![]() I've tried searching, but my results always end up being conjecture (usually pre-faq) or entirely outside the realm of my question: Can I use Pummeling Style with Emei Piercers (or anything else)? "Benefit: The ring prevents the wielder from being disarmed and turns unarmed strikes into piercing attacks." ![]()
![]() Dimensional Assault:
Prerequisites: Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility.
Benefit: As a full-round action, you use abundant step or cast dimension door as a special charge. Doing so allows you to teleport up to double your current speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability) and to make the attack normally allowed on a charge. Death from Above:
Benefit: Whenever you charge an opponent from higher ground, or from above while flying, you gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls in place of the bonuses from charging and being on higher ground. I was wondering if you end your Dimensional Assault movement on higher ground adjacent to your target, you could gain the benefits of Death from Above, right? ![]()
![]() Writer wrote:
Sweet, thanks! ![]()
![]() I know it's been just above a month since the last post on this thread, but I just recently found an opportunity to play the game again and wanted to see if there's any new FAQs to help with synthesist issues and simply HAD to contribute to this one. One pretty awesome thing a Synthesist can do is take the Dimensional Agility feat line to eventually become a very well rounded party tank.
Stats at 1
Evolutions: 26 +5 Half elf
Teleport twice your move distance giving everyone else flanks and full attacking everything you can and then show up next to whoever you need to defend with lunging threat range trips. This guy also happens to be a good tracker/spotter. Hey Ravingdork (been a while), did they ever figure out (on an official level) if you could rend more than once a round as an Eidolon? ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
Ah! Thanks, I was looking for that earlier! ![]()
![]() I'm looking for a stable Pathfinder Society or even a regular Pathfinder group in the Austin area. I haven't had much opportunity to play Pathfinder, but I have plenty of experience with 3.5 and have spent a great deal of time pouring over the books itching to play. I have a flexible schedule and hope to find a weekly group, but I'm not picky about it. As long as it's Pathfinder I'll be happy. ![]()
![]() Throwing in my two cents on the original post. Didn't read through the entire topic, sorry. Smite evil is specifically design to murderface single big bads. Swarms, Neutrals, and my personal favorite, Illusions are all excellent ways to make it much less OP. Ultimately, if a paladin didn't have it, you have a lot less of a reason to play one over a fighter or monk(zen archers are pretty kew). ![]()
![]() Scent is just an awareness that someone else is within 15-60 ft (depending on wind), more/less for strong/weak scents. You are correct that it takes a move action to get the right direction, and then another to approach. Scent's pinpoint just gives you accurate knowledge of the exact location of any being he can smell adjacent to him. It does NOTHING for any current benefits of concealment a target has, period. Scent was never meant to completely cancel out hidden attackers in the first place, though it certainly isn't useless. If you use two moves to come adjacent to a hidden enemy, you still get an attack of opportunity when they move away from you, unless it's a 5 foot step, which you can easily counter and full attack with by simply stepping to the spot they attacked you from. Mounted characters are especially useful with scent as they can ready an action to strike while the mount does the moving. Scent's primary usefulness has always been in that you are immediately aware of enemies within range without any checks, so they get no surprise round. Because uncanny dodge specifically works against enemies that are even invisible, he's right that they can't sneak attack him, even if he didn't have scent in fact. That's what makes it so uncanny. In short, he can't be sneak attacked unless he's flanked, bound, or the attack states "as if they were flanked/denied their dex bonus". He can't move and attack someone he had to use scent to find if it's more than 5' away. He can full attack if he 5' steps and pinpoints them without using a move to smell for them. They keep all of their concealment. ![]()
![]() SunsetPsychosis wrote:
You can't thrust 15 objects any heavier than 25 lbs apiece so the size thing can't go to far. Also Arcane Strike pretty much adds 75 damage to the volley if it's being cast by a lvl 20 wizzy. Granted, a lvl 20 wizzy will have about +28 to hit with them all(10 BAB+5 Enhance+13 or so int), which is kindof meh at 20. ![]()
![]() Ravennus wrote:
No idea how I missed that last sentence, hah. ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
You re fuze when you cast the spell, though you can no longer touch creatures with protection spells up and it is susceptable to dispel magic. It also lasts clvl mins, ofcourse. ![]()
![]() Lab_Rat wrote: Its very simple. They will never allow the synthesis to take evolutions to bump Cha or any spell casting ability. It makes the synthesis too close to the old 3.5 druid. Paizo went out of their way to separate the druids ability to melee and spell cast effectively. It can not be done to great effect any more. They are not going to reverse course and bring that back no matter how hard you want it. A character should never be allowed to be both a very effective melee and a very effective spellcaster. It is overbalancing and leads to Druid/Codzillas. Hence my earlier joke. There's so much offensive power behind summoners and synthesists that I don't see a need for any of the handful of save based spells on the summoner list, so they can keep the cha bump. After reading up on the faq and looking over how I would build one, there's not enough points in my designs for it anyways. I'm really happy with the way synth has turned out...now I just need to get into a game and play one, I'm dying to. ![]()
