Pinpoint Targeting and Abundant Step

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm trying to find a clear definition of whether this would work. A Zen Archer Monk with Pinpoint Targeting and Abundant Step, could he or she, use abundant step to teleport within range and still use pinpoint targeting. The abundant step is a move-action but isn't clear if this counts as 'moving' and pinpoint targeting is a standard action but can;t used if you 'move'. As a DM I don't feel it's broken but I was wondering if there was official word on this and/or others opinion. Thanks

Without Dimensional Agility Feat the monk is not doing anything until the next round, due to the Abundant Step acting like Dimension Door. Pinpoint Targeting "Benefit: As a standard action, make a single ranged attack. The target does not gain any armor, natural armor, or shield bonuses to its Armor Class. You do not gain the benefit of this feat if you move this round."
You have moved, due to the use of Abundant Step (A Move-Acion that restlts in movement.)
I can see an argument for the "I didn't take a step", but I believe the intent of the Feat is a "Moment of Calmness to take perfect aim on the target" - this does not go with the mental stress of DDing to the new location and re-acquiring your target. Is it overpowered - no, as long as the monk doesn't try and claim anything else special from the DD.

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