Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Apparently one of the most decisive ways to ensure you're part of the starting 4500 is to have a solid guild ready to go by launch, according to the blog posting. May I suggest we begin making our guilds here and now...? I think one thing is fairly certain... the majority of us here will be interested in joining *RP* guilds!
Name: Guild-Name-Goes-Here
Alignment Axis:
OOC Structure: How is the guild run?
RP Level: Basic? Intermediate? Advanced? Softcore? Hardcore?
IC Structure: Form of Government? Magocracy, Plutocracy, Fledgeling Monarcy, Military Dictatorship, Anarchic Parliament, Bunch Of Dancy Elves (A Jazzocracy)?
Purpose: Why did you come to the River Kingdoms?
Information: IC Summary. Give it to us by knowledges.
Know: (???) - DC 10: Basic information anyone might know.
Know: (???) - DC 15: Information those in the more privledged circles might enjoy.
Know: (???) - DC 20: True aims, hidden agendas.
Name: Argent Legion (ArL)
Alignment Axis: Hard Left (LN, LG, LE, TN)
OOC Structure: Meritocracy (the more you put in the more say you get)
IC Structure: Capitalist Totalitarian Military Republic
RP Level: Intermediate Hardcore (IC actions = IC consequences, new RPers welcome!)
Purpose: To bring order to the chaos and civilization to the wilds.
Know: History, Local, Nob/Royalty - DC 10: The Argent Legion is a primarily martial branch of allied soldiers espousing order for the good of all. Led by Sir Brill dyCazar, the legion rides with banners high to oppose banditry, savage tribes, and the restless dead. Silver weapons are a badge of honor and all ranking members are known to carry them.
Know: History, Local - DC 15: Spellcasters are uncommon amongst the Argent Legion, but not unheard of. The Knight Commander is one of Andoran's famed Eagle Knights, having stood vigil over their deadly fortress and returned proud and upright. A native of Falcon's Hollow, Brill joined an adventuring Fey Enchanter named Willem and an ... . The legion accepts allies of all stripes, but prizes the military discipline of cavaliers, fighters, and paladins over the often self-centered goals of spellcasters and more roguish individuals.
Know: History - DC 20: The silver weapons stem from the founders initial adventures in Andoran, where lycanthropy runs rampant. Brill claims personal credit for over one hundred werewolf kills, and even more outlandish feats, such as single-handedly slaying a hydra, wrestling a manticore to the ground bare-handed, and defrauding a corrupt guild system in the darkwood rich community of Falcon's Hollow. The Argent Legion really is founded on precepts of order and control, seeking to (mostly benevolently) sweep as much of the River Kingdoms as possible under sway in order to ensure safety and prosperity where possible.
Know: History - DC 25: Brill dyCazar left the Eagle Knights with full honors and immediately took his commendations to the Swordlords of Restov, where he met with several of the ranking masters to discuss the merits of a powerful and organized military ally directly to the south. After a few weeks of discussion and a signed contract he took a small cadre of men to the southern border, entering the Greenbelt through Oleg's Trading post to begin taming the bandit community thereabout. Men were recruited one by one from the ranks of bandits and soldiers, given second chances or put to the borders branded, or to the blade. The Legion as it stands today are all loyal men, reformed or pristine, and behave as a single command of trouble-shooters and lieutenants under the innovative knight's command.
Know: History - DC 30: However, those more in touch with the true history of the knight know that Sir dyCazar killed a Lumber Consortium knee-breaker when he was only twelve, whacking the man on the back of the head with a shovel while his prostitute mother was mid-abuse. The man's torn scalp painted the room with blood, and as the young boy fought to finish the job while the concussed fellow staggered and wove drunkenly around their single-room home breaking everything he could lay hands on, something in the kid came unhinged. Blood forevermore held an unhealthy fascination for the boy, and as his inevitable younger sister became embroiled in their mothers profession, he would go on the threaten and beat many other less-than-scrupulous-men. Neighborhood pets weren't exactly spared his youthful attentions, either, and 'something wrong with that boy' was a common expression around the community. Until he was picked up by the sherrif to channel his angers and urges into a more constructive direction at the age of seventeen, he would continue to be a bully and a known killer. The need to see and touch blood would continue to haunt him, eventually driving him toward a career that appreciated that particular craving: Adventuring. He managed to rise in esteem and leave much of the dirt clinging to his heels behind, but those familiar with his past still sometimes see an unhealthy glint in the thirty-year-old knight's eyes.
