Wiggz |
Not a synthesist, but I'm playing a Halfling Master Summoner - right now we're at 3rd-4th level and I really feel like I could almost solo what my group faces.
I put a bit of a role-playing twist on the character, resolving to only summoning elementals and in return, my GM allowed me to 'tweak' Augmented Summoning to grant either +4 Strength and +4 Constitution OR +4 Dexterity and +4 Constitution for Dexterity-based creatures (usually determined by whether or not they have the Weapon Finnesse feat).
The great thing is that there are elementals for every occaision. Orcs hiding behind a pallisade? Earth elementals burrow underneath and wreak havoc. Archers pinning us down from a tower? Air elementals fly up and throw them off with whirlwinds. Being pursued down a corridor? Mud Elementals Entrap and buy us time. Charged by a legion of soldiers? Lightning elementals make mincemeat out of anything with metal armor or weapons - and on it goes.
You get the ability often - VERY OFTEN - especially when you consider that its your highest level 'spell'. Let's put it this way - at level 17 or so I'll be able to summon 2-4 Augmented Elder Elementals (a 9th level spell equivalent) 16x a day. Except they last a minute/level instead of a round/level AND are summoned as a standard action instead of a full-round action. And then you get to buff the hell out of them.
Meanwhile, my eidolon at lower levels serves as a pocket rogue and is far better than any low-level rogue at Stealth, Perception and Disable Device, pitching in during combat with use of a wand (Use Magic Device)... at higher levels he makes a superb flying mount.
I also have a recurring villian in a campaign I run, a female summoner with a demonic wolf Eidolon who was built for combat... she's usually leading some group of bad guys, but the two of them alone are a major challenge for the party at every level. For what its worth, here are her Eidolon's end stats by level 20:
Strength 30, Dexterity 20, Constitution 20
Evolutions: (35 points)
Bite (F), Limbs - Legs (F), Limbs – Legs (F), Arms (2), Claws x3 (3), Improved Natural Armor x5 (5), Energy Attacks – Acid (2), Acid Resistance (1), Pounce (1), Rend (2), Push – Claws (1), Extra Damage – Claws (1), Magic Attacks (1), Large (4), Damage Resistance 10/Good (5), Spell Resistance: 31 (4)
Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60’, Telepathic Link, Life Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Armor Bonus (+16), Ability Score Increase – Constitution +1 x3, Devotion, Multiattack
Weapon Focus – Claws, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical – Claws, Standstill, Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude
AC – 42
DR - 10/Good
HP – 184 (15d10+90)
Initiative +5
Fort +15
Ref +16
Will +7
Attacks: Bite +24(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10) / Claw +25(1d8+1d6+10)
Through the ability of 'Greater Aspect', she also gains the benefits of the following evolutions: Spell Resistance: 31, Improved Natural Armor x2 (+4 AC)
And of course, those numbers are unbuffed - spells like Hasten and Greater Heroism make him a nightmare of a foe.
Wiggz |
Jus me wrote:I still like the small biped eidolon named Trap Monkey
at level 8, skills are/were:Perception, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Stealth (Max on all)
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 11
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11Evolutions:
improved natural armor (1)
skilled +8 perception (1)
skilled +8 DIsable Device (1)
skilled +8 Stealth (1)
skilled +8 Diplomacy (1)
flight (2)
Forgot to add Feats, Skill Focus, Stealth, Skill focus Perception, 3 ranks in each of 4 skills
3 ranks +3 class skill bonus, +8 skilled evolution = 14 base in all, dex skills get +2 each for stat bonus, and +3 in stealth and perception for skill focus feats.so
Perception +17
Stealth +19
Disable Device + 16
Diplomacy +14
And +4 Stealth for being small.
