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I tried to search, and well, it does suck... :)
Here is my question:
On the Called Shots section, there are several references to a fortitude save, but no mention on how to calculate the DC. Sorry if this is in he thread somewhere, but there are too many pages to review.

Are |

Here is my question:
On the Called Shots section, there are several references to a fortitude save, but no mention on how to calculate the DC. Sorry if this is in he thread somewhere, but there are too many pages to review.http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/variants/calledShots.html
From the "Additional Rules" section near the top of that page:
Saving Throws: If a saving throw is allowed on a called shot, the DC is equal to the Armor Class hit by the attack. In the case of an attack roll of a natural 20, the DC is the AC the attack would have hit if 20s did not automatically hit.

Quandary |

When I click on the ´global´ Feats Index in the side-bar,
and click on the Tripping Strike Feat in the ´T´ section,
it doesn´t take me to the Feat itself,
but rather to the TOP of the page for the APG Feats index (which contains Tripping Strike),
forcing me to scroll down and find it... This is Chrome BTW

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I tried to search, and well, it does suck... :)
Here is my question:
On the Called Shots section, there are several references to a fortitude save, but no mention on how to calculate the DC. Sorry if this is in he thread somewhere, but there are too many pages to review.http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/variants/calledShots.html
This would be better asked on the rules forum. However, is this what you're looking for?

Dylan Ryan |
On the Qlippoth page (Bestiary 2, http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/qlippoth.html ), everything that should come "before" the Chernobue (including the stats for the Augnagar and the entire introductory text about qlippoth) is missing. The bestiary II index ( http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/additionalMonsterInde x.html#<Q-monsters ) still "links to" the Augnagar, but as it is not there, it takes you to the top of the qlippoth page instead since there is no anchor for it.
NOTE: I think this has been like that since the bestiary II stuff was first posted, so isn't new, but if you are fixing stuff anyway, that should probably get fixed....

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So we fixed a few things and added some useful functions to the indexes. Hope you guys enjoy.
The content on my iPhone no longer fills the screen. It's all crowded over to the right hand margin. The general "books" menu screen as well as the menus for the books themselves appear normal, but the content after that no longer appears as it did when originally updated on 9/13/11. I'm using an iPhone 4 v4.2.10 (8E600).

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Lissa Guillet wrote:So we fixed a few things and added some useful functions to the indexes. Hope you guys enjoy.The content on my iPhone no longer fills the screen. It's all crowded over to the right hand margin. The general "books" menu screen as well as the menus for the books themselves appear normal, but the content after that no longer appears as it did when originally updated on 9/13/11. I'm using an iPhone 4 v4.2.10 (8E600).
Ack! That's no good. Let me see what I can find out. We fixed an error that did that but it might have creeped back in when we weren't looking.
Should be fixed really soon.

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Hey! Just loaded this up on my HP Touchpad and it looks great (on both the default, and advanced browsers) :D
Aside from not being able to zoom, as you all have mentioned, I haven't noticed any glaring problems so far.
I know this is mostly being optimized for iOS and Android, but is there anything in particular I should be looking out for? I'd like to give any insight I can from the wonderful world of WebOS :P

Zaister |
Quote:Angel, Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors, Revised, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax.Here's an obscure one. This book entry is listed twice on the OGL page.
Look closer. It's one entry for the Movanic Deva, and another one for the Monadic Deva. They're two different creatures!

Grick |

There's currently no way to link directly to the Ultimate Combat Style feats.
The Style feats have a section at the top of the UC feats page with fluff, and links to each of the feats. The anchor links of the first style feat ("Dragon Style" "Boar Style" etc.) link to that top section instead of to the feat itself because they both have the same anchor tags. (<p id="boar-style") A fix would be to change the heading anchors to #dragon-style-feats (or something) so that a link to the style section would be
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/ultimateCombatFeats.html# dragon-style-feats
While the link to the actual feat would be
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/ultimateCombatFeats.html# dragon-style
(I don't know why it's putting a space in there.)

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There's currently no way to link directly to the Ultimate Combat Style feats.
The Style feats have a section at the top of the UC feats page with fluff, and links to each of the feats. The anchor links of the first style feat ("Dragon Style" "Boar Style" etc.) link to that top section instead of to the feat itself because they both have the same anchor tags. (<p id="boar-style") A fix would be to change the heading anchors to #dragon-style-feats (or something) so that a link to the style section would be
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/ultimateCombatFeats.html# dragon-style-feats
While the link to the actual feat would be
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/ultimateCombatFeats.html# dragon-style
(I don't know why it's putting a space in there.)
Yeah. That one's on my list of stuff I need to fix once I get a few minutes. Also, looking for places the deep linker over-linked things like bless, grace, and a few others.