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
In my heart of hearts... I have a wish...
I wish I could have ten million dollars, all for me, free of entanglements and impediments and investigations, right now, that I could spend in whatever way I wished.
But AFTER THAT... my wish AFTER THAT... is for an MMO with no non-RPers.
Then for the perfect corndog, then intergalactic space-travel, then world peace, then my very own jetpack.
But an MMO with no non-RPers is number 2!
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Consider yourself signed.
If I can get three more with interest I'll hit GuildPortal.
And I'd love to see some other guilds posted up here!
You read it on the blogspot, they want guildies and political powerhouses. I want to start Argent City with Knight General Brill dyCazar, and start forming full complements of men with military ranks and designs on the city. Quartermaster, Resource Specialists, an all-paladin Demon-Squashing brigade...
Argent City will be a shining beacon of *ORDER* in the untamed lands. What will your city be? Will you oppose regimented structure in favor of freedom? Will you encourage the raw power that only vice and profit can bring? Will you tolerate lesser evils for the rights of the many?
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Whenever my Hubris is interested I worry that I've overstepped my bounds.
Still! Yep. If you can follow orders, I need some real 'go getters' who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty if I'm going to make a kingdom that really works. Laws are good for the economy, and letting people make their own moral decisions is good for loyalty, so we're going to be sitting rich and pretty.
Time to focus on the stability. Luckily, I hope to have soldiers with the skills to get the job done and the cash to motivate them. I just need a hex within two spaces of both a river delta and an iron or gold mine.
And a magister.
And a treasurer.
And a high priest...
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Hubris |
Cleric of Abadar by preference?
I always enjoy the Law/Chaos dynamic more when there's a healthy sprinkling of moral dilemma involved...
I quite like the idea. Never got to play a cleric on the tabletop, but our group cleric always looked like she was enjoying herself. Hopefully, the mmo version isn't as bad as certain other heal-bot-inducive games...
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Pathfinder 'fixed' the cleric for us. Hopefully Goblinworks doesn't break it again.
Failing all else, running a state religion should suffice to keep you entertained for a while. That's three players, four if Sharoth is firm on joining.
That leaves us needing one more to motivate me to go to GuildPortal.
Elth Goblinworks Founder |
I do not plan to start the game with a guild as I prefer to meet people throughout the journey and make new friendships that become unbreakable.
I will make friends through my actions and that of my character and ally myself with like minded individuals.
My character will be a blank sheet of paper at launch and develop as he/she is played, that way I can find what I enjoy doing through trial and error and play my character to those tastes.
I am not an MMO Roleplayer. I am merely a person playing a fictional character in virtual world. I will not have back stories or talk in character or spend the majority of my time in the local Tavern projecting my ego. I could be a member of the city watch, the local baker, a crazy prospector or budding adventurer, I won't know until I try. As someone that enjoyed creating worlds and their inhabitants as a GM I would probably gravitate my playing experience as though I would RP an NPC on the table. So you will most likely find me as something most people consider mundane or not heroic, but to me the mundane peasant in a world full of heroes is the more interesting role to play.
Saint Caleth Goblin Squad Member |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
OOC Structure: A group of guild officers make day to day decisions and are ultimately responsible for the well being of the guild and its members. Periodically there is a turnover of the people in charge. This concession is only because Athenian Democracy is probably a bit too messy but we can try it first.
RP Level: We can take a vote on that once there are people to vote
IC Structure:Republic. A Council (the above mentioned officers) votes with the ability and expectation for members to weigh in on matters which interest them.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
The Story everyone knows: As the tale goes, during the life of Cayden Cailean, the future god , on a whim, helped a young pickpocket escape from the city watch. When he became a god, this pickpocket was his first cleric, and aside from the official churches, he founded an underground society for those who were ostracized by the various powers that be.
The Real Story: The story about the first preist of Cayden Cailean is just that, a good story and if so many people didn't repeat it as the gospel truth it would be easily recognizable as ridiculous. What actually happened is that about 30 years ago a priest had a falling out over his double dipping in both the local temple and thieves' guild.
He moved an started his own small cell of thieves to fund his retirement, but eventually branched out into the occasional freelance good deeds for those he thought were unfairly marginalized by the authorities. The beneficiaries of his actions gathered around him and the Sons of Cayden were born, with his original companions as the shadowy Council at its center, thoroughly enjoying their ever widening network of influence and even feeling some desire to help their followers.
