Druid Animal Pet, Is this Right?

Rules Questions

This is a TREX pet for a Druid lvl 7. Druid is Human, traided the human feat for Eye for Talent, basicaly giving Comper +2Str. Took Crafting feats on the druid, so this guy has gear. I figured a belt can go on a dino's leg or around him.

the Str is: 14base+2FeatTrade+2LVL+1HD+8Upgrade+2Belt
HP is average +1 so for his D8 HD he gets 5, +2 for Con and +1 for Toughness
Is there a way to give the Pet the +1HP or Skill point a lvl for Favored class? Summoner gets it. (however this guy's AC is very nice)
Average of 32 damage when he hits, and then he get a chance to grab them. And he has a full caster behind him free to do other things, like heal the party or cast Call Lightning or Flaming Sphear. And the Druid has enough gold (by Wealth by LVL) to have a +2 Wis item.

Or the druid could be silly and turn into a bunny and ride Chomper. and heal him.

So did I do the math on this guy right? or am I missing something?

Chomper TREX Pet 
Stats Size L 6HD Master lvl 7
STR 29 +9
DEX 16 +3
CON 14 +2
WIS 15 +2
CHA 10 +0
HP: 48
Fort: 7 (5+2Con)
Ref: 8 (5+3Dex)
Will: 4 (2+2Will)
Speed: 30F
AC: 29 (10+3Dex+11NA+5Leather+1Deflection-1Size)
Attack: 4bab
Always PA
Bite: +11 (4Bab+9Str+1Amulet-1Size-2PA) 2d6+25 grab
CMB: 13 (4Bab+9Str)
CMB Grab: 18 (4Bab+9Str+4Grab+1Size)
CMD: 28 (10+4Bab+9Str+3Dex+1Size+1Deflection)
Perception: 11 (6rank+2Wis+3Class)
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Toughness
Low-Light Vision, Scent, Evasion, Powerful Bite
Tricks: (7)
Attack All (2)
Gear: +1 Hide armor (1,330g), +1 Amulate Mighty Fists (Druid Made 2,500), Belt Str +2 (4k), Ring of Protection +1 (2k)

also is there an item that gives you Speak with Animals at will? or offten? Such a fun spell but not a lvl 0 one :(

The Exchange

Do this as a cleric with the Saurian and growth domains.
Nature Bond as a feat lets you take a TREX at caster level (ie with full progression). Growth domain lets you bump up the size of your TREX, and you would get the stat boosting spells that you can share with your animal companion.

Alernately, you could go take 3 levels of Pathfinder savant and use nature boon to keep your familiar at CL. You could then choose 3 levels of wizard (and get a familiar, or an arcane bonded item).

But you could also get a few interesting spells via esoteric magic.
Truestrike (also available with the luck domain) would let your companinion grapple almost anything if you were able to quicken it.

(magical lineage, luck domain, quicken = 4th level, cast after the hit, before the grab). I'd qualify for quicken with meta feats like craft arms and armor, craft wondrous.

However, also look at the mounted combat, trick riding and indomitable mount. Your animal with you riding him, with all gear crafted at half cost... pretty sweet.

The Exchange

give your animal 1 pt of intelligence and you don't have to worry about the spell.

where is the +11 natural armor coming from. The T-Rex companion at Large Size has a +3 NA according to the Beastiary.

gourry187 wrote:
where is the +11 natural armor coming from. The T-Rex companion at Large Size has a +3 NA according to the Beastiary.

+3 natural armor from his natural t rexness

+4 natural armor bonus from his 7th level druidness

Not seeing the rest.

You didn't name your druid Littlefoot did you?

BigNorseWolf wrote:
gourry187 wrote:
where is the +11 natural armor coming from. The T-Rex companion at Large Size has a +3 NA according to the Beastiary.

+3 natural armor from his natural t rexness

+4 natural armor bonus from his 7th level druidness

Not seeing the rest.

You didn't name your druid Littlefoot did you?

