Suddenly Got Old

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

Tomorrow (9-Sept) I turn 40. I was expecting to be dead by now. Sure That whole people die eventually crap is a scam to draw your attention from the fact they are exposing you to a singularity to off you...but still I was really invested in the Lies that prop up our 'civilization'.

Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?

Sieglord wrote:
Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?

Well, in all honesty, my aim was off.

look at the whole bright side of the equation YD. 40 is a great place to be.
I think of some folks in my life that never made it this far like a former roommate that sucked down a bullet because the woman he loved didn't return his affection and wanted to be just friends or the friend or two that never came back from the first gulf war. I'm not trying to be depressing just want you to realize that 40 is the start of a lot more good living.

If I may ask what do you plan to do with the next 40 yrs?
I'm working on my degree and paying on a house rather than rent and basically taking better care of myself.

Sieglord wrote:
Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?

A life spent studying string theory is one with a short life expectancy.

Sovereign Court

Sieglord wrote:
Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?

The aliens were coming to take his brain.

The Exchange

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Callous Jack wrote:
Sieglord wrote:
Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?
The aliens were coming to take his brain.

They left empty handed.

Scarab Sages

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In what can only be described as a very scary and disturbing way, I sympathize with YD on this one. I'm not 40 yet (next May), but today I was driving past Villanova and realized that I was in college before the latest batch of freshmen were even born.

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Sieglord wrote:
Why...specifically... were you expecting to be dead?
The aliens were coming to take his brain.
They left empty handed.

Had my midlife crisis at twenty ergo 2 x 20 = 40.

And they only left empty handed because I told them where they could find your brain...

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
In what can only be described as a very scary and disturbing way, I sympathize with YD on this one. I'm not 40 yet (next May), but today I was driving past Villanova and realized that I was in college before the latest batch of freshmen were even born.

And we will go away realizing that they will be half as good.

Bad news...the morning you turn 40 you wake up with a neck pain and the tast of peanut butter in your mouth. Must be an ulcer.

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You 40 so in dog years your like....280 years ago. Mr. Fishy ages in Fishy years so take Mr. Fishy's age and divide by...and you get 11! what the Hell Mr. Fishy is a geezer!

Damn you Specter of Death! Damn your theft of Mr. Fishy's life!

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Do what Mr. Fishy did stop having birthday's...They come for you near the end and take you to the....Death Star.

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Do what Mr. Fishy did stop having birthday's...They come for you near the end and take you to the....Death Star.

I've been ignoring birthdays since I turned I just count decades.

PS - I always wanted Darth Vader to win...until he turned into a whiny petulant child.

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Different Death Star. Now the joke is awkward...thanks.

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Different Death Star. Now the joke is awkward...thanks.

:waves hand: "These are not the Droids you are looking for!"

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Do what Mr. Fishy did stop having birthday's...They come for you near the end and take you to the....Death Star.

Not the Death Star. The Near Death Star.

And really, that's no space station, that's a moon.

Sovereign Court

YD and Aberzombie,
There is a birthday rule I have been running with since I turned 20. Do not stress any birthday from 20 on that does not evenly divide into a century. So 20, 25 and 50 are the only ones you should stress (if you hit 100, why stress?).

And Happy birthday YD. Hopes it far exceeds your expectations. :)

The Exchange

Turning 40 is just another nail in the coffin...

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I will be turning 50 in December and still love reading, Role Playing with the group. Not feeling my age at all. Well maybe my body hurts a little more then when I was younger LOL. But just loving life.

yellowdingo wrote:
Turning 40 is just another nail in the coffin...

Don't worry you've got plenty of space left in the coffin for lots more nails. Don't worry be happy!

Scarab Sages

I plan on staying 39 for at least the next 30 years or so.

Aberzombie wrote:
I plan on staying 39 for at least the next 30 years or so.

That's easy when you're undead...

Mr. Fishy's coffin is made of nails and the skulls of his enemies.

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Mr. Fishy's coffin is made of nails and the skulls of his enemies.


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A little...

I cracked two ribs in a bar brawl at 26 so I know what pain is...
..and I have my second girlfriend that I want to stay parents were married at 22 and had 3 children at my age, and I'm a single dude ****%$% up *%^ in Asia at 27, so is aging really so bad?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

We lost the first of our gaming group over 5 years ago, to a heart attack, she was 38.

I turn 40 in November. After losing Donna, I realized that every day we're alive is a gift.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
yellowdingo wrote:
Tomorrow (9-Sept) I turn 40. I was expecting to be dead by now. Sure That whole people die eventually crap is a scam to draw your attention from the fact they are exposing you to a singularity to off you...but still I was really invested in the Lies that prop up our 'civilization'.

You're like the rest of us... tomorrow you get one day older than you are today. If we didn't bother to track birthdays, we'd hardly notice. I actually think that tracking your years numerically is an adder to stress.

Matthew Morris wrote:

We lost the first of our gaming group over 5 years ago, to a heart attack, she was 38.

I turn 40 in November. After losing Donna, I realized that every day we're alive is a gift.

a 38 year old heart attack? was it bad genetics or what? I worry cause my dad has a heart murmur/arythmia thing.

I think it's a generational thing I never expected to make 40 now I'm almost 42. My brain still hasn't caught up yet. I've lost two players over the years one younger to murder and one older to medical issues. Like our games, life must go on. I've learned to appreciate it.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

HarbinNick wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

We lost the first of our gaming group over 5 years ago, to a heart attack, she was 38.

I turn 40 in November. After losing Donna, I realized that every day we're alive is a gift.

a 38 year old heart attack? was it bad genetics or what? I worry cause my dad has a heart murmur/arythmia thing.

High pain tolerance and stubbornness. Her husband finally got her to go to the ER, but it was too late and she collapsed there. May have been genetics, but we didn't know of a history of heart trouble, and she was too damn stubborn to have previous bouts checked out.

She smoked a lot too, that might have been a factor.

Smoking and heart disease are related...and stroke. Why am I thinking about this?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

The memories of a man in his old age
Are the deeds of a man in his prime.
You shuffle in gloom of the sickroom
And talk to yourself as you die.

Life is a short, warm moment
And death is a long cold rest.
You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye:
Eighty years, with luck, or even less.

Pink Floyd, Free Four.

(Aside, I always heard that last bit as "You get your chance to try, in the twinkling of an eye, Eighty years you'll like her even less")

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