Yet another grapple thread..... I know, i know, Im sorry.

Rules Questions

So I think I messed up tonight.

I was hell-bent on ruling that a creature one size category larger than you can not be pinned while in a grapple. I don't like pausing game while playing (rule zero and all) but one of my players and I were determined to find the official rule. Unfortunately it stopped play for far too long and yet I couldn't find ANYTHING on this rule.

Did I make this up, is this a rule, or is it some residual rule that has stuck with me?

As a sidenote, I find it frustratingly odd that (provided the right circumstances) a Colossal creature could be pinned, dragged, or tied up by a humanoid (god forbid a halfling)

If these are rules, please provide a link or pg number.


You can Grapple up to one size category larger than you. Including Pin and all that goes with grappling.

Thank you very much.

Is this stated somewhere in the CRB or is it an errata?

Internet ate my last post. There is nothing in the Combat section that limits small creatures from grappeling or pinning larger creatures. There are rules in the Universal Monster Rules limiting extra attack types, such as grab.
Universal Monster Rules

Ok so if we can't find anything concrete in the rules stating otherwise, am I to assume a creature the size of a house cat that rolls two consecutive natural twenties in a row (one to grapple and one to pin) against a creature the size of the school bus, who rolls two natural ones to resist these attacks...

CAN effectively do so using RAW?

BornofHate wrote:

Ok so if we can't find anything concrete in the rules stating otherwise, am I to assume a creature the size of a house cat that rolls two consecutive natural twenties in a row (one to grapple and one to pin) against a creature the size of the school bus, who rolls two natural ones to resist these attacks...

CAN effectively do so using RAW?

Could. But the chances are infinitesimal. If the cat rolls anything but a 20 and the Huge creature rolls anything but a 1, it's not happening. And... don't forget, said Huge creature can full attack the cat while the cat is grappling.

Given the inability to break out of a pin if a roll of 20 is not good enough it is a simple house rule to implement that a nautral 20 in a grapple is not an automatic success.

Don't get me wrong. I know I can house rule anything I want. I just want to be sure I know the grappling rules as intended before I do.

So a grappler can make a full attack on a grapplee if the grappler succeeds on a grapple check?

And a grapplee has to reverse the grapple prior to making attacks in a grapple?

I'm seriously sorry for this. I feel like I should know this but its hard when I have a bunch of 3.5 info clinging to my neurons.

Nope, as the grappler (Without any additional feats) you can only do one lot of damage to the grappled target (Move, Damage or Pin). The grappled target on the other hand, gets to make a full attack itereation (assuming they do not try and break the grapple and they have a one-handed weapon to hand.)

Thanks a lot David.

That really clears up a lot for me.

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