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Look closer. It's one entry for the Movanic Deva, and another one for the Monadic Deva. They're two different creatures!
Oooooohhh... I see.I shall search for a legitimate bug to make up for it then :)

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Hey! Just loaded this up on my HP Touchpad and it looks great (on both the default, and advanced browsers) :D
Aside from not being able to zoom, as you all have mentioned, I haven't noticed any glaring problems so far.
I know this is mostly being optimized for iOS and Android, but is there anything in particular I should be looking out for? I'd like to give any insight I can from the wonderful world of WebOS :P
I should have replied to this earlier. =) That's great that it's working ok on the touchpad! Just keep on the lookout for any weirdness. Describe in full what you are seeing and I may be able to help fix issues like that though I have no means of testing that at all. All of the browsers have their little fiddly bits. Like, chrome and safari seem to have the best multi-column support, followed closely by firefox and opera while IE doesn't really support any of the css3 tags for multicolumn or content (though a later version should.) So, mostly, it's about figuring out which browsers work the best on a device. For android, that's usually the native browser at least on my phone.

Quandary |

Some things I noticed:
Ultimate Combat doesn´t have any Spell List (per Class) like all other books have.
Maybe that´s a problem with the book, but it seems like something that SHOULD be there.
Also, Ultimate Magic´s Spell List section has a useful ´hotlist´ at the top that goes to each Class´ section.
That would be awesome if it was added to each book´s Spell List section.
The filtering by soure/book in the ´global´ Spell Index is cool,
I only wish you could do it by Classes that can cast the spells (requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists for newer Classes that didn´t exist in early books)
and either a filter by spell level (which really requires a class filter, given differing spell levels for different classes)
or a unified spell list for each class (again, requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists AND spell stat blocks)

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Some things I noticed:
Ultimate Combat doesn´t have any Spell List (per Class) like all other books have.
Maybe that´s a problem with the book, but it seems like something that SHOULD be there.Also, Ultimate Magic´s Spell List section has a useful ´hotlist´ at the top that goes to each Class´ section.
That would be awesome if it was added to each book´s Spell List section.The filtering by soure/book in the ´global´ Spell Index is cool,
I only wish you could do it by Classes that can cast the spells (requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists for newer Classes that didn´t exist in early books)and either a filter by spell level (which really requires a class filter, given differing spell levels for different classes)
or a unified spell list for each class (again, requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists AND spell stat blocks)
OK. The ultimate combat spell list is THERE, it's just not linked. We'll get that fixed soon. 'Til then, curious people can see it here. Sorry about the mixup.
As for Spell Lists having a hot list? That will probably happen soon.
Filtering by spell level + class is something that requires an actual database to keep that information in and we're really not going to do that any time soon, though there are applications where they have done such things. Unified Spell List may happen at some point in the distant future as it would be useful, but it will take a lot of time to compile. The current unified indexes are mostly for ease of looking up a specific thing. In that, you'll probably see a monster index long before a unified spell list.

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The filtering by soure/book in the ´global´ Spell Index is cool,
I only wish you could do it by Classes that can cast the spells (requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists for newer Classes that didn´t exist in early books)and either a filter by spell level (which really requires a class filter, given differing spell levels for different classes)
or a unified spell list for each class (again, requiring scrubbing the Class Spell Lists AND spell stat blocks)
on d20pfsrd there is the spells db where you can sort and filter to your hearts content

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

APG Ranger Combat Styles has bonus feat named Eldritch Fangs marked as coming from the APG, while the APG feats contain Eldritch Claws and no hint of Eldritch Fangs. Also Improved Natural Weapon and Multiattack lack links.

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chopswil wrote:rat swarm in Bestiary has unlinked skill - Balancethanks for changing Balance to Acrobatics.
Since this isn't reflected in the latest Bestiary errata will you let them know so when the next errata comes comes it will show this change?
Yeah, we don't usually change things if they aren't in official errata but I pointed it out to one of the editors and they asked me to change it specifically so it got changed.

hogarth |

hogarth wrote:Welcome. =)hogarth wrote:Okay, constructive criticism #1: At work, I like to have my (IE) browser window be relatively small, and that makes the new sidebar useless because I can't scroll down and see more of it.Yay! The sidebar is useful to me again. Thanks a bunch!
Just one criticism -- did the "breadcrumbs" links disappear in IE?
I'm not sure if that's the right terminology; I'm talking about the links at the top of the page that used to say something like:
PRD Home > Classes > Druid

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Lissa Guillet wrote:hogarth wrote:Welcome. =)hogarth wrote:Okay, constructive criticism #1: At work, I like to have my (IE) browser window be relatively small, and that makes the new sidebar useless because I can't scroll down and see more of it.Yay! The sidebar is useful to me again. Thanks a bunch!Just one criticism -- did the "breadcrumbs" links disappear in IE?
I'm not sure if that's the right terminology; I'm talking about the links at the top of the page that used to say something like:
Quote:PRD Home > Classes > Druid
No. Looks like there might be a problem with one of the new js routines. IE is bit fidgety about certain things. I'll get it fixed for you as soon as possible.

