Sailor Moon Conversion


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I know this sounds crazy but I want to play Sailor Moon. I would love to see how she would play out in pathfinder. I have no idea where to begin I've never done a conversion before.

It would take a LOT of work. If you notice, in Sailor Moon you typically (there are rare exceptions) don't have real fights. You have encounters in which you meet your opponent, have some banter, get battered around a bit, and then all use your super powers in succession to casualy blow it up with Usagi's power generally being the finisher.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ironically, magical girls are most like 3.5's warlocks - in that they have a relatively small suite of (usually low-level) powers that they can use at will - more than they are any of the Pathfinder classes.

The best magical girl template I've seen was using Eclipse d20, which is a d20 point-buy system.

If you want the magical girl as a character class, on the other hand, you'll probably want to look at BESM d20 Revised Edition (which, not coincidentally, also uses a point-buy system).

I tried to convert her once for 2nd Ed. She was basically a Cleric.
For Pathfinder, I'd say Cleric/Monk (Sun and Glory domains) with a very good Holy Sickle.

Dark Archive


or oracle

or magus

or bard

Use a witch. In fact, replace "witch" with "magical girl" everywhere in the APG; it will make your life easier.

This is turning out to be a lot harder then I initially thought.

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Replicating most any anime series is difficult, as most are founded upon assumptions that Pathfinder is not built to support. It's doable with work, but it's not going to be easy.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Inquisitor of Shelyn!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The only system that does her justice is Big Eyes Small Mouth, created specifically for that anime feel and flow. There was a D20 conversion of that, but it did not do well.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
It would take a LOT of work. If you notice, in Sailor Moon you typically (there are rare exceptions) don't have real fights. You have encounters in which you meet your opponent, have some banter, get battered around a bit, and then all use your super powers in succession to casualy blow it up with Usagi's power generally being the finisher.

Wouldn't full spontaneous casters like sorcerers or oracles work quite well that way? Unless you have several long fights per day or they really push themselves, spontaneous casters don't run out of mojo.

I think the procedure and results depend on what you are looking for: a faithful transposition or just a character that reflects Sailor Moon in the Pathfinder game? I statted out Frieza from Dragon Ball going with the second choice for many reasons, the first of which is that a faithful replica is just impossible (or plain crazy).

i was thinking more something that reflected the character.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

If you want actual abilities that reflect her powers... wizard. Universalist wizard, to be exact: their Hand of the Apprentice ability is a dead match for her Moon Tiara Action, and all the heart stuff and reality breaking powers can be fluffed arcane spells. Even the healing spell: just Wish all that up.

If you want a concept that reflects her... probably cleric or oracle of Shelyn, with some sort of curse that, instead of making her lame, makes her clutsy. Alternatively, cleric of Groteus.

LazarX wrote:

The only system that does her justice is Big Eyes Small Mouth, created specifically for that anime feel and flow. There was a D20 conversion of that, but it did not do well.

Guardians of Order is gone now; they did BESM and the d20 BESM. They also did the Sailor Moon RPG based on their Tri-Stat system. I picked that up for my oldest girl about 10 years ago. Quite a few of their products are available used / new from various vendors. The Anime SRD (based on their d20 version of BESM) from them is also available online.

Oh the flashbacks...
*Wriggles on ground for a bit with a pained and mortified look on face*

O.k. I am better now. My first (And might I add failed) attempt at DMing involved a Sailor Moon import. My Dad (Let's call him The DM) in character kept calling them tarts for dressing so scantily and was upst that they kept preventing him from properly dealing with imported Darien/Mamoru (Who was corrupted).

Anyway... Import warlock (Particularly Enlightened Spirit PrC), or go with oracle or one of the hybrid classes (Bard, Magus, Inquisitor).

Timely post by the ways as I just read volume 2 of the 20th anniversary release of the manga today. I'm rather liking it.

The NPC wrote:

Oh the flashbacks...

*Wriggles on ground for a bit with a pained and mortified look on face*

O.k. I am better now. My first (And might I add failed) attempt at DMing involved a Sailor Moon import. My Dad (Let's call him The DM) in character kept calling them tarts for dressing so scantily and was upst that they kept preventing him from properly dealing with imported Darien/Mamoru (Who was corrupted).

