If this is for fear (and I'm scared it is) I'm real to bits now..

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Just knowing I could wake up to such a terrifying sight scares the bejeesus out of me.

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Nick Cage.

The Exchange

I knew that was going to be your link. It would scare me.

The Exchange

Imagine instead though, that the naked man eating the Popsicle in an over coat at the end of your bed was CHUCK NORRIS. How much more terrified you would be.

Scarab Sages


Nice thread title, btw....

Scarab Sages

Yes, it is.

Must be a really creative mind you've got here, eh? :-)

Scarab Sages

Speaking of Mr. Cage....Anybody else seen the new Ghost Rider trailer?


Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:

Speaking of Mr. Cage....Anybody else seen the new Ghost Rider trailer?


I haven't seen it yet thank you though.

I would be pretty scared of a man breaking into my house and waking up and seeing him holding a fugicicle at the end of the bed. I love how they need to explian what a fugicicle is in the article just to make sure no gets the wrong idea.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, the whole "A fudgecicle is...." bit was kind of silly. I mean, seriously, people don't know? It's only one of the most awesome fudge things in the world.

Dark Archive

I had a good chuckle at the whole thing and while I am not sure I agree with it's awesomeness as it is not my favorite I would say it is pretty well branded and known and the need to clarify what is was was humorous.

Gruumash . wrote:
I love how they need to explian what a fugicicle is...


I wonder if it was Nic's Fudgicle, or if the man brought it with him.

Dark Archive

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
I love how they need to explian what a fugicicle is...


I wonder if it was Nic's Fudgicle, or if the man brought it with him.

Important questions we need to know like immeadiately.

I mean, seriously, where did this journalist go to school?!? Leave out an important detail like that.

The Exchange

If it was not melted I woudl say it was Nicks. Stolen out of his own freezer. Plus it makes a better story that way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is that an Opinion or a Fact?


Dark Archive

I think CJ has insider information on this and inquiring minds want to know more.

Was perhaps the man in Nichlas Cage's bedroom really not a crazy man only perhaps a lover who had previously made love to Nick then disgusted watching the man eat his fugicile and wear his jacket he called the police said he did not know him? Hmm perhaps we need to look into this further. ;)

Liberty's Edge

I would assume it was the intruder's. After all, they specify that the jacket the intruder was wearing belonged to Cage, seems they would have done that with the fudgicle if it belonged to Cage.

Dark Archive

I wonder if Nick let the poor guy keep the jacket?

The Exchange

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Is that an Opinion or a Fact?

** spoiler omitted **

As a matter fact, yes.

Dark Archive

He let him keep the jacket?

Liberty's Edge

Gruumash . wrote:
He let him keep the jacket?

Would you tell a naked intruder eating a fudgcicle and wearing your jacket he had to give the jacket back?

Scarab Sages

Exactly! I'd be like "Naah, buddy, that's all you. Please keep it."

Liberty's Edge

Nic Cage is kind of an intense dude. My guess is he let the guy keep the jacket but demanded the return of the fudgesicle, probably while making elaborate hand gestures.

Gruumash . wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
I love how they need to explain what a fudgesicle is...


I wonder if it was Nic's Fudgesicle, or if the man brought it with him.

Important questions we need to know like immediately.


- or -

"If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year at college"

I wonder where the Paizonian demographic lies on the subject? Pro-fudgesicle or Con-fudgesicle? Do they drink tea with their fudgesicles? Are Euro-Paizonians obsessed with the subject, or just Americans? Should fudgesicles be banned as a cause of American obesity? Are these the same repackaged fudgesicles we eat every other year, or has the recipe been altered in order to lull us into a false sense of apathy? Or, is this yet another marketing ploy by the advertisers for Fudgesicles?

These are serious queries, and should only be responded to in the most serious manner.

Emperor7 wrote:

I wonder where the Paizonian demographic lies on the subject. Pro-fudgcicle or Con-fudgcicle? Do they drink tea with their fudgcicles? Are Euro-Paizonians obsessed with the subject, or just Americans? Should fudgcicles be banned as a cause of American obesity? Are these the same repackaged fudgicles we eat every other year, or has the recipe been altered in order to lull us into a false sense of apathy?

These are serious queries, and should only be responded to in the most serious manner.

Right now, if I had a genuine name-brand Fudgcicle and a Long Island Ice Tea, I'd be in seventh heaven.

Also -- and you didn't hear it from me -- I just heard a completely unsubstantiated rumor that the French only eat carobcicles. That they dip into Vegemite before eating.

Scarab Sages

Count me as Pro-fudgesicle.

Aberzombie wrote:
Count me as Pro-fudgesicle.

I'll count you as anti-tofu pop =P

Nic Cage himself is neither Pro-Fudgesicle nor Con-Fudgesicle. He's Con-Air-Fudgesicle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Judge Fudge would denounce your idiocy, but he is too busy being delicious.

Scarab Sages

Messageboard Troll wrote:
Nic Cage himself is neither Pro-Fudgesicle nor Con-Fudgesicle. He's Con-Air-Fudgesicle.

I'm still trying to pretend that movie never existed.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Messageboard Troll wrote:
Nic Cage himself is neither Pro-Fudgesicle nor Con-Fudgesicle. He's Con-Air-Fudgesicle.
That movie never existed.


Scarab Sages

I suddenly feel so much better. Like a load had been lifted from my mind....

Dark Archive

I am pro Llama I think it is a great idea to get Llama political ticket for November.

Dark Archive

I prefer llama burgers.

I was hoping this thread was about Chobits...

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
I was hoping this thread was about Chobits...

Is it any good?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I was hoping this thread was about Chobits...
Is it any good?

I have to give Chobits props- it's one of the first gynoid romance series that started the genre, and it is HEAVY on the romance angle. However, it's quiet "sex is bad/has consequences" angle throws me off, but that's a personal thing.

Grand Lodge

Love the series, liked the comic ending better than the television series ending.

Dark Archive

So is a Chobits like a cross between a hobbit and Chuul?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gruumash . wrote:
So is a Chobits like a cross between a hobbit and Chuul?

Having read that wiki-link for as long as I could understand what the hell it was talking about, I am inclined to say: Yes.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Emperor7 wrote:

I wonder where the Paizonian demographic lies on the subject? Pro-fudgesicle or Con-fudgesicle? Do they drink tea with their fudgesicles? Are Euro-Paizonians obsessed with the subject, or just Americans? Should fudgesicles be banned as a cause of American obesity? Are these the same repackaged fudgesicles we eat every other year, or has the recipe been altered in order to lull us into a false sense of apathy? Or, is this yet another marketing ploy by the advertisers for Fudgesicles?

These are serious queries, and should only be responded to in the most serious manner.

I'm kind of pan-fudgcicles. But tehn, I'd take a fudgecicle over tofu any day.

Grand Lodge

Wow, I didn't realize this was the parody thread when I first posted. I should read more carefully I guess.

Dark Archive

Well I am glad you stopped in to say hello you are always welcome. Since you stopped by are you pro or con on fudgicilces? I am more con prefering ice cream.

Grand Lodge

I'm quite the fan of fudgesicles, and thanks to my body type (ectomorph), am not concerned with obesity. I do try to have the more healthy brands, just to be safe.

Dark Archive

I am more mesomorph I think. But fudgesicles are certianly health friendly not the reason I don't like them I am just not a huge chocolate fan to begin with.

Dark Archive

What does everyone think about Con Air?

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