MendedWall12 Goblin Squad Member |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
OOC Structure: A group of guild officers make day to day decisions and are ultimately responsible for the well being of the guild and its members. Periodically there is a turnover of the people in charge. This concession is only because Athenian Democracy is probably a bit too messy but we can try it first.
RP Level: We can take a vote on that once there are people to vote
IC Structure:Republic. A Council (the above mentioned officers) votes with the ability and expectation for members to weigh in on matters which interest them.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
Saint, count me in. If I don't get in on the ground floor of this game I will consider every moment of my life up until that point a complete waste of everyone else's oxygen. You have one son for the Sons of Cayden.
Crimson Jester |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Alignment Axis: Chaotic Neutral
OOC Structure: How is the guild run? Good question.
RP Level: Advanced? Hardcore?
IC Structure: Form of Government?????
Purpose: Plunder
Information: IC Summary. Give it to us by knowledges.
Know: (???) - DC 10: Basic information anyone might know.
Know: (???) - DC 15: Information those in the more privledged circles might enjoy.
Know: (???) - DC 20: True aims, hidden agendas.
Purplefixer Goblin Squad Member |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
It is!
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
The Story everyone knows: As the tale goes, during the life of Cayden Cailean, the future god , on a whim, helped a young pickpocket escape from the city watch. When he became a god, this pickpocket was his first cleric, and aside from the official churches, he founded an underground society for those who were ostracized by the various powers that be.
You shiftless bunch of wastrels! Get with the program! *iron-fistshakes!*
Daniel Gunther 346 |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
OOC Structure: A group of guild officers make day to day decisions and are ultimately responsible for the well being of the guild and its members. Periodically there is a turnover of the people in charge. This concession is only because Athenian Democracy is probably a bit too messy but we can try it first.
RP Level: We can take a vote on that once there are people to vote
IC Structure:Republic. A Council (the above mentioned officers) votes with the ability and expectation for members to weigh in on matters which interest them.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
The Story everyone knows: As the tale goes, during the life of Cayden Cailean, the future god , on a whim, helped a young pickpocket escape from the city watch. When he became a god, this pickpocket was his first cleric, and aside from the official churches, he founded an underground society for those who were ostracized by the various powers that be.
The Real Story: The story about the first preist of Cayden Cailean is just that, a good story and if so many people didn't repeat it as the gospel truth it would be easily recognizable as ridiculous. What actually happened is that about 30 years ago a priest had a falling out over his double dipping in both the local temple and thieves' guild.
He moved an started his own small cell of thieves to fund his retirement, but eventually branched out into the occasional freelance good deeds for those he thought were unfairly marginalized by the authorities. The beneficiaries of his actions gathered around him and the Sons of Cayden were born, with his original companions as the shadowy...
Count me in for this guild.
Saint Caleth Goblin Squad Member |
DarkKnightCuron Goblin Squad Member |
Name: Argent Legion (ArL)
Alignment Axis: Hard Left (LN, LG, LE, TN)
OOC Structure: Meritocracy (the more you put in the more say you get)
IC Structure: Capitalist Totalitarian Military Republic
RP Level: Intermediate Hardcore (IC actions = IC consequences, new RPers welcome!)
Purpose: To bring order to the chaos and civilization to the wilds.
Ha! I like this already! Sign me up!
Weynolt |
Still finalizing the finer details...
Name: The Order of the Hearth and Field
Alignment Axis: LG | LN | NG
OOC Structure: TBD
RP Level: Intermediate - One should be able to recount basic teachings of Erastil if asked, and expound upon the importance of a well kept community, but never when such would endanger the community
IC Structure: Theocratic Council of the Stone and Soil - This council is made up of the highest ranking member of the Hearth and Field from each of the communities where it has a presence, and come together to best discuss the distribution of the members of the Guild. From their number, a Prior is to speak for the guild to heads of communities, and acts as chief witness to new communities of the benefits of the Hearth and Field.
Purpose: To guide and protect fledgling settlements, guiding them to be peaceful and prosperous communities.
Know: (Local) - DC 10: The Hearth and Field is an expansionist arm of the church of Erastil into the River Kingdoms. They can be found in most villages as practitioners of useful craft, and defenders of the village as needed.
Know: (Religion) - DC 15: The importance of family and trust among neighbor is of paramount importance. To that end, laws are enforced, guard is kept, and all are expected to work for the betterment of the community.