Anyway... Import warlock (Particularly Enlightened Spirit PrC), or go with oracle or one of the hybrid classes (Bard, Magus, Inquisitor).

Timely post by the ways as I just read volume 2 of the 20th anniversary release of the manga today. I'm rather liking it.

See the manga is what inspired me to make a sailor moon character.

Okay this is what I have so far.

I am thinking Chakram as the primary weapon going off the magic tiara she uses. I am leaning towards the inquisitor class. Why is there no Moon domain? And am I missing something or is pathfinder lacking a moon goddess?

Chibi Chibi wrote:

I am thinking Chakram as the primary weapon going off the magic tiara she uses. I am leaning towards the inquisitor class. Why is there no Moon domain? And am I missing something or is pathfinder lacking a moon goddess?

As far as the Inner Sea gods go there is no particular moon god or goddess. You might take a look at the Light subdomain of the Sun.

Make sure that chakram has the returning property :)

Also, if you are playing on Golarion Sarenrae or Shelyn would be good patron goddesses for your girl. Shelyn probably a bit more but both work.

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Chibi Chibi wrote:

See the manga is what inspired me to make a sailor moon character.

Okay this is what I have so far.

I am thinking Chakram as the primary weapon going off the magic tiara she uses. I am leaning towards the inquisitor class. Why is there no Moon domain? And am I missing something or is pathfinder lacking a moon goddess?

Not as such. Desna is the goddess of the sky, and the night sky in particular, so she'd probably be the main deity worshipped by most lunar cults. Her weapon of choice - the starknife - is somewhat close to a chakram anyway. That's actually the deity I'd suggest if you do go inquisitor (the illumination Inquisition sounds appropriate for your theme), although I think a bard or oracle would work better. I think you definitely could do worse than playing her as an oracle of Heavens.

I wish the star knife did more damage. IT only does 1d4 where a chakram does 1d8. I need to look more into the Inquisition stuff.

Chibi Chibi wrote:
I wish the star knife did more damage. IT only does 1d4 where a chakram does 1d8. I need to look more into the Inquisition stuff.

It could use a boost to 1d6, which is what the hand axe has, so feel free to do that; on the other hand, there are a few light martial weapons with similar stats (then again, the standard dagger isn't much worse mechanically, and is a simple weapon). IIRC the chakram was 1d8, but has a x2 critical and a chance to shash your hand if you use it in melee and don't have heavy armor.

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Maybe the right choice after all could be:

Oracle of Heavens (Planar Oracle archetype, with an homebrew Clumsiness curse)/Sorcerer (Crossblooded Arcane/Celestial). She doesn't use a chakram but a Spray of Shooting Stars, her first revelation, and later becomes good at using her Holy Sickle and Brilliant Light Holy Staff.

The other Sailor Soldiers could be created under the same rules; for example:
Sailor Mercury = Water Wizard (arcane bond with her ScreenPad)
Sailor Mars = Oracle of Flame (Seer archetype)/Witch (Portents patron)
Sailor Jupiter = Monk (Martial Artist archetype)/Cleric (Air and Plant domains)
Sailor Venus = Fighter/Cleric (Metal and Light domains); Eldritch Heritage to give Familiar
Sailor Saturn = Necromancer (arcane bond with her Scythe)/Cleric (Earth and Repose domains)
Sailor Uranus = Fighter (Sword specialization)/Inquisitor (Weather domain)
Sailor Neptune = Inquisitor (Water domain)
Sailor Pluto = Necromancer (arcane bond with her Globe)/Oracle of Time
Prince Endymion = Paladin (Oath of Loyalty)
Sailor Chibi Moon = Paladin (Empyreal Knight archetype: Helios is her planar steed)/Oracle of Heavens

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bardess wrote:

Maybe the right choice after all could be:

Oracle of Heavens (Planar Oracle archetype, with an homebrew Clumsiness curse)/Sorcerer (Crossblooded Arcane/Celestial). She doesn't use a chakram but a Spray of Shooting Stars, her first revelation, and later becomes good at using her Holy Sickle and Brilliant Light Holy Staff.

