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I definitely have a lot of wishes, but for now, I'm going with one simple wish.
Generally I like the Pathfinder art style. Sometimes it's a bit too cartooney and anime-like but I generally like it.
BUT do NOT - under ANY circumstances - make things like this possible. I'm not only talking about the big sword, but also about the lack of armour where it's supposed to be. Don't do that.
I like Fantasy, but Fantasy is best if inspired by history. That's a thing I've learned from LARP and Age of Conan. By the way I'd LOVE graphics and characters like in AoC in our PFO.

Starhammer |

There are a great many things I want from an MMO experience. First and foremost is a good control interface (http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz5fxw?The-Importance-of-the-Customizable-Contro l) because it doesn't matter how pretty the graphics are or how great the story is if the physical act of playing the game is cumbersome and unpleasant.
I want a game where I have as much control over my character as possible. If I must wear platemail because I have Full Plate equipped, that's fine, but I want an appearance editor that allows me to choose its style, colors, and accoutrements... preferably from choices I've unlocked through gameplay on this or another character (microtransactions are acceptable as an additional method of unlocking options, but never as a replacement for gameplay).
I want a wide visual range, from the heroic proportions of the characters in Spartacus: Blood and Sand or 300 to the gritty realistic mundanity of Season of the Witch, or most Bruce (Bruise) Willis movies. I don't need a dozen sliders for every facial detail, but I should have more options than DDO.
I would like a game world where "Good" and "Evil" even if discussed as such in the environment are a subjective experience, rather than hard coding anyone's morality into the game function. Rather than being focused on good guys vs. bad guys, I'd rather have a wide variety of factions and aligned factions, similar to the old Everquest system (not quite the same) where you are better liked by the people you help, and disliked by those you work against (though maybe respected by those you defeat often, potentially turning an enemy faction into an tentatively allied one if your heroism as an enemy is tempered by mercy rather than spiced with atrocity). I want the freedom to choose a wide range of actions with regard to different situations, but I want my actions to have consequences... I want my choices to actually matter, and not just in my forum fanfic, but to others in the world around me. The phasing system in CoH works pretty well for this, and if something like that were implemented from the beginning of a game instead of as a bolt on accessory, it could make a massive difference in the capability for dynamic storytelling.
I want (as I have heard is intended) a skill based advancement system. The class system never sat well with me, but GURPS was amazing (until the skill list reached critical overload). Classes are fine as a tool for people who don't want to deal with that many choices or that level of detail. I'm not one to insist others play the way I want to, just so long as I'm not forced to play the way they want to.
I want a system that allows players to create and use player generated content, whether it be dungeons, social events, overland adventures, crafting tutorials, or whatever. I'd like to see them implemented in a more organic way than forcing everyone to go to some artificial PGC hub though (like CoH's Mission Architect system). Use some sort of phasing technology instead perhaps. Give players the ability to choose to keep a completed PGC event as a permanent overlay in their environment if they liked it enough.
I would like to see an MMO where all but the simplest gear is player crafted. The cheap stuff should be sufficient to get you through basic play, but if you really want to shine you should have to craft your own gear or buy it from someone else. I could see certain items being an exception to this, such as loot on an important NPC or a magical artifact in a dragon's horde, but these items (or their NPC bearers) should be fairly unique, and not part of a standardized stepping stone on everyone's path to minimum acceptable gearscore. In fact, it would be great if upon slaying/robbing the head of the town guard, I found that he was equipped with a significant amount of player crafted gear. (Player sells a bunch of crafted swords to an NPC, and the game keeps track of the NPC redistributing them throughout the game world)
In a related matter, I would like to see a fixed amount of money and resources in the game. Rather than having money generated by repeatable content (much like the way our own government just prints more of it to give to itself), have treasuries maintain a dynamic quantity. If more precious metal coinage must be introduced, require that it first be mined, processed, and minted from mines with static quantities available, requiring time, effort, and organization to properly extract. If all of this is too complicated to bother with, then eliminate transferable wealth altogether and implement something similar to D20 Modern's Wealth score, representing a combination of cash, barter, credit, influence, and haggling aptitude. This at least has an added benefit of being difficult (impossible if correctly implemented) to farm out to RMT dealers.
I would also like to see context sensitive interaction nodes. For most people, a rock wall is just a rock wall and a static part of the terrain, but for a skilled miner it may show signs of being harvestable for resources. Allow sufficient skill levels to make various objects display one or more additional functions. The same may be true of having access to certain objects. You run across a wooden bridge to escape a group of orcs in pursuit, and if you happen to have an accelerant and firestarting gear, you get a glowie you can click on to set fire to the bridge and slow them down.
Customizable magic systems are another thing I'm a huge fan of. I never cared much for Vancian magic, but a spell learning and creation system similar to what was offered in The Elder Scrolls games would be excellent.
I'm sure there's at least dozens of ideas I'm forgetting to mention, but it's time to log off and got play some games instead of just talking about them...

