I'm thinking of killing (some of) my fellow PCs, I'd like to hear some of your thoughts


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As a preface, I have been role playing pretty consistantly for 11 years, so I'm not new to the nuances of gaming. I'm also not a complete a+$~@&#. However I am faced with a problem that I have never enountered before and my natural instincts for gaming and not being a complete a$~@~$! are at odds with my character's attitude.

Now, my question is whether or not I should kill two of my fellow PCs for insulting my character. On the one hand I know that a PC killing another player's character is really lame, aggravating, and there is a certain amount of betrayal and selfishness involved that tells the other person that their fun isn't as important as yours. This makes me not want to kill.

On the other hand... both of the PCs I mentioned have repeatedly insulted my character, who is a proud person (also secretly a CE anti-aristocracy anarchist who worships Norgorber) and if I may say so, the most valuable member of the group. Without me the story would not have advanced at all and many encounters have relied on my being there to prevent everyone from dying, yet those two continue to act as though my guy is a waste of space. Also, one of the PCs is a haughty princess who my character just wants to kill on principle and the other is a bossy mouthy Cleric of Pharasma, a religion my character despises as he thinks it oppresses the spirit of Man to give in to Death so easily (He's an Alchemist and at 20th I plan for him to have Eternal Youth) and they help to keep the status quo in Ustalav, where all this is happening.

The GM had a big open discussion about the possiblity of PC on PC violence as he saw the party friction increase. He claimed to be fine with it and everyone else at the table agreed that it was okay as long as it was in character and that there would be no retribution from future unrelated characters (though not from the still living PCs if caught).

The facts are out there, what do you, O possible reader, think? Do you think it's okay to kill PCs under those circumstances or not?

Liberty's Edge

Robert Cameron wrote:
and if I may say so, the most valuable member of the group.

Oh, yeah. CE for sure!

If your buddies are cool with it, and y'all really can keep it "on the table", go for it. Maybe they're baiting you, hoping to catch you slipping and thereby having an excuse to trounce your ass.

I ran a PvP type game (they cooperated if they had to, but most of the game was underworld intrigue and PvP by proxy), and it went fine, as all of the players knew it going in and were mature enough to handle it.

Don't do it if you think there's any chance it'll mess up the IRL dynamic at the table.

easy solution: they ALL said it was fine, do it, if you ambush they won't stand a chance.

my opinion: when I GM I tell the group if there is friction, the smaller part dies very quickly, the other part maybe too. I don't tolerate insults if they happen for roleplaying reasons or not. In hindsight you should have discussed such things during party creation, Norgorber and a princess?
How well do you know the other players? Because I doubt that the problem would change even if you played a beautiful prince who's a fellow cleric of Pharasma.

I had encountered such problems in the past, and in my opinion the GM should intervene. There are enough roleplaying possibilities without risking the party and fun.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Robert Cameron wrote:
(also secretly a CE anti-aristocracy anarchist who worships Norgorber)

There is no nice way to put this.

This game is seriously malfunctioning, and I suspect that you are a significant cause. The rest of the table thinks that by letting you get your awful character (and this secret is no secret, FYI) killed, they might exorcise this problem. They are almost certainly wrong. Player versus player combat is the least of this group's concerns. It will not solve anything, and will only aggravate what problems already exist.

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If you are a 'waste of space' they won't mind you not acting next time they are in trouble.

If you really are the key party member they will wipe and you have have a 'relatively' clean conscience. Not that it matters - your character is hardly likely to miss any sleep being Chaotic Evil and all...

Seems like a much more Machiavellian way to go. Maybe a bit Lawful Evil though...

Alternative is kill them in their sleep, then go and hunt down their families. If you can imprison them somewhere and make they watch so much the better. That sound more CE to me.

I still prefer option 1 though - nothing like smug people being proved wrong.

Dark Archive

You could do it "in game" Hire some NPC assassins (or followers of the Grey Master) to do the job and have some less skilled ones attack you at the same time. Give the DM something to work with in the game... maybe they investigate and as they get closer to the truth you have to take more direct action.

Or... if you hire enough assassins and plan it right they could be very weak when you turn on they and enjoy the betrayal twist.

don't think killing will be a problem, if you're at least lvl 6 with your alchemist and you can throw multiple bombs, just go nova on them. Getting help from the local temple shouldn't be a problem as you're fighting a princess. Just one RP question, isn't pride what Norgorber is fighting? And you're playing a proud person?