The other Sailor Soldiers could be created under the same rules; for example:
Sailor Mercury = Water Wizard (arcane bond with her ScreenPad)
Sailor Mars = Oracle of Flame (Seer archetype)/Witch (Portents patron)
Sailor Jupiter = Monk (Martial Artist archetype)/Cleric (Air and Plant domains)
Sailor Venus = Fighter/Cleric (Metal and Light domains); Eldritch Heritage to give Familiar
Sailor Saturn = Necromancer (arcane bond with her Scythe)/Cleric (Earth and Repose domains)
Sailor Uranus = Fighter (Sword specialization)/Inquisitor (Weather domain)
Sailor Neptune = Inquisitor (Water domain)
Sailor Pluto = Necromancer (arcane bond with her Globe)/Oracle of Time
Prince Endymion = Paladin (Oath of Loyalty)
Sailor Chibi Moon = Paladin (Empyreal Knight archetype: Helios is her planar steed)/Oracle of Heavens

Nothing for the Starlights, the Anima-Mates, the Asteroid Senshi, Galaxia, et al?

Eh eh... I can't think all of them alone, can I? XD

Do not want.

By the way, I thought better on some characters...

Sailor Venus = Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light)/Inquisitor (Metal domain)
Sailor Saturn = Cleric (Death and Earth domains)/Reincarnated Druid
Sailor Uranus = Fighter (Scimitar specialization)/Inquisitor (Iconoclast archetype, Weather domain)
Sailor Neptune = Inquisitor (Exorcist archetype, Waves domain)

Black_Lantern wrote:

Do not want.

OK. I don't think the OP is interested in your lack of interest though...

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Ha Ha^^
I don't know if the original poster made her decision by now, but here's what should be my last word on the question. I assume that by the end of the saga, we're talking about 30th-level characters.

Sailor Moon = Oracle of Heavens 20/Celestial Disciple 10
Curse: Clumsiness
Revelations: Awesome Display, Coat of Many Stars, Lure of the Heavens, Mantle of Moonlight, Moonlight Bridge, Spray of Shooting Stars, Final Revelation.
Eldritch Heritage (Arcane): Arcane Bond + Improved Familiar = Luna (Celestial Fey cat)
Equipment: Holy Sickle, Brilliant Light Holy Staff

Sailor Mercury = Water Wizard 20 (arcane bond with her Screenpad)/Pathfinder Savant 7/Loremaster 3
Sailor Mars = Oracle of Flame 20/Witch 10 (Portents patron; double familiar = her ravens Phobos & Deimos)
Sailor Jupiter = Cleric 20 (Air and Plant domains)/Monk 10 (Martial Artist archetype)
Sailor Venus = Oracle of Metal 20/Inquisitor 10 (Illumination inquisition); Eldritch Heritage + Improved Familiar = Artemis (Celestial Fey cat)
Sailor Saturn = Necromancer 20 (arcane bond with her Scythe)/Druid 10 (Reincarnated Druid archetype, Earth domain)
Sailor Uranus = Inquisitor 20 (Iconoclast archetype, Weather domain)/Fighter 10 (Scimitar specialization)
Sailor Neptune = Inquisitor 20 (Exorcist archetype, Aquatic domain)/Diviner 10 (arcane bond with her Mirror)
Sailor Pluto = Oracle of Time 20/Necromancer 10 (arcane bond with her Sphere)
Prince Endymion = Paladin 20 (Oath of Loyalty)/Cavalier 10 (order of the Seal, Honor Guard archetype)
Sailor Chibi Moon = Oracle of Heavens 8/Paladin 7 (Empyreal Knight archetype)

And at great request:
Helios = Fey Half-Celestial Unicorn Cleric 20 (Glory and Sun domains); he's the faithful mount/attendant of Prince Endymion (and later, of Sailor Chibi Moon)
Sailor Starlights = Bards 15 (Celebrity archetype)/Cavaliers 15 (order of the Lion); they use their Headcuffs of Disguise to appear as males when not fighting
Princess Fireball = Sorceress 20 (Starsoul bloodline)/Cleric 10 (Fire and Glory domains)
Sailor Asteroids = Bards 15

That's all, folks!

