Ismodai |

hi all, i`d like to know how could i make or if there is anything around like the one i mention in the title, i mean, a dagger like syringe, something like the iconic has on his hand, i know the only thing alike is the syringe spear but alchemists are not proficient with it, and also i know that eberron has some stuff like this (bloodspikes i think) but cnat find em, any help?

Abraham spalding |

Make it out of adamantine and I'm good with it -- otherwise I want it to have the fragile property, though I would include something in its description where the alchemist can choose to deal minimum damage when delivering an extract through it.
And no it is not a dagger of venom -- the dagger of venom has been most seriously nerfed and now only does the poison spell.

skrahen |

well i find it quite odd that they didnt make an item like that, im not looking for power, just flavour, specially with the iconic alchemist having something like that.
i was thinking about something like the syringe spear but dagger sized and ...well, dunno, something like 1d3 dmg or the like
Tiny syringe spear
Class lightMelee:thrown
1d4 damage
Crit 20x3
Cost 50gp
Weight .6 lbs
and it has brace I guess...

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Instead of resizing the spear, why not just create a dagger?
Light melee weapon.
Damage 1D4 (19-20x2)
injects alchemist cartridge on successful hit. Reloading the dagger is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity
D@D Wiki has one at http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Syringe_Dagger_(3.5e_Equipment)