Do it.

Dooo it.....

come on...

you know you wanna

Doooooooo it.

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WHY would your dm ever let you make a CE character....

BEGS wrote:
WHY would your DM ever let you make a CE character....

Indeed a good question.

Icyshadow wrote:
BEGS wrote:
WHY would your DM ever let you make a CE character....
Indeed a good question.

Please do read the Opening Post again guys. The CE character is NOT the one making waves in this party (based on the information we have, at any rate.) Anybody would consider killing people who are constantly ragging on you and saying you're a waste of space. (Most of us resist those urges, most of the time.)

A Man In Black wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:
(also secretly a CE anti-aristocracy anarchist who worships Norgorber)

There is no nice way to put this.

This game is seriously malfunctioning, and I suspect that you are a significant cause. The rest of the table thinks that by letting you get your awful character (and this secret is no secret, FYI) killed, they might exorcise this problem. They are almost certainly wrong. Player versus player combat is the least of this group's concerns. It will not solve anything, and will only aggravate what problems already exist.

That seems a pretty harsh judgement for not having actually observed the game or knowing any of the people involved besides me (ande even then you only know what I have posted). Unless you are secretly a person in my group (and if you are I'll see you in a few hours to exorcise Harrowstone Prison!) I have no clue how you'd know what the other players know about my character's true identity. And I'm not sure as to "what problems already exist" are, perhaps you can elaborate?

And how is my character awful?

BEGS wrote:
WHY would your dm ever let you make a CE character....

He started as CN, but certain moral liberties were taken and his alignment was adjusted accordingly.

Hrm... okay I'll bite. I've seen this kindof stuff periodically come up a few times over the years and your post rings true enough it's possible you aren't trolling;-).

To the question is it okay to kill PCs under the circumstances you describe, the answer is yes.

It was inevitable your character was going to come into conflict with an aristocratic PC on principle and the cleric of a religion your PC despises. Your DM either didn't give the 'it's your responsibility make a character that has a reason to adventure with a party' speech or wanted inner party bloodshed (assuming the dm wasn't ignored, was kept in the dark about he nature of your PC, or that sort of thing was never implied as one of your group's basic ground rules). In any case, now that the inevitable approaches and everyone knows PC on PC violence is on the table, fire at will.

Frankly, I find it a waste of time (and double plus unfun in this kind of rpg). By its nature D&D (and Pathfinder) is a team game... CRs are gauged around the 4-5 man party, adventure structure usually requires a fairly wide skill set that the various roles fill, and in general it's a cooperative rather than antagonistic rpg.

In the same vein I've noticed most (if not all) groups I've played or dm'ed for over the years will put up with alot of crap from a PC and bend over backwards to accommodate a 'difficult' PC that they never would put up with from an NPC. And assuming your PC successfully whacks two of his fellow party members, out of curiosity what do you think is the next step?

Robert Cameron wrote:
BEGS wrote:
WHY would your DM ever let you make a CE character....
He started as CN, but certain moral liberties were taken and his alignment was adjusted accordingly.

Aaah, my bad for jumping the gun then. But this situation seems confusing...why are they taunting you again?

Liberty's Edge

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Poor Robert, don't you know? You're Doing It Wrong (tm). You're having BadWrongFun (tm).

Playing a chaotic evil character obviously means you need serious therapy, and perhaps some reprogramming. Why do you hate society so much that you'd play a scoundrel? How do you think that puppy you kicked and starving child you robbed in real life feels now? You dirty, dirty scumbag person!

How dare you?

I must now go wash my computer for having it display your vile posts.

Let us know how it went :).

And keep the insults out of character ;-)

Richard Leonhart wrote:
don't think killing will be a problem, if you're at least lvl 6 with your alchemist and you can throw multiple bombs, just go nova on them. Getting help from the local temple shouldn't be a problem as you're fighting a princess. Just one RP question, isn't pride what Norgorber is fighting? And you're playing a proud person?

Oh no, killing won't be a problem at all. What I'm more worried about is whether or not it's a good idea. You seem to think it isn't from your earlier response.

To answer your earlier question, I'm friends with everyone at the table and have no problems with any one outside of what happens on the table between the characters. Heck, the person who started the in character insults is the sweetest person in the group IRL (and a wonderful baker to boot!). This is just an issue of characters, not of the people behind them.