Back when I was making stuff for 3.5 regularly I worked on the rough concept of D&D converting Sailor Moon. Not sure how much of it would work for Pathfinder without revisions but I can C&P the file text for you to reference at your pleasure.

Pardon any formatting or grammatical errors. I haven't looked at this stuff in over 3 years. Also pardon the uneven table, I'm writing this on the fly and can't figure out how to align everything properly as apparently posts don't register the extra spacing.


Astral Senshi

"Ever feel like the stars and heavens are against you? Well you're right...and I'm here to deliver their wrath."

Fluff Stuff: To come later.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int Modifier.

Table: Astral Senshi
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Unarmed Damage Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 1d6 Transformation +1, Unarmed Strike
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 1d6 Planet Based Attack Lv 1
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 1d6 Astral Strike (magic)
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 1d8 Transformation +2
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 1d8 Tranformation +Duration
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 1d8 Planet Based Attack Lv 2
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 1d10 Transformation 2/day
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 1d10 Transformation +3
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 1d10 Astral Strike (alignment)
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 1d10 Planet Based Attack Lv 3
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 2d6 Transformation +Duration
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 2d6 Transformation +4
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 2d6 Transformation 3/day
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 2d6 Planet Based Attack Lv 4
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 2d8 Astral Strike (adamantine)
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 2d8 Transformation +5
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 2d8 Transformation +Duration
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 2d8 Planet Based Attack Lv 5
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 2d8 Transformation 4/day
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 2d10 Eternal Astral Senshi

Class Features
The following are class features of the Astral Senshi.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Astral Senshi are proficient with all simple weaponry and light armor. They are not proficient with any shields.

Transformation (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the Astral Tenshi is confered (usually by a deity's familiar) a special amulet. This amulet allows them to undergo a radical transformation, bringing all their latent power and strength to the surface. This power is drawn from one of the 4 closest planets to the Earth, determining her future attacks as well as confering a favored weapon (+1 on attacks made with it). The planets an Astral Senshi may chose from are: Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. (refer to the Planet Based Attack table for favored weapons)

Once per day for 5 rounds/Astral Senshi level, as a standard action the Astral Senshi may transform into her enhanced form. She gains a +1 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution; a +1 natural armor bonus, a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves, and proficiency with all simple and martial weapons. Your base attack bonus is equal to your Astral Senshi level (which may give you multiple attacks).

While in this form you lose your spellcasting ability, including your ability to use spell trigger or spell completion magic items, just as if the spells were no longer on your class list. This does not include the Astral Senshi's supernatural abilities.

At later levels you gain bonuses to your transformed state.

Table: Transformation Bonuses by Level
4- The numbered bonuses increase to +2.
5- The duration of the transformation increases to 1 Minute/Astral Senshi level.
7- The Transformation may be used 2 times per day.
8- The numbered bonuses increase to +3.
11- The duration of the transformation increases to 3 Minutes/Astral Senshi level.
12- The numbered bonuses increase to +4.
13- The Transformation may be used 3 times per day.
16- The numbered bonuses increase to +5.
17- The duration of the transformation increases to 5 Minutes/Astral Senshi level.
19- The Transformation may be used 4 times per day.

Unarmed Strike (Ex): At 1st level, an Astral Senshi gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. An Astral Senshi’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a Astral Senshi may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for an Astral Senshi striking unarmed. An Astral Senshi may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually an Astral Senshi’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

An Astral Senshi’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

An Astral Senshi also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes than a normal person would, refer to the Monk's* unarmed damage table for creatures of small and large size.

*This is not a typo. I don't feel like reformatting and reposting it at the moment. >.<;

Planet Based Attack (Su): Beginning at 2nd level an Astral Senshi can draw special powers from her chosen planet. She gains additional attacks based on her level. These attacks may be used 3 times per encounter and only if the Astral Senshi is in her Transformed state. Planet Based Attacks require a standard action to use. Saves for these abilities are DC 10 + Attack level x 2 + Wisdom.