Know: (Religion) - DC 20: The Hearth and Field focuses primarily on protecting small communities, but also seeks to guide those communities in traditional values, not to develop them into bustling cities. If a community grows too decadent and shows no sign of adherence to the teachings of Erastil, it will be left to its corruption.
Know: (Religion) - DC 25: The church of Erastil has a fairly loose hierarchical structure, and members thus have a fair amount of autonomy in their actions. They are each trusted to adhere to making everyone in the community be useful for its stability.
Talonhawke |
Name: Argent Legion (ArL)
Alignment Axis: Hard Left (LN, LG, LE, TN)
OOC Structure: Meritocracy (the more you put in the more say you get)
IC Structure: Capitalist Totalitarian Military Republic
RP Level: Intermediate Hardcore (IC actions = IC consequences, new RPers welcome!)
Purpose: To bring order to the chaos and civilization to the wilds.
As a proud member of the Church of Bane on a NWN2 RP server Sign my LE butt up.
Klaus van der Kroft Goblin Squad Member |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
OOC Structure: A group of guild officers make day to day decisions and are ultimately responsible for the well being of the guild and its members. Periodically there is a turnover of the people in charge. This concession is only because Athenian Democracy is probably a bit too messy but we can try it first.
RP Level: We can take a vote on that once there are people to vote
IC Structure:Republic. A Council (the above mentioned officers) votes with the ability and expectation for members to weigh in on matters which interest them.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
Count me in, lad!
I suppose there is complimentary welcoming ale, no?
Mogloth Goblin Squad Member |
Twigs |
Drat. I was just about to start a thread on this topic.
What do folks think would be some Golarion appropriate factions to have in the River Kingdoms?
I'm thinking... Kyonin embassy, a Razmiran push, an Andoran based slave-smuggling organisation (the Bellflowers?)... perhaps some Ulfen raiders or Aldori Duelists?
I'd be iffy to join a guild devoted to a single god (I'm a polythiest. Flumph the police.) but I'm sure the elves would have a strong Calistria following, and the Bellflowers worship Cayden. ... and really who wants to follow anybody else?
John Stout Goblin Squad Member |
All flavours will be reflected; Abadar will have followers trying to tame the Kingdoms while Erastil followers will likely resist the change. Gorum will have his followers being involved in combat left, right and centre. You could even feasibly have followers of evil-aligned gods raising corpses and killing people!
NyxShiArammu |
Name: The Dawn's Redoubt
Alignment Axis: LE, NG, CG, N.
OOC Structure: Meritocratic board of directors headed by CEO
IC Structure: Theocratic order
RP Level: Light to Heavy
Purpose: Bring the light of Saranrae to the unfaithful by any means.
The Story everyone knows: The Dawn's Redoubt is a recent arrival to the river kingdoms. Their clerics crossed over the borders searching for a criminal who stole and defiled their old temple. Since their appearance they have made it their mission to bring "The Everlight" to the profligates and unfaithful of the river kingdoms.
The Real Story: The Dawn's Redoubt was founded by a self-proclaimed "Prophet" of Sarenrae, since their founding they have had less than "positive" relations with other priests and temples that share the worship of Sarenrae. In the last few years their new temple brought newer and different supplicants to Sarenrae because of the prophet's hard line against the unfaithful and wrong-doers. This caused a rivalry with the mainstream worshipers which came to ahead when a loved cleric was beaten and murdered by what the order believed to be a rival worshippers. Their retribution was swift but to no avail, a Servant of Sarenrae appeared over the two parties like a storm of blazing furies.
Their patron had given them a chance to reform the wrong-doer and failed utterly. Only three clerics of the redoubt survived, their former temperament burned away in the "Fires of Purification". Their successors now in the river kingdoms seek to reign in the malcontents or raze it to its very foundations to rebuild it in Sarenrae's image.
entropyrat Goblin Squad Member |
Name: The Dawn's Redoubt
Alignment Axis: LE, NG, CG, N.
OOC Structure: Meritocratic board of directors headed by CEO
IC Structure: Theocratic order
RP Level: Light to Heavy
Purpose: Bring the light of Saranrae to the unfaithful by any means.