Kobold Catgirl |

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Oh, and I want to be able to deal nonlethal damage. :D
With death being as minor as it is, I generally can't imagine any system in which nonlethal damage is not more inconvinient for the victim then lethal damage short of a few where it can be abused for good purposes. What purpose are you envisioning it serving?
Option 1. To render someone unconcious and allow you to move them out of contested area.
Flaws: Harrasing someone to prevent them from acting, Death would send them back to their home area where they are safe, but unconcious would render them unable to move or act for as long as the attacker wants, also if the attacker moves the unconcious body, they could set it somewhere it is going to die while tricking the game into thinking they didn't kill him, if there were any reason that killing would be considered bad.
Option 2. Works as killing (victim teleports back home) except without item loss
Flaws: Well the only real purpose of this one would be free teleportation, IE you harvest goods, have your friend knock you out when your pockets are full, no fear of ambushes on your free trip home.
If there is a seperate goal other than those, I would like to hear it, but in general every nonlethal arguement I have seen, is either hugely abusable, or results in something that is worse for the receiver then actually dying, especially if the non-lethally dispatched person isn't carying anything.

Kobold Catgirl |

I'm tired of saying "okay, guess you're right". I'm going to actually try and see if I can make this work....
It could be made possible only in certain areas. Something like a tavern brawling system. Being knocked unconscious would simply place you outside the tavern/fighting area.
Maybe there'd be 'Goblin Taverns', where fighting is constant, or maybe there'd be certain times each day where some taverns allow nonlethal violence, or maybe the areas would have no purpose except the fighting.
Alternatively, it could be completely ineffectual, but that'd probably just be a waste of time.

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Option 2. Works as killing (victim teleports back home) except without item loss
Flaws: Well the only real purpose of this one would be free teleportation, IE you harvest goods, have your friend knock you out when your pockets are full, no fear of ambushes on your free trip home.
Oh, cool - didn't think of that one. So if a settlement is attacked, the people that are soul-bound to respawn there can drop whatever loot they have (or trade it to a mule), get killed, and sha-zaam! they could appear in the contested town faster than using fast travel. With all equipped items.
Well, it's a potential flaw, but not with non-lethal damage. It does assume respawn points in player settlements.

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I'm tired of saying "okay, guess you're right". I'm going to actually try and see if I can make this work....
It could be made possible only in certain areas. Something like a tavern brawling system. Being knocked unconscious would simply place you outside the tavern/fighting area.
Maybe there'd be 'Goblin Taverns', where fighting is constant, or maybe there'd be certain times each day where some taverns allow nonlethal violence, or maybe the areas would have no purpose except the fighting.
Alternatively, it could be completely ineffectual, but that'd probably just be a waste of time.
Yeah the idea of arenas/tavern brawls I have absolutely nothing against, most every non-lethal damage idea I've seen were more of people wanting a "good" equivelent of killing and pretty much every form of them results in something that inconviniences the victim as bad or worse then actual killings do.
Well, it's a potential flaw, but not with non-lethal damage. It does assume respawn points in player settlements.
well short of cargo transfer I don't particularly see a problem with such a travel idea. Personally I think that the defenders should have the advantage of easilly to assemble forces. Really though if the attacking system is more based on the previous ideas that have been suggested (IE hiring seige weaponry to attack grants defenders 24 hours notice) it mostly negates this issue anyway.

gpfirefly |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Properly scaled world:
Doors are not 10 times the size of the char. No hallways that a plane could fly through. Towns actually have small alley ways. Enter an area for the vertically challenged inhabitants and the char needs to crouch or crawl. Caves with hard to pass areas.
Make cities and buildings and natural wonders to proper scale for its inhabitants. Have it effect combat. Maybe a taller character can not pass with out a spell or potion. Sure there are some oversized buildings, but like in the real world they are only oversized for very specific reasons, like monuments, large gathering locations or to impose a sense of power and dominance.
Create real looking towns:
Create real multi level towns. Buildings have balconies and roofs that can be climbed up to and on. Small alley ways. Normal sized streets. Climbing can be a skill then. Jumping from balcony to balcony. Shops open and close. Make the town have a realistic population level. Maybe housing is instanced but maybe there are 20 different choices around the town that I can choose from.

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Doors are not 10 times the size of the char. No hallways that a plane could fly through.
I agree with the sentiment, but I believe there are technical reasons which make this very difficult. One of the big problems with EQ2 was narrow hallways where mobs kept getting stuck. I don't know if PFO will be able to solve those kinds of problems without just using the simple solution of making the hallways bigger.

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Doors are not 10 times the size of the char. No hallways that a plane could fly through.
This is actually a human-factors issue, not an artistic one. If you make the spaces "correctly sized" a lot of people will experience massive frustration trying to move around. Its just not possible to correctly estimate distance and orientation for game avatars and you'll be constantly bumping into the doorways, or bouncing off hallway walls.