Table: Planet Based Attack
Level 1 Attacks

Favored Weapons
Mercury: Dagger
Venus: Spiked Chain
Mars: Battleaxe
Jupiter: Unarmed

Mercury- Bubble Mist: Light bubbles of water form in your hand, you can make
a ranged attack against any square you can see within 100 ft. A bank of fog billows out from
the point you hit. Spreading in a 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high and lasting for 10 minutes.

The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature
within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures
farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker
can’t use sight to locate the target).

A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the fog in 4 rounds;
a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round.

The ability does not function underwater.

Venus- Heart Charm: This ability functions exactly as the spell
Charm Person.

Mars- Flaming Seal: As a ranged touch attack against any enemy
50 ft. away the Astral Senshi may create 1 special seal/3 Astral Senshi
levels and throw it at an enemy. If it hits the seals burst into flames,
dealing 1d3 fire damage each.

Jupiter- Flurry of Blows: When using this ability, the Astral Senshi
gains the ability to use Flurry of Blows as a monk of equal level. Including
abilities that reduce the to hit penalty.

Level 2 Attacks

Mercury- Ice Storm: This ability functions exactly as the
spell Ice Storm.

Venus- Cresent Beam: As a ranged touch attack the Astral Senshi
may fire a ray of searing light, dealing 1d6/Astral Senshi level (maximum
10d6) to any target up to 150 ft. away.

Mars- Fire Bird Swarm: As part of a ranged attack against any target
75 ft. away, the Astral Senshi may craft up to 2 flames shaped like birds/4
Astral Senshi levels. Every bird that strikes deals 2d4 fire damage.

Jupiter- Thunder Spark: Using this ability allows the Astral Senshi to
form a ball of lightning in her hands. As a ranged attack she may launch this
ball at any enemy within 100 ft. If it hits this attack does 1d6 per Astral
Senshi level (maximum 10d6).

Level 3 Attacks

Mercury- Water Arrow: Using this attack, the Astral Senshi
may fire up to 1 water arrow/4 Astral Senshi levels as a ranged attack.
These arrows deal 2d8 bludgeoning damage per arrow.

Venus- Special Heart Charm: This ability functions as the spells Charm
Person, Animal, and Monster all at once.

Mars- Flaming Wall: This ability functions exactly as the spell Wall of

Jupiter- Lightning Bolt: This ability functions exactly as the spell
Lightning Bolt.

Level 4 Attacks

Mercury- Water Vortex: You induce the formation of a
slender vortex of fiercely swirling water in a 30 ft. radius spread. When you
manifest it, a vortex of air visibly and audibly snakes out from your
outstretched hand. If you want to aim the vortex at a specific creature (up
to 200 ft. away), you can make a ranged touch attack to strike the
creature. If you succeed, direct contact with the vortex deals 5d6 points of
damage to the creature (no save).

Regardless of whether your ranged touch attack hits (and even if you forgo
the attack), all creatures in the area (including the one possibly damaged by
direct contact) are picked up and violently dashed about, dealing 14d6 points
of damage to each one. Creatures that make a successful Reflex save take
half damage.

After being dashed about, each creature that was affected finds itself
situated in a new space 1d4 × 10 feet away from its original space in a
random direction. Walls and other barriers can restrict this relocation; in such
a case, the creature ends up adjacent to the barrier.

Venus- Cresent Beam Shower: As per Cresent Beam, however you
may hit up to 1 target/2 Astral Senshi levels that are within 50 ft of you.

Mars- Fiery Spheres: Targeting any creature withing 200 ft. with a
ranged attack, the Astral Senshi can fire up to 1 sphere of fire/2 Astral
Senshi levels (maximum 8). These spheres deal 3d8 damage each with a
reflex save for half damage.

Jupiter- Electo Burst: As part of an unarmed attack, the Astral Tenshi
may use her Electro Burst power. Doing so allows her to add an additional 1d6
lightning damage/Astral Senshi level to her unarmed strike damage. A reflex
save will cut the damage deal in half.

Level 5 Attacks

Mercury- Obvious Weakness: The Astral Senshi may only
use this ability after observing her chosen enemy for one full round. When
using this ability (considered a swift action unlike normal Planet Based
Attacks), the Astral Senshi may strike at her opponent's weakest point.
Attacks this round are considered to be automatic criticals if they hit.
Creatures immune to critical hits are not effected by this ability.

