Alchemist's syringe dagger?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

hi all, i`d like to know how could i make or if there is anything around like the one i mention in the title, i mean, a dagger like syringe, something like the iconic has on his hand, i know the only thing alike is the syringe spear but alchemists are not proficient with it, and also i know that eberron has some stuff like this (bloodspikes i think) but cnat find em, any help?

Isn't that basically the magic item, Dagger of Poison?

Dark Archive

eberrons are in magic of ebberron i think

Grand Lodge

Oh man, this is so needed!

It would basically be an exotic weapon that alchemists and assassins receive free proficiency in. It would have no poison use critical failure chance and increase the poison DC by 1 or 2.

Put a bottled ooze in it.

An iron cobra will do it for you as well.

Make it out of adamantine and I'm good with it -- otherwise I want it to have the fragile property, though I would include something in its description where the alchemist can choose to deal minimum damage when delivering an extract through it.

And no it is not a dagger of venom -- the dagger of venom has been most seriously nerfed and now only does the poison spell.

If you just use a small sized or tiny sized syringe spear, you wouldn't have to make up a brand new thing. It would just change the damage die and handedness. Then you could carry a bandolier of them for stabbing or throwing

well i find it quite odd that they didnt make an item like that, im not looking for power, just flavour, specially with the iconic alchemist having something like that.
i was thinking about something like the syringe spear but dagger sized and ...well, dunno, something like 1d3 dmg or the like

Ismodai wrote:

well i find it quite odd that they didnt make an item like that, im not looking for power, just flavour, specially with the iconic alchemist having something like that.

i was thinking about something like the syringe spear but dagger sized and ...well, dunno, something like 1d3 dmg or the like

Tiny syringe spear

Class light
1d4 damage
Crit 20x3
Cost 50gp
Weight .6 lbs
and it has brace I guess...

Grand Lodge

Instead of resizing the spear, why not just create a dagger?

Light melee weapon.
Damage 1D4 (19-20x2)
injects alchemist cartridge on successful hit. Reloading the dagger is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity

D@D Wiki has one at

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