Memmorath |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I suppose I would wish for many different things, but one wish is beyond all others, make Pathfinder Online a true mmoRPg, with the emphasis on the RP. Enforce RP and one way or the other, make the players subject to it. If they want to go and play action mmos they can go play other games.
The world of Pathfinder is meant to be roleplayed, and if everyone there would be an roleplayer, the experience would be so much better. If there are people who don't want to roleplay, then they could go elsewhere, like World of Warcraft, where the only aim seems to be to get the best gear as fast as possible and world first kills.
Make the game a dream come true for roleplayers, and enforce RP. There is not a one game out there, with emphasis on the roleplaying community. You could be the first ones.

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Wish List -
That PFO will have the complexity and depth that MMOs have forsaken. I'm tired of devs catering to the lowest common denominator to sell more games.
Someone mentioned this on page 1, but I want to reiterate - remember the thief character - not the high damage "thief" of the modern MMO, but the sneaky purse snatching kind. It would be ideal if they could fill roles like disarming traps, picking locked chests AND PICKING POCKETS! Maybe I can't rob them blind, but let me try and pickpocket a few gold coins off my fellow players! Let them try to cut my head off if I get caught, but bring back the thief!
That PFO actually gets released (R.I.P. Dominus).

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Wish List:
1- The ability to create and sell player generated content. Take a page from Neverwinter Nights 2 Electron Toolset and Apple's App store. Approved player created adventure modules that both Goblinworks and the creator can profit from.
2- Transparency of information and game data. Offer an API so third-parties can develop tools and game enhancements. I'm convinced that part of WoW's success was the ability of the community to develop useful in-game add-ons, and in many cases some of these add-ons being later incorporated into the core game. Again, offer these things through an approved application marketplace.
3- Open Source. I would love to hear that this game would have a native Linux client, but I also know that is not realistic. What would be cool is a project being open so other interested parties could work on things like Wine compatibility.

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2- Transparency of information and game data. Offer an API so third-parties can develop tools and game enhancements. I'm convinced that part of WoW's success was the ability of the community to develop useful in-game add-ons, and in many cases some of these add-ons being later incorporated into the core game. Again, offer these things through an approved application marketplace.
Specifically awesome!

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Blaeringr wrote:Stealth. Insta kill spells. I know there's a whole choir of people who don't like the second one, so if you feel a special urge to smite me with your holy opinion on the matter, don't. Just count to 10 and get over it.
10PS - Everyone knows there are 10 kinds of people in the world, right? Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

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I would like items made by crafting to be unique / random.
Materials used would have ratings, be it F/E/D/C/B/A/A+ or a %.
Materials could also have attributes. Lets say you want to build a short bow, you could use ash or you could use another wood. the wood used impacts range/damage/weight.
The formula for the final item is based on quality of mats used, your crafting skill and randomness.
Each item that is made should be tagged as 'crafted by x'.

