Who's in your group?

Gamer Life General Discussion

What's the make up of your gaming group(s)? I love seeing the notion of the basement troglodyte dismissed when folks see what a varied group we gamers are. My group has been together for 20 years. Some folks have come and gone, but these guys are troopers. The lineup goes like this:

1. IT director for an airline company. He's also a returning college student seeking his law degree and an MMA fighter.

2. Director of Asian projects for a major not for profit organization.

3. Software specialist for an online teachers' resource and former newspaper reporter.

4. Manager for a collection agency dealing with credit card and medical debt.

5. Claims specialist for a health insurance company.

6. A holder of couple mathematics degrees who decided he'd rather just work a simple job and enjoys a pretty laid back life.

7. Myself--unemployed and drawing a check from the gubment because of debilitating health issues. I was the manager over corporate contributions for the above mentioned not for profit before I became ill.

The part-timers

1. Graphic artist for local design company

2. Her husband, recently unemployed due to his company shutting down (he was a regional manager for a major video movie and game outlet).

3. My teenage son. He's just started college with a double major in music and education. He plays trombone, bass trombone, tuba, euphonium, and baritone, as well as bass guitar (4, 5, and 6 string). He is the bassist for a local metalcore band that is about to release its 2nd cd.

So there. That's us. Tell me about your players!

This looks like a fun thread! Okay, here goes . . .

1. An IT guy for an architecture company. He's the only single guy in our group, but owns his own house (so no basement troglodyte).

2. An employee at a print-shop. She's getting married in February.

3. A junior-high math teacher. He's married to #4, below.

4. A junior-high music teacher. She's married to #3, above.

5. A manager at a Barnes & Noble. She's my wife!

6. By day, I'm a stay-at-home dad. By night, I work graveyard shift at a local burger joint. I manage to sleep and run Pathfinder in my spare time.

1. Nearly disabled and out of work cook/restaurant maintenance specialist (that'd be me).

2. Health benefits assistance center supervisor (you'd call her if you were wanting answers to questions about your employer's benefit package, or needed some help making sure your policy is in order).

3. Student of the local college's electrical engineering program.

4. English major preparing to return to school for his masters, otherwise a fiction author while bringing in paychecks answering phones for the local power company.

5. A Journalist.

6. Cashier at a local Fred Meyer store.

7. Former military man currently doing the "oldest student in class" college thing.

8. A carnival employee, formerly a customer retention specialist at a DirecTV call center.

members of the group that aren't currently able to be active:

9. A dance instructor and dance studio owner

10. A home depot cashier

and for a minor note: I listed myself based on what I did most (food service and food service related repair), but I have also spent a goodly amount of time as over-the-phone tech support, customer service, and client retention, as well as having a stint at the home depot thing - which I would love to be doing still if I still had the physical ability required... I'm also a graphic artist, though I tend not to do much work.

Very cool! I forgot to mention that out of the total of 10 listed, 7 of us are married, and all the couples save one have at least one child. My kid's the oldest of the lot, but then I'm also a tad older than the rest of my group.

My face-to-face gaming group currently consists of:

1) A physicist/materials engineer (me)

2) An accountant (my husband)

3) A third-year law student (soon to be married to 4)

4) A manager at an indie jewelry store (soon to be married to 3)

Probably adding in November:

5) An insurance underwriter

6) Another law student (girlfriend of 7)

7) An IT professional who works for an education company (boyfriend of 6)

So we're a little unusual in having a number of real-life couples in our game, but it works out very well for us. 5's husband is also a gamer but probably a little too much of a control freak about games to fit in with ours (he likes things the way he likes them and it isn't necessarily how we roll).

My current online gaming group consists of myself and my husband, plus:

3) A police officer hopeful

4, 5, 6) Three Brits about whose personal lives I know very little, but are a blast to play with

No basement troglodytes here. In the past I've played with everyone from high school students to well-off professionals in their 40s. The game draws interest from all walks of life.

Grand Lodge

Hmm, I just realized I don't know exactly what some of my players do.

1. Army Information Technology specialist. (Me.)

2. Full time psychology student, finishing a masters program. (My wife.)

3. Stay-at-home dad on military disability.

4. Corporate worker, not sure what he does specifically.

5. Sex Ed teacher.

6. Network technician.

7. Nurse.

8. Army Medic.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

With the exception of #3, all of us are married. #6 and I both have children. All of us are in the 26-34 age range.

