Apraham Lincoln |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Is scorpion style a style feat?
If no then i can use it with other style feats such as boar style or dragon style.
If yes, preventing me from combining as above, does that mean (or imply) that if the monk class were written today with knowledge of style feats, that the style feats would appear on the monk bonus feat list?

Generic Villain |
Apraham Lincoln wrote:
Is scorpion style a style feat?
If no then i can use it with other style feats such as boar style or dragon style.
No, Scorpion Style isn't a style feat. Style feats didn't exist prior to UC, so no feats published before it can be style feats.
I have a feeling that, if Paizo knew there would eventually be dozens of "style" feats, they would have called it Scorpion Strike or something to avoid confusion.