Morbridae |

I didn't read all the previous posts. Sorry if I post something already posted (probably will!).
1.- I wish to be able to create chars with exactly the same abilities as the ones I already have. The MMORPG should use the same system as the RPG, and all the classes, races, feats, etc should be there (at least, the core ones).
2.- I wish to be able to change freely my char's look and feel. One option is that I can select the way it looks, no matter which armor I am currently wearing (I can check for each armor piece if it will overlap my current looks or not). Other option (I prefer this one!) is that I can freely mix armor pieces (heavy gauntlets, leather boots, and so on), without a unnatural penalty (nothing about set bonuses!) so that I can select the way I look and the bonus I get. And what about selecting my armor colors? Should be awesome to be able to do all this! :D
3.- I wish to be able to change the game world. As a software developer, I know this is nothing short of impossible, but hey, you guys do miracles! :D I wish to be able to build castles and dungeons (not as a change that comes with some expansion, but really in-game!), make in-game tutorials, and so on. Also you can add some Gold-membership DM-related-content, so that some people can design and create instanced zones: I could play my dice and paper sessions using the online version, even if we don't get XP!
4.- I wish to be able to be known as an adventurer. If I finish some extra quest, or if I am the highest char in a particular class, will be a good idea to reach the NPC status. Imagine this: (1) the best rogues in game can write a rogue tutorial or something like that, and every hour or so the Rogue NPC name, appearance and text will change from one character to another. (2) the most powerful mages will write the how-to guide to get the Ice Giant blood for some quest or craft, so that new players can truly and easily benefit from their knowledge. The players can even vote for the best tutorial, so that it will be prominently showed up, and the writers can get some bonus from each tutorial or each vote. Char or clan or faction reputation also can help.
5.- I wish to be able to easily customize my magic items. Besides appearence, let me change (lightly?) their properties (so that I can add an extra +1, or another ability. The strongest the new bonus, the hardest to do it, obviously). Spahrep's idea about unique or random items is nice too!
6.- I wish to be able to "die" without further penalties. Losing XP for each death is a pain in the ***, and losing equipment is worse. Since you are doing an online game, these are some items you should manage.
7.- I wish to be able to switch on/off my PvP status. I know this is unrealistic, but nothing worse that to be in a remote place, leveling or questing after a long travel, and that some powerful character kills you because he is in the mood to. One thing is to fight at an arena, or at wars or sieges, and another is to be worried about every toon that appears at your working zone.
8.- I wish to have some realistic jobs. Not only jobs that gets extra drops (stone-worker, wood-cutter, leather-worker) or jobs that craft items, but also jobs that change the economy of the world (gem-cutter, coin-maker, items-seller (yeah! as a job!), cargo-transferer).
9.- I wish to find some crappy dungeons that are a nightmare to walk by. Dungeons made by dwarves for dwarves, so that taller races must crawl by. Underwater dungeons that only with some items, spells or races (aquatic elfs?) can be visited. Destroyed walls that needs somebody with the stone-worker or miner jobs (not just any dwarf) to be able to traverse. Instances where only stealthy characters can walk, slowly, or the sleeping dragon will detect them.
10.- I wish to enjoy the differences between classes. I don't want the Rogue to be only another DPS, but to put its skills to a good use, sneaking into some places or robbing some items (even from PCs stores!!!). And don't make us to be allways in a well balanced party: make some areas where only clerics of a certain faith or fellows with some minimum skill value are required (see "stealthy chars" in my previous wish, or think about a trap-filled dungeon).
11.- I wish to play anything I want (inside the rules, allways). Don't make some factions or nations that make impossible for me to play some race or class if I want to play alongside my pals. If you are going to create factions or nations or realms, let me create any char and THEN select the faction I belong to.
12.- I wish to be able to evolve my char. What if a Vampire bites me? What if I fight in a great war and won some reputation, or a military command level? Think about templates or achievements HARDLY won. Something that not every one is able to get easily. You can even make some hard to get to some classes, and easy to some others, so that you can suggest a growth path, but I can choose to swim against the river and become something particulary weird.
13.- I wish to play a MMORPG where all classes can wield two weapons, or diferent types of weapons. In MMORPGs normally you are stuck at a class weapon (rogues are daggers, AoE warriors use poles, mages use staves). Let me play a wizard that uses two daggers (even if that gives me crapy melee bonuses) without changing my casting powers. Let me use a one handed weapon alone or with a shield, another weapon, and so on. And let me learn to use my weapon of choice over the ones I don't use. In paper and dice I can choose which weapon to use, and live with the bonuses or penalties it gives to me.
14.- I wish to be able to play solo and in a party. Is ok that I can't kill the greatests dragon on my own, but I hate that at lvl 20 I will not be able to play alone, and that I can't play if none of my pals shows up. Let me do some quests, instances or grinding at that level.
15.- I wish to play a game with a realist touch. This applies to look and feel (no toon looks, please, on chars or buildings!) and also to game content (dwarves speaks dwarven, so all dwarven understand between themselves, but only elven-speaker dwarves can understand elven characters of NPCs, for example. This is a stretchy example, since there is Common, but we can find some demons or externals that no all characters can understand, and that can stop us to do some quest unless we learn the language, or have some spells, or another character translates it for us).
You will note that I am a fan of being able to personalize my char. I don't want two mages of the same race and roughly of the same level to be clones, using the same armor and weapon. I want that if me and a pal play the same class, people should be able to difference both using our looks and playstile, not just the floating name over our heads.
And, finally, I wish to have a MMORPG that is trully an RPG. Make us role play more than just kill endless monsters. Is that possible?

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Nihimon wrote:Everyone knows there are 10 kinds of people in the world, right? Those that understand binary, and those that don't.There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those that understand binary, those that don't, and those that know ternary. :D
If only you and dead people understood hexadecimal, how many people understand hexadecimal?

Morbridae |

Hey, I forgot one thing! :D
Please, make the MMORPG fully, truly free. Charge us for some items, some quests, some missions, some abilities like the DM world building one... But don't charge a monthly fee, don't limit the play in a way that if I don't pay, I will not enjoy it. All the MMORPG are going to free, or to a one-time payment mode.
I was playing a game in which at lvl 1 you have 10 free quests and 1 that requires payment, and then at lvl 15 you have 1 free quest and 10 that you have to pay for... So I stoped playing.

Morbridae |

Morbridae wrote:Nihimon wrote:Everyone knows there are 10 kinds of people in the world, right? Those that understand binary, and those that don't.There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those that understand binary, those that don't, and those that know ternary. :D
If only you and dead people understood hexadecimal, how many people understand hexadecimal?
** spoiler omitted **
But we should stop posting these things here, or they will ban us. XD

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All I'm asking for is to be able to build the same character in Pathfinder Online that I can build in Pathfinder tabletop. I want feats. I want racial traits. I want class features. I want multiclassing. I want my lvl 1 fighter with 12 dex and full plate armor and a heavy steel shield to have an AC of 22. I want str and 1/2 applied to my two-hand weapon damage. I want to be able to intimidate the orc captain, as well as the shopkeeper who has been selling cursed goods to the unwary.It's easy to implement (I think), but will fundamentally shape the game experience.

