Pathfinder Minis - Gallery of Minis Website


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3 people marked this as a favorite.

I am currently hosting a site that will present all of Pathfinder's Pre-Painted Plastic Minis (PPM).

This is not a fancy site, but I hope the simplicity of it will keep people interested. As minis of an upcoming release are previewed, I will post the images on this site. Additionally, I will make mention of any special promos or repaints, so that die hard "must have all of them" collectors like myself can know what are available.

Once "official" release pictures of each mini are released, I will update the images.

The site is:

Grand Lodge

Excellent! Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I like the simplicity of the website. It is exactly what it needs to be.

An excellent website. Thanks for all the work that goes into something like this.

Excellent work, Kor! I was hoping such a site would surface soon.

Thanks for the comments all.


Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Thanks for the comments all.

Vic Confirmed uncommon goblin mystic and 'other goblin'

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Vic Confirmed uncommon goblin mystic and 'other goblin'

Great, thanks for the update.

Scarab Sages

Nice site, Kor. Thanks for the effort.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Wow. That's a great site. Thank you!

Grand Lodge

Go to :Plasticrypt website formerly DDM Spoilers. Here is another option to Kor's most excellent work. There is no such thing as too many miniature web sites.



Forget where it was said, but all larges in this set are marked as Rare.

Dark Archive

Mazra wrote:

Go to :Plasticrypt website formerly DDM Spoilers. Here is another option to Kor's most excellent work. There is no such thing as too many miniature web sites.



Great site Kor, and thanks for pointing this site out Mazra. I use mini pics to inspire NPCs and monstors for my home games, it's great to have them all in one place.

Grand Lodge

Nice site. A little update for it. It has been said that all the large figures are Rare.

Whoops, I thought I changed that. Thanks I'll update that.

Liberty's Edge

That Pathfinder werewolf looks awfully familiar.

Not that I blame Wizkids. It probably keeps production costs down and it isn't an exact replica. Besides, some of the Mage Knight figures, like the Frost Wolf, have really cool sculpts.

Dark Archive

Velcro Zipper wrote:

That Pathfinder werewolf looks awfully familiar.

The link is blocked at the source. You have to copy it and paste it directly to your browser.

Liberty's Edge

David Fryer wrote:
Velcro Zipper wrote:

That Pathfinder werewolf looks awfully familiar.

The link is blocked at the source. You have to copy it and paste it directly to your browser.

Grrr. Try this one.

The goblin mystic has been dropped now, I believe. Replaced with another, currently unspecified, goblin

Dark Archive

Velcro Zipper wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Velcro Zipper wrote:

That Pathfinder werewolf looks awfully familiar.

The link is blocked at the source. You have to copy it and paste it directly to your browser.
Grrr. Try this one.

Thanks, that one works.

Velcro Zipper wrote:

That Pathfinder werewolf looks awfully familiar.

Not that I blame Wizkids. It probably keeps production costs down and it isn't an exact replica. Besides, some of the Mage Knight figures, like the Frost Wolf, have really cool sculpts.

Actually, now that I have seen the Frost Wolf, I sort of dislike the Pathfinder werewolf now. Thanks for the link - I think that actually might be one of my favorite werewolf sculpts.

Liberty's Edge

They're very similar sculpts. I have the Mage Knight Frost Wolf figure so it caught my attention to see the Pathfinder version. It looks like they just repainted him and tweaked his neck and claws a little bit.

I have updated the Heroes & Monsters gallery, and have given it a complete make-over.

The latest previews are out and now we get to see the color of the orcs.
Although Erik has mentioned that the orc is not quite as bright green as depicted due to lighting conditions, its still too green for me.

I'm probably in the minority, but in a feeble attempt to raise support for the orcs, I present another poll:

Personally (in my own jaded opinion) orcs look so much meaner and fiercer when they are darker in color (like a dark green or dark grayish-green).

Disclaimer: I do somewhat post this in jest, as I'm sure the color is set and won't be changing.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Kor, I was just looking over your great site, and noticed a couple of minor corrections you might want to add.

1) The Venomous Snake is Medium.

2) Both pages (the one for Beginner Box Heroes and for Heroes & Monsters) say Beginner Box Heros at the top (and in page title field that populates the tab of your browser).

3) Also, "Beginner Box Heros," should say "Beginner Box Heroes" (with an e).

Other than that, it's an awesome page!

Erik Mona wrote:

Kor, I was just looking over your great site, and noticed a couple of minor corrections you might want to add.

1) The Venomous Snake is Medium.

2) Both pages (the one for Beginner Box Heroes and for Heroes & Monsters) say Beginner Box Heros at the top (and in page title field that populates the tab of your browser).

3) Also, "Beginner Box Heros," should say "Beginner Box Heroes" (with an e).

Other than that, it's an awesome page!

Thanks for dropping by Erik.