The Story everyone knows: The Dawn's Redoubt is a recent arrival to the river kingdoms. Their clerics crossed over the borders searching for a criminal who stole and defiled their old temple. Since their appearance they have made it their mission to bring "The Everlight" to the profligates and unfaithful of the river kingdoms.The Real Story: The Dawn's Redoubt was founded by a self-proclaimed "Prophet" of Sarenrae, since their founding they have had less than "positive" relations with other priests and temples that share the worship of Sarenrae. In the last few years their new temple brought newer and different supplicants to Sarenrae because of the prophet's hard line against the unfaithful and wrong-doers. This caused a rivalry with the mainstream worshipers which came to ahead when a loved cleric was beaten and murdered by what the order believed to be a rival worshippers. Their retribution was swift but to no avail, a Servant of Sarenrae appeared over the two parties like a storm of blazing furies.
Their patron had given them a chance to reform the wrong-doer and failed utterly. Only three clerics of the redoubt survived, their former temperament burned away in the "Fires of Purification". Their successors now in the river kingdoms seek to reign in the malcontents or raze it to its very foundations to rebuild it in Sarenrae's image.
Not trying to bash your idea here as I'm a huge fan of Sarenrae. But your alignment axis makes absolutely no sense. LE and CG? These two types of people couldn't be any more opposite. Yet Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Neutral aren't in there? Ngggghhhh. <--- The sound of pain escaping from my brainbox.
Weynolt |
I'd be iffy to join a guild devoted to a single god (I'm a polythiest. Flumph the police.)
To quote Faiths of Purity, "You children don't know what you are doing."
That said, I agree! Protecting the villages and smaller towns from the Corruption of commercialism and the dangers of lawless folk is not the purview of one faith, but the joint efforts of many. We would gladly welcome the assistance of the younger gods and their faithful in protecting the weak and supporting the communities of the river kingdoms.
NyxShiArammu |
Not trying to bash your idea here as I'm a huge fan of Sarenrae. But your alignment axis makes absolutely no sense. LE and CG? These two types of people couldn't be any more opposite. Yet Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Neutral aren't in there? Ngggghhhh. <--- The sound of pain escaping from my brainbox.
The survivors were a little 'touched' after their "Fires of Purification".
They may believe they doing this for "Sarenrae" but any former semblance of their old rituals are but shallow husks. They are forsaken and nothing less than insane.EDIT:
To explain the alignment, it is more their fragmented nature of the order and differences between the groups. The council keeps any rivalries from spilling over into violence but i would like to see some simmering tensions within the order.
Because of the three perspectives of the survivors their disciples interrupted the stories and teachings differently which has caused some tension between the factions and groups. Of course some factions/groups do not co-operate with each other but merely co-exist to further the orders goals as a whole.
cannabination |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Name: <Browncoats> (Ok, I'm not married to that, but it just makes so much sense)
Alignment Axis:
LG|NG|CG: (We're not going to disqualify you for being LG, but if you play it right it might be challenging to rise up in an organization who relies on seedy elements at times)
LN|TN|CN: (As above with LN, and CN would be expected to follow the tenents of the guild, if you're in, you need to be in)
LE|NE|CE: Sorry, don't trust you.
OOC Structure: This is a merchant guild run by a council comprised of the members in charge of the branches in the 6 largest cities we inhabit and the guild leader with the tie-breaker.
RP Level: Softcore, I expect. You'll be expected to adhere to the tenets of your character and not spout OOC in public, but I definitely won't expect everyone to want to speak in accents and use archaic language.
IC Structure: Corporate Republic(is that a thing?).
Purpose: Exploration, opportunity, and freedom.
Information: IC Summary.
First off, this isn't a guild like the others mentioned. We have no desire to have our own city, perhaps a stronghold, but would rather exist in the cities of other guilds. Our main goal is to facilitate the economy of every city we inhabit to the benefit of all(us a little more, but the basic theme is that we're benevolent... not trying to unbalance and exploit). Our secondary goals include all the tenets of Desna, so we uphold exploration, free will, and the assistance of distressed travelers. Our intention would be to be invited by guilds to bring our economic stimulus and stability to their areas by offering superior raw materials as well as crafted goods acquired through the skills of our members.
We will have places for virtually any skill set, as we will need crafters and gatherers of all types, people to explore and find new resources and contacts, people to transport and sell goods, and people to protect these shipments as well as the roads and people on them. The idea would be to hand out recurring quests(assuming that is possible) to escort caravans, hunt, gather, or some similar thing in many areas around the world in areas which we are welcome, and explore in uncontrolled/contested areas. The intention being that you fulfill these quests in your travels, rather than forcing you to go back and forth all day. While there, members would be expected to make reasonable effort to aid travellers on their journey(protection, directions, spells, possibly escort if reasonably convenient), explore interesting/suspicious things along the way, and contest persecution anywhere they may. These goals will be obvious to all.