Anderlorn |

Here are the following MMOs and Games I play:
1) LOTRO - I like the PvP (R11 Warg Stalker), crafting, and Raids like the Tower of Orthanc, Draigoch, Ost Dunhoth, and the Rift. There are others but these are my favorites. I dislike when there are too many cheats, handicaps, so that the AI can easily beat the party and Barad Guldur and the Vile Maw were probably the most notorious ones. I rather see strong AI. Actually, I would like to see someone behind the boss but we know that is not possible unless players can control them.
Perhaps that is an idea, player controlled baddies and goodies? Maybe for more intelligent creatures. Good player vs a player controlled Red Dragon, and evil players versus an upper CR Celestial or something like that since PFO(?) is a sandbox MMO.
2) SWTOR - Really the only good thing about SWTOR is solo immersion. The PvP and group play is unfortunately worse than LOTRO. Nothing beats NPC voice and animation during the main quest line and off shoots.
3) DDO - Off and On for the last six years. Personally, I think it has the best player control. Although, adding strafing keys Q and E would make it better. If you react fast enough in DDO, there is a good chance the computer player will miss you while this is not the case in LOTRO. A group of us plays every Sunday and we are thinking about going back to DDO because LOTRO group questing is morphing into something worse than we suggested.
4) Fallout New Vegas with all Downloadable Content (DLC) Modules, and
player created Modules. It is my escape from MMOs continuous monotony and you can not kills things with one shot often enough. The latest great mod from the community is the XRE Vertibird. FINALLY, someone creates a vehicle and unfortunately it is not the developers! Shame ... shame
5) Never Winter Nights 2 with the Kaedrin Hak Pack.
I guess this means that the developers never program enough int?
Games I am monitoring:
1) Of course, Pathfinder Online.
2) Shadowrun Online
3) Fallout Genre Online - Project v13 (Interplay), Fallout Online (Fully owned by Bethesda now), and if Wasteland will have a multi-player element.
As for GW2, I could care less. I do not play the "You pay first, then you get a guaranteed Beta Test seat" game. I want to beta test a game before I commit.