I don't think Norgorber is against pride in particular. If you can find something to contradict that I'd love to see it so I can find some sort of in character delusion as to why that wouldn't apply to him.

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houstonderek wrote:

Poor Robert, don't you know? You're Doing It Wrong (tm). You're having BadWrongFun (tm).

Playing a chaotic evil character obviously means you need serious therapy, and perhaps some reprogramming. Why do you hate society so much that you'd play a scoundrel? How do you think that puppy you kicked and starving child you robbed in real life feels now? You dirty, dirty scumbag person!

How dare you?

I must now go wash my computer for having it display your vile posts.

I woke up everyone in my house laughing at that.

Norgorber - reaper of reputation cares little for flashy displays of power.
Norgorber is subtle in his direct intervention.
These seem indications that he doesn't take pride in his actions. Anyhow that's only my interpretation.
Also Gods and Magic says that most worhsipers only worship one aspect of him and ignore the rest. I suppose you chose Blackfinger and love poisons. Or perhaps Gray Master and you like bluffing your party and sneaking around.

To come back to the main question, if you attack them the adventure should end and you should all start anew. So if you don't like to get insulted in character and would like a different setup you can go out with a bang. I would advise you in the future to work together from character creation on.

Grue wrote:

Hrm... okay I'll bite. I've seen this kindof stuff periodically come up a few times over the years and your post rings true enough it's possible you aren't trolling;-).

To the question is it okay to kill PCs under the circumstances you describe, the answer is yes.

It was inevitable your character was going to come into conflict with an aristocratic PC on principle and the cleric of a religion your PC despises. Your DM either didn't give the 'it's your responsibility make a character that has a reason to adventure with a party' speech or wanted inner party bloodshed (assuming the dm wasn't ignored, was kept in the dark about he nature of your PC, or that sort of thing was never implied as one of your group's basic ground rules). In any case, now that the inevitable approaches and everyone knows PC on PC violence is on the table, fire at will.

Frankly, I find it a waste of time (and double plus unfun in this kind of rpg). By its nature D&D (and Pathfinder) is a team game... CRs are gauged around the 4-5 man party, adventure structure usually requires a fairly wide skill set that the various roles fill, and in general it's a cooperative rather than antagonistic rpg.

In the same vein I've noticed most (if not all) groups I've played or dm'ed for over the years will put up with alot of crap from a PC and bend over backwards to accommodate a 'difficult' PC that they never would put up with from an NPC. And assuming your PC successfully whacks two of his fellow party members, out of curiosity what do you think is the next step?

Yeah, no trolling here. That'd be a complete waste of my time.

When the game started it was a lot more harmonious and while our characters had conflicting backgrounds it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if they hadn't taken an antagonistic turn in character insults. So it wasn't really inevitable.

The next step? Seizing the liquid assets and disposing of the bodies.

I suggest asking your DM privately to adopt your current character as a recurring runaway antagonist, and make a new character.

Liberty's Edge

Robert Cameron wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

Poor Robert, don't you know? You're Doing It Wrong (tm). You're having BadWrongFun (tm).

Playing a chaotic evil character obviously means you need serious therapy, and perhaps some reprogramming. Why do you hate society so much that you'd play a scoundrel? How do you think that puppy you kicked and starving child you robbed in real life feels now? You dirty, dirty scumbag person!

How dare you?

I must now go wash my computer for having it display your vile posts.

I woke up everyone in my house laughing at that.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Robert Cameron wrote:

That seems a pretty harsh judgement for not having actually observed the game or knowing any of the people involved besides me (ande even then you only know what I have posted). Unless you are secretly a person in my group (and if you are I'll see you in a few hours to exorcise Harrowstone Prison!) I have no clue how you'd know what the other players know about my character's true identity. And I'm not sure as to "what problems already exist" are, perhaps you can elaborate?

And how is my character awful?

Your character is a secret sociopath, the GM signed off on this, and the rest of the party has just expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity to kill your character.

This says to me that you don't see the problems with playing a secret sociopath in a social game. That's problem one. (You've also expressed that your character is the most valuable member of the group and that you have no problem with killing everyone else's characters, both of which are terrifyingly antisocial warning flags.)

This says to me that the GM doesn't see the problems with you playing etc. Problem two.