Venus- Heart-binding: This ability functions exactly as the spell
Domination, working on any creature that has a mind.

Mars- Flaming Arrow: Use of this ability allows the Astral Senshi to
make a ranged attack against any enemy she can see, regardless of range. If
the attack hits it deals 1d8 fire damage per Astral Senshi level.

Jupiter- Thunder Dragon: From the palm of her hand the Astral Senshi
can unleash a whirling blast of lightning towards her enemies (up to 300 ft.
away). In a 40 ft. radius spread all enemies take 1d6 per Astral Senshi level
with a reflex save for half damage.

Astral Strike (Su): At 3rd level, an Astral Senshi’s unarmed attacks are empowered with special energy from her chosen planet. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Astral strike improves with the character’s Astral Senshi level. At 9th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as her alignment (lawful, neutral, chaotic, good, or evil) weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 15th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Eternal Astral Senshi (Ex): Once per day at level 20, the Astral Senshi can draw an even greater power from her chosen planet and obtain an ascended form. This form causes great strain on the Astral Senshi, having a duration of 20 rounds. After 20 rounds the Astral Senshi is treated as having the Exhausted status. While in her Eternal form the Astral Senshi's Planet Based Attacks are all Empowered (all numberical values and variable are increased by 1/2, saving throws and opposed rolls are not effected.) Also she gains Damage Reduction 5/- and a +1 perfection bonus to all abilities effected by the Transformation ability.

R_Chance wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:

Do not want.
OK. I don't think the OP is interested in your lack of interest though...

Are you getting sassy with me son?

Liberty's Edge

Does anybody else find it slightly disturbing that most of the posters on this thread are males in their early to mid thirties? Sure, there are a few women, in a simular age group, but... this just keeps bringing back horrible memories of 50 year old men, hairier than an Bearded Collie, wearing complete Salior Jupiter garb with 6 inch heels and a 9 inch skirt, at the older anime conventions. Worst part was it was during a lightening storm, so of course EVERYTHING stood out.

Well, I'm a woman (in her late thirties... XD)

By the way... Luna & Artemis (and Diana!) are better described as Silvanshees with levels in Oracle of Lore (they can briefly transform in human beings with a Wish at 20th level) and so cohorts more than familiars... while Helios is a Dreamspun Bloodline Sorcerer 20/Cleric 10 (Glory and Sun) that assumes a winged unicorn's form with the Shapechange spell when it suits him.

Black_Lantern wrote:

R_Chance wrote:

Black_Lantern wrote:

Do not want.

OK. I don't think the OP is interested in your lack of interest though...

Are you getting sassy with me son?

Yep. It's OK though, I'm probably older than you. Just consider it old geezer commentary from the sidelines :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bardess, I'm curious where your metric of them ending the series at 30th level comes from.

I couldn't tell you exactly how I got there, but I'd have pegged the Senshi (the original five) as having ended the first season at about 5th level, and gained two levels at the end of each season thereafter. Hence, after four additional seasons, they'd end at level 13.

No particular metric. I just supposed that at the end of a saga the heroes are at maximum power. Then, well- supposing a level for every "main enemy" defeated, we're more or less here.^^

Zephyre Al'dran wrote:

Does anybody else find it slightly disturbing that most of the posters on this thread are males in their early to mid thirties? Sure, there are a few women, in a simular age group, but... this just keeps bringing back horrible memories of 50 year old men, hairier than an Bearded Collie, wearing complete Salior Jupiter garb with 6 inch heels and a 9 inch skirt, at the older anime conventions. Worst part was it was during a lightening storm, so of course EVERYTHING stood out.

Heh. I'm 53 with no major interest in Sailor Moon. Especially no interest in wearing the costumes :) My daughters are 20 and 19 and were big into it at the time though. Amazing how much stuff you end up watching. It was better than *shudder* Barney. I still have nightmares about that. My oldest girls first P&P RPG was the Sailor Moon RPG from Guardians of Order. Interest was a parental requirement. Lump Dragonball Z, Power Rangers and, later, Naruto into this same category of parental forced interest and you're getting the picture...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bardess wrote:
No particular metric. I just supposed that at the end of a saga the heroes are at maximum power.

