Sneaky |
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I plan to adopt MorphVoxPro for my Virtual Table Top campaign and so I planned to use also music as background as suggested for example by Riptide for Carrion Crown... At the moment I'm focusing on Burnt Offerings. I have defined a preliminary list but still I have some holes and I would like to receive some good suggestions for new entries or substitutions to what I adopted.
If you need more details on the songs to find them contact me
Part One: Festival and Fire
A) Arriving in Sandpoint
- A1 On the Lost Coast Road Alan Silvestri – Reunited
This is needed if some of the PCs have to arrive in Sandpoint. In my campaign the group was traveling few days before the festival from Magnimar with the objective to take some maps to “The Way North” and to protect two aristocratic families on the route to the coastal city. On their way they joined themselves with a caravan leaded by Jubrayl Vhiski with his Sczarni who still came from Magnimar where they had some other business. Near Sandpoint they were all ambushed by some other thieves, in my case a small band, I used Happs Bydon and his bandits from Kingmaker Stolen Land and later in the adventure Kressle and The Stag Lord too.
- A2 Entering the town Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters
The PC enter the city
From the gatehouse and stop themselves in front of the sign and the mirror reading the welcoming message. Then they direct towards the Way North where the buy a map of the Region from Veznutt Parooh finally going to give a look to the Old Light.
- A3 Sandpoint Streets Jeff Beal - The Carnivàle Convoy
The PC go through the streets where they meet various NPCs and other folks making preparations for the incoming festival finally reaching the Rusty Dragon.
B) The Swallowtail Festival
- B1 Welcoming Speeches Knut Avenstroup Haugen - The Mountains of Night
- B2 Festival games David Munrow - Citole, English dance
- B3 Swallowtail Relaise Shiro Hamaguchi, Seiji Honda - Aerith's Theme
- B4 Lunch on the streets THE MIDDLE AGES (Woodwind) Shawm - Saltarello
- B5 Consecration Wojciech Kilar - Lucy's Party
C) Goblins in the streets!
- C1 Initial Assault Danny Elfman - March of the Dead
- C2 Goblyn Pyros Bernard Herrmann - The Fight
- C3 Die, Dog, Die!
- C4 Corpses on the streets Carrie Soundtrack - Candles, Mother at the Top of the Stairs
Part Two: Local Heroes
D) Consecration part two
- D1 Sandpoint cathedral Knut Avenstroup Haugen - In the Temple
- D2 Father Zantus speech Hans Zimmer - Chevaliers de Sangreal
- D3 Local Heroes David Munrow - THE RENAISSANCE (Woodwind) Shawm, Two Courantes
E) The Shopkeep’s Daughter
- E1 Shayliss Vinder David Munrow - Dulcimer, Madrigal 'Tanto soavemente'
- E2 Love in the Store Basement David Munrow - Xylophone, Ballo Francese
- E3 Ven Vinder arrival
F) The Boar Hunt
- F1 Aldern Foxglove
- F2 Towards Tickwood Ford Jeff Beal - Carnivàle Main Title Theme
- F3 Tickwood Boars The Terminator Soundtrack - Future Remembered
- F4 Dinner at Rusty Dragon Knut Avenstroup Haugen - The Ballad of the Barbarian King
G) Monster in the Closet
- G1 Amele Barett
- G2 PC at Barett house Glenn Stafford - Blackrock & Roll
- G3 Alergast fate Carrie Soundtrack - End Title
H) Grim News from Mosswood
- H1 Shalelu Andosana James Newton Howard - The Orange Man
- H2 Lesson on goblins The London Symphony Orchestra - 'Freedom' _ The Excecution _ Bannockburn
- H3 Another dinner at Rusty Dragon Jeff Beal - Dora Mae's Funeral
I) The Missing Bartender
- I1 Bethana Corwin The London Symphony Orchestra - The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life
- I2 Tsuto Letter Philippe Sarde - Mansion
Part Three: Glass and Wrath
L) Sandpoint Glassworks
- L1 Investigation Nobuo Uematsu - Turk's Theme
- L2 Against the Goblins David Arnold - Fall of a House in Venice
- L3 Saving Ameiko
- L4 Against Tsuto
M) Catacombs of Wrath
- M1 Sinspawn Carrie Soundtrack - Broken Mirror
- M2 Vargouille near washing pool The Terminator Soundtrack - Factory Chase
- M3 More Sinspawn in ancient prison Joseph LoDuca - Foul Thing
- M4 Ancient study skeletons
- M5 Koruvus and Zombies M5 John Carpenter & Alan Howarth - Halloween 1 - Theme Main Title
- M6 Meditation Chamber M6 Jeff Beal - Justin Calls Iris
- M7 Shrine to Lamashtu
- M8 Cathedral of Wrath and Erylium M8 John Carpenter & Alan Howarth - A Stranger In The House
Part Four: Thistletop
N) Trip to Thistletop
- N1 Sandpoint Hinterlands Tracy W. Bush - Awakening
O) Outside Thistletop
- O1 Hidden Entrance / Thistle Tunnels Derek Duke - Arcane Echoes
- O2 The Howling Hole Joseph LoDuca - Pit
- O3 Submerged Sea Cave (Bunyip) Derek Duke - Blight
- O4 Refugee Nest
- O5 Goblin Dog Kennel / Tangletooth’s Den Tracy W. Bush - Arrival at Kalimdor
- O6 Gogmurt Knut Avenstroup Haugen - Ambush from Three Directions
- O7 Rope Bridge
- O8 Thistletop
P) Goblin Level
- P1 Trophy Hall Jeff Beal - You're The One
- P2 Pickle Thieves
- P3 Thistletop Goblins Joseph LoDuca - On the Parapet
- P4 Shadowmist (caged horse)
- P5 Throne Room Hans Zimmer - The Kraken
- P6 Treasury
Q) Thistletop Dungeon: Level One
- Q1 Bruthazmus and Goblin Wives
- Q2 Orik Vancaskerkin
- Q3 Tentamort
- Q4 Chapel to Lamashtu John Carpenter and Alan Howarth - Darkness Falls
- Q5 Lyrie Akenja John Carpenter & Alan Howarth - End Credit
- Q6 Trapped Hall
- Q7 Nualia John Carpenter and Alan Howarth - Opening Credits
- Q8 Giant Hermit Crab
- Q9 Malfeshnekor John Carpenter & Alan Howarth - The Devil Awakens

