So which badger ia three days from retirement and "too old for this s#&$," and which is the crazed young rookie who finally realizes he needs his partner to keep him stable?
It matters not. I will root them out of their hiding places, shake them like ragdolls, and drag them back to be displayed eternally on my master's chester drawers.
So which badger ia three days from retirement and "too old for this s$*~," and which is the crazed young rookie who finally realizes he needs his partner to keep him stable?
From a self-professed Doctor of Butt Sniffing? Really, I have better things to do with my time. Why, there's got to be 8 dozen active troll threads I can go read...
Whoah! I wander off with some of those nice ladies from the first page of the thread for one day, and I come back to find everyone fighting. Break it up, fellas--we got bigger grubs to munch. And ladies to entertain.
Did I mention I'm a quarter tanuki, on my mother's side?
Whoah! I wander off with some of those nice ladies from the first page of the thread for one day, and I come back to find everyone fighting. Break it up, fellas--we got bigger grubs to munch. And ladies to entertain.
** spoiler omitted **
So you have been known to wear big, straw hats and carry bottles of sake?
Nah, man... Mordimer is too damn hawt to be a gelugon, and too damn cool to be a pit fiend.
Schneider's just jealous because he missed out on the limited edition, kung-fu grip Mordimer Jones action figure - with power missile attack and jetpack!