The other players are expressing hostility towards your character in-game, and have expressed enthusiasm for an opportunity to go even further in pushing your character out of the game. This says to me that they know that something isn't right with your character, even if they don't know the specifics. Problem three, and the big one.

The only clear problem I can identify is that you're playing a sociopath and don't see a problem with this and the other players are showing signs that they do, even given your sympathetic-to-yourself narrative. (There are hints of other problems, as well, but without knowing you guys better, I can't really comment on them comfortably.) They seem to want to hash it out in an in-character way, which generally only risks aggravating this we-don't-like-your-character conflict into a I-hate-how-you-killed-the-character-I-liked conflict or a we-hate-how-you-derailed-our-game-with-your-terrible-character conflict. Going ahead with this big in-character fight is going to lead to real-life bad blood all around.

If you really want advice based on what you've said, you are the one who needs to give ground here. Either drop the entire secret-evil-anarchist character trait or switch characters or otherwise make the unilateral concessions necessary to back out of this situation.

houstonderek wrote:

Poor Robert, don't you know? You're Doing It Wrong (tm). You're having BadWrongFun (tm).

Playing a chaotic evil character obviously means you need serious therapy, and perhaps some reprogramming. Why do you hate society so much that you'd play a scoundrel? How do you think that puppy you kicked and starving child you robbed in real life feels now? You dirty, dirty scumbag person!

It wouldn't be a problem (or this sort of problem, anyway) if the rest of the party was on-board with him playing that character. All signs point to him playing that character despite the wishes of the other players. Down that road lies heartbreak.

But you keep on making snarky comments. I'm sure you'll hurt that strawman's feelings eventually.

Richard Leonhart wrote:

Norgorber - reaper of reputation cares little for flashy displays of power.

Norgorber is subtle in his direct intervention.
These seem indications that he doesn't take pride in his actions. Anyhow that's only my interpretation.
Also Gods and Magic says that most worhsipers only worship one aspect of him and ignore the rest. I suppose you chose Blackfinger and love poisons. Or perhaps Gray Master and you like bluffing your party and sneaking around.

To come back to the main question, if you attack them the adventure should end and you should all start anew. So if you don't like to get insulted in character and would like a different setup you can go out with a bang. I would advise you in the future to work together from character creation on.

Actually he worships the option that you didn't put down, The Reaper of Reputation. He is big on keeping the secrets of his past and his plans for the future.

Really he just takes pride in his intellect and abilties, which were the things that people were insulting. The cleric flat out called my character a coward for not going into melee even though my primary ability is a ranged attack. Not only was he called a coward but the thing he actually contributes to the group was belittled as well, even though its the primary damage dealer in combat.

That sounds like a drag, I wouldn't want to lose this character, I like him too much.

Perhaps I might just poison them to s$+@ and puke themselves dry in public and call it even.

A Man In Black wrote:

It wouldn't be a problem (or this sort of problem, anyway) if the rest of the party was on-board with him playing that character. All signs point to him playing that character despite the wishes of the other players. Down that road lies heartbreak.

No, all signs (which have been posted, which may or may not be honest or have items deliberately left out granted) point to the rest of the party being total douchebags and more disruptive than the Chaotic Evil character.

EDIT: I felt the below quote was relevant.

When the game started it was a lot more harmonious and while our characters had conflicting backgrounds it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if they hadn't taken an antagonistic turn in character insults. So it wasn't really inevitable.

Liberty's Edge

A Man In Black wrote:
Um, stuff

Dude, you have no idea what the dynamic at this guy's table is. You have no clue what kind of game they run, and, frankly, your pop psychology is ridiculous.

He already stated that a) all of the insults are in character, which means, b) we can presume the "I'm the most valuable party member" stuff is pretty much in character (easy presumption if you know how to get off the high horse). The GM already discussed it, the players signed on as long as it doesn't creep to other, non-involved future characters, and it seems like they enjoy a more acrimonious party dynamic.

If they're having fun, why should you care?

Liberty's Edge

kyrt-ryder wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:

It wouldn't be a problem (or this sort of problem, anyway) if the rest of the party was on-board with him playing that character. All signs point to him playing that character despite the wishes of the other players. Down that road lies heartbreak.

No, all signs (which have been posted, which may or may not be honest or have items deliberately left out granted) point to the rest of the party being total douchebags and more disruptive than the Chaotic Evil character.

Heck, all signs point toward them just being typically arrogant goodie goods. Sounds like a fun table to play at, actually.

