh rides, ice skating and undead reindeer and everything. Those who have run the module know which one I am talking about..
Good fun
Chad Bartlett RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
We have three boys--ages 12, 9, and 7. I'm totally excited that the Beginner Box is already wrapped and waiting for them under the Christmas tree! I also took them to our FLGS and let them each pick out their very own sets of dice. Those are now wrapped and under the tree too. We've played Pathfinder a few times as a family, so they just figure that's what the dice are for. They don't know they're getting the Beginner Box. I hope it's as exciting for them as getting the Red Box set was for me back in the day. I foresee a lot of Pathfinder games being played over Christmas break! :) Happy holidays, everybody!
Aiddar |
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Hi there.
No prezzies, but am hoping to run a game over the Christmas break. It will probably be a one off, involving a bunch of barely sane goblins as they attempt to recover some of those nice exploding "fire-werky" things... Of course, they will be able to trust each other, being of the same tribe and all... ;-))) Hopefully know the adventure I am talking about!
DMFTodd |
My girls opened the Beginner Box a couple months ago and have gotten in a number of games already. Christmas will be custom made dicebags with their characters name, new dice, and Ruby Phoenix t-shirts (at least from me).
We'll be taking the Box to Grandma's and hopefully running the Beginner Box Bash scenarios with nieces, nephews, and cousins.
mearrin69 |
Hmmm...already got all of the core books and APs I need. Will probably take some of my 'spend some money and get yourself something you want' credit and put it toward campaign setting PDFs, however. Think there's a couple I've been thinking about getting.
Christmas had the temerity to fall on our weekly game day so we're not playing. If I see that red suited cat at my place Sunday morning he's going to at least play a game of Munchkin to make up for it. :)
Damon Griffin |
No Pathfinder Christmas for me, except in the sense that I might be running our game on the 26th. Finances forced me to put all my subs on hold just as Jade Regent #4 was shipping, so I won't be getting Bestiary 3 or other regular stuff for weeks after the holidays.
I'm not sure I'll be able to use the usual holiday 10% sale code, either, since I won't be an active subscriber again before the offer expires at the end of January.
Whiskey Jack |
I'm not getting any new products, but I am scheduled to play on December 26. Does that count?
Me either... though I am playing with Fromper on the "day after"... I am counting that as unwrapping a big, fat 1XP for Society play. :-D
EDIT- I *am* kind of hoping for a Sultan gaming table from Santa... but I am not holding my breath for it.
Fraust |
Doubt I'm getting much in the way of books, and my daughter's still a little young for me to be getting her into it...However, it looks like one of my sisters friends kid is interested in "D&D". I still need to set down and talk with the lad, but I think I'm going to be running a game for my nephiews and he over christmas break. Not sure that I want to do a christmas themed game...but I'm thinking of something wintery...
Myron Pauls |
I'm having a sort-of Pathfinder Christmas. I'm giving my daughter her first set of dice, now that she's played the Beginner Box and enjoyed it. My family doesn't know what books, etc I have, but I'm hoping for some gift certificates so I can choose my own.
Last week, the players in our local Pathfinder Society group surprised the regular GMs with some gift certificates for the FLGS. (Thanks, guys!)
Also, the decoration on top of my tree is the gargantuan white dragon mini.
John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |
I bought a different Pathfinder Player's Companion book for each of my players and one of my players got me the Critical Hit deck. On Christmas Eve, I treated myself to a sale at the local FLGS and bought the Council of Thieves APs. Unfortunately, no gaming stuff from the family-too confusing to explain to them what I want and where to get it.