![]() thepuregamer wrote:
I felt the same way, honestly. Ultimately I decided not to bother because my own arguement pretty much nailed it. Why fight for it when it's not really worth it anyways? I think a huge wisdom would be far more usefl than charisma, but in the end I would personally pick more dex than more wisdom. I would simply focus on wisdom with level ups, tomes, and a magic item. 4 more to wisdom based skills and will save aren't as good as 4 more touch AC, reflex save and initiative. ![]()
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote:
So does split form (at 16, right?) grant the eidolon a skill set and feat set while active...? ![]()
![]() Cartigan wrote:
Bracers of armor does not stack with mage armor. My point is ultimately that a fighter can achieve the same or better AC with less prep/rounds spent self buffing. The arguement would be better served applying only what buffs/gear the other cannot use. Cartigan wrote:
Troll. Done here. ![]()
![]() Cartigan wrote:
Ahh, the flavor text description. Oh well, point made regardless. Fighter AC > Caster AC. Caster isn't getting 40 AC any time soon once a battle begins, if at all. 40 AC isn't the only way to survive a fight at 10th level, especially since a CR 11 creature has a +19 to hit at best. Eidolons have a lot of AC. Synthesists have more. If this was a big problem, it would have been solved a year ago. It's a strong class and the archetype is arguably stronger(or at least tougher). Let the GM decide if he lets the character in or not. I would much rather be getting some FAQ updates out of this thread than discussing the balance issues involved with the class. ![]()
![]() Cartigan wrote:
I'd like a link to anywhere that implies a tower shield is wooden and only such. Additionally, the fighers 7th level grants a +2 maximum dex bonus to any armor they use. Shields are armor. The tower shield actually has a +6 max, the full plate is at 5. ![]()
![]() KrispyXIV wrote:
Bleh, yeah I had it in my head full plate added 8 and not 9, so 37 AC. He could further be hasted to 38 and shrunk to 39, use combat expertise, fighting defensively...but then we're getting a little carried away... ![]()
![]() Gignere wrote:
"You project your soul out of your body and into the body of a willing creature. This possession is blocked by protection from evil or a similar ward. The target’s soul shares its body with you; it is helpless but can still use its senses. You and the target’s soul can communicate telepathically as if using a common language. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and natural attacks (such as a bite or sting). A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal. You can’t choose to activate the body’s extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural abilities. As a standard action, you can return to your own body, ending the spell. While your soul is possessing the target, your body is helpless. If the host body is slain, you return to your own body if it is within range, and the life force of the host departs (it is slain). If the host body is slain beyond the range of the spell, both you and the host die. Any life force with nowhere to go is treated as slain." So basically every hour and a half you pull "yourself" out of the bag of holding to recast this spell. That is, until you run out of 3rd+ level spells. You aren't considered adjacent to your eidolon, so no shield ally. You get your single round of actions. You get whatever your aspect granted you in number of attacks (this could possibly work out). You get half the hit points of a synthesist (not in the same plane so you can't feed it hit points). To make this all completely infeasible, all of the eidolons evolutions are [Ex] or better...won't work. This is all assuming you don't suffocate in the bag of holding, or die before you place yourself in the bag as combat begins if you didn't have it going, since you have no defensive items whatsoever. You're better off just putting yourself in an adamantine coffin on its back with breather holes... ![]()
![]() Cartigan wrote:
A well built fighter does just fine as part of a balanced team. A poorly built fighter with a poorly played team deserve what they get from their GM. Either you misconstrued the argument, or you're a troll. The argument here is whether a caster can pack a 40 AC at all at level 10 in a single, normal, see-it-coming combat. I asked for the surprise round to allow for "these spells are permanent, cast frequently" ect. to build a defense against a preposterous number of rounds casting defensive spells. If the caster does manage to survive through all of their self buffing, the fight will have ended with them not having contributed much aside from the attacks they did receive. On top of that, I see nothing in your stack of buffs that trumps a fighters potential AC. Only the displacement/mirror image effects even stand a chance, but once again, the argument here is AC, not survivability. If you want to go for survivability, those spells specifically counter your argument of "Of course by level 10, you have 40 AC or you get your face beat in", which doesn't seem to include magical concealments and misdirections. ![]()
![]() Gignere wrote:
Where in my post did I say anything about a normal summoners eidolon AC not being high. I said the item budget(slots included) allowed a synthesist to have a much greater AC. I don't think an eidolon with a 36 AC at level 10 is a problem. I do recognize that a synthesist can get an even larger AC and have no "squishy summoner" to bypass it with, with my implication being that this is a synthesist 'problem' if any, and not a general summoner problem. ![]()
