Druid Animal Companions and Skills


Do animals in the pathfinder world have some form for base skill set? I realise there is a section on what skills an animal companion receives, but what I mean is do they have a natural +10 for example to a skill or not? Otherwise it seems a little odd that they are so depowered when compared to their wild kin.

Also, if the druid is a medium creature, and the animal companion is medium, can the druid ride the animal companion?

No, they have no base skills. Animal Companions are sort of a different (excuse me) beast than actual animals.

Also, no, a mount must be at least one size larger than you to be properly ridden. That means waiting until level 4-7 for most things. Or being a gnome.

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:

No, they have no base skills. Animal Companions are sort of a different (excuse me) beast than actual animals.

Also, no, a mount must be at least one size larger than you to be properly ridden. That means waiting until level 4-7 for most things. Or being a gnome.

Thanks for the speedy reply, much appreciated.

In which case, how much would a collar of constant enlarge animal cost?

Jestem wrote:
In which case, how much would a collar of constant enlarge animal cost?

Unfortunately, there is no "enlarge animal" spell. There is "Animal Growth," but that has a bunch of other goodies attached and is a level 5 spell. If there was a hypothetical "enlarge animal" spell, that worked like "enlarge person," you would be looking at 4000gp by the custom magic item guidelines.

I probably wouldn't allow such an item so cheaply, though. It would fall into the category of things like the "ring of shield," where the custom magic item rules don't really work out. Seriously, you will probably just want to wait until the companion gets larger on its own.

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
Jestem wrote:
In which case, how much would a collar of constant enlarge animal cost?

Unfortunately, there is no "enlarge animal" spell. There is "Animal Growth," but that has a bunch of other goodies attached and is a level 5 spell. If there was a hypothetical "enlarge animal" spell, that worked like "enlarge person," you would be looking at 4000gp by the custom magic item guidelines.

I probably wouldn't allow such an item so cheaply, though. It would fall into the category of things like the "ring of shield," where the custom magic item rules don't really work out. Seriously, you will probably just want to wait until the companion gets larger on its own.

A bear becomes a medium animal at level 4 and therefore its as large as its ever going to get alas. Therefore would need an enlarge animal spell to ever be a mount.

Why didn't you say that it was for bear cavalry?!

Just make the bear medium to start out, then go to large later. This concept is objectively cool enough that any sane individual would approve it. You shouldn't need magical items to be awesome.

Cheapy wrote:

Why didn't you say that it was for bear cavalry?!

Just make the bear medium to start out, then go to large later. This concept is objectively cool enough that any sane individual would approve it. You shouldn't need magical items to be awesome.

I am the DM of the game, helping a player make the character. If the bear doesn't start as natural, which it doesn't, then no medium bear to start with

Well, why not just allow it then? The bear is already a pretty weak animal companion, from what I recall.

Cheapy wrote:
Well, why not just allow it then? The bear is already a pretty weak animal companion, from what I recall.

The bear as an AC is just sad. I'm looking at redoing it for one of my games. This is what I'm playing around with, currently:

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; Attack bite (1d8), AC +1 natural armor; 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2; Special Attacks grab.

Comparing to the large cat, we get the same natural AC and base damage. ...though no rake, pounce, and at higher levels a lower strength score. The bear's dex is lower, as is his wisdom, making the bear more likely to fail a will save.

The benefit here though, is he gets to be large eventually, and he's a little closer to being on-par. I did add the grab ability (normal bears have this anyway), and upped the base damage dice according to the new size.

Overall, this places them below the cat, but it makes them a little more worthwhile. Different DMs will want to adjust, though. :)

Shadow Lodge

Jestem wrote:

Do animals in the pathfinder world have some form for base skill set? I realise there is a section on what skills an animal companion receives, but what I mean is do they have a natural +10 for example to a skill or not? Otherwise it seems a little odd that they are so depowered when compared to their wild kin.

Also, if the druid is a medium creature, and the animal companion is medium, can the druid ride the animal companion?

The only rule in the core rules I've ever been able to find is that if a creature is not suited as a mount it takes a -5 penalty to ride it. (ride skill)

Now, the boards here, and I know specifically PFS, they've defined the need for mounts to be one size larger. However, unless someone else can discover in the rules where it says what size a mount has to be, RAW, your medium druid can ride a medium AC. It'd be a GM call to say whether the -5 would be suitable or not.

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Jestem wrote:

Do animals in the pathfinder world have some form for base skill set? I realise there is a section on what skills an animal companion receives, but what I mean is do they have a natural +10 for example to a skill or not? Otherwise it seems a little odd that they are so depowered when compared to their wild kin.

Also, if the druid is a medium creature, and the animal companion is medium, can the druid ride the animal companion?

The only rule in the core rules I've ever been able to find is that if a creature is not suited as a mount it takes a -5 penalty to ride it. (ride skill)

Now, the boards here, and I know specifically PFS, they've defined the need for mounts to be one size larger. However, unless someone else can discover in the rules where it says what size a mount has to be, RAW, your medium druid can ride a medium AC. It'd be a GM call to say whether the -5 would be suitable or not.

i have found the following.

Animal, Dog, Riding Dog

Source Adventurer's Armory

This Medium dog is bred for carrying Small riders. Breeders select dogs with strong backs, endurance, and a loyal disposition and train them for riding and combat before sale. Reputable breeders can be found in Absalom, Almas, and Katapesh.

Animal, Horse, Horse/Pony

Source Adventurer's Armory

This Large quadruped is used as a mount and pack animal. Horses can be trained for war but otherwise are skittish around battle. Cheliax and Qadira both produce top quality horses, though they can be purchased in any decent sized city in the Inner Sea.

A horse is suitable as a mount for a human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, or half-orc.
A pony is smaller than a horse and is a suitable mount for a gnome or halfling.
A combat-trained horse can be ridden into combat without danger.

See the Handle Animal skill for a list of tricks known by horses and ponies with war-training.

In all the cases above, it lists riding options as one size smaller then the creature itself. I found nothing on a quick skim that did not conform to this pattern.

I would postulate that, as PFS rules, you are not intended to be able to ride if it is not one size larger.

By jove, I've got it!

Take Horse Entry. Cross out Horse, replace with "Bear".

Replace Hooves with Claws.


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