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1: Artistically Beautiful World
GW2 does this in amazing detail in certain areas, in others not so much while keeping the ability to run on a huge range of systems.
2: Weather
Winds, Heavy Winds, Dust Storms, Lightning, Rain, Heavy Rain, Storms, Cyclones, Blue Skies, Blizzards, Calm Days, Cloudy Days, Drizzles, Clear Nights, Dark Nights, Cloudy Nights, Fog, Mists, Heavy Thunderstorms, Howling Winds, Humidity, Icestorms, Midnight Sun, Snow Showers, Wind Storms.
Weather has a under used quality in the worlds in video games and can open up absolutely incredible amount of immersion if used, biggest reason it isn't used enough is financial resources and hardware requirements.
3: Layered Clothing
I want the ability to be able to layer my clothing on my characters, the ability to make my character look unique in a game world that follows DnD principles can not be understated.
4: Clothing Creation System
I want the ability while creating armor, clothing, wearables in the world to be able to change them more then simply dying them. I want to be able to give them patterns, remove or add parts from other armors to them and make them unique so that while out in the world players can appreciate what they are wearing instead of going "oh I've got fell plate +1 armor with XXX of Epics".
5: Barbers
Yeah that's right don't make hairstyles, beards, etc on a characters face item shop re-customization based. Give us something so simple as this can make a lot of players (specially RPers) happy as hell.
6: Night and Day MATTER!
We have all seen it done in certain mmorpgs but night time needs to be feared and in a DnD verse it should be feared, in pathfinder it should be a sense of absolute terror to be in the depths of a forest alone or otherwise at night.
Certain monsters should come out only at night, certain monsters should only come out in the day but the night is to be feared! And in saying that...
7: Realistic Lighting System
If I go down into a dark catacomb, unless it's got it's own light sources I should have to bring torches. This also helps improve the immersion of pvp and lets us use light spells.
It also adds a ambiance to the world like weather that improves peoples immersion (I say immersion a lot but it helps keep mmo players coming back to play games and keep them subscribed).
8: Don't Make Block or Dodge Range Number Generated, Give Players that Control!
I don't need to say anything on that one.
9: Monster Arenas & Player Arenas
Player Arenas are PvP Based, Something Simple in the Rome Style Fashion.
Monster Arenas give players a reason to go out into the world in search of incredible dangerous pray other then to slay it! Battle it down, stun it, build a cage around it (or bring a prepared one) and drag it back to town for sacks of coin and the chance of others to prove their worth in front of a crowd ^_^
10: Repairs
Make repairs both NPC based and Player based.
FFXIV does this where players can repair something to 100% if they have the item (dark matter, used to be actual items) but NPC based repairs can only go to 99%. In order to pass items onto other players you have to have a item at 100% repair otherwise you can't pass it on if it's tradeable.
Thus you have a reason to seek out craftsmen if you want to sell something you've previously used.
11: My Personal Dungeon
Yeah that's right if I get evil enough and decide to build a fort, I don't want a fort! I want a massive tower or a underground labyrinth from which to lure my pray into in order to destroy them, they can loot my corpse and take my stuff after I'm dead but they have to get to me first!
This also ties back into the monster capture system with the arenas, who doesn't want to sell extremely violent, overly dangerous monsters to a prince of darkness or crazy mage hellbent on wickedness.
The idea behind this craziness is the ability to create dungeon modules and hold onto areas with valuable resources without the need for a large group to defend or hold onto that area but also to give a player created raid concept to the world.
Layout inside the dungeon, monster located herein, traps, everything designed by the player (or players). It seems like a mad feat for one person to pull off alone but a highly skilled player could craft these absolutely brilliant pieces of content.
Imagine it, going into a player created dungeon, fighting your way through it and finally defeating someone at the end (or them escaping! leaving you cursing the moons) and not only getting excellent content but also you acquire a building which you can re-purposes by taking it's resources and building you own structure in it's place.
12: Player Shops, Forges, Farms, Workshops, Etc
Give them to us, not the korean way, the way it should be where we actually have a structure that we build (in player cities) or purchase (in placed cities) so that we can craft and sell our wares.
I accept the bazaar system and many will because you get those pack merchants who will take something from somewhere else and sell it in other locations.
13: No unified Auction House
If we are aiming for a player driven economy we need to have reasons to venture to other places and caravan items from x to y to z. Sure there will always be that central location in video games that everyone migrates to in order to get things but with player controlled structures like forts, towers and the like you need for them to have resources shipped to them.
If you are sieging a structure that can easily repair itself by mailing the resources from the other side of the map to your inventory or stockpiles then don't even bother with player controlled structure based pvp it just will not work.
14: Seasons
Give us seasons, like night and day suggestion early this allows for more immersion plus the ability to change up monsters based on even more factors adding to the uniqueness of the world.
15: Underwater Systems
Has to be done, simply to many monsters in the codex that are water based not to go for something like GW2 has done where 3D combat is viable.
16: Environmental Consequences
Playing into weather previously suggested, things like snow storms, sand storms, lighting storms, cyclones, etc should have a impact on modifiers (at least) to combat.
Things like traversal of the world can just be animation based, where in heavy winds or a dust storm a character might shield his face or look like he/she is struggle with the force of the situation.
17: Encumberance should exist
Encumberance might not sound like a smart idea in gaming but it's always existed in DnD and it should exist here in the pathfinder online game.
I don't mind coin not having weight but items other then it should.
We shouldn't be able to lug 10 tons of ore from x to y to z.
18: Smuggling
We all know blackmarkets exist in pathfinder, lets make them happen in pathfinder online, who doesn't love allnight :P
19: Holy Trinity Limited
It's DnD, It's Pathfinder and all the archetypes in the genre were created by our beloved parent. But in saying that we should find a system that isn't reliant on healers or tanks.
Encounters should be open ended in that you don't need a set structure in order to tackle them (sure it can work for some of the content but playing whack a mole isn't fun), just good players.
20: I shouldn't have a kill everything in a dungeon!
Dungeons should not be built around the idea of monsters, they should be built around the idea of adventure and the unknown. Say I randomly stumbled across a dungeon, an ancient ruin in the middle of a forest, it's entrance had been blocked for god knows how long and I open it with my group and venture inside.
It's fulled with death traps, not a monster in sight! Instead of fighting our way through the dungeon we know how to THINK! our way through the dungeon because since our party doesn't follow the trinity we don't have a healer and we have a rogue/thief with limited trap skills so he can't detect the most dangerous traps.
We use a deduction of logic to work our way through the death maze to the prizes which wait within it's depths! (and maybe cannon fodder decided through rock, paper, scissors...).
21: What is a Name! Is that my Brand!
The ability to nickname/brand our weapons, armors, wares, brewed concoctions and all the goodies crafted by yours and yours truly. Everyone loves to be acknowledge for their efforts in downing a raid boss, why not give crafters love by letting people acknowledge their items!
22: Allow Pickpocketing
It seems like a counter-productive idea to let players steal coin from other players (specially because of gold farmers) but it makes sense to have in pathfinder because of thieves.
To stop gold farmers just add a mechanic into the game where if you steal to much npc members of thieves guilds come after you for hunting on their turfs.
Defeat them and they send assassins after you, defeat the assassins and they put a player based bounty on your head for everyone to hunt you down!
23: Shrouded Stealth, Not Invisible
If you have stealth in the game it should appear like previous DnD games where players are shrouded when they stealth instead of being completely invisible like the current norm.
24: I proper Death Penalty
Bring back the fear of death! Too hades with convenience, let us make death something that players try to avoid to the best of their abilities and not something they shrug their shoulders at!
25: Graphics
Don't follow Star Wars: The Old Republic, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online or any cartoony (so called stylized) graphic styles for the love of zeus!
The style established in the manuals can be adapted into a fantastic looking video game, use it in all it's glory so that we can fear our monsters, immerse ourselves in the world and enjoy the universe we all enjoy playing in.
26: Guilds
Like how things were done in the middle ages with color distinction between countries military forces allow us to visualize the cloth based pieces of our armors (specially for pvp reasons).
Nothing is worst then bring in a massive battle and not being able to tell friend from foe in the thick of battle, more so in melee combat instead of ranged because most ranged players migrate towards "AOE AOE AOE, KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!" mentality.
27: x4, x6, x8, x12 multi-threaded cpu support
Make use of technology, most gamers will upgrade if they really want to play the game because they are excited about it, make x4 aka quad cores the standard for the game as it opens up a lot of leg room.
28: 4GB of Ram Minimum
Yeah you heard it and you know damn well why!
29: Cross Spell, Cross Environment Interaction
Fire + Oil = Fun
Water + Ice Spell = Fun
Needles + Tornado = Great Tool of Lethal Fun
Make things work together and make the depth of possibilities awesome.
30: 1+, 2+, 3+, Enchants, Etc Matter
+ Items should always been something of a rarity, a badge that says "damn I wish I had a high quality item".
Things like enchants for fire, ice, etc, etc should matter in encounters with monsters. I flame sword should be useless against a fire elemental but a flame shield should be infinitely useful!
Thinking I'll end my randomness their today

