Lore Warden

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Should the lore warden have Acrobatics as a class skill?

Consider their 11th level ability:

Field Guide wrote:

"Hair’s Breadth (Ex): At 11th level, a lore warden can

attempt an Acrobatics check as an immediate action to
negate a confirmation role for a critical hit. ..."

Why have a class ability based off a non-class skill?

Acrobatics is a non-trivial skill to get without a level dip into rogue or duellist, which seems (to me) to be at cross-purposes to the archetype. It's not even readily available through a trait.

You can train any skill, you are just missing out on the +3 bonus for it being a class skill.

Yes, I am quite aware of that. What I am talking about is something along the lines of a wizard not having spellcraft as a trained skill- a critical skill to his class. A wizard could still take it, and be good at it, but he'll always be an inferior wizard, missing spell identification and crafting checks 15% more often. And it's a darn sight easier to get spellcraft then acrobatics using a trait.

So my question is whether this is an oversight or not...

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