Since little is known about the structure and mechanics of the game, it is impossible to tell if a guild existing primarily outside its stronghold will be possible or any number of other trade related aspects that could make this concept impractical/impossible. We'll roll with that as info arises.
JMD031 Goblin Squad Member |
Name: <Browncoats> (Ok, I'm not married to that, but it just makes so much sense)
Alignment Axis:
LG|NG|CG: (We're not going to disqualify you for being LG, but if you play it right it might be challenging to rise up in an organization who relies on seedy elements at times)
LN|TN|CN: (As above with LN, and CN would be expected to follow the tenents of the guild, if you're in, you need to be in)
LE|NE|CE: Sorry, don't trust you.OOC Structure: This is a merchant guild run by a council comprised of the members in charge of the branches in the 6 largest cities we inhabit and the guild leader with the tie-breaker.
RP Level: Softcore, I expect. You'll be expected to adhere to the tenets of your character and not spout OOC in public, but I definitely won't expect everyone to want to speak in accents and use archaic language.
IC Structure: Corporate Republic(is that a thing?).
Purpose: Exploration, opportunity, and freedom.
Information: IC Summary.
First off, this isn't a guild like the others mentioned. We have no desire to have our own city, perhaps a stronghold, but would rather exist in the cities of other guilds. Our main goal is to facilitate the economy of every city we inhabit to the benefit of all(us a little more, but the basic theme is that we're benevolent... not trying to unbalance and exploit). Our secondary goals include all the tenets of Desna, so we uphold exploration, free will, and the assistance of distressed travelers. Our intention would be to be invited by guilds to bring our economic stimulus and stability to their areas by offering superior raw materials as well as crafted goods acquired through the skills of our members.
We will have places for virtually any skill set, as we will need crafters and gatherers of all types, people to explore and find new resources and contacts, people to transport and sell goods, and people to protect these shipments as well as the roads and people on them. The idea would be to hand out recurring quests(assuming that is possible) to...
I would like to be apart of this guild.
Saint Caleth Goblin Squad Member |
cannabination |
I would like to be a part of this guild.
Nice, if you want to go ahead and get on the roster head over to the visitor section of the forum on <a href=pfobrowncoats.guildportal.com>our new site</a> and fill out the short "app"(read as: introduction). I literally *just* threw it up, so there's barely anything there. Rest assured that will change. Glad you're interested!
Erm... wtb html? How do I get that link to work? Until then I guess you'll have to cut and paste: pfobrowncoats.guildportal.com .
Azoun The Sage |
Is the intention to put all the guild ideas into this one thread? If so here is a counterbalance to all that snooty Lawful happening up there. ;)
Name: Sons of Cayden (SoC)
Alignment Axis: Upper right corner. Lots of CG and CN. A little bit of N and maybe NG.
OOC Structure: A group of guild officers make day to day decisions and are ultimately responsible for the well being of the guild and its members. Periodically there is a turnover of the people in charge. This concession is only because Athenian Democracy is probably a bit too messy but we can try it first.
RP Level: We can take a vote on that once there are people to vote
IC Structure:Republic. A Council (the above mentioned officers) votes with the ability and expectation for members to weigh in on matters which interest them.
Purpose: To make a place in the world.
The Story everyone knows: As the tale goes, during the life of Cayden Cailean, the future god , on a whim, helped a young pickpocket escape from the city watch. When he became a god, this pickpocket was his first cleric, and aside from the official churches, he founded an underground society for those who were ostracized by the various powers that be.
The Real Story: The story about the first preist of Cayden Cailean is just that, a good story and if so many people didn't repeat it as the gospel truth it would be easily recognizable as ridiculous. What actually happened is that about 30 years ago a priest had a falling out over his double dipping in both the local temple and thieves' guild.
He moved an started his own small cell of thieves to fund his retirement, but eventually branched out into the occasional freelance good deeds for those he thought were unfairly marginalized by the authorities. The beneficiaries of his actions gathered around him and the Sons of Cayden were born, with his original companions as the shadowy...
Count me in on this one!
Kryzbyn Goblin Squad Member |