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I know it would take some doing, but would it be possible to get a "master spell list" for the classes that covers all the books? It would be fantastically helpful when creating/leveling a spellcaster.
on d20pfsrd.com, the spell db you can sort and order all you want and make your own
and it covers all the pathfinder books
Blazej |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

on d20pfsrd.com, the spell db you can sort and order all you want and make your own
and it covers all the pathfinder books
To make it easier for the tech team to keep on top of problem reports, can we keep this thread limited to comments about the official Paizo PRD please? Comments about external websites can go in their own thread.

Zark |

Great work Lissa!
Like the spell index and feat index!
I have a few requests/suggestions to make the PRD even better:
In addition to a spell index, what about master spell lists for all classes, including all spells from all sources?
Older spells (especially from the Core Rules, but it applies to APG stuff, too, at least for the Magus) don't show what new classes can access them. See invisibility, for example, is also a witch spell, but it only mentions sorcerers/wizards and bards.
What about a trait index?
Same for monsters.
Especially a Trait index.Another request/suggestion to make the PRD better.
Just as Core book lists Sorcerer/Wizard Spells by Arcane Schools, I wish the APG, UM and UC had a list of Sorcerer/Wizard Spells 0 - 9 sorted by schools.
It's really frustrating to have to read through every singel spells to find out if it is your specialize school, or if it's one of your opposit schools, or any of the other schools.
For this reason alone I still don't have a graps of all Sorcerer/Wizard Spells.
BTW, The page is displaying poorly (or even really poorly) on my Android phone. I have a HTC Legend. I'm gonna ask girlfriend to test it on her Samsung Galaxy Ace and see if it displas better on her phone.
Sorry about my english, I hope you get what I mean.

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BTW, The page is displaying poorly (or even really poorly) on my Android phone. I have a HTC Legend. I'm gonna ask girlfriend to test it on her Samsung Galaxy Ace and see if it displas better on her phone.
A few things: Which version of android does it use? What's the size in pixels of the screen? What browser are you running? How does it look bad exactly?

Dal Selpher |

A minor formatting issue with a few links I found last night under the Magus.
The text description for the magus arcana Spell Shield links to the actual spell shield.
Also, cat's grace (mass) is a little funky. "cat's" links to the cat's grace (mass) spell, "grace" links to the grace spell, and "(mass)" is just plain text.

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A minor formatting issue with a few links I found last night under the Magus.
The text description for the magus arcana Spell Shield links to the actual spell shield.
Also, cat's grace (mass) is a little funky. "cat's" links to the cat's grace (mass) spell, "grace" links to the grace spell, and "(mass)" is just plain text.
Yeah. Grace is one of a few really frustrating deep linked resources. Should be fixed now.

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Table of named armors is not hyperlinked like the other tables.
Also, the magical item pages are a pain to look at and scroll thru on an iPhone. It takes forever to scroll through the page and then I end up accidentally hitting a link and it takes me to another page. When I hit back, it takes me to the very top of the page I was just at, which means I have to scroll again, and then end up hitting something else (this happened at a game day and I was frustrated I gave up using the site to use for looking up magical items). Being able to hit back and be at the part of the page you were just at instead of going back to the top would do wonders start and alleviate this issue.

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Table of named armors is not hyperlinked like the other tables.
Also, the magical item pages are a pain to look at and scroll thru on an iPhone. It takes forever to scroll through the page and then I end up accidentally hitting a link and it takes me to another page. When I hit back, it takes me to the very top of the page I was just at, which means I have to scroll again, and then end up hitting something else (this happened at a game day and I was frustrated I gave up using the site to use for looking up magical items). Being able to hit back and be at the part of the page you were just at instead of going back to the top would do wonders start and alleviate this issue.
Hmmm. Well, the problem there is that all of the content goes into a scroller so that we can always keep the navigation button up top which means it's not as simple as just not applying something. That said, I think I will have a solution for magic items soonish. You shouldn't have to scroll through all the wondrous items just to get to the one you want on the iPhone. That's a LOT of magic items.
Thanks for the heads up.