Ion Raven |
42 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm trying to figure out if the new abilities for Time Sight replace the old one, can be used as well as the old ability, or are function together with the old ability at the same time. Can anyone share some insight?
Time Sight (Su): You can peer through the mists of time to see things as they truly are, as if using the true seeing spell. At 15th level, this functions like moment of prescience. At 18th level, this functions like foresight. You can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level, but these minutes do not need to be consecutive. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.
Cyberwolf2xs |
6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Well... to be honest, that revelation really is very inaccurately worded.
Since the abilites you get are vastly different from each other (as in, you don't get teleport and later change that into greater teleport), and it wouldn't really make any sense that you gain the ability to percieve reality as it really is, only to lose it later in exchange for a "quick jolt of foresight"-buff, I would rule that you get them in addition to those you had before.
Apart from that, I'd like to throw in another question: what exactly is meant with "functions like moment of prescience"? Normally, if you cast that spell, you gain a boost for one single instance of your choice that happens during the spell's duration...
Does that mean that you only get one boost for one instance that happens during one of the minutes your spell is active?
And, since normally the spell ends when you take the boost, does it deactivate the whole Time Sight revelation?
Or, as you don't have to use your minutes consecutively, does that mean that you get one boost for every time you activate your ability (that is, for each of your minutes)?
Wizgang |
The Prescience ability is essentially the same as the spell Moment of Prescience: Once during the spell's duration, you may choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Alternatively, you can apply the insight bonus to your AC against a single attack (even if flat-footed). Activating the effect doesn't take an action; you can even activate it on another character's turn. You must choose to use the moment of prescience before you make the roll it is to modify. Once used, the spell ends. You can't have more than one moment of prescience active on you at the same time.
As A DM, I would allow both versions, each as a separate mystery to be taken at a different level.
cfalcon |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
While I'm sad this didn't get bumped in 2013 or 2016, I'm bumping this for 2018 because we still don't know what the heck happens with Time Sight as you level.
For the numerologists out there, we expect this thread to not be bumped in 2019, via extrapolation.
This ability is also interesting because there's three interpretations of this (literal- newer replaces the older, which is no longer available; additive- all apply when activated; selection- you choose when activating). Three interpretations, every third year doesn't have any bumps... Illuminati most obviously confirmed.
Shrublord |
Hey, it's 2023 now! And it seems people are still confused cause here I am! While this is of no help if you play in pathfinder society games I feel any just GM would say you are unlocking new abilities and don't lose the old ones. But thats a relatively small issue. If you have them all do they all work at once at the cost of one minute? Do you have to use them separately? How the hell does moment of prescience work in this context?!
I know that 1e is pretty much left behind at this point but as someone just getting into it and not 2e the people still want answers!
Diego Rossi |
This is my opinion. The rules are lacking and don't give an answer.
As I see it, you have all three abilities, but activating them is a separate action and is paid separately.
So, at level 18, you can activate true sight for 1 minute (maybe even for a single round, there is no text saying it is used in 1-minute increments).
Or/and (spending a different action) you can activate Moment of prescience (for minutes/level at most, not particularly useful).
Or/and then you can activate Foresight.
Note that it doesn't say that it is a swift or immediate action, so activating the ability is a standard action.
Moment of prescience can be kept active for a few minutes, spending 1 round from your pool for every round it is active. When you use the bonus it ends and you stop spending your pool. Somewhat useful if you think that there will be trouble in the near future, but way less if you want a buff for something that can happen sooner or later.
In theory, by spending 2 rounds you can have a large bonus to a skill check or a save you know you will have to make. But it requires foresight (not the spell) to time it correctly.