I used to do that for conversions, but lately I've started to frown on using that as the starting point for translating something into an RPG. Taking "the hero at the end of the saga is at maximum power" to mean that they were as advanced as the RPG's rules allowed usually created a lot of problems.

Personally, I'm now more in favor of trying to place a hero's abilities at the beginning of a story, and going from there. Have you read Justin Alexander's essay D&D: Calibrating Your Expectations? It's a great piece that deals with some of these issues.

Ahh, I fear it has not been translated in Italy.^^
Anyway, this is just a mindgame, so it doesn't really matter... But at the end of the saga Sailor Moon is a starchild-cosmos incarnation (Oracle of Heavens level 20) with angelic wings (Celestial Disciple level 9- round up to 10)^^. It just seemed to fit.
Also, Spray of Shooting Stars seems tailored for the Moon Tiara Action attack. I'm inclined to believe that this mystery was created just for someone wanting to play HER.
(As an afterthought, maybe I'd give to Sailor Neptune the Oceans domain instead of Aquatic...)

Joined this forum just to make a half-assed contribution to this thread.

I've been toying with the idea of a Sailor Senshi class in the back of my mind for some time. It's a pity I don't still have the 3.0 class creator formulas I had ages ago or I would hammer it out. Of course, Senshi seem to prefer to only work together, so a Sailor Senshi campaign might be repetitive or shallow.

I see a Sailor Senshi as a sort of a divine Sorcerer or a boarderline Witch. A character with a Cleric domain (or two or three, maybe as they level) who would get the benefits of that domain(s), only be able to cast spells spontaneously from their domain(s), and cast them a large number of times. Perhaps there would be a 'Fighter' class with the good BAB, a 'Healer' class with the average and a 'Maker' class with the worst, and other appropriate adjustments to ability, hit dice, and access to free feats. Certainly it should be highly customizable, as there are so many vastly different Senshi.

I wonder if I have that anime d20 pdf lying somewhere still so I could cannibalize the Magical Girl class..

R_Chance wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:

R_Chance wrote:

Black_Lantern wrote:

Do not want.

OK. I don't think the OP is interested in your lack of interest though...

Are you getting sassy with me son?

Yep. It's OK though, I'm probably older than you. Just consider it old geezer commentary from the sidelines :)

How dare you use haste to age faster! -shakes fist-

Black_Lantern wrote:
R_Chance wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:

R_Chance wrote:

Black_Lantern wrote:

Do not want.

OK. I don't think the OP is interested in your lack of interest though...

Are you getting sassy with me son?

Yep. It's OK though, I'm probably older than you. Just consider it old geezer commentary from the sidelines :)
How dare you use haste to age faster! -shakes fist-

Aging beats the alternative :D

Wow this thread has grew a lot in the last few days. I never would have thought to use the Oracle of Heavens for Sailor Moon. I am excited that the Dragon Empire Gazette has a Moon subdomain in it. To bad none of the good aligned Golarion gods have darkness as there domain.

I played around with the inquisitor for a while I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. I like a lot of the ideas for the other Senshin that have been posted.

Chibi Chibi wrote:

Wow this thread has grew a lot in the last few days. I never would have thought to use the Oracle of Heavens for Sailor Moon. I am excited that the Dragon Empire Gazette has a Moon subdomain in it. To bad none of the good aligned Golarion gods have darkness as there domain.

I played around with the inquisitor for a while I just couldn't figure out how to make it work. I like a lot of the ideas for the other Senshin that have been posted.

Speaking of things magical, try the Anime SRD from Guardians of Order. You can find it online (for free) even though Guardians is gone now. This is the SRD for BESM d20 and includes things like the Magic Girl class iirc. The base for the Sailor Scouts in the GoO Sailor Moon RPG was the Magic Girl class from the tri-stat BESM. I'll dredge up my copy of the Anime SRD and double check on the class inclusion...

*edit* Yes, it's the Anime d20 SRD, available as a PDF. It has the Magic Girl class. Given it's d20 it should be convertable to PF with some work.

If you're looking to recreate the Sailor Scouts within existing PF classes / rules there looks to be some pretty good advice above. In any event, have fun with it.