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Paid Subscription to have a module building or Instance System
I want to be able to create a series of adventures or a module through a back end tool system where I can build an adventure.
If the reward system and payouts are tied to what ever you plan on using as a CR system then it shouldn't be very easy to subvert the adventure for profit.
It would be great to post these mini player quests as either in game jobs that my character can advertise or posting on the tavern jobs board/bard performance. (Aka - I just envision a bard NPC singing about noble or heroic quests to the audience and the players in the tavern selecting the ones that pique their interest)
There should be some sort of payoff if you can post the quest to other players and they succeed. This pay off could be as easy as giving a title to the player and having that Title advance as the quests get successfully completed.
The tool could start off fairly rudimentary but over time to have the ability to actually stock dungeons and place traps would be amazing. Having the Dungeon spit back the stats to your tool system so you could make improvements on the next quest would be really helpful.
I am not suggesting a full software level editor more of a web interface to choose a pre-existing layout and then stock the instances with monsters, traps, loot + hooks to a part II module?
- Side note: If it was possible that this paid subscription gave me a second character that resembled the old cartoon D&D master as a player that could wander around to give out the first part of a quest that would be amazing. No level advancement, no powers just a cool old dude with some evil problems that need to be solved.

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Paid Subscription to have a module building or Instance System
I want to be able to create a series of adventures or a module through a back end tool system where I can build an adventure.
If the reward system and payouts are tied to what ever you plan on using as a CR system then it shouldn't be very easy to subvert the adventure for profit.
I do hope they manage to do this, as GW has already mentioned that they like the idea and are looking into it in one of their blogs. Personally one thing I think is no matter what, modules are difficult to imposible to generate rewards fairly for. Comparing modules to dungeons.
1. Go to module hub
2. shout out LFG Module X
3. Form your group, run the dungeon of which you or someone else in your group has probably run before so all hazards etc... are currently known (If for some reason no-one knows the risks, google a walkthrough)
take your earnings to the bank
1. Wander dangerous wilderness looking for dungeon, where you are subject to attacks by players, wandering monsters and other hazards.
2. Find your dungeon and travel back to town through dangers again, and gather your group
3. Trek with group back through wilderness, through dangers of attacks by players and monsters
4. Clear the dungeon of which is randomly generated and you have no idea what lies where.
5. Trek back and forth between dungeon and town to unload your earnings be aware of player and monster ambushes that may take your earnings.
If you notice, the risk factor in the dungeon is about 10x greater. If not even more considering that the dungeons risk is completely unpredictable, where a scripted module, is well scripted... you can know exactly what you face before you open the door, you have no PVP risk and you know exactly what the NPC risk is going to be.
My opinion of a solution, GM created modules could have faction rep, and could also be designed as objectives for random quests, but not actually be something that earns any kind of income, unless that income is capped (IE you only get X quests a day that involve modules). Actual item drops loot etc... can't be steadilly earned unless they are so small compared to a random dungeon they aren't even noticable.
As far as player modules, the same issue applies doubly. There is no fair math on CR to loot ratio. When I make a dungeon in pen and paper pathfinder, If you give me the same 30 enemies, laid out one way, I could make a dungeon that a level 3 party would breeze through, layed out a different way, I could probably TPK a level 6 party, and if the tools are designed in a way that you don't have that grade of freedom. Well what's the point of constructing it at all if your creativity does not effect difficulty. If every machine is only equal to the sum of their parts, then what makes one engineer better than another.
I think for player modules the rewards could be done easilly, the player modules could be owned by chartered companies or individuals, the rewards could be reputation with the company, them set as a test for admission, or a player trying to make a great challange dungeon, could put an item as a prize. (Maybe the devs could run monthly contests for the most popular player modules etc...)
Also for anyone who thinks "If there isn't a major reward for the players spawned by the GMs no one will ever do it". To those people I suggest they look up red vs blue in eve. Basically it was a player created event, in which top end players donated prizes out of their own pockets, to run a fun event, it was a huge hit.