I have fixed everything now and updated all the references to the proper set names.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Kor, the Heroes and Monsters site now says "4 minis" up top, I think you mean 41 (I thought that's what you previously had.)

Reckless wrote:
Kor, the Heroes and Monsters site now says "4 minis" up top, I think you mean 41 (I thought that's what you previously had.)

Thanks, I messed a few things up when I changed the format. I have fine-tuned that format now.

I am waiting until the final 3 are unveiled before I move the Human Rogue to his correct alphabetical spot... as it is a bit of a pain right now. I'm going to have to read my book sometime soon to learn how code this so its all automatic.

The gallery has been updated:

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

The gallery has been updated:

You updated the Chimera with the new Manticore pic. The Manticore should be one of the 3 at the bottom that was previously unknown, and the Chimera still only has the computer rendering pic availible.

JoelF847 wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

The gallery has been updated:

You updated the Chimera with the new Manticore pic. The Manticore should be one of the 3 at the bottom that was previously unknown, and the Chimera still only has the computer rendering pic availible.

Whoops, thanks for noticing that.

The gallery has been updated:

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I can help fill in a couple of details.

Seelah, the Succubus, and the Vampire are all rare.

Also, the Skeleton, Giant Spider, Giant Caveweaver Spider, Manticore, Ogre, and Minotaur images you've posted are not production proofs, but actual "final" miniatures.

Otherwise, your site is really awesome, and it's enormously useful for reminding me what we have and haven't posted yet!

Erik Mona wrote:

I can help fill in a couple of details.

Seelah, the Succubus, and the Vampire are all rare.

Also, the Skeleton, Giant Spider, Giant Caveweaver Spider, Manticore, Ogre, and Minotaur images you've posted are not production proofs, but actual "final" miniatures.

Otherwise, your site is really awesome, and it's enormously useful for reminding me what we have and haven't posted yet!

Thats great, I'm happy to hear you are finding it helpful.

Thanks for the updated information. That leaves only the Medusa left, as unknown rarity now.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

The Medusa is rare.

All 41 miniatures have now been identified. Hurray!

The gallery has been updated:

Note: This site appears best if viewed with Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Sadly, Firefox distorts the appearance of the page.

Shadow Lodge

Ok, I'm kind of confused about something... All the larges are rare... But isn't Paizo selling two different sized boxes, 1 box containing 1 medium or 2 small figs, and another sized box containing 1 large figure? How does that figure into all larges being rare, since there's an equal chance of getting each of the large figures. Wouldn't that be the same as calling them all common? Or have they changed how they're selling them?

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Ok, I'm kind of confused about something... All the larges are rare... But isn't Paizo selling two different sized boxes, 1 box containing 1 medium or 2 small figs, and another sized box containing 1 large figure? How does that figure into all larges being rare, since there's an equal chance of getting each of the large figures. Wouldn't that be the same as calling them all common? Or have they changed how they're selling them?

This was discussed in a thread: HERE

I have now added a printable checklist for Heroes & Monsters, as I will for all future sets.

Silver Crusade

Good job

Liberty's Edge

Thanks man, great resource!

Thanks! This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for.

Props dude!

Any chance we could sticky this thread (or some other - perhaps a locked, single post thread linking to kor's site?)

Dark Archive

Kor Vic was kind enough to post the last huge mini in the set, as seen on the product page.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wow! So not a white dragon as stated before? Seems odd. Perhaps thsi is one of th etwo huge minis cut form the set and the artwork is an older image? Seems unlikely. This meand the huge case of 6 could well be 1 treachery demon, 1 kourzag statue, 2 lamia and 2 storm giants. Can't see a need to make the kourzag statue a "common" huge, hoe many could you need?

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
It's actually 2 Treachery Demons, 2 Storm Giants, 1 Lamia Harridan, and 1 Karzoug Statue.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Yeah saw that in the thread for the set. Seems odd that the treachery demon is of a lower "rarity" than the lamia. I suppose there is just more steps in putting the lamia together - possible more paint steps as well? That set up works for me anyway, just means I'll need to seek out individual lamias to fill the ranks. Can't justify 2 cases to myself, juat don't see a need for 4 treachery demons, well other than mu obsessive colective nature.

I have overhauled the Runelords gallery now and reordered it to match the set list. I have converted the page to include a lot of javascript. This javascript makes it very easy for me to add and re-arrange miniatures now. The appearance of the page should be the same though.

I have never used javascript before, so if anyone notices problems with the page loading please let me know, but it all appears to be working well.

Discovered this site a couple weeks ago. Well done. Now I have a one stop link for all the Pathfinder mini info. Easy peasy.


Are you going to put the numbers and reorder the minis (in regards to number) on the checklist?

I like how the checklist with Heroes and Monsters was organized, but of course like the larger boxes for RotRL. Any way you can do both?

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