Poison Apple Games |
Or, at the very least, just thread OPs. Here are some reasons why I think this should be allowed:
PbP recruitment threads could have accepted players placed into the OP so that prospective players can see at a glance if it is full or not before posting an application.
Third party publishers could edit the OPs for their Compatible Products threads as updates to their work are made so that people can get.
Homebrew creators could edit OPs to include updates.
Discussion threads (like the medieval warfare one) could post summaries of the debate so far so that people don't have to go through hundreds of pages to see if something has been covered.
OPs that are not particularly clear can be clarified.
Gary Teter Senior Software Developer |
Poison Apple Games |
This is something we've discussed before. Short answer is, we may allow long-term editing of the first post in specially designated threads, but we're not extending the one-hour window in general.
Well, reference post editing is the big thing I want, so it's nice that it may be allowed someday.
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
It would be nice to have this particularly in campaigns and in build and homebrew threads, to note updates rather than have to search through a thread to see what the latest build is/where the latest download is/whether the campaign is still recruiting, etc. as Poison Apple games notes.
This is the only board I've ever seen that didn't allow unlimited editing and I've seldom seen it abused (usually, the most often I've seen it used is for correcting grammar or misinformation, or to delete something hastily said in anger, none of which are bad things to have the power to remove). Any potential for abuse is usually mitigated with a note that shows when and how often you've edited your post.
But if this board is going to be unnecessarily restrictive in this way (even as in so many other ways it is lenient), at least let OPs change or add to the content of their posts to allow for updates.
Gary Teter Senior Software Developer |
At this point it's more a question of priorities than anything else. There are some underlying infrastructure improvements that we need to make in the messageboards code before we enable reference post editing (e.g. recording and displaying edit history), but there are some other improvements that are higher on the todo list still.
Tordek Rumnaheim |
As far as PBP games, I see the ability to edit documents after an hour even less of an issue than before. Sticky information can be added to the Campaign Description. Here is an example.. Or as an alternative, if you have a special GM alias, reference material can be added in on the profile page for the alias.
One other idea that I am going to try is embedding tags into my posts for treasure or xp so that players can use the in thread search function to quickly find the relevant posts with that information.
Laithoron |
The short description that appears atop every page in the campaign IS handy, although I wish that the text field for it allowed more characters so I could add a block of URLs. Even so, I'd say the long Campaign Description area is perfectly suited for the sort of information we'd have traditionally placed in a 1st post. The fact that it's editable is ideal, although I can see such functionality being handy for other reference-type threads.
As far as the 1-hour post window goes...
I do sometimes wish that it was possible to go back and edit my PbP posts after the cut off. I'm always chagrined when I read back thru a dialog-heavy stretch of my PbP on only to find a ton of typos glaring at me later on. Still, I'm not sure that outweighs having the rolls and such locked in stone after the game has moved on — probably too late by that point to hope for a retcon anyway so I'm not sure the possibility for abuse exists.
The only real damage I could see is if an ex-player felt the need for vengeance and went thru the thread deleting all their posts or replacing them with spam.
Cheapy |
I've petitioned for this for the purpose of PbP before. I'm more dubious about it for normal message board threads.
The reference threads ability or the ability to edit past 1 hour as a standard?
The latter isn't going to happen based on comments, but the former will...eventually...
Christopher Anthony Software Developer |
Christopher Anthony Software Developer |
Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
Christopher Anthony Software Developer |
Anguish |
Editing would be nice. I'd settle for the ability to at least delete a post. (I recently missed the point of a thread and wrote a long post that I'd like to get rid of. Flagging didn't work.)
That way you could at least try again instead of editing.
Everyone's long forgotten it. Except you. Embarrassment works that way.
Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
Cheapy |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Cheapy wrote:Liz Courts wrote:Chocolate is money in some places.Cheapy wrote:No tricks, ONLY MONEY.Orthos wrote:And one wagon full of gold coins.chocolate gold.I require specific tender if it's going to be chocolate.
...and I don't like the cheap stuff.
I live next to a Swiss town.