1. Network administrator (me).

2. Stay-at-home mom (my wife).

3. Software Developer.

4. Engineer.

5. Nurse.

6. Systems Programmer.

1. Student/Banker/Bartender/Soon-to-be Industrial Organizational Psychologist (me)

2. Director of Logistics for a international soda company based in Atlanta

3. Tech guy for the EMS systems in his county (don't know his title)

4. Industrial Metals sales person

5. Self employed Techie guru

Edit: Oh, and at 31 I'm the youngest in the group. I think the oldest is in his mid 40's

Sovereign Court

1. Me - IT Help Desk for a Major Hospital that is rated best place to work in the Health Care industry and winner of the Malcolm Baldridge award (Shameless plug)

2. My BF - Residential Electrician with a double BA and an MA that could only find a job in construction

3. A 2nd Lt in the Airforce working on Balistic missles

4. His GF Recent collage grade of Bio-chemistry looking for a job in the pharmaceutical field

5. An IT Manager with a major electronic company that we all go to, to have dreams interpreted and fates ordained.

6. A recent SSBN Missle tech from the Navy Submarine field

7. A recently unemployed Kodak employee that is now working contract for Woodward Governor

8. A stay at home father who's wife is doing her Dr Intern (not at my hospital)

Former Members

1. A software programer working from home

2. His stay at home wife that left and forced him to leave because the group would not babysit her 1 year old and 12 year old as we played

3. A salesman turned car salesman turned mechanic that ended up in trouble with the law for back child support

4. An LDS missionary

5. The LDS Missionaries wife

6. A fast food worker who could not keep a job and once she did it prevented her from playing

7. A recent collage grad that got a job in Texas after only playing once with the group

8. Founding member with myself and my BF a Psychology major that worked with disabled people that moved to Seattle to finish his studies

9. Out of work lady that found a job that prevented her from gaming on our gaming schedule

The regulars:
1 - Guest Services Rep. at a hotel (that would be me)
2 - Janitor at aforementioned hotel
3 - Car detailer
4 - Driver for aforementioned car detailing shop
5 - Another driver for aformentioned car detailing shop
6 - Rent-to-own delivery truck driver
7 - Hardware store assistant manager
8 - Fast food employee
9 - Young teen son of someone that was part of the group back in the day (kind of awkward for a bunch of grown men and women to get together with a boy to play D&D every other week now that I think about it)
10 - Accountant (because appearently someone dicided they needed to be "different" and go to college)

Well, in my gaming group we have:

1. A homeland security consultant (Me)

2. A manager at Starbucks

3. A waiter at a Pizzeria

4. An IT tech support worker

5. A project manager at a video game company

6. A child psychologist

In summary, every one of us is employed, and none of us lives in a basement.

Our little group:

1: A student shopclerk (our GM)

2: A student nurse (Girlfriend to #1)

3: A student surveyor (Me)

4: an unemployed due to health issues

5: An independent tailor

6: A student carpenter (boyfriend of #5)

I actually DM 3 groups at the moment.

DM (me): translator with her own company

First group:

1) Mathematics teacher and student advisor
2) Accountancy teacher/accountant with her own company
3) Secondary school student (high school)
4) Historian (has no fixed job, but does archeology work, etc.)

Second group:

1) Same mathematics teacher/student advisor
2) IT student (learning to program computer games)
3) Website designer, painter and volunteer worker in a cinema (program planner)
3) IT advisor (head of department), also organizes LARP events
5) Another secondary school student (junior high)

Third group:
Three kids, ages 13, 12 and 11. Two are in secondary school (junior high), the youngest one is in the final grade of primary school.

Scarab Sages

My current group varies a bit, but we've essential got:

One former social worker (got laid off recently)

Three civil engineering/architecture types.

One head of Security at a big office building downtown

One IT guy.

One stay at home dad.

One mechanical engineer (that's me).

I also forgot to mention that we're all in our 40s, and with me turning 48 next month I'm the oldest.

Test Analyst (me)
System architect/developer
Hydrographer/resource engineer
High-school teacher
Uni Student - taking a break
Army Reservist/backpackers hostel night manager
Developer/stand up comedian - taking a break
Sys Admin -moved
Royal Australian Navy NCO - navy and RL has made gaming difficult
Call centre operator - moved

3/4 of us are married and have children, none of us has a house with a basement (Australian houses don't have basements).

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