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Oh damn. I'm without sound at the moment, but this looks incredibly awesome. What exactly is MorphVoxPro, if you don't mind me asking?
MorphVox is a program that lets you distort your voice with customizable profiles, so you can modify it and make you sound like different people or creatures. Screaming Bee makes the software; some podcasts use it to do different skits, etc.
Not really handy to use at the table in a live game, but very cool over internet audio games. :)

Twigs |

Cool! I just finished my RotRL campaign yesterday. I was using the Tron Legacy soundtrack for portions of that... (minus some obviously ill fitting tracks) It really gave, kind of and otherworldly feel to Xin-Shalast.
Hey, congratulations. :)
I've always wanted to use "The Ecstasy of Gold" for Xin Shalast. I began working on something this a while ago but my game went from 50% maptools to 100% thanks to lazy playerts and a lazier GM, so music isn't so practical anymore. Nor can I give my NPCs accents.
The latter is probably for the best. We had to stop the game early on account of "FAHHHHMUH GRUMP!" and I dont think they could have handled the Grawls in person. :P

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Aeshuura wrote:Cool! I just finished my RotRL campaign yesterday. I was using the Tron Legacy soundtrack for portions of that... (minus some obviously ill fitting tracks) It really gave, kind of and otherworldly feel to Xin-Shalast.Hey, congratulations. :)
I've always wanted to use "The Ecstasy of Gold" for Xin Shalast. I began working on something this a while ago but my game went from 50% maptools to 100% thanks to lazy playerts and a lazier GM, so music isn't so practical anymore. Nor can I give my NPCs accents.
The latter is probably for the best. We had to stop the game early on account of "FAHHHHMUH GRUMP!" and I dont think they could have handled the Grawls in person. :P
Thanks man... Too bad you guys had to stop... The first RotRL campaign that I played in never got past Burnt Offerings, so don't feel too bad. ;)
I had to run it, just so I could see the whole story unfold...