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Ever played Star Wars Galaxies (pre-Combat Update)? That had a few systems that encouraged a lot of player interaction, including a fatigue system like what you're describing... it was called Battle Fatigue, and it could only be cured by watching/listening to a performing Entertainer, which was a player class. In return, Entertainers could only improve by getting Mental Healing Exp, which was only earned when they healed a watcher's Battle Fatigue. That kept the cantinas busy at all hours of the day.
Just thought I'd have a search in the forums to see if anyone had mentioned this mechanic and here it is.
Pre-CU SWG cantinas are a living example of a very small feature which brings so much to a city that it's ridiculous that it hasn't been used again and again.
Direct message to Ryan and the guys: Implement a stamina feature similar to that of SWG (believe there is a similar system is in Tera too, however you replenish using deployable camp fires O.O) in which musicians, entertainers or jesters can congregate in taverns and theaters and offer replenishment of stamina, wounds and healing, as well as lasting buffs.
Cantinas/Taverns used as social 'nests' in which players can rest, socialise, train eachother and heal up bring so much energy and versatility to game communities; anyone who has come from SWG will confirm that they're magical.
Transferring these ideas to the Pathfinder setting, players could build troupes of entertainers in traveling bands, picking up tips and payment for aiding and entertaining wounded or weary travelers on their journey or before/after an adventure. Players could establish small scale carnivals close to large static dungeons, hire a mercenary guard and use the area similarly to aid others for payment.
Implement entertainer skills & buffs from SWG, a replenish-able stamina system, step back in awe; your work is done.

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Just doing an up in this thread, that I just found, and read some of it, as I think many ideas in here are really very good and some players may have missed it.
Good job. Specially since Ryan said it would be required reading for devs. I think, haven't checked, Nihimon got it on his recommended reading list.
@Being May Lamashtu curse you. :)
Seriously tho, there is some good stuff in here.

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My Wish List:
1 - Playing a rogue / thief is fun, perhaps they could be able to steal certain things from vendors with enough skill under the right conditions?
2 - Underwater content - much fun.
3 - Solo content - at times I don't want to deal with real people - let me get experience without grouping up.
4 - Organizations - make it mean something to belong to an organization. If you act out of character, you get questioned by the council or exiled for a period of time.
5 - Shipbuilding / sea travel: Can you imagine how cool it would be to spend time gathering materials to build a ship and eventually sail it across a river or bay? Even better - let a char call the ship his / her home and place housing objects in it. Harbors, paying for slips, hauling goods, etc...
6 - Let us place crafting facilities in our housing - or place a certain type of crafting shed behind our main house in the yard. Very cool.
1 - I would LOVE to see this implemented. Nostalgia kicked in, regarding UO. I had a pure thief character that was able to 'snoop' either vendor or players packs and then steal an item (undetected for a moment) if his skill was high enough.
2 - Underwater would be fun if they can do it right. I like the way GW2 managed to make it viable...
3 - Solo content will be there I'm sure, like tackling dungeons ALONE! XD
4 - That would be awesome to allow settlement/company owners to be given the power to do so, and even NPC ran equivalents. For instance if you're part of an neutral good NPC druid grove and 'word gets around' that you've been killing bunnies for fun they'd put you under some kinda test or trial.
5 - YES! Again, referencing UO...ship travel was so much fun with my friends and guild. Granted there were semi-random encounters with sea monsters, and finding hidden treasures protected by ridiculously hard monster spawns. Being able to make your own ship would be amazing, but I'd imagine it being difficult to implement from a development stand point.
6 - Sorry, but UO did it best IMO. Player housing with being able to place forges and the like into your property and then have an NPC vendor on the spot to sell it for you, is the formula for AWESOME in a crafter/merchant perspective =D

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RE: My Personal Dungeon
If I want to kill paladins, I want to do it right.
With an illusion of a mummy holding a obsidian short sword in 2 hands above an unconscious thinly dressed damsel, on a altar.
Directly in front of a hidden 20' pit trap with 10' of water, Magnetized Ore at the bottom, and a Large Water Elemental. And an obscuring mist when the trap triggers.
"You see the Paladin charge forward and suddenly fall into the floor. Suddenly there is an Obscuring Mist blocking sight, and you immediately hear a nearby splash where the paladin disappeared."
Death by swirly.

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You know, tournaments that involve both PCs and NPCs could be fun, especially if the 'champion' is a strong NPC for the character's level.
Visual properties that make sense. In NWN a dragon disciple got... little tiny wings. What the heck?
Fighting NPCs too? very cool idea, I like it!

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I want there to be unique items in the world that aren't necessarily artifact-level power. Meaning, there is only one "Sword of Goodwill" and when I find it my character is the only one who has such a thing.
That is a very, very, nice idea.
The same way I want to see something like: When we kill that orc tribe leader named "Orgrush" the next orc leader is named differently. Or that NPC king that was killed by evil player bandits, wich name was "Thorgal the Wise" be succeded by "Thorgal II the Merciless".
That would add A LOT to immersion!