At the moment I'm a 4th level Master Summoner with a small serpent eidolon and even with just four evolution points, I still manage the following:
Skilled (Perception)
Skilled (Stealth)
Skilled (Disable Device)
Perception - 2(ranks) +3(class skill) +8(skilled evolution) +0(Wisdom) = +13
Stealth - 2(ranks) +3(class skill) +8(skilled evolution) +4(Dexterity) +4(Small size) = +21
Disable Device - 2(ranks) +3(class skill) +8(skilled evolution) +4(Dexterity) = +17
Those skills are far better thana rogue of comparable level could hope to have. He carries a small bandoleer with masterwork thieve's tools, some chalk and a few other useful items. He always ghosts ahead of our party in dungeons or abandoned buildings - all eidolons have darksight so he doesn't need a light source even if we do and he can communicate back what he encounters telepathically. Next level he's going to get skilled in Use Magic Device and will be armed with a wand of magic missiles so that he can help out in combat as well. Just wait until he learns how to fly...
I'm effectively our party's rogue and scout, our party's buffer and provide our party's most reliable fontline fighters. We've played from 1st to 4th and I've yet to take damage during an encounter (though I admittedly have to play smart to do it). Couldn't ask for more from a character and he's far from 'min/maxed out'.
sunbeam |
I still like the small biped eidolon named Trap Monkey
at level 8, skills are/were:Perception, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Stealth (Max on all)
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 11
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11Evolutions:
improved natural armor (1)
skilled +8 perception (1)
skilled +8 DIsable Device (1)
skilled +8 Stealth (1)
skilled +8 Diplomacy (1)
flight (2)
You cold also give your monkey martial weapon proficiency and a bow.
He won't be a very good archer, but it is another attacker during combat when he would otherwise not be very useful.
Qik |
Depends on how you play it. All those critters could be giving your fighter and rogue a flanking bonus, and you make sure your buffs like haste hit them first, then carry over to your pets.
Not to get too off-topic, but this bears repeating. I recently started playing my first master summoner, and one of the unexpected perks is my ability to give anyone a flank buddy on demand (required they're within range, of course, but that hasn't been a problem). Hello, Sneak Attack.
Wiggz |
Jus me wrote:I still like the small biped eidolon named Trap Monkey
at level 8, skills are/were:Perception, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Stealth (Max on all)
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 11
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11Evolutions:
improved natural armor (1)
skilled +8 perception (1)
skilled +8 DIsable Device (1)
skilled +8 Stealth (1)
skilled +8 Diplomacy (1)
flight (2)
You cold also give your monkey martial weapon proficiency and a bow.
He won't be a very good archer, but it is another attacker during combat when he would otherwise not be very useful.
I actually reccomend selecting Use Magic Device as a class skill for him, making it one of his 'skilled' evolutions and then arming him with a wand of magic missiles or something similar. That and Fly are the two next evolutions my little 'scout' eidolon is going to be getting.
Wiggz |
Charender wrote:Not to get too off-topic, but this bears repeating. I recently started playing my first master summoner, and one of the unexpected perks is my ability to give anyone a flank buddy on demand (required they're within range, of course, but that hasn't been a problem). Hello, Sneak Attack.
Depends on how you play it. All those critters could be giving your fighter and rogue a flanking bonus, and you make sure your buffs like haste hit them first, then carry over to your pets.
Something else people fail to recognize when assessing the value of summoned monsters is this - 100% of attacks that don't target you miss. You have 100% damage resistance against attacks that hit someone else.
I use my elementals/summoned creatures to spring ambushes, to block doorways and absorb damage in any number of ways. Our party has an actual full-blown healer and she complains that the only time she ever gets to do anything is when someone in the party acts stupidly.
Wiggz |
I still like the small biped eidolon named Trap Monkey
at level 8, skills are/were:Perception, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Stealth (Max on all)
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 11
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11Evolutions:
improved natural armor (1)
skilled +8 perception (1)
skilled +8 DIsable Device (1)
skilled +8 Stealth (1)
skilled +8 Diplomacy (1)
flight (2)
I just noticed that you haven't included any of the benefits/penalties for being small. You need to make the following adjustments...
