Your random idea thread

Homebrew and House Rules

I get random ideas roll around the inside of my skull every once in a while and starting a new thread for every one of them is tireing. So i made this one instead. (and i hope it keeps going...

One of my random magic items: The Color Cube. About three inches square each of its six sides has a different color: red, orange, Yellow, green, blue and Indigo. Each side has nine movable pices. When found it will always be scrambled into a puzzle. If a charecter were to solve one side of the puzzle (i.e. The red) they would understand they could cast a ray that mimics the "red" color of a prismatic spray, but only red, and only one color can be activated before it scrambles again. You can solve two faces and get two rays of the approprate color.
How to solve: trying to get one face is only a DC 15 INT check
Two faces: DC 20
Three faces: DC 25
4, 5, 6 faces require a leap of logic DC 35, but in doing so you solve the whole thing.
Solving the whole puzzle lets you cast the spells 1/day each prismatic spray, prismatic wall, and prismatic sphere. After which all three spells are cast it scrambles itself again.

The Curse: after you solve it for the first time, every day at the same time that you solved it for the first time it will scramble itself (again if need be) and its owner [b]must[\b] solve it again before doing anything eles. Even combat is not as important to you as solving this cube. i.e. If you solved it at noon, you have to play with it at noon every day.
Once a week after you solve the cube for the first time the DC to solve goes down by 1.

I like this item because i am minor OCD and i

Ran out of room? Idk...
And i ... Like the rubiks cube...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can't you just take it apart, put it back together and "solve" it that way? ;-)

Adimantuim pices ;-)

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