Possible Bestiary 3 Errata / Issues

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Strife2002 wrote:

Brass golem - page 135

The construction section doesn't mention the cost of materials needed before construction can begin. Based on the difference of Price and Cost, it should be 10,000 gp.

(200,000 - 10,000)/2 = 105,000 - 10,000
(Price) ------------------- (Cost)

Actually, I see everything in its place, as the construction says that "Crafting a brass golem requires 18,000 pounds of brass, cast with several rare mineral solutions and ore compounds that cost at least 20,000 gp."

Price listed as 180,000 gp and cost as 100,000 gp.
(100,000 - 20,000) x 2 = 160,000
160,000 + 20,000 = 180,000

Graveknight, page 138

1) Thanks to the Desecrate effect of the Sacrilegious Aura, the listed CMB +18 should become CMB +20.

2) This is a question that is also valid for the Vampire and other Undead templates: becoming an Undead, shouldn't the Graveknight add to its class skills list all the standard Undead class skills? The Lich does and it is specified in the Skills entry of the Creating a Lich section, but what about Vampire, Graveknight and the others? Was it an omission or do they really not gain those class skills (unless they have racial HD)?

3) These:


p. 138 Graveknight

-Ranged attack composite longbow deals 1d8+11, but his strength and weapon training only add up to 9 (STR 8+ Weapon training 1). Should also deal 2d6 acid damage as part of the Channel Destruction ability.

- CON score should be "--" instead of 10.

Except that the composite longbow's 1d8+11 is correct as listed, since it also includes +2 damage from the Desecrate effect of the Sacrilegious Aura.

Graven Guardian, page 140

1) In the Guardian Domains section, last line of the first paragraph, it is stated that "Caster level for these abilities is equal to the graven guardian's Hit Dice (CL 5th for most graven guardians)."
But if the sample Graven Guardian (with 6 HD) is one of the "most", then the common CL should be 6th.
This makes also wonder if the CL for its Haste spell-like ability should be 6th too, even if normal spell-like abilities are Cha-based while the Graven Guardian's domain abilities are Wis-based and as such could be an entirely separated thing (or perhaps, Haste too is in the field of the Wis-based, and in such case, the Concentration bonus for it should be totally different).

2) A personal question: to which of Golarion's faiths could the sample Graven Guardian be associated, given its Death and Repose domains and its scimitar as its deity's favored weapon?

Gremlin, Fuath, page 142

The old issue of Tiny creatures using Dex in place of Str for Climb and Swim. With Dex, the listed Climb +6 and Swim +10 become Climb +9 and Swim +13.

Grodair, page 143

1) Death Flood special ability: it is not specified what kind of damage the attack deals. Given its nature (highly pressurized water), I suppose it should be bludgeoning.
Same for the Water Blast special attack.

2) Combat Reflexes with Dex 8? Only to make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed? Isn't that an almost wasted feat?

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:

Brass golem - page 135

The construction section doesn't mention the cost of materials needed before construction can begin. Based on the difference of Price and Cost, it should be 10,000 gp.

(200,000 - 10,000)/2 = 105,000 - 10,000
(Price) ------------------- (Cost)

Actually, I see everything in its place, as the construction says that "Crafting a brass golem requires 18,000 pounds of brass, cast with several rare mineral solutions and ore compounds that cost at least 20,000 gp."

Price listed as 180,000 gp and cost as 100,000 gp.
(100,000 - 20,000) x 2 = 160,000
160,000 + 20,000 = 180,000

And right you are, I goofed and meant for that to say Cannon Golem, not Brass.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Graveknight, page 138

1) Thanks to the Desecrate effect of the Sacrilegious Aura, the listed CMB +18 should become CMB +20.

I'm not sure it should, though. CMB is calculated as BAB + Str mod + size bonus, and desecrate doesn't improve any of those things. It does grant the bonus to all attack rolls, so if you were making a combat maneuver with a weapon (like using a trip weapon to trip), then yes, it would.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Graven Guardian, page 140

This makes also wonder if the CL for its Haste spell-like ability should be 6th too, even if normal spell-like abilities are Cha-based while the Graven Guardian's domain abilities are Wis-based and as such could be an entirely separated thing (or perhaps, Haste too is in the field of the Wis-based, and in such case, the Concentration bonus for it should be totally different).