Jess Door's character and my character would get into it (she was quite LN, my guy quite CN), but it was a blast to play.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
No, all signs (which have been posted, which may or may not be honest or have items deliberately left out granted) point to the rest of the party being total douchebags and more disruptive than the Chaotic Evil character.

I'm only saying that there are signs that he is a disruptive player, not that he's the only disruptive player. It's not possible to know everything that's going on in the game, only his side of the story.

But when his side of the story is along the lines of: My character is the biggest contributor, the rest of the party hates my character and wants to kill him, how do I plot my revenge (BTW my character is a secretly evil anarchist)... yikes.

It DOES sound like an interesting table. I've played at a few of those myself actually, though it's tragic the number of people who either can't handle more dynamic party relationships, or DMs that are terrified of them.

Man in Black, I personally KNOW a few 'evil anarchists' as the D&D alignment scale would measure them, and these people are very good friends of mine. Being 'Evil' as D&D and Pathfinder measures it doesn't mean Sociopathy (though the majority of sociopaths are indeed Evil), it just means Evil.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
Man in Black, I personally KNOW a few 'evil anarchists' as the D&D alignment scale would measure them, and these people are very good friends of mine. Being 'Evil' as D&D and Pathfinder measures it doesn't mean Sociopathy (though the majority of sociopaths are indeed Evil), it just means Evil.

We can have a really stupid alignment thread here if you want instead of an on-topic discussion, if you'd rather. In case you want to keep it on-topic: I don't care if he writes evil or anarchist or sociopath or whatever on his character sheet, just the social dynamic of the group.

When a player says these things:

I'm thinking of killing (some of) my fellow PCs, I'd like to hear some of your thoughts
Now, my question is whether or not I should kill two of my fellow PCs for insulting my character.
[My character is] secretly a CE anti-aristocracy anarchist
[My character is,] if I may say so, the most valuable member of the group. Without me the story would not have advanced at all and many encounters have relied on my being there to prevent everyone from dying, yet those two continue to act as though my guy is a waste of space.

Those are big blinking warning lights. This is someone who has made an antisocial character and is letting it bleed into their out-of-character thinking. Sociopaths kill people because they are mad that they were insulted, and this player doesn't understand this or doesn't see that it's a problem to have a character with this tendency. That's really worrying!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
A Man In Black wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:

That seems a pretty harsh judgement for not having actually observed the game or knowing any of the people involved besides me (ande even then you only know what I have posted). Unless you are secretly a person in my group (and if you are I'll see you in a few hours to exorcise Harrowstone Prison!) I have no clue how you'd know what the other players know about my character's true identity. And I'm not sure as to "what problems already exist" are, perhaps you can elaborate?

And how is my character awful?

Your character is a secret sociopath, the GM signed off on this, and the rest of the party has just expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity to kill your character.

This says to me that you don't see the problems with playing a secret sociopath in a social game. That's problem one. (You've also expressed that your character is the most valuable member of the group and that you have no problem with killing everyone else's characters, both of which are terrifyingly antisocial warning flags.)

This says to me that the GM doesn't see the problems with you playing etc. Problem two.

The other players are expressing hostility towards your character in-game, and have expressed enthusiasm for an opportunity to go even further in pushing your character out of the game. This says to me that they know that something isn't right with your character, even if they don't know the specifics. Problem three, and the big one.

The only clear problem I can identify is that you're playing a sociopath and don't see a problem with this and the other players are showing signs that they do, even given your sympathetic-to-yourself narrative. (There are hints of other problems, as well, but without knowing you guys better, I can't really comment on them comfortably.) They seem to want to hash it out in an in-character way, which generally only risks aggravating this we-don't-like-your-character conflict into a I-hate-how-you-killed-the-character-I-liked conflict or a...

Do you charge by the post for your psycho-analysis, Sigmund? You are right though, I see no problem playing a fantasy roleplaying game with good friends and having a secretly evil person in a group of people where multiple people have played secretly evil characters over the years (all died of adventuring deaths). Does that make your skin crawl? That people... can act? (GASP!) Pretty soon you'll be telling us that Martin Scorcese is a dangerously unhinge antisocial freak for making Taxi Driver. I honestly wish you could sit in on a session so you could see what a jerk you sound like for passing that kind of judgement. Hell if I had a working laptop I'd skype it to you live.