Twigs |

Twigs wrote:Aeshuura wrote:Cool! I just finished my RotRL campaign yesterday. I was using the Tron Legacy soundtrack for portions of that... (minus some obviously ill fitting tracks) It really gave, kind of and otherworldly feel to Xin-Shalast.Hey, congratulations. :)
I've always wanted to use "The Ecstasy of Gold" for Xin Shalast. I began working on something this a while ago but my game went from 50% maptools to 100% thanks to lazy playerts and a lazier GM, so music isn't so practical anymore. Nor can I give my NPCs accents.
The latter is probably for the best. We had to stop the game early on account of "FAHHHHMUH GRUMP!" and I dont think they could have handled the Grawls in person. :P
Thanks man... Too bad you guys had to stop... The first RotRL campaign that I played in never got past Burnt Offerings, so don't feel too bad. ;)
I had to run it, just so I could see the whole story unfold...
It's not all bad. I've got a willing group of fresh blood willing to start over christmas. I've already started making notes to prepare, so this music should be a godsend.

Haladir |

I plan to adopt MorphVoxPro for my Virtual Table Top campaign and so I planned to use also music as background as suggested for example by Riptide for Carrion Crown... At the moment I'm focusing on Burnt Offerings. I have defined a preliminary list but still I have some holes and I would like to receive some good suggestions for new entries or substitutions to what I adopted.
Before I started running Burnt Offerings back in June, I had put together a generic playlist for general background, plus a few individual tracks for specific encounters as well. We play around a table, but I have two remote players who connect via Skype (soon to be Google+ Hangouts), and in the tech testing session, we found that the background music both ate the bandwidth and made it difficult for the remote players to hear what was going on. So I never put any of it into effect.
What I had put together was...
For the Swallowtail Festival: A bunch of instrumental folk music, mostly Celtic but some Scandanavian. Then, I'd switch to "Hall of the Mountain King" when the goblins attacked.
For creepy situations (e.g. Goblins in the Glassworks, Catacombs of Wrath): creepy instrumental post-rock, including Mammifer (especially Mare Descendrii), the Worm Ouroborus self-titled album, and Taken By Trees. I also thought about using a couple of tracks from the black metal band Agalloch, or the creepy nightmare-pop of Esben and the Witch.
I also thought about some of the major villains having their own theme songs, but I never came up with anything good-- except for maybe "Back in Black" for Bruthazmus.
I also picked up an album by an artist called Dronlan's Tower: it's fantasy soundtrack music that sounds pretty good. I would have also pulled out soundtracks to Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean in some points.
Unfortunately, in the end, it was a moot point due to the remote players-- it would have served to detract from their game experience rather than enhance it, so I had to shelve the idea.

Sneaky |

What I had put together was...
Thanks a lot Haladir I'll try your suggestions and I'll update my playlist...
For the problem of bandwidth you mention of course you could be right but I want however to prepare this list then I'll see if I can use or not that without ruin the play mood. In every case it's funny for me as a GM to prepare such a list and even of it will not work for the real play it could help me to prepare the adventure taking myself in the right perspective...
Listening the music thinking to the specific game events sometimes helps me to imagine new possible RPG evolutions...

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Your playlist far outshines the one I'm using for Carrion Crown. I tend to stick to more repeatable BGM, especially for fights. Also, if possible, try to avoid tracks with vocals, as players tend to pay more attention to the music than what's going on. Don't forget, as well, that you're goin to be having to shuffle through all this music. If you have to stop a track every few minutes then shuffle through your list to get to the next one, it's gonna hurt your versimilitude (though a better mp3 player than mine might not make that such a problem).
As far as song recommendations go, I've found that the ost's for Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Chrono Cross have that "everyone's happy, but something really sinister is going on here" vibe that pervades Burnt Offerings. And for truly EPIC moments such as the final moments just before vanquishing a powerful foe, look up a group called Two Steps From Hell. I really can't describe what type of music it is better than that.

Cedric |

I usually go with Jeremy Soule's Elder Scrolls score (Morrowind and Oblivion) and throw in some background metal such as Isis, Yob and Neurosis, also The Sword in fast paced fights. Yesterday the players had some intense encounters with barbarians on Storval Plateau on their way to Kodar mnts. and I put on Anonymus by Tomahawk (Native Indian theme on that album) worked pretty good.

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I'm doing some musical experimenting with Runeforge, making separate playlists for each of the dungeons. I'm not happy with it yet, but I am looking forward to the Crypts of Gluttony: Soundtrack from The Exorcism of Emily Rose. On a related note, apparently, Vivaldi wrote the music of pride.
My players have not taken especial note of the music in the background thus far. I'll let you know if it has an impact.