The bit about how the CL should be changed to 6th for the guardian domains is clear, as it specifically says "equal to the graven guardian's HD" but the haste spell-like ability is iffy. The UMR says that creatures with spell-like abilities have CLs for those abilities defined within their stat block, as in not based on anything and completely arbitrary. It's possible it could have meant CL 6th, but since it's a spell-like ability, the UMR says that CL 5th could be right, too.

Strife2002 wrote:
Astral Wanderer wrote:

Graveknight, page 138

1) Thanks to the Desecrate effect of the Sacrilegious Aura, the listed CMB +18 should become CMB +20.

I'm not sure it should, though. CMB is calculated as BAB + Str mod + size bonus, and desecrate doesn't improve any of those things. It does grant the bonus to all attack rolls, so if you were making a combat maneuver with a weapon (like using a trip weapon to trip), then yes, it would.

"When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects."


(I'm wondering why that link, if placed between the URL tags, redirects to another page.)

Herd Animal, Antelope, page 147

Other than already reported issues...

It might be worth noting in the stat block, that it has Acrobatics +3 (+15 when jumping).


Herd Animal, Elk, page 147

It might be worth noting in the stat block, that it has Acrobatics +3 (+11 when jumping).

Hodag, page 148

It has the Multiattack feat, but it's totally useless since it doesn't have any secondary attack. Tail slap would normally be, but given the Hodag's Spiked Tail ability...

Hollow Serpent, page 149

Other than already reported issues...

1) Among its Special Attacks are listed: "constrict (4d10+10 plus energy drain), energy drain (1 level, DC 26), life-draining coils".
Isn't some of that redundant and confusing? Would be better listed as "constrict (4d10+10 plus life-draining coils), life-draining coils" with Life-Draining Coil's text specifying that a Fort save is allowed to negate the negative level (IF a save is allowed, because the text as it is makes it seem that no save is granted).

2) It might be worth noting in the stat block, that it has Acrobatics +9 (+17 when jumping).

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Maybe I just don't understand but...
Jorogumo p. 156,

It is listed as having a speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 50 feet.

But according to the PRD, climb speeds work like this:

PRD wrote:
A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks. The creature must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC higher than 0, but it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an accelerated climb (see above), it moves at double its climb speed (or at its land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such a creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.

So does it normally move at 50 feet and can 'accelerate' to 30 feet? Or are we supposed to quarter the climb speed first and they climb normally at 12 feet and can accelerate to 30 feet?

That rule was supposedly conceived by assuming that climb speeds would always be lower than normal speeds, and a case like the Jorogumo obviously breaks it.
I think it's best to simply consider that the Jorogumo's max speed while climbing is always 50 ft., and as such it doesn't get any benefit or penalty in doing an accelerated climb (read: it cannot accelerate).

Astral Wanderer wrote:

That rule was supposedly conceived by assuming that climb speeds would always be lower than normal speeds, and a case like the Jorogumo obviously breaks it.

I think it's best to simply consider that the Jorogumo's max speed while climbing is always 50 ft., and as such it doesn't get any benefit or penalty in doing an accelerated climb (read: it cannot accelerate).

That's fine with me. I mostly just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing something and to bring this to someones attention, in case there was supposed to be some specific purpose to making it that way.

Humbaba, page 151

1) Ranged entry: rock damage is listed as 2d8. Unless it has made purposedly and arbitrarily, it should be 4d8 (twice the slam's damage).

2) Melee entry: the longsword attack has been listed with the normal Str bonus to damage, which means the Humbaba is wielding the weapon one-handed; if that's so, then it could couple a slam attack as a secondary attack to the sword (+24 to hit, 2d8+7 damage). Or else, it could wield the longsword two-handed, thus making its bonus to damage +22 (and gaining an more additional damage when using Power Attack).
I mean, it has no reason for not doing one of those two things.

Hungry Fog, page 152

Other than already reported issues...