Liberty's Edge

You could also just go with a Paladin, since Usagi's powers were to Heal... or to Smite evil. It honestly wouldn't be difficult for you to do that, Desna would be a good choice, and depending the level, there are ways to boost the damage of the star knife, via making it magical.

To be perfectly blunt, I wish someone would make a Sailor Moon RPG PDF Manual using Big Eyes Small Mouth (Third Edition) rules. I believe one of the people behind the late Guardians of Order company made BESM (3rd Edition) rules for a Sailor Senshi template but unfortunately he stopped there and no one has continued the work sense.

Grand Lodge

Berselius wrote:
To be perfectly blunt, I wish someone would make a Sailor Moon RPG PDF Manual using Big Eyes Small Mouth (Third Edition) rules. I believe one of the people behind the late Guardians of Order company made BESM (3rd Edition) rules for a Sailor Senshi template but unfortunately he stopped there and no one has continued the work sense.

It's true. Mark did make a senshi template. It's actually still available through his livejournal, and through the BESM forums. It is unfortunate that White Wolf aren't continuing the work, and just letting the pdf die.

Disciple of Sakura wrote:
Replicating most any anime series is difficult, as most are founded upon assumptions that Pathfinder is not built to support. It's doable with work, but it's not going to be easy.

I would add that more than almost any other genre, Anime does not lend itself well to replication in an RPG.

Note that it is possible. I, myself, have been working on an Anime game over the past couple of years (and, no, it's not like anything you think it is, so please do not try to advise me to stop working on it and to play something else).

The biggest issue is replicating the sheer number of powers, and the fact that a lot of time in Anime, there isn't what you might call an understandable or logical progression to those powers. Somebody might have limited power one second, then boundless power the next, or powers that don't necessarily make sense together. The strength of those powers may hinge on the situation or who or what is at stake. This is because the two most important things in Anime are drama and coolness. So whatever is most dramatic and most cool at the moment is what's going to happen, making what should be a 1st level character look, at times, epic. That's why point-based systems often make more sense.

My wife and I both are Sailor Moon fans from way back, and our shared love of the genre is one of the reasons we hit it off so well and got married. Sailor Moon is actually fairly easy on the Anime replication scale, though, so don't give up.

Worth noting is that some of the most beloved and classic Anime series are based on the creators' D&D games, such as Record of Lodoss War and Slayers.

It's true. Mark did make a senshi template. It's actually still available through his livejournal, and through the BESM forums. It is unfortunate that White Wolf aren't continuing the work, and just letting the pdf die.

Ah, yes, Mark was his name. I believe he stopped updating her journal. Hope he's okay. From what I recall he went into the real estate business after Guardians of Order died out. Not sure that was a wise decision (considering the housing market crisis that occurred a little over a year and half ago). I just wish he'd be able to produce a new Sailor Moon RPG Manual using BESM 3rd rules.

Grand Lodge

Berselius wrote:
It's true. Mark did make a senshi template. It's actually still available through his livejournal, and through the BESM forums. It is unfortunate that White Wolf aren't continuing the work, and just letting the pdf die.
Ah, yes, Mark was his name. I believe he stopped updating her journal. Hope he's okay. From what I recall he went into the real estate business after Guardians of Order died out. Not sure that was a wise decision (considering the housing market crisis that occurred a little over a year and half ago). I just wish he'd be able to produce a new Sailor Moon RPG Manual using BESM 3rd rules.

Unfortunately you need the licensing rights to be able to do that officially. North America in general lost that a long time ago when the creator personal came overseas to see how the dubs were going. When she found out what DIC and Cloverway had done, she immediately took it away from them, and went back home saying that no one would be allowed to license the TV series again.

The template that Mark did was essentially bare bones. I've changed it up myself a few times to make it seem more like the original Tri-Stat one, but it's still very nice to have.

Silver Crusade

Just a question. Aren't most of Usagi's powers tied to the Silver Crystal? At the end of the first season, if I recall, she brought the other four scouts back to life and changed history, but thanks to the crystal, right? Wouldn't that make stating the sailor scouts easier, just harder to stat that gem.

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