![]() Gignere wrote: The AC is too high is not just a synthesist issue. It is really a general summoner issue. The Eidolon's natural AC progression is way too high. They need to cut it in half or at least get rid of the improve natural armor evolution. A normal summoners eidolon doesn't have as much AC as a synthesist by far, because it costs a great deal of cash to get both the AC of the summoner and eidolon up. While it's true that an eidolon standing between melee enemies and the summoner is a little daunting, that's kind of the specialty of the summoner. Any archers or casters can still rip into the 'squishy summoner'. It's my opinion that a synthesist pretty much does a melee fighters job better, but that's just me. A normal summoner has alot more utility, like holding off spell casting to counter spells, performing ride checks to deflect hits, and casting buffs/heals while big E wrecks faces. Cartigan wrote:
How much of that is up during the suprise round...? ![]()
![]() Considering the whole point of the synthesist (in my opinion) is to BE your eidolon, I don't see any GM not letting you take feats based on your fuzed mode. Yes, this feat line would be awesome on a synthesist, starting the feats at level 7, being able to tele-charge massive distances by 9, and omnislash multiple enemies at 11. ![]()
![]() Jadeite wrote: Since Rending Fury allows a creature to rend with half the attacks normally needed, would an eidolon with the rend evolution be able to rend as a standard action, dealing 2[W]+ 2.5 x STR Bonus? Yes, since the eidolon's rend states "every time", has no limiting clause and trumps general rules with specific. Not only standard actions, they get to rend on every single claw attack during a full attack action and even every AoOs. ![]()
![]() Just to set up, I'll go through the paces: Near as I can tell, any damage that isn't precision based that is added to an alchemists bomb damage is part of it's splash damage. A few examples:
The new discovery, Immolation Bomb reads:
Yeah, kindof wordy. Anyways, does this apply 1d6 + int mod + any other modifiers each tick? ![]()
![]() PaulH wrote:
Bleh, hoped to catch this before new posts, looks like multi-weapon fighting considers all secondary weapon attacks coming from the off-hand, so the dervish wouldn't work if there's more than one weapon. In regards to TWF problems, the FAQ they are currently working on states a synthesist can't swing with any combination of attacks exceeding their natural attack limit, regardless of natural or not. So stick to the regular summoner ideas until they amend it, if they ever do. ![]()
![]() PaulH wrote:
This question is kindof outside the bounds of this thread, since it pretty much is a regular summoner question, but, I'll take a crack at it. Since you're not using TWF, you could do it. Your attack progression with a 4 armed creature using 2 swords would basically take 1 sword and go through all of it's iteratives from BAB, then all secondary natural attacks and weapons held (once each). Considering it's a lot easier to give big E big strength bonuses, it wouldn't be very optimized to focus on dex, but it would be useful in smaller locations where you can't haul around a large+ big E, and of course, the flavor and feel of it could still appeal to you. Ultimately, weapons on big E are very under-efficient money wise, because a single amulet of mighty fists gives them a full array of magical weapons in their natural attacks. There's some great open design feats for big E to use a single enormous weapon that's just hilariously hard hitting, but that's all I see in an optimized build for weapon using big E's really. I'm sure others find the few extra attacks worth the money spent, but I just don't. ![]()
![]() Skylancer4 wrote: Quite honestly they should probably just rewrite the archtype, crunch and fluff both. Given the amount of "buzz" generated here on the boards about it, it isn't like there is a lack of interest for it. Also even after the FAQ, there are some questions remaining from both before and new questions regarding the FAQ rulings. Rewriting the entire thing to clean up and clarify it is quite probably warranted at this point... They shouldn't release it without an example fuzed summoner either, in my opinion... ![]()
![]() Momar wrote:
You've got a good point there, I guess I drifted away from what should have my main point: Archetypes aren't going to be for everyone, and they don't always mean "more damage" ect. I agree totally regarding the ability bonus. The original text clearly states the summoner gains all the bonuses that the eidolon does, and 'access' to all of the eidolons evolutions. It seems outside the spirit of the archetype to say they dont get the mental stat boostsing evolutions. ![]()
![]() Diehard helps with the eidolon being an unconscious lump on the battlefield, but it sucks up 2 feats. The summoner can alternatively use diehard to help keep the eidolon around, still sucks up 2 more feats. I recall the consensus on Eidolon Rend was it had no limit due to the fact that it, in it's specific mention trumped the general mention by saying "every time the eidolon hits with two claw attacks" followed by no limiter in it's description. The limit to the number of natural attacks an eidolon could perform, being the ceiling on the ability. Since there is no FAQ mention and specific > general, doesn't that mean by RAW you get to rend multiple times a round? ![]()
![]() PeteZero wrote:
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---su mmoner-archetypes/synthesist for some reason there's a space between the su and mmoner at the end, close that gap for the url...I couldn't get rid of it