Top 32: Create a new organization - What are your thoughts?

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

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Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Razmiran Faith Barge Union #107 - Submit like you believe!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 aka Ottovar

Vrock of Sages
"Still Rollin"

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Milani's barbaque resturaunts, brought to you by the by the Church of Asmodeus and now open all across Cheliax.

Made with the blood of Martyrs.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Kerney wrote:

Milani's barbaque resturaunts, brought to you by the by the Church of Asmodeus and now open all across Cheliax.

Made with the blood of Martyrs.

"Our sauce is to DIE for!"

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

terraleon wrote:
Kerney wrote:

Milani's barbaque resturaunts, brought to you by the Church of Asmodeus and now open all across Cheliax.

Made with the blood of Martyrs.

"Our sauce is to DIE for!"

ROFLMBO- Ok that was cute... sign me up as a fan~

Baba Yoga's Chicken Hut? Where the Wings kick you right in the face!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Chris A Jackson wrote:
I think this will be more of an imagination challenge than a technical one, and I'm really looking forward to it! Bring it on!

Akbar sense tingling...

I think it will be a mix of both. Being able to make a cohesive organization and balance the mechanical benefits.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Matthew Morris wrote:
Being able to make a cohesive organization and balance the mechanical benefits.

I wonder if the TPA and CPA from the Faction Guide will be expected. My guess is that since the word count is probably going to be 450, that there wouldn't be room for such a list of Resources in that way. Anyone else have a guess?

I'm thinking we may have to create an organization that is tied to a faith or philosophy? Maybe one that is tied to some country's national interests?

Adam Frary wrote:

I'm thinking we may have to create an organization that is tied to a faith or philosophy? Maybe one that is tied to some country's national interests?

That's easy. Lots of nations in Golarion are tied to faiths.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

I do have some good questions for the judges about this round and would appreciate any feedback~

• Are there themes you feel people should steer away from? (Oriental themed Orgs or Demi-human based organizations) This will immediately refocus those that might be going in that direction.
• Do you have problems with folks take some liberties with history? (Including your org’s foundation based on events in Golarion past?) This is important because the past is where your org will be born unless it is just getting started.
• Are you looking to see a complete social history to explain where the Org came from or just how it exists and run’s today in the world of Golarion? This is where time comes into play on the designing aspect. How much you have to explain can increase or reduce the length of the text and the direction of the text.
• Can the organizations consist of sub organizations of current existing organizations? Some people might have great ideas about a current organization having a sub-group form to cover a missing piece the organization should have covered originally. (Undead hunter org that has created a second org designed as purest who seek to cleanse the world of lycanthropy!)

The above questions will certainly help focus my/your research and design.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

I hope we can invent whatever kind of organization we want. I think tying an organization to a faith is pretty easy. Of course, tying a superstar organization to a faith may not be so much, but I an hoping we can develop several different types of organizations and motivations.

After perusing the Round 2 Rules of prior years, I would be surprised if this year's organization round is intended to be Golarion-specific; it seems that Round 2 has usually been used to test contestant creativity in a "setting neutral" capacity.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Pen2paper wrote:
I do have some good questions for the judges about this round and would appreciate any feedback...

Opinionated Feedback Rendered:


You guys are way overthinking the competition right now. The rules for Round 2 haven't even been announced yet. The Top 32 haven't even been selected. Let the contest proceed at its own pace. Part of the game is reacting to the task you're given in each round. That's part of what it's like to be a real freelancer. And it's part of the test you'll go through if you make the competition. It's also important that you navigate each challenge according to your creativity and sense of what you believe will most appeal to the voting public. We can't hold your hand during this part of the competition. All we can give you is the rules for the round, assess your turnover, and then see how the voters react. That's the game.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Overthinking the competition? Don't mind if I do! What if Round 2 is to design a potential new organization for Pathfinder Society adventures?


Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Neil Spicer wrote:
Pen2paper wrote:
I do have some good questions for the judges about this round and would appreciate any feedback...

Opinionated Feedback Rendered:

** spoiler omitted **

Diviners of Judgement

The Diviners of Judgement attempt to divine the opinions of judges in contests they enter in order to better please such judges. Their method involves asking questions in order to provoke sense motive checks while avoiding pestering; i.e. creating situational negatives to all diplomancy checks with said judges.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

terraleon wrote:
"Our sauce is to DIE for!"
Pen2paper wrote:
"Baba Yoga's Chicken Hut? Where the Wings kick you right in the face!"

LOL! You guys crack me up! :)

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