NA is 4Base+3lvl7+4lvlup I thought you added the lvl 7 advancement onto the base creature, and he starts with +4NA, then gets 3 more at 7, and 4 from lvling up (HD table) so 11NA

Makes his AC high compaired to an equal lvl fighter useing a twohanded weapon. But he dosn't have the HP :(

I'm gonna have to do some searching but I don't think that natural armor from pre-4th/7th level stacks with the post 4th/7th natural armor.

Liberty's Edge

Working it out myself here, don't mind me...

build verify:

Tyrannosaurus Companions

Starting Statistics: Size Medium, Speed 30 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

7th-Level Adv.: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (2d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Qualities grab, powerful bite.

Companion Table:
7th 6HD BAB:+4 FORT:+5 REFLEX:+5 WILL: +2 Skills: 6 Feats: 3 Nat Arm:+4 STR/DEX:+2 Tricks:3

+4+3+4= +11 Natural Armor

Str: 26 (+2 from eye for talent)
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 2
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

Assuming you put the level advancement stat into str to make it 29 after the +2 str item?

Hide Armor is medium. He only has proficiency in Light.

May want to consider putting the stat increase in WIS (will save boost) and INT (linguistics-Common for easier time giving commands and more feat options)

The items are an issue too. I would assume those crafted for an unusual sized creature will be quite a bit more money. The Armor is WAY underpriced. Unusual sized creature is x4 cost and x2 weight. Chain Shirt (same ac as hide) would be (100g+150MW)x4=1000g. Studded leather would be (25+150MW)x4= 700g. After you find that price, you bump the 1000g for +1. This also applies for special materials. They are part of the base cost and therefore multiplied by 4

Liberty's Edge

gourry187 wrote:
I'm gonna have to do some searching but I don't think that natural armor from pre-4th/7th level stacks with the post 4th/7th natural armor.

They stack. The items in the 4th/7th area are things you GAIN. Natural armor bonuses stack.

EDIT: Link to James Jacobs confirming --> LINK

Shar Tahl wrote:

Working it out myself here, don't mind me...

** spoiler omitted **
Assuming you put the level advancement stat into str to make it 29 after the +2 str item?

Hide Armor is medium. He only has proficiency in Light.

May want to consider putting the stat increase in WIS (will save boost) and INT (linguistics-Common for easier time giving commands and more feat options)

The items are an issue too. I would assume those crafted for an unusual sized creature will be quite a bit more money. The Armor is WAY underpriced. Unusual sized creature is x4 cost and x2 weight. Chain Shirt (same ac as hide) would be (100g+150MW)x4=1000g. Studded leather would be (25+150MW)x4= 700g. After you find that price, you bump the 1000g for +1. This also applies for special materials. They are part of the base cost and therefore multiplied by 4

sorry :( you are right Hide is med. I was useing stats for Hide Shirt. that is my bad. and it costs 1,960g. (90+150)4+1000 = 1960. Still doable for a lvl 7 char.

The reason I put the stat pluses into Str is that he needs the To Hit and damage more then the Will save. IF he is int2 then a lot of spells don't work on him because he won't understand commands. Thus will isn't a huge deal. And I am not seeing what feats you would be meaning. the Animal Feats suit me just fine for him. Is there one I am missing? With int2 I just assume (bad I know) that he will always Power Attack, is that wrong? That is why he needs the Str, he has a -3 mod to attacking (-1Size+-2PA)

At lvl 9 (player lvl) he gets even better with a 30+ Str and 2 attacks a round. By then the Druid could make the +2 Amulet so his numbers would be: (+6Bab+10Str+2Amulet-1Size-2PA) for +15/+10 for 2d6+28(20(dubble Str)+6PA+2Amulet) Plus a sick grab :)

Liberty's Edge

I have a level 9 druid with a T-Rex. It is, by far, my favorite of all animal companions. He should be PA all the time. That's where the big damage comes in. You have the exact feat progression I took except I took combat reflexes instead of toughness and Imp Nat Attack at 8th and soon to have Vital Strike at 10th. Those that provoke AoOs feel sorry afterwards!

With 3 int, you could expand to any feat he is physically cable to do, so Vital Strike would be open. Vital Strike + Improved Natural Attack(Bite)= 6d6 bite attack. I think the first opportunity to get Vital Strike is 10th and Improved Natural Attack at 8th

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