If in the future you don't want to sound super condescending and incredibly judgemental perhaps you should withhold the psycho babble and focus on the question. All you needed to say was "you are the one who needs to give ground here. Either drop the entire secret-evil-anarchist character trait or switch characters or otherwise make the unilateral concessions necessary to back out of this situation." and that would have been super.

Robert Cameron wrote:

Yeah, no trolling here. That'd be a complete waste of my time.

When the game started it was a lot more harmonious and while our characters had conflicting backgrounds it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if they hadn't taken an antagonistic turn in character insults. So it wasn't really inevitable.

The next step? Seizing the liquid assets and disposing of the bodies.

The other [non-involved] PCs would shrug their shoulders and say 'they had it coming'? Or would they want a cut of the spoils? Or would they come to the conclusion that 'Hey, Bob just killed them and took their stuff, what's to stop him from doing the same to us?'

Or if you killed them in secret they wouldn't investigate the disappearance of two of their boon companions? Maybe if they died naturally in their sleep or from a sudden stroke?;-)

The 'princess's' family would not look into the matter? Not to mention other possible logical consequences (the temple of Pharasma somehow learning the fate of one of their clerics who I assume is of at least middling power?).

A session or two of Reservoir Dogs can be entertaining for some groups but you definitely won't be accomplishing much of whatever adventure you intended to play if there are any sort of consequences. Not to mention the party will have to recruit at least one new PC...

So what is your party's composition (level, class, significant traits\abilities)?

A Man In Black wrote:
how do I plot my revenge (



RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Robert Cameron wrote:

If in the future you don't want to sound super condescending and incredibly judgemental perhaps you should withhold the psycho babble and focus on the question. All you needed to say was "you are the one who needs to give ground here. Either drop the entire secret-evil-anarchist character trait or switch characters or otherwise make the unilateral concessions necessary to back out of this situation." and that would have been super.

I did tell you that PVP combat was a really terrible idea in my first post. You blew it off because you didn't think I had enough insight into your game. Don't challenge me to explain how I came to my conclusions if you don't want to hear the answer.

Robert Cameron wrote:



But you're right here, I was unfair, and I apologize. Your question was "Is plotting my revenge going to lead to everyone having more fun?" This is a great question to be asking in this situation, and asked at the perfect time, before things become unrecoverable.

I'm not trying to say that OMG U R A HUGE JERK WHO IS DOIN IT RONG, just that I think more of this situation is of your own creation than you realize and that the best course of action is to back off unilaterally. If you are offended that your character is being insulted, talk to the other players and the GM out of character. (This doesn't seem to be the case, though.) If your character is offended, try and think of an outlet for that offense that includes the entire party rather than leads the entire party to killing each other, or just let it go entirely.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
A Man In Black wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Man in Black, I personally KNOW a few 'evil anarchists' as the D&D alignment scale would measure them, and these people are very good friends of mine. Being 'Evil' as D&D and Pathfinder measures it doesn't mean Sociopathy (though the majority of sociopaths are indeed Evil), it just means Evil.

We can have a really stupid alignment thread here if you want instead of an on-topic discussion, if you'd rather. In case you want to keep it on-topic: I don't care if he writes evil or anarchist or sociopath or whatever on his character sheet, just the social dynamic of the group.

When a player says these things:

I'm thinking of killing (some of) my fellow PCs, I'd like to hear some of your thoughts
Now, my question is whether or not I should kill two of my fellow PCs for insulting my character.
[My character is] secretly a CE anti-aristocracy anarchist
[My character is,] if I may say so, the most valuable member of the group. Without me the story would not have advanced at all and many encounters have relied on my being there to prevent everyone from dying, yet those two continue to act as though my guy is a waste of space.
Those are big blinking warning lights. This is someone who has made an antisocial character and is letting it bleed into their out-of-character thinking. Sociopaths kill people because they are mad that they were insulted, and this player doesn't understand this or doesn't see that it's a problem to have a character with this tendency. That's really worrying!


Liberty's Edge

Robert Cameron wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
how do I plot my revenge (



My game thrived on it because it was an assumption of the campaign going in. If it's understood, and you and your buddies are cool with it, no worries.

Grue wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:

Yeah, no trolling here. That'd be a complete waste of my time.

When the game started it was a lot more harmonious and while our characters had conflicting backgrounds it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if they hadn't taken an antagonistic turn in character insults. So it wasn't really inevitable.

