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I have a player who is interested in using the Shadowbound oracle curse. The downside of this curse is that "You are blinded for 1 round when exposed to normal or bright light and dazzled while in such a lit area." However, this player is also using an elf character with the "Lightbringer" alternate racial trait, which makes them immune to light based blindness and dazzle effects. Is this a legal choice? I am willing to let my player do this if it checks out mechanically.

I am confused about how the Spell Resistance awarded by the spell Ward Shield interacts with SR from other sources. I am aware that SR typically does not stack, but the target of the Ward Shield is listed as the shield itself. Does this mean a creature with SR wielding a shield that has had Ward Shield cast upon it benefits from both?

For example, could a level 12 cleric who has casted Spell Resistance on themselves, granting them 24 SR , place a warded shield between themselves and the spell, giving them another 22 shield SR for a total of 46 SR against that spell?

I'm wondering if taking New Arcana from the Arcane Bloodline using Improved Eldritch Heritage would allow an Ancient Lorekeeper Oracle to add more Wizard/Sorcerer spells to their list.

If I understand correctly, New Arcana can only be used to add spells that you are capable of casting (aka spells that are on your class list). Ancient Lorekeepers are capable of casting a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard list. Does this allow them to use New Arcana to gain additional sorcerer/wizard spells?

Oracles are described as not drawing their divine power from a specific deity. Does this mean that they can know/cast spells that normally have a deity requirement?

For example, in order to cast "Freedoms Toast" clerics need to worship Cayden Cailean. Is this true for oracles as well?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I've been looking over previous threads and haven't been able to find a concrete answer to this question.

If a character uses the "Adopted" trait to gain another race's trait, does that then lock them out of selecting a race trait from their actual race because they are from the same list?

For example, can a human that was raised by elves use the "Adopted Trait" to take "Warrior of Old" and then use their second trait slot to choose the human race trait "Historian".

Some people seem to believe that the "Adopted" trait counts as both a social trait and a race trait. Others say it only counts as a social trait. I'm hoping I can get some confirmation either way. Thanks!

Quick question about race traits. If a character uses the "Adopted" trait to gain another race's trait, does that then lock them out of selecting a race trait from their actual race because they are from the same list?

For example, can a human that was raised by elves use the "Adopted Trait" to take "Warrior of Old" and then use their second trait slot to choose the human trait "Historian". Thanks!

I'm raising this thread from the grave because I'm curious as well.

Thanks for all of your help. I am still confused about one thing. The time oracle's revelation Time sight is a bit confusing.

"Time Sight (Su): You can peer through the mists of time to see things as they truly are, as if using the true seeing spell. At 15th level, this functions like moment of prescience. At 18th level, this functions like foresight. You can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level, but these minutes do not need to be consecutive. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation."

Does this mean at level 18 a time oracle can no longer choose to use this revelation as moment of prescience? Or at 18 can a time oracle choose to use the previous incarnations of the ability?

Are half elves and half orcs able to take the Human Racial Heritage feat and then qualify for the archetypes/feats/etc. exclusive to a race of their choosing just like humans are?

I'm interested in making a half orc oracle that uses the Ancient Lorekeeper archetype. I'm wondering if this is possible using the Racial Heritage feat.

Do oracles need to have a focus for the spells granted to them by their mystery if that is part of the spells components?

"Oracles do not need to provide a divine focus to cast spells that list divine focus (DF) as part of the components."

For example, a Time Mystery Oracle is granted the spell Contingency which normally requires "F (ivory statuette of you worth 1,500 gp)". Do they need this or does the above quote extend to spells granted to them by their mystery/curse/archetype?

How are Black Blooded oracles affected by spells like affected by spells like Resurrection or Breath of Life?

"Positive and negative energy affect a black-blooded oracle as if she were undead—positive energy harms her, while negative energy heals her (this aspect of the curse has no effect if the oracle is undead)."

Does this mean that Black Blooded Oracles cannot be resurrected using techniques that restore life to living creatures?