Length of Black Fang's Dungeon Adventure?

Beginner Box

Dark Archive

New PF GM here... experimenting with moving my LFR group over to PF. Wanted to start with the Beginner's Box.

Wondering how long (time-wise) the Black Fang's Dungeon adventure is expected to take, on average. Can it be knocked out in one 4-hour session? Should I have the Deadly Mine adventure prepped as well?

Any insight's appreciated.


I'd be really surprised if you can finish that many combat encounters in 4 hours. And with the non-combat encounters, I expect it to run longer. Lucky rolls and players who quickly "get it" may speed things up, but I'd estimate 5-6 hours for new players.

But I'll defer to people who've actually run the whole thing in one shot for a group of new players, if they have evidence that contradicts me. :)

Dark Archive

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

I'd be really surprised if you can finish that many combat encounters in 4 hours. And with the non-combat encounters, I expect it to run longer. Lucky rolls and players who quickly "get it" may speed things up, but I'd estimate 5-6 hours for new players.

But I'll defer to people who've actually run the whole thing in one shot for a group of new players, if they have evidence that contradicts me. :)

Well, if anyone would know... thanks for the quick reply!

Our group finished it in 4 hours with all newbie players (12, 10, 11, 10 and one adult) and an experienced DM. The cleared out the whole dungeon first, fought Black Fang, retreated, and fought him again.

Grand Lodge

I have run it twice.

The first time was a group with mixed experience. The party was only three strong, and we finished right at the four hour mark. One player had 1e experience and one other has gamed a few seasons of Pathfinder with me (my wife) but only as a Witch. She did not know any other aspect of the rules beyond what she needed to play her spiky haired gnome before we played the BBox. The third had never gamed before. Ages 47, 31, and 28

The most recent BBox run was with the 47 year old, his 11 year old daughter, and her cousin (9-ish?). They had just

bargained with the goblins and climbed up to where the skely's are
when we had to stop. Needless to say they were entirely new to RPGs

That was just a tad over 3 hours.

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