1) Is it purposeful that it doesn't have any special sense (namely, blindsight, like most other Oozes)?

2) Bewitching Brume's text says: "Any creature within 10 feet of a hungry fog or currently being affected by its enveloping mists must succeed on a DC 8 Will save at the start of that creature's turn or become shaken for 1 round".
It's a bit unclear whom "that creature" refers to, the Hungry Fog or the victim.

Iku-Turso, page 153

1) Light Lure lists a DC 18 Will save, but it should be DC 19 (10, +6 for 1/2 HD, +3 Cha).

2) The Iku-Turso is pictured as having a serpentine lower body; usually, such serpentine creatures cannot be tripped, but the usual "(can't be tripped)" isn't mentioned in its CMD.

3) Tursas' text says: "As long as a victim suffers any ability damage from tursas, it gains the ability to breathe water.
Since Tursas delas Wis damage and Cha drain, does that "ability damage" mean "Wisdom damage" or does it mean "ability damage or ability drain"?
Restoration and similar effects may determine the importance (if relative) of the matter.

4) Not technically an error, but the Critical Focus feat has little purpose to be there; the Iku-Turso doesn't have any critical feat, nor does it have a larger critical range than the mere 20 in any of its attacks.

It would still get the +4 on critical confirmation rolls. Suboptimal isn't always wrong.

In the long run of surviving a worldful of perils (and better, for evil creatures like Iku-Tursos, of overwhelming and subduing others), it is a quite useless and illogical choice. Taking Critical Focus when you crit with 20/x2 and don't even take any critical feat to give it a semblance of purpose is quite less than suboptimal.
Other than being a highly uncommon sight in the Bestiaries, which makes you wonder if such feat assignation was purposeful at all or just a slip-over.


Jellyfish, Sapphire, page 155

Although it is most surely Con, it is not specified on which ability score is the Electricity Blast's DC based.

Also, the Reflex and Fortitude save are both listed as DC 22, but they should be DC 23 (10, +6 for half HD, +7 Con).
It couldn't be due to the ability being based on something different than Con because the Jellyfish has no ability score that would grant the "appropriate" +6 bonus.

Jorogumo, page 156

Other than already reported issues...

1) Is it purpose or omission that the Jorogumo, given its additional spider legs, doesn't get any CMD bonus against trip (when they are out, of course)?

2) Special Abilities: Spider Empathy says that the Jorogumo has a racial bonus equal to its HD, but other creatures with the same ability, such as the Mite, make a distiction on the nature of that racial bonus. The Mite's Vermin Empathy assumes that the Mite adds its HD (1) and Charisma modifier (-1) as basics, and says that it gets a standalone +4 racial bonus.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Hollow Serpent, page 149

Other than already reported issues...

1) Among its Special Attacks are listed: "constrict (4d10+10 plus energy drain), energy drain (1 level, DC 26), life-draining coils".
Isn't some of that redundant and confusing? Would be better listed as "constrict (4d10+10 plus life-draining coils), life-draining coils" with Life-Draining Coil's text specifying that a Fort save is allowed to negate the negative level (IF a save is allowed, because the text as it is makes it seem that no save is granted).

Ugh, confusing. That DC 26 in the original text makes it seem like the life-draining coils would have that as its Fort save DC, but it's convoluted.

Kami, Jinushigami, page 160

1) Listed to-hit bonuses for the quarterstaff are +30, but they should be +32: of its own, the Jinushigami has +29 to hit (+24 BAB, +9 Str, -4 size). Add the +5 from the quarterstaff enhancement bonus and the -2 from fighting with two weapons (Two-Weapon Fighting feat and the off-hand weapon is considered light for a double weapon). Total: +32 for both primary attacks and off-hand attacks.

2) The CMB and CMD entries list the 2-points increased value for bull rush and overrun; since usually the bonuses from such feats aren't mentioned in the CMB and CMD entries, is that an error or does the jinushigami have a +2 of his own to those things, and another +2 must be added for the feats?

3) Manipulate Terrain special ability: it is not mentioned wether activating this ability (or changing/adding/removing targets) takes a free action or any other kind of action.

