Best Battle Cry Ever!

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From movies, TV, books, your game, or whatever. Include commentary for explanation as needed.

Inspired by my current favorite;

"POLKA WILL NEVER DIE!!" ~ Harry Dresden. Used to coax a polka loving coward to action

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

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I'll just leave this here.

Cosmo wrote:
I'll just leave this here.

An excellent start

Sovereign Court

"Get away from her you B%$#&!" Ridley in Aliens


"Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that? - Ash in Army of Darkness

I only opened this thread to see how quickly somebody would reference the Tick. I'm half-glad and half-disappointed to see it took all of one post.

Good job, everybody!

When we were kids my best friend used to shout out "Stoker Ace is a chicken!"

My battle cry back in those days was "Help me, Spock!"

"Whenever i see a world untouched by war, a world of innocence, a world of lush forests and clear rivers... i really just want to nuke the c*^& out of it!" unnamed ghost, starcraft 2
"Never. Say.Dieee." last words of a ghost, starcraft 2

Shadow Lodge

"Good for the good god!"



"Blood and Souls for my Lord Arioch!"

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

The greatest battle cry I've ever personally used was in WoW. I macroed it so that whenever I cast "Bloodlust" (a huge short-term buff), I would yell:

"Denny Crane."

The guildies loved it, and called for it by name.

EDIT: Linkified for the unenlightened.


"Go for the eyes, Boo!"
"Butt-kicking for goodness!"

Minsc from Baldur's Gate computer games.

I love it when Paizo staff include themselves in my posts. ;-)

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I love it when Paizo staff include themselves in my posts. ;-)

Anytime I get the opportunity to link BOTH The Tick AND Boston Legal, I'm a happy Cosmo.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Minsc has the best ones.

Playing Mutants and Masterminds let's you growl: "I'm Batman!" constantly.

I like the Almogavars:


they would shout this while clashing weapons or striking rocks at night. The resulting sparks would show up in the hills and scare the S&*% out of people.....

It translates as Listen Listen the Iron Awakes!

Cosmo wrote:
I'll just leave this here.

Ninja'd or in this case Tick'd.

When attacked by ogrillons in Baldur's Gate, you would know you were about to meet your doom hearing this:

"You mess with me, you mess with you!"

Silver Crusade


"This sword is contaminated with [REDACTED]!"

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

stormraven already ninja'd my gamut, from the ridiculous to the sublime.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


...I started Roleplaying a few years ago, around the time when Dragon Age came out. My first character was an Elven Wizard (Conjuration specialist) named Ritzkar who LOVED to summon Earth Elementals.
At one point in a heated battle, it became clear that we desperately needed another solid tank on the field or we were going to be overrun.
Just as the horde prepared to swarm us, Ritzkar's turn came back around, and he/I simply yelled STEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNN!
The Earth Elemental charged out from the rift and immediately crit'd the big guy, dropping him and instantly reversing the tide of battle.
After the cheers and laughter subsided, we decided that he was the one each time Ritzkar summons the largest Elemental he can.

For Context.
The whole video is awesome, but 1:00 is the relevant part.

Shadowborn wrote:

When attacked by ogrillons in Baldur's Gate, you would know you were about to meet your doom hearing this:

"You mess with me, you mess with you!"

"You mess with me, You mess with Boo." Boo was the hampster he talked to because he thought it was a super-badass planar creature of some kind. He wasn.t the smartest barbarian.

Dark Archive

From our PFS table:

"Please flank with me! PLEASE!"

"Who's f**~$n Faction mission is this?!!"

"Withdraw!! We played up two tiers!"


"Who wrote this mod anyways?!"

Grand Lodge




This is a lot of fun.

The Exchange

"Now how did that fireball spell go again?"

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:

When attacked by ogrillons in Baldur's Gate, you would know you were about to meet your doom hearing this:

"You mess with me, you mess with you!"

"You mess with me, You mess with Boo." Boo was the hampster he talked to because he thought it was a super-badass planar creature of some kind. He wasn.t the smartest barbarian.

Nope. You're wrong. That line was said by the ogrillons you encounter in the wilds, not by Minsc.

Shadowborn wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:

When attacked by ogrillons in Baldur's Gate, you would know you were about to meet your doom hearing this:

"You mess with me, you mess with you!"

"You mess with me, You mess with Boo." Boo was the hampster he talked to because he thought it was a super-badass planar creature of some kind. He wasn.t the smartest barbarian.
Nope. You're wrong. That line was said by the ogrillons you encounter in the wilds, not by Minsc.

You might be right. I havent played that game in years.

Cosmo wrote:
"Denny Crane."

Before Denny Crane, there was this.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
You might be right. I havent played that game in years.

I was a Baldur's Gate fanatic. Still have the discs, though I haven't played them in a while. I remember the ogrillons specifically because they were even tougher than regular ogres and I dreaded running into them at low levels.

But speaking of favorite BG characters and battlecries:

"You are but grease stains on the wheel of time compared to Tiax!"

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My favorite of the BG quotes actually goes to Jaheira:

"Die, foul creature, and feed the earth!"

Though I also remember Aerie's "I'll hurt you if I have to!" and Viconia's "Lil-alure! For Shar!" Or something like that.

Shadow Lodge

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"Autobots, transform and roll out!"

TOZ wrote:
"Autobots, transform and roll out!"

I was wondering when this one would come up. Thank you TOZ for this most important inclusion!

Shadow Lodge

It's kind of a crossover post, but...

"Let's roll."


Liberty's Edge

My party was fighting a shadow dragon encased in darkness and had already been hit once with its level draining breath.

My bard inspired courage...

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!"

"Try not to die!"- Runaways.

The Exchange

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"I never liked this part!" Lelliana Dragon Age Origins.

While we have already hit Minsc and the Tick. I will add a mighty STERNN! From Hanover Fist in Heavy Metal

Liberty's Edge


Blood for the Blood God!!!


I'm sure I spelled that wrong. Also, that is meant as support for Ireland in general, not the IRA, who I highly disagree with on the basis that the Republic of Ireland has no rightful claim to the North.

Storming a machine gun nest during Strong resolve -98.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever."
- Koth of the Hammer

"Ach! Hans, run, it's the lhurgoyf!"
- Saffi Eriksdotter

Not exactly a cry, but... KA-CLICK! (Link to the first instance of it; there are many, many more.)

Then of course there's The March of Cambreadth, but in that case it's really the whole song that's an awesome battle cry. Perfect for the bard using Inspire Courage.

Oddly, the closest thing to a real battle cry that comes to mind (except Mark Hamill's delivery of the line too calm to really qualify) is from Wing Commander IV: "All pilots, weapons free. Break formation and engage the enemy."

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Please don't bring politics into this thread :(

Cheapy wrote:
Please don't bring politics into this thread :(

Sorry about that. It's a really hot issue with me.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Avengers Assemble!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Jiggy wrote:

"Ach! Hans, run, it's the lhurgoyf!"

- Saffi Eriksdotter

last words

LOL :-)

"You're all clear kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!"

The Exchange

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BluePigeon wrote:
"You're all clear kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!"

That's what she said.

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