Alternatively, any one of these base forms can be used to make a Small eidolon. If the eidolon is Small, it gains a +2 bonus to its Dexterity score. It also takes a –4 penalty to its Strength and a –2 penalty to its Constitution. It also gains a +1 size bonus to its AC and attack rolls, a –1 penalty to its CMB and CMD scores, a +2 bonus on its Fly skill checks, and a +4 bonus on its Stealth skill checks. Reduce the damage of all of its attacks by one step (1d6 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d3).
Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
A synthesist CAN take extra evolution!
According to game developers, lines like this one...
"In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner's normal eidolon ability."
...allow you to meet the prerequisites for feats like Resiliant Eidolon.
Hello Sean K Reynolds
About the Extra Evolution Feat.
Is it intended that a synthesist NOT get access to this feat, and others like it, as they don't actually have the Summon Eidolon class ability?
From the archetype:
"In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner's normal eidolon ability...":D
Calypsopoxta |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I know it's been just above a month since the last post on this thread, but I just recently found an opportunity to play the game again and wanted to see if there's any new FAQs to help with synthesist issues and simply HAD to contribute to this one.
One pretty awesome thing a Synthesist can do is take the Dimensional Agility feat line to eventually become a very well rounded party tank.
Here's a quick level 20 run down I made a while back:
Stats at 1
Str 7>14(Fused)
Dex 7>14(Fused)
Con 7>13(Fused)
Int 16
Wis 20
Cha 16
[1]Skill Focus: Perception (half-elf)
[1]Improved Initiative
[3]Combat Reflexes
[5]Improved Natural Attack
[7]Dimensional Agility
[9]Dimensional Assault
[13]Dimensional Dervish
[15]Quicken Spell
[17]Vigilant Eidolon
[19]Power Attack
Evolutions: 26 +5 Half elf
31-3(+6 Aspect)
(1)Improved Damage: Claws
(3)Claws x3
(4)Limbs (Arms) x2
(5)Improved Natural Armor x5
(1)Skilled: Survival
(1)Skilled: Perception
Teleport twice your move distance giving everyone else flanks and full attacking everything you can and then show up next to whoever you need to defend with lunging threat range trips. This guy also happens to be a good tracker/spotter.
Hey Ravingdork (been a while), did they ever figure out (on an official level) if you could rend more than once a round as an Eidolon?
Writer |
Hey Ravingdork (been a while), did they ever figure out (on an official level) if you could rend more than once a round as an Eidolon?
Sorry, im not Ravingdork. Regardless, there is nothing saying you can't make more then one rend in a single round. The rules state you must land two claw attacks in the same round to score a rend. Therefore, if i land 4 claw attacks and have the rend special rule, i get an additional 2 'rends' The trick is landing the attacks to begin with.
Calypsopoxta |
Calypsopoxta wrote:Hey Ravingdork (been a while), did they ever figure out (on an official level) if you could rend more than once a round as an Eidolon?Sorry, im not Ravingdork. Regardless, there is nothing saying you can't make more then one rend in a single round. The rules state you must land two claw attacks in the same round to score a rend. Therefore, if i land 4 claw attacks and have the rend special rule, i get an additional 2 'rends' The trick is landing the attacks to begin with.
Sweet, thanks!
8 Red Wizards |
Regular have the most powerful Eidilon (they can take extra evolution, which synth doesn't qualify for) and gets 2 actions per round (buff and attack). They can also make any eidolon pounce a la maker's call.
Actually SKR ruled said last year that Synthesist Summoners can use Extra Evolution feat based on the fact that the Fused Eidolon words "In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner's normal eidolon ability" So the Synthesist can use Extra Evolution Feat.