The next step? Seizing the liquid assets and disposing of the bodies.

The other [non-involved] PCs would shrug their shoulders and say 'they had it coming'? Or would they want a cut of the spoils? Or would they come to the conclusion that 'Hey, Bob just killed them and took their stuff, what's to stop him from doing the same to us?'

Or if you killed them in secret they wouldn't investigate the disappearance of two of their boon companions? Maybe if they died naturally in their sleep or from a sudden stroke?;-)

The 'princess's' family would not look into the matter? Not to mention other possible logical consequences (the temple of Pharasma somehow learning the fate of one of their clerics who I assume is of at least middling power?).

A session or two of Reservoir Dogs can be entertaining for some groups but you definitely won't be accomplishing much of whatever adventure you intended to play if there are any sort of consequences. Not to mention the party will have to recruit at least one new PC...

So what is your party's composition (level, class, significant traits\abilities)?

Yeah yeah yeah..... stop raising completely logical and well reasoned road blocks. The DM would most certainly try to throw all that (and more) my character's way. My DM is big on personal freedom but he's also big on consequences and karma.

houstonderek wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
how do I plot my revenge (



My game thrived on it because it was an assumption of the campaign going in. If it's understood, and you and your buddies are cool with it, no worries.

Awesome, I will take that into consideration, but after Grue well reasoned buzz kill I think my guy's just going to have to settle for petty childish revenge like laxitives and ipacac in their ale the next time we tavern hop ;)

Liberty's Edge

Robert Cameron wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
how do I plot my revenge (



My game thrived on it because it was an assumption of the campaign going in. If it's understood, and you and your buddies are cool with it, no worries.
Awesome, I will take that into consideration, but after Grue well reasoned buzz kill I think my guy's just going to have to settle for petty childish revenge like laxitives and ipacac in their ale the next time we tavern hop ;)

Heck, that works too. Or, you know, using sovereign glue in their sheathes, dust of sneezing and choking in their bed rolls, paying an NPC to summon a swarm of fleas for their mounts...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

By pure coincidence we had PC death by PC hand at today's game, two in fact (well sortof).

One PC was a Barbarian/Rogue (CG) who treated the Rage side as anger issues and was not a "Barbarian". The other PC was the party's Cleric (NG). Basically during the session the Barbarian/Rogue was ridiculed by most of the other PCs but mostly by the Cleric, it was all in-character ribbing.

Anyway as the PCs walked along a 200ft cliff pass the Barbarian/Rogue had enough and pushed the Cleric off the cliff.
The Cleric managed to grab onto the ledge but right at that moment they were attacked by Wolves summoned by the BBEG. One wolf attacked the Cleric, he failed his Climb check and fell to his death.

After the battle the PC Ranger(LN)demanded the Barbarian/Rogue drop her weapons and surrender has she intended to take her back to town for a trial. The other two PCs (Alchmist and Summoner) agreed. The Barbarian/Rogue however refused and wanted to continue with the mission. The Summoner asked if the Barbarian/Rogue had any remorse for her actions and she said no. The Ranger again demanded surrender. No deal.

At this stage the Alchemist (CN) decided to throw bombs at the Barbarian/Rogue and the Summoner sent the Eidolon to attack. The Ranger refused to attack. At one point during the battle the Barbarian/Rogue's equipment was sent to the Ethereal Plane leaving the her unarmed and unarmoured. The Ranger demanded surrender and the Barbarian/Rogue was about to when the Alchemist finished her off with another bomb.

All this was entirely in-character reactions from the events of the session so depsite two PC deaths I didn't have an issue with it as DM.
The players we're all laughing and cool with it (the two dead PCs players went home in the same car without an issue).

My point (which I've taken a while to get to) is that if the players are all cool with it and there's no hard feelings or PC revenger then it's all good. Heck back in the 1st edition the amount of times PCs were dominated to attack their companions and died at the hands of other PCs was crazy. As long as everyone is cool with it, it's all good.

A Man In Black wrote:
"Is plotting my revenge going to lead to everyone having more fun?"

Perfect, wish I had thought of that. If you recall at the top I do say that it's an extremely lame, aggravating and selfish thing to do, I'm not totally unaware. I'm willing to chalk this up the impaired nature of interweb communication.

