bobs04's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (40 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Ion Raven I liked your idea of casters need components to cast there spells. There expensive and some are even hard to find. Will make the players think really hard before they start throwing out spell after spell. Thanks again folks for this thread.

I'm currently put a game together based on Greek Mythology. Will be very low magic. This thread was right on time. Thanks

Quilted Cloth: This enhanced form of padded armor
has internal layers specifically designed to trap arrows,
bolts, darts, shuriken, thrown daggers, and other small
ranged piercing weapons. When these kinds of weapons
strike you, they tend to become snagged in these layers
and fail to harm you. You gain DR 3/— against attacks of
this kind. The special layers of the armor have no effect on
other kinds of weapons.

Armored Coat: This sturdy leather coat is reinforced with
metal plates sewn into the lining. More cumbersome than
light armor but less effective than most medium armors,
the advantage of an armored coat is that a person can don
it or remove it as a move action (there is no “don hastily”
option for an armored coat). If worn over other armor, use
the better AC bonus and worse value in all other categories;
an armored coat has no effect if worn with heavy armor. The
only magic effects that apply are those worn on top.

Here's my question: if you ware an Armored Coat over Quilted Armor would you still get the DR?

In my current game the players just reached level 23 and are attempting to take over a content. They just fought some Titan that gave them a challenge. Was pretty fun to run but gets crazy with powers at this.

Can't wait to run this adventure. I'm like to buy all the adventure as they come out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will be turning 50 in December and still love reading, Role Playing with the group. Not feeling my age at all. Well maybe my body hurts a little more then when I was younger LOL. But just loving life.

Check out the "Cleric Quintet" books from WOTC written By R.A. Salvatore. Great Books.

Read the TROY Game by Sara Douglas. Just finish book 1 of 4. Great Reading.

I buy a lot of the PDF stuff Pathfinder has to offer. Maybe I need to start reviewing some.

Sorry must have been sleeping when I posted above was wanting Black Dragon not Silver. LOL

Sir would you be willing to break down a silver and blue dragon for me?
Thank you in advance for your time.