Psion-Psycho |
-Race / Class-
Half - Elf / Summoner (Synthesist), Paladin 2, Monk 1
-Stats with out Eidolon (25 point buy)-
STR 07 (+6 item)(-6 age) = 07
DEX 07 (+6 item)(-6 age) = 07
CON 10 (-6 age) = 04
INT 13 (+3 age) = 16
WIS 17 (+6 item)(+3 age) = 26
CHA 18 (+2 racial)(+3 age)(+5 leveling)(+6 item) = 34
-Saves with out Eidolon-
Fort = 28
Reflex = 25
Will = 40
AC = 36
Touch = 23
Flat - Foot = 28
-Stats with Eidolon-
STR 29
DEX 28
CON 13
INT 16
WIS 26
CHA 34
-Saves with Eidolon-
Fort = 32
Reflex = 37
Will = 44
AC = 72 (76 with combat expertise)
Touch = 31
Flat - Foot = 58
-Eidolon Abilities-
Base - Darkvision, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Form - Biped - claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
Claws (x2)
limbs (arms) (x2)
Immunity (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic)
Spell Resistance (28)
Flight Su (30ft)
Improved Natural Armor (8)
Improved Damage (claws)
-Class / Feat Progression-
M 01 Dodge, Skill Focus Perception, Toughness
P O2
P 03 Combat Expertise
S 04
S 05 Extra Evolution
S 06
S 07 Combat Reflexes
S 08
S 09 Extra Evolution
S 10
S 11 Vigilant Eidolon
S 12
S 13 Extra Evolution
S 14
S 15 (insert feat here)
S 16
S 17 (insert feat here)
S 18
S 19 Extra Evolution
S 20
Bracers of Armor
Ring of Protection
Ring of Forcefangs
Cloak of Resistance
Amulet of Natural Armor
Headband of Mental Prowess (wis and cha)
Belt of Physical Might (str and dex)
High saves, immunities to all spell damage but positive / negative and force, and spell resistance.
Board_Gamer |
Optimized Synthesist? *cracks knuckles*
Venerable Half Elf to start. You're looking at -6 to Dex, Con, and Strength, but you don't care. In return, you'll get a +3 to Wisdom and Intelligence, and a +5 to Charisma.
So wait where does the +5 CHA come from then? I'm looking at the core book right now and and unless im missing something Int, Wis and CHA are only getting a +3 for venerable age....
(edit) Just noticed the correction, disregard.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
When fused dont you get your Edilons BAB which is pretty decent if I remember.
The synthesist uses the eidolon’s base attack bonus, and gains the eidolon’s armor and natural armor bonuses and modifiers to ability scores.
graylionj |
I am looking to create a concept very similar to this build.
Half-Elf / Human Dragon Empire lone traveler
Appears as wilderness monk with crazy ethereal armor and slick hand to hand combat moves.
Level 5 (so Monk 1 / Paladin 2 / SynSum 2)
Any tip using this build up to level 5.
-Race / Class-
Half - Elf / Summoner (Synthesist), Paladin 2, Monk 1-Stats with out Eidolon (25 point buy)-
STR 07 (+6 item)(-6 age) = 07
DEX 07 (+6 item)(-6 age) = 07
CON 10 (-6 age) = 04
INT 13 (+3 age) = 16
WIS 17 (+6 item)(+3 age) = 26
CHA 18 (+2 racial)(+3 age)(+5 leveling)(+6 item) = 34-Saves with out Eidolon-
Fort = 28
Reflex = 25
Will = 40AC = 36
Touch = 23
Flat - Foot = 28-Stats with Eidolon-
STR 29
DEX 28
CON 13
INT 16
WIS 26
CHA 34-Saves with Eidolon-
Fort = 32
Reflex = 37
Will = 44AC = 72 (76 with combat expertise)
Touch = 31
Flat - Foot = 58-Eidolon Abilities-
Base - Darkvision, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Form - Biped - claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
Claws (x2)
limbs (arms) (x2)
Immunity (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic)
Spell Resistance (28)
Flight Su (30ft)
Improved Natural Armor (8)
Improved Damage (claws)-Class / Feat Progression-
M 01 Dodge, Skill Focus Perception, Toughness
P O2
P 03 Combat Expertise
S 04
S 05 Extra Evolution
S 06
S 07 Combat Reflexes
S 08
S 09 Extra Evolution
S 10
S 11 Vigilant Eidolon
S 12
S 13 Extra Evolution
S 14
S 15 (insert feat here)
S 16
S 17 (insert feat here)
S 18
S 19 Extra Evolution
S 20-Gear-
Bracers of Armor
Ring of Protection
Ring of Forcefangs
Cloak of Resistance
Amulet of Natural Armor
Headband of Mental Prowess (wis and cha)
Belt of Physical Might (str and dex)High saves, immunities to all spell damage but positive / negative and force, and spell resistance.
