Give the person above you a nickname.

Forum Games

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Genuine ghoul.

Scarab Sages

This Guy's Understudy

That guy from that one show where they did that stuff with the things

Scarab Sages

That Guy Who Works Behind the Counter of Every Guns & Ammo Store In America

The Eyeballs Bleeder

The Eyeballs Taster

The eyeballs goucher

Scarab Sages

The Doer of This to People's Eyeballs

He who defames Monty Python.

Scarab Sages

Captain Get-Me-Wrong

I'm Riding Indoor Posits



Mark Spamtorum

Scarab Sages

Shy Violet

Pale Rose Boy

Disco Ball(d)

Dr Teeth

The Moover of Hark

Scarab Sages

The Chocolate Milk Mustache

I'm Closet in Your Hiding.

Scarab Sages

The Ugly Stick's B*+*$


Scarab Sages

John Boehner

Mr Ignorant

Scarab Sages

The Projectionist

Narcissitic Self Hat Onlooker

Scarab Sages


I've the best hat around and it's CANON!

Scarab Sages



Moustache McSaint-hat

Goatee or is that a dead rat clinging to your chin.

Scarab Sages

Cardinal Glick

Son of hiding in the cupboard.

The nose that repulsed a thousand lips

The Smirk Eternal

Scarab Sages

The Scowl Beyond Infinity

The Evertrending Borey

The Cast-Iron Knight of Sneer Duchy.

Scarab Sages


The Immortal Smile of Sociopathy.

Gene Simmons

Rob Zombie


Scarab Sages

"My face, it has three corners,
three corners has my face,
if it hadn't had three corners,
then it wouldn't be my face!

Paddington Armor Bear

Frowny MacGrump

Scarab Sages


Fashionista Drag-queen

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