order 1759482 shipment

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

I've check my purchase history and the item was shipped on Nov 14th.

What is the usual amount of time that I could be waiting for the item?

After how much time should I become concerned and contact Paizo formally regarding a lost item?

Brydon Herder
Champion of Sandpoint
Victor over Karzoug

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Brydon wrote:

I've check my purchase history and the item was shipped on Nov 14th.

What is the usual amount of time that I could be waiting for the item?

After how much time should I become concerned and contact Paizo formally regarding a lost item?

Brydon Herder
Champion of Sandpoint
Victor over Karzoug

This order was shipped out via the standard postal rate, and has an estimated delivery time of 7 to 11 business days. Given the holidays and weekends since the date of shipment, this is actually right about the 11th business day. Therefore, your order is probably just a little delayed and should be showing up at any time now. If you still have not seen it by the end of next week, let me know and we can take another look at that time.


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