Leisner |
I am looking to create a concept very similar to this build.
Half-Elf / Human Dragon Empire lone traveler
Appears as wilderness monk with crazy ethereal armor and slick hand to hand combat moves.
Level 5 (so Monk 1 / Paladin 2 / SynSum 2)
Any tip using this build up to level 5.
That build is not for levelling. You will not be able to do much for some times, as your BAB will be horrid, your AC will not be that good, and you will almost certainly die the moment your exoskeleton (the Eidolon) is dismissed, if you have taken any damage prior. If you really want it, start with a less destructive age, and wait for some levels before you take monk or paladin levels.
Artanthos |
No FAQ, it comes from a RAW reading. You lack one of the prereqs (Eidilon) which you change out for "Fused Eidilon". Same reading that makes Duelist Gloves illegal for most fighter kits.
That is not quite true. Fused Eidolon remains an eidolon and thus still qualifies the synthesist for the eidolon feats.
For the reasoning why, refer to this Link
graylionj |
the concept is more important than the stats. I spend hours visualize the character the name and how I want to play. Don't get me wrong my characters are not wimps but the value of who the character is means more than any and all of the stats.
My concept is
Witchblade Comic "eidolon" or bioArmor
Wilderness Travler / Ice Tundra
Asian / Dragon Empire
Half Elf
The Paladin actually restricts me with alignment. I prefer CG or LN with more freedom. Prefer elves or some type prefer range so this time i'm playing close combat for a change. Prefer high magic so this time it will be low magic spells.
So feedback
Cyberonyx |
Here is the most brutal combination I've ever found:
- 1 level in unchained barbarian (gets you Rage)
- 1 level in Vivisectionist Alchemist (gets you Mutagen and Sneak Attack)
- All other levels in Synthesis Summoner:
Take the Biped, and the following evolutions, and at level 6 you get:
BAB: +5
Ability Scores: +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con
Fort (4), Refl (1), Will (4)
AC: +4 natural armor
Max Attacks: 4
2 Claws (1d4+Str)
Special: Darkvision, Evasion, Devotion
Evolutions (9+2(Extra Evolutions feat)+2(Half-Elf favored Class bonus)): 13 Evolution points total
Level 1 evolutions:
Improved Natural Armor (2): +2 AC
Improved Natural Attack (Claws)
Magic Attacks: Natural attacks overcome DR/magic
Level 2 evolutions:
Ability Increase: +2 Str
Energy attack: All natural attacks add 1d6 electrical damage
Therefore, you get four claw attacks per round. You also get a standard strength bonus of +5, with the mutagen and rage adding +2 each to your attack. Cast Bull's strength to get another +1 to your Strength bonus. Your Eidolon's BAB is +5. Thus:
Four attacks in a full round action
Attack Bonus = BAB + Str + Modifiers = (5+1) + (4+1+2+2) + (2+1+1-2) = 17
One Claw: 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1d6 + 1d6 (electricity) + 1d6 (SA) + 1 = 16 + Dice
Every time two claws hit: 1d6 + 1.5 x (4+1+2+2) = 1d6 + 13 (15 if large)
The practical upshot is that you will be dealing around 80 HP of static damage per round, plus approximately 10d6 HP of dice damage. And that's not counting sneak attack damage either. You should be able to put down almost anything your party encounters within two rounds.