4) Ward special ability: as #3 here above in regard of observing from within its ward (when not merged with it), and also it is not specified if, while the Jinushigami is observing a location, its body is helpless/unaware, if it perceives both the desired location and its body's surroundings or wathever else.

Kami, Kodama, page 162

The Distracting Gaze special ability states that the kodama must be visible to those it wishes to affect. Well, isn't it the norm?
If they eyes of a gazing creature are concealed or creatures don't look at them anyway, a Gaze attack doesn't work.
I understand it may have been mentioned to mean "the Kodama can't use it while ward-merged", but I think it was quite obvious anyway.

Kami, Shikigami, page 163

Since by default no creature is proficient in improvised weapons, perhaps it should be mentioned in the Improvised Weapon Mastery special ability's text that the Shikigami, instead, is.

chopswil wrote:

Kami, Toshigami p. 164

Ref: Computed-21 Stat Block-23
ClassMod + RaceMod + DexMod + OnGoingMods + Lightning Reflexes
0 + 12 + 6 + 1 + 2

This one is correct as listed in the stat block: +23 (+12 base, +6 Dex, +2 Lightning Reflexes, +1 Haste, +2 Foresight).

Other than that, I agree with the already reported errors.
(About the attack bonuses issue, there's also an error not yet mentioned, but since attack bonuses already have to be corrected, in the whole issue it becomes more an easter egg: the last attack of the primary hand quarterstaff series would be wrong even if the whole iteration wasn't.)

Kami, Zuishin, page 165

Other than already reported issues...

Intimidate is listed as +18, but should be +21; it can be elected as a class skill thanks to the "Outsiders' varied nature" thing.

Kappa, page 166

Might be worth noting that it has a +7 Stealth bonus.

Kongamato, page 169

1) Typo: damage for the bite attack is listed as 2d6+2; it should be 2d6+12.

2) Special Attacks: Breath Weapon's save DC is listed as 20, but should be 27 (10, +9 for half HD, +8 Con).

Kyton, Interlocutor, page 174

1) Typo: Spell-like Abilities entry, Plane Shift's note says "from the Material Plane to the Plane of Shadow Plane".

2) In the Special Attacks entry is listed a "poison". But there's no other mention in the stat-block of how it works and when it is triggered.
Is it a leftover from the copy/paste of another creature and shouldn't be there at all, or is it truly missing the informations about it?

Leshy, Leaf, page 179

Other than already reported issues...

1) Melee entry: the shortspear attack enlists a critical range of 19-20, but the shortspear only has 20 and the Leaf Leshy doesn't have any feat or ability listed to increase it.

2) The text for the Seedpods special ability says "ranged attack", while the Ranged entry in the stat block adds "touch".
Which one is it? (Given the explosion-type of attack, personally, I'm for the touch.)

3) Having a Climb speed, the Leaf Leshy gets a +8 racial bonus to Climb, for an unlisted total of +6 (-2 Str, +8 racial).

Leshy, Seaweed, page 180

Opposedly to #2 about the Leaf Leshy in the above message, the text of the Water Jet says touch, while the Ranged entry doesn't. (And I'm for the touch again.)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Linnorm, all, page 182-185

(This includes also the Linnorms of the first Bestiary.)

Is it on purpose that both Gargantuan and Colossal Linnorms were given Breath Weapon ranges akin to Gargantuan True Dragons' breaths?
In the relation Linnorm -> Dragon regarding breath ranges, it has been done that
Gargantuan -> Gargantuan
Colossal -> Gargantuan
Or was it just an overlook?

chopswil wrote:

Lizard, Giant Gecko p. 186

question there is a +8 Climb racial mod but the Expert Climber (Ex) gives spider climb which a +8 Climb racial mod.
So is the racial mod taking into account the spider climb or not?

The bonus as listed is indeed adding that additional +8 from Spider Climb, but I think it shouldn't.

Racial bonuses don't stack (at best, they change in certain conditions), and moreover, the +8 from Spider Climb is due to the subject of the spell gaining a climb speed, and since the Giant Gecko does already have it...

chopswil wrote:

Magmin p. 189

"Melee melee touch +7 (1 plus burn)"
is there such a thing as melee touch or should it be just touch?

