Samnell |
"In sum, the federal government did not maintain a uniform policy concerning slavery in the territories, but instead practiced a kind of partition by which the Ohio River became a boundary between free territory to the north and slave territory to the south."
David M. Potter, The Impending Crisis: America before the Civil War
Joana |
Born and raised in poverty, as his father died when he was four, Dumas faced discrimination because of his ethnic African ancestry, although he was three-quarters French. Through his father, who was born in Saint-Domingue, he was the grandson of a French nobleman and a black slave. His mother was French. As a young man, Dumas' aristocratic rank helped him acquire work with Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans.
Yeah, I know, it's Wikipedia, but it's true anyway. ;)
Kajehase |
So, in Django Unchained, Christoph Waltz's character asserted that Dumas was of African descent. Is that true? Anyone?
You'd probably like his dad better, though - they guy was a general in the Revolutionary armies (not bloody likely that'd have been possible pre-1789).
Comrade Anklebiter |
Vive le Galt! and thank you Citoyens Kajehase and Joana.
Back to your regularly scheduled 5th line of page 55:
"If Engels were writing for German professors, then he would perhaps--who knows?--be so generous as to go into the matter more closely than is necessary for thinking workers."
--Franz Mehring, On Historical Materialism
"Supposedly generous 'gifts' of cloth were made by the Inca to vanquished peoples from the huge supplies kept in state warehouses, but these were, in effect, 'the initial pump-priming step in a dependent relationship, since the 'generosity' of the conqueror obligates one to reciprocate, to deliver on a regular, periodic basis, the results of one's workmanship to the Cuzco warehouses.'"
--Eleanor Burke Leacock, quoting John Murra's "Cloth and Its Function in the Inca State" in her introduction to Friedrich Engels's The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Comrade Anklebiter |
"The dancers move off the field for a rest."
Chris Hedges, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt (illustrated by Joe Sacco) at a Lakota Sun Dance.
Unfortunately, I already gave back Planning for the Planet: How Socialism Can Save the Environment by Pete Dickenson, so I am afraid no 5th sentence from page 55 for it.
Readerbreeder |
"For all of twenty minutes they walked through curved corridors and up and down the spiral stairs until even Smith's keen senses were confused and he could not have said at what height above the ground he was, or in what direction the corridor led into which they at last emerged."
C.L. Moore, Northwest of Earth
Can I just say, I love the Planet Stories line, and I hope Paizo is one day able to start it up again.
Trinite |
"Abdul led us among such wonders as we had before only read and dreamed of."
H.P. Lovecraft, The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Classics Edition)
That's from "Under the Pyramids," one of his worse stories. Good thing it wasn't the fourth sentence; that one is half a paragraph long.
Doodlebug Anklebiter |
"Thousands of Japanese soldiers patrolled the streets."
--J.G. Ballard, Empire of the Sun
Which is kind of a boring sentence, so, Movie Trailer!
Samnell |
"William Dean Howells later wrote of the lasting impact of the Civil War on James Garfield, a Union general and later US president: "at the sight of these dead men whom others had killed, something went out of him, the habit of a lifetime, that never came back again: the sense of the sacredness of life and the impossibility of destroying it."
This Republic of Suffering by Drew Gilpin Faust
Doodlebug Anklebiter |
"His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision (when the animal spirits seemed utterly in abeyance) to that species of energetic concision--that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation--that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance, which may be observed in the lost drunkard, or the irreclaimable eater of opium, during the periods of his most intense excitement."
--Edgar Allan Poe, "The Fall of the House of Usher" as printed in The Raven and Other Writings.
Comrade Anklebiter |
"Then I see the watchtowers, placed evenly apart, manned with armed guards, so out of place among the fields of wildflowers around them."
--Smash Panem through Workers Revolution!!, Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins;
"Victor Hugo was asked by Lamartine to accept the portfolio of education, but Hugo was not certain that he wished to become a republican and declined."
--Smash Louis Phillippe through Workers Revolution!!, The Revolutions of 1848: A Social History by Priscilla Robertson.
Limeylongears |
"But if in the most backward state of human society now known to us we find magic thus conspicuously present and religion conspicuously absent, may we not reasonably conjecture that the civilised races of the world have also at some period of their history passed through the same intellectual phase, that they attempted to force the great powers of nature to do their pleasure before they thought of courting their favour by offerings and prayer - in short that, just as on the material side of human culture there has everywhere been an Age of Stone, so on the intellectual side there has everywhere been an Age of Magic?"
The Golden Bough, by Sir James Frazer.
Phew. Those were the days when men were men and sentences were sentences alright...
Don Juan de Doodlebug |
"Disgraced, unsexed April Ashley is our sister and our symbol."
--Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch
Comrade Anklebiter |
"Meanwhile, a plethora of organizations sprang up--Viktor Anpilov's RKRP, Alexei Prigarin's Soyuz Kommunistov, Anatoly Kryuchkov's RPK, Nina Andreyeva's VKPB, Roy Medvedev and A. Denisov's [Wesley from Angel?!?] SPT and numerous others--all claiming the threadbare mantle or, more to the point, the vast properties of the CPSU."
--Stalinism--Gravedigger of the Revolution: How the Soviet Workers State Was Strangled: For Socialist Revolution to Sweey Away Yeltsin Counterrevolution!
"It at once excluded the representatives of the proletariat, Louis Blanc and Albert, from the Executive Commission appointed by it; it threw out the proposal of a special Labor Ministry, and received with stormy applause the statement of the Minister Trelat: 'The question is merely one of bringing labor back to its old conditions.'"
--Karl Marx, Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850
"She likes District 13 well enough, even though she thinks the cooks are somewhat lacking in imagination."
--Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay
Vive le Katniss!
Comrade Anklebiter |
Two things I found while looking up what that was:
Comrade Anklebiter |
"Unable to strangle the revolution, the United States set out to isolate Cuba in order to make short shrift of it later."
--Che Guevara Speaks, "Cuba and the Kennedy Plan"
"The next morning, the last thing Katniss sees before entering the games is
--Sheila Llanas, How to Analyze the Works of Suzanne Collins which is for, like, 8th-graders and contains more insights into The Hunger Games than Anita Sarkeesian.