Kirthfinder - World of Warriorcraft Houserules

Homebrew and House Rules

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That's great news. I'd love to see a copy of the finished rules

<myusername> at gmail period com

Kirth, I'd love a copy of the file, of course.

Andostre wrote:
Kirth, I'd love a copy of the file, of course.

It goes without saying that you're on the list! And you'll be pleased to see that, while you appear prominently in the credits, Agun's name is nowehere to be seen.

Liberty's Edge

I'd love a copy of the file as well.

My Email:

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"I have no interest in the final copy PDF."

Sense Motive (DC -4):
Bluff: 1d20 - 10 ⇒ (6) - 10 = -4 (Cha. 10, untrained, lie is far-fetched)

I'd love to have a copy and see what Jaegr has in store!

My Email:

Pretty Please Kirth Gersen:

I'd love a copy of it please, send it to

Liberty's Edge


luciddragon AT gmail DOT com

Thanks, Alice, for sparing me having to dig around for your addy -- you were certainly on the must-send list! I regret there won't be much you haven't already seen -- except maybe rolling animal companions, improved familiars, and controlled undead under the overall Leadership feat mechanics (again, getting rid of contradictory sub-systems!).

Me as we'll if you please.

My user name

Liberty's Edge

That's fine, Kirth. I'm looking forward to it!

I've been following this thread with interest for a long time, and would love to see the full pdf!

burttd2002 AT yahoo DOT com

I also have been following this thread and would like to see what you came up with

I'd love a PDF of the rules!

wagnercow AT gmail DOT com

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:
And you'll be pleased to see that, while you appear prominently in the credits, Agun's name is nowehere to be seen.

He'd probably use the credit for less-than-honorable purposes. It's better this way.

mandarzzz at

CoNGaRaTZ on completing this part of your endeavor!!! Definitely Interested in the consolidation of the rules. Started looking through the rules about a week ago.


haus48 AT hotmail DOT com


Yes please. This is epic stuff; I'd love to see the finished version, and indulge in an hour-long argument with my GM about why we should use it instead of the base stuff, assuming you're willing to let me have a copy.

Liberty's Edge

I would also like to see the finished product as well.

jsmith8130 @ gmail . com

Email sent! Legitimate recipients will receive this message in the email body: "Attached are the Aviona campaign house rules. IMPORTANT: These are for home use only, sent to individual people who own the various source materials cited. No copyright challenge or infringement to any source is intended in any way. Not for redistribution, uploading, file sharing, or other mass media. No part of this attachment shall be used for profit."

Henceforth, if you see the full PDF floating around anywhere without this message, it is a pirated copy not endorsed or sent by me.

Happy home gaming to all!

Grand Lodge



P.S. Looking over the PDF, I'm embarrassed at how many bizarre formatting glitches made it through uncorrected. Apologies.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're carrying on the Paizo tradition!

Doh misses it. .(

Grand Lodge

Post or PM me your email and I will forward it to you.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Post or PM me your email and I will forward it to you.

Awesome, thank you.

eakratz @ gmail . com

Much appreciated.

Grand Lodge


Kirth Gersen wrote:

This morning I ordered a hardbound tome from Lulu; I plan to check out the physical book before offering people the option of ordering it that way. Far quicker (and cheaper!) is for me to simply send you the full PDF.

So, anyone wanting a PDF of the rules, go ahead and leave your email addy here, and I'll do a mass mailing sometime next weekend, given the opportunity.

Thanks for the interest!

thanks in advance

Grand Lodge

You're welcome!

Ragnarokion AT gmail

Grand Lodge


Liberty's Edge

I've gotten my copy! Thank you very much! I'll be pouring over it soon.

- Valkyn Highwind
- Creator of The Shardrealm, a World of Fragments Campaign Setting

Dark Archive

And I would be very grateful for the document. :)

Grand Lodge

Sending now. Going to be starting our game session, so anyone else will have to wait a bit.

Liberty's Edge

Got it, thanks Kirth!

Of course now I want to go through the entire thing and obsessively add PDF bookmarks...

Dark Archive

Got it. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you very much.

Awesome, thanks.

When you have time TOZ.

Thank you sir.

Thanks man got it.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I would like a copy of the rules.



Grand Lodge


I would like a copy, I'm tinkering with my own set of homebrew rules and I'm curious about Kirthfinder differences from the regular rules. Cheers!

josantos666 AT ymail DOT com.

Just finished my first read through. I love how you've deconstructed all of the fundamental mechanics to make the system more modular. It's basically everything I wanted to do, which I guess proves that if you have a great idea, somebody has already done it. :)

Grand Lodge

K'yldragoth wrote:
I would like a copy


I'd like a copy!

dschaub @

Thank you!

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