Also, a couple of other issues...

1) The 1 damage of the touch attack should be fire damage (the same 1 damage dealt to unarmed/natural attackers by Heated Flesh).
Besides, if it wasn't fire, what type of damage would its touch ever deal?

2) The touch attack is something (almost) every creature can do, even if the Magmin has such properties (Heated Flesh) as to make it able to use the touch for dealing damage. So, the slam attack should probably be considered the Magmin's only true natural attack, and as such it should add 1-1/2 Str to damage. Thus, 1d6+3 rather than the listed 1d6+2.
Plus, exactly like the touch, the slam too should deal that 1 point of fire damage from Heated Flesh.

Manananggal, page 190

1) The Manananggal's Speed entry lists "Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (good)"; since at night, after separation, it loses its legs, while during day it doesn't have its wings, shouldn't it be something like "Speed 30 ft. when not separated, or fly 100 ft. (good) when separated"?


JoelF847 wrote:
InsaneFox wrote:

Page 190.

At the end of the Separate (Su) description. It says "... each round a manananggal remains separated after sunrise, it takes 1d6 POINTS OF DAMAGE UNTIL IT rejoins its lower torso or it crumbles into dust."

1d6 damage per round? Minute? Hour?

I'm pretty sure the damage is per round, since it refers to the same "each round a manananggal remains separated after sunrise" clause.


Yet, I'll note that the Separate special ability says "A manananggal must return to its lower torso and reattach to it (a full-round action) within the hour before sunrise - each round a manananggal remains separated after sunrise, it takes 1d6 points of damage..."
Well, you see that if the trouble starts after sunrise there's not really an obligation to return within the hour preceding it. One round before, though an extreme and dangerous circumstance, would be enough.

Megafauna, Baluchitherium, page 192

The CMB and CMD list the increased values for/vs. bull rush from the Improved Bull Rush feat, but usually the bonuses from "Improved [maneuver]" feats aren't listed in CMB and CMD.

Rakshasa, page 225-230

They have Detect Thoughts as Special Attack. The abilitiy is not detailed, as it is in the Bestiary 1 entry for the standard Rakshasa.

Mobogo, page 194


chopswil wrote:

Mobogo p. 194

Skills Ranks: 13 = 0 class skills +13 race skills
Total Ranks Used 14
Skill Points Exceeded : -1

Acrobatics +9 = +4 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill
Fly -6 = +1 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill -4 Huge -8 clumsy
Perception +19 = +6 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill +8 racial mod
Stealth +0 = +3 ranks, +2 Dex, +3 class skill -8 Huge
Swim +17 = +0 ranks, +9 Str +8 swim speed

Also, it is listed an "Acrobatics +9 (+17 when jumping)", but there its base speed is 30 ft., and it doesn't have any "+8 Acrobatics when jumping" listed among its Skills' racial modifiers. Given its toadlike shape, it has its reason to be there. Just, it isn't listed in the racial modifiers.

2) The Special Attacks entry features a "crush (DC 21, 2d8+13)", but no explanation is given for it, nor is it one of the universal monster rules. I suppose it's the same as a Huge Dragon's Crush attack.

Moon-Beast, page 195

Other than already reported issues...

There are 3 unused skill points, or either an unassigned class skill, which would most probably be Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planes). The former is 7 ranks, +4 Int = +11; the latter is 14 ranks, +4 Int = +18, as listed in the book. This would make the total assigned ranks alright, but Aberrations pick a Knowledge skill to be a class skill, so that would add the +3.

Naga, Lunar, page 197

1) Same issue in the Knowledge skills as the Moon-Beast above.

2) Maybe the Hypnosis ability should specify that victims must be able to see and hear the Naga and that it is a visual-based and sound-based mind-affecting effect?

Naga, Lunar, page 198

Same issue in the Knowledge skills as the Moon-Beast above.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Naga, Royal, page 198


Fixed ;)

Strife2002 wrote:
Astral Wanderer wrote:

Naga, Royal, page 198

Fixed ;)

True, thanks.

And guess what...?

Naga, Water, page 199

Same issue in the Knowledge skills as the Moon-Beast above.