I'm not a mental case, I just play one in an RPG.

houstonderek wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
how do I plot my revenge (



My game thrived on it because it was an assumption of the campaign going in. If it's understood, and you and your buddies are cool with it, no worries.
Awesome, I will take that into consideration, but after Grue well reasoned buzz kill I think my guy's just going to have to settle for petty childish revenge like laxitives and ipacac in their ale the next time we tavern hop ;)
Heck, that works too. Or, you know, using sovereign glue in their sheathes, dust of sneezing and choking in their bed rolls, paying an NPC to summon a swarm of fleas for their mounts...

OMG I just had a petty revengegasm!

Robert Cameron wrote:

Yeah yeah yeah..... stop raising completely logical and well reasoned road blocks. The DM would most certainly try to throw all that (and more) my character's way. My DM is big on personal freedom but he's also big on consequences and karma.

It's more curiosity if there are consequences in this game or if you've considered them. Killing a adventuring comrade (or stealing from the party), is as a rule a Bad Idea even if your PC makes Blackbeard look like Saint Aquinas by comparison. If you go Fredo on the family there's an strong element this could be at least the beginning of the end for your PC (if not the campaign).

So....still a bit curious about your party's composition (Class\level\abilities).

Reebo Kesh wrote:
Awesome story about cool game I wish I could play in

That sounds like a good time!

But how does the Barb get away with being CG and remorselessly pushes a character off a cliff. That's pretty cold blooded right there.

Liberty's Edge

Robert Cameron wrote:
Reebo Kesh wrote:
Awesome story about cool game I wish I could play in

That sounds like a good time!

But how does the Barb get away with being CG and remorselessly pushes a character off a cliff. That's pretty cold blooded right there.

He didn't get away with it, he was killed, rememeber? ;=)

Grue wrote:
Robert Cameron wrote:

Yeah yeah yeah..... stop raising completely logical and well reasoned road blocks. The DM would most certainly try to throw all that (and more) my character's way. My DM is big on personal freedom but he's also big on consequences and karma.

It's more curiosity if there are consequences in this game or if you've considered them. Killing a adventuring comrade (or stealing from the party), is as a rule a Bad Idea even if your PC makes Blackbeard look like Saint Aquinas by comparison. If you go Fredo on the family there's an strong element this could be at least the beginning of the end for your PC (if not the campaign).

So....still a bit curious about your party's composition (Class\level\abilities).

Oh my would there be consequences! I was well aware of them and was most certainly taking them into consideration, but I just wanted to know what everyone thought about the idea as a whole independent of that. So far it's ranged from me being a ticking timebomb of psychotic rage to a possibility for a good time role playing. But calling me Fredo cut me deep.

Wow, who'd have thought that a Godfather reference could level me so?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Robert Cameron wrote:
Reebo Kesh wrote:
Awesome story about cool game I wish I could play in

That sounds like a good time!

But how does the Barb get away with being CG and remorselessly pushes a character off a cliff. That's pretty cold blooded right there.

Agreed, at that point the Barbarian/Rogue shifted to CE. As a DM I'm of the school of thought that the path to Good is a hard climb, the path to Evil is easy as a simple push...

All I'm saying if everyone's onboard and they'll remember the game with fond memories down the track then PC vs PC can be kinda cool.

Funny enough the same two players played a Barbarian (again) and a Wizard in another game where their PCs were constantly butting heads because the Wizard was reckless in combat and the Barbarian was a tactician. The party came close to dying because of the wizard several times. Finally the Barbarian had enough and yelled at the Wizard to stop being reckless, the Wizard yelled back to the Barbarian to stop telling him what to do. A fight started and the other PCs scrambled for cover. When the fireballs had stopped the Barbarian was dead.
The Wizard offered to pay for the Resurrection of the Barbarian and let bygones be bygones and the game continued.

Silver Crusade

Killing off the party for the reasons you have mentioned just sound lame. Sorry, but killing off party members is never cool. EVER. I would have the character suck it up, sulk about, may be even throw some sideways insults back at the group. If he is CE and intelligent, I am sure he could do something more elegant than killing off the group to get his revenge.

So the cleric turned around and threw a snide remark in the direction of your character, how is this guy not killing everyone who says something equally as harmless. If the cleric called him a "coward", and gave him a rough time about his main role, then I can envisage this guy having a long list of people he wants to kill.

I have never seen PvP end well. So good luck with it.

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