Nephilim, page 200

Other than already reported issues...

1) The stat block lists no Languages entry.

2) Speed is listed as 30 ft., but the Nephilim wears a breastplate; so, is 30 ft. its normal speed or just the speed when armored (making the base speed 40 ft.)?

3) The CMB and CMD entries do not usually list the bonuses from Improved/Greater [maneuver] feats.

Nixie, page 201

Special Abilities: Wild Empathy says that the Nixie's total (+12, as listed in the stat block) includes a +8 racial bonus.
But with a +8 racial bonus, the total should be +14 (+2 HD, +4 Cha, +8 racial).

Norn, page 202

Other than issues already reported by chopswil (except the things I quote below)...

1) The saving throws line is missing a "; +8 vs. mind-affecting spells and effects; +4 vs, death spells and effects" (from constant Mind Blank and Death Ward).

2) The Immune entry is missing "energy drain, negative energy" (Death Ward).

chopswil wrote:

Norn p. 202

Ref: Computed-16 Stat Block-18
ClassMod + RaceMod + DexMod + Lightning Reflexes
0 + 12 + 2 + 2

+2 insight from Foresight = 18; correct as listed in the book.

(The other +2 granted by Foresight doesn't add up to AC and CMD, since it's overlapped by the Norn's Cha bonus from the Fated special ability.)

chopswil wrote:

Skill Points Exceeded : -16

Skills Ranks: 220 = 0 class skills +220 race skills
Total Ranks Used 236

By leaving all skills except the Knowledge ones unmodified, I counted 81 points in excess (301 ranks used, over the 220 total).

Bluff +23 (10 ranks, +10 Cha, +3 class)
Craft (cloth) +18 (10 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class)
Heal +12 (5 ranks, +7 Wis)
Intimidate +30 (20 ranks, +10 Cha)
Knowledge (all) +25 see below
Perception +30 (20 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 class)
Perform (oratory) +18 (5 ranks, +10 Cha, +3 class)
Sense Motive +30 (20 ranks, +7 Wis, +3 class)
Use Magic Device +23 (10 ranks, +10 Cha, +3 class)

So, not counting the Knowledge skills, up to this point there is a total of 100 assigned ranks.
We have 120 left.
And there are 10 Knowledge skills to divide them among.
3 of those Knowledge skills, are class skills (geography, local and nature).
Let's suppose we'll assign ranks equally to each skill: 120 / 10 = 12 ranks per skill. Thus, we'll have 3 skills at +20 (12 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class) and 7 at +17 (12 ranks, +5 Int).
To make them all +25 we'd need a number of ranks equal to (5 x 3) + (8 x 7) = 81.

Dark Archive

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Norn, page 202

Other than issues already reported by chopswil (except the things I quote below)...


chopswil wrote:

Skill Points Exceeded : -16

Skills Ranks: 220 = 0 class skills +220 race skills
Total Ranks Used 236

By leaving all skills except the Knowledge ones unmodified, I counted 81 points in excess (301 ranks used, over the 220 total).



My program stops counting once it does one skill that doesn't add up
If it kept going it would have more than the -16 exceeded.

You'll see that I've accounted for this in these lines
Skill:Perception: Computed: 7 Stat Block: 30
Skill:Perform [oratory]: Computed: 10 Stat Block: 18
Skill:Sense Motive: Computed: 7 Stat Block: 30
Skill:Use Magic Device: Computed: 10 Stat Block: 23

Nuckelavee, page 203

1) The Disease is missing its onset time.

2) Trample damage is listed as 1d6+7, but it should either be +6 (Str mod) or +9 (1-1/2 times Str mod).

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Naga, Water, page 199

Same issue in the Knowledge skills as the Moon-Beast above.

Fun Fact: The Bonus Bestiary version of this monster does have Knowledge (local) properly assigned as a class skill.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Norn, page 202

To make them all +25 we'd need a number of ranks equal to (5 x 3) + (8 x 7) = 81.

EDIT: Deleted long-winded post showcasing my math when I noticed I can just do this:

Check that equation one more time. (5 x 3) + (8 x 7) = 71

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