What the hell is wrong with some people...

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Y'all should have never come down outta the trees. Devolve and join the Monkey Movement!
is that how you end up with so much feces to fling????
I'd rather fling feces than Megaton warheads ..Just sayin'

Those take care of all trolls permanently. I also support civil engineering to remove Troll habitats. If that means I have fewer bridges to cross, I think I will be ok with it. :P

Aberzombie wrote:
What is this thing you call 'breathing'?

I have no idea what they're talking about. "breathing" sounds like a huge waste of time.

LazarX wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

As a few of you probably know, I live in Darwin (in the Northern Territory of Terra Australis). Yesterday I hear that they had two attempted child abductions and some guy stole his neighbours dog and took his child out bush and killed the dog in front of him.

WTF is wrong with people?

I was taught to put a bullet through an eye from half a mile when I was 16. I can damn well see why my father chose to teach me how to kill if this is the sort of behaviour that is going to start happening. Its like we have had an upsurge of 'animals' that need to be put down.

Think about how Australia was founded, and especially where you are. Lots of folks who settle frontier areas are anti-social types whose main desire is to get as far away from civilisation and it's rules as they can do so practically. Australia was founded in the main by people where were rule or outright lawbreakers. Australia's history is a lot like Texas, only on a much larger and more global scale.

I'm not saying that most of the people who settle the Territories are sociopaths, but it only takes one in a community to spoil it and you're more likely to see one in a given number in the right set of circumstances.

You aren't seriously suggesting there are more sociopaths here down under, are you? It isn't 1788 any more. Murderers would be hung, not deported, and seriously, if you're feeling inclined to go slashing throats you're probably not about to make a six-month journey to do so.

While our convict history is awesome (rum currency is best currency) there's just so much wrong with that. Granted, it's probably not all too fair when we assume a good third of Americans are gun toting lunatics thanks to that Second Amendment of yours.

I'm curious, yellowdingo. What's gun legislation like in the NT? I'm a Sydneysider and have only met two people in my life that knew how to shoot, and I'm bloody well happy for it to stay that way.

All of that aside, I think you folks need to keep in mind that these are isolated cases. Do some serious reading on what the mongols and assyrians were doing to people. So long as we're not slaughtering masses, slicing open pregnant women and covering our walls with flayed skin, I say things are bloody well improving.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
...The earth will not become ours because we are stronger than you (which we are not), nor because we are smarter, more attractive and more able lovers than you (which we are). No, it is because we are used to living in refuse and have all kinds of neat immunities. After your arrogant, short-sighted, bestial race has poisoned, radiated and bombed ITS OWN SPECIES to extinction, we goblins will still be here...

No, I'm sorry, Mr. Goblin. Plastic has a prior reservation (NSFW language).

You can have the moon though.

Liberty's Edge

Twigs wrote:
LazarX wrote:

Think about how Australia was founded, and especially where you are. Lots of folks who settle frontier areas are anti-social types whose main desire is to get as far away from civilisation and it's rules as they can do so practically. Australia was founded in the main by people where were rule or outright lawbreakers. Australia's history is a lot like Texas, only on a much larger and more global scale.

I'm not saying that most of the people who settle the Territories are sociopaths, but it only takes one in a community to spoil it and you're more likely to see one in a given number in the right set of circumstances.

You aren't seriously suggesting there are more sociopaths here down under, are you? It isn't 1788 any more. Murderers would be hung, not deported, and seriously, if you're feeling inclined to go slashing throats you're probably not about to make a six-month journey to do so.

Yeah, it’s hard to know whether to be amused or offended by those comments. Because the initial European colonists of Australia 200+ years ago were convicts we are likely to have more than our fair share of psychopaths? Because most of those convicts were transported for heinous crimes indeed...

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:

As a few of you probably know, I live in Darwin (in the Northern Territory of Terra Australis). Yesterday I hear that they had two attempted child abductions and some guy stole his neighbours dog and took his child out bush and killed the dog in front of him.

WTF is wrong with people?

I was taught to put a bullet through an eye from half a mile when I was 16. I can damn well see why my father chose to teach me how to kill if this is the sort of behaviour that is going to start happening. Its like we have had an upsurge of 'animals' that need to be put down.

Darwin, welcome to the rest of the world (most unfortunately).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, cry me a river about getting England's criminals. We got stuck with England's puritans.

The Exchange

Twigs wrote:
I'm curious, yellowdingo. What's gun legislation like in the NT? I'm a Sydneysider and have only met two people in my life that knew how to shoot, and I'm bloody well happy for it to stay that way.

Wow...only two? Were they cops? Pretty much everyone who hasnt broken the law up here has a gun...even the mayor had thirteen rifles and a silencer for a gun that 'went missing'.

So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Hey, cry me a river about getting England's criminals. We got stuck with England's puritans.

Only a small portion of them. (See Oliver Cromwell)

Georgia also got some of perfidious Albion's debtors.

But regardless, American, Australian, British or whatever: Humans get off my planet!

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:
Twigs wrote:
I'm curious, yellowdingo. What's gun legislation like in the NT? I'm a Sydneysider and have only met two people in my life that knew how to shoot, and I'm bloody well happy for it to stay that way.

Wow...only two? Were they cops? Pretty much everyone who hasnt broken the law up here has a gun...even the mayor had thirteen rifles and a silencer for a gun that 'went missing'.

So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

Yeah, I’ve got a number of friends and relatives who are in the army, navy, army reserve or police force ... but apart from them I’m not aware of anyone I know here (Sydney too) owning a gun or knowing how to shoot.

Although I was once peripherally involved in designing a house for a person who owns one of the few gun shops in Sydney (I think there are about half a dozen of them).

Liberty's Edge

yellowdingo wrote:

So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

I don’t think the NSW parliament passed that particular bill.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Hey, cry me a river about getting England's criminals. We got stuck with England's puritans.

... you win.

yellowdingo wrote:
So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

Oh wow, I hadn't heard about that. I can't see that ever getting through, though. From my experience owning a gun doesnt win you many friends down here. I've nothing against owning one, but guns in the hands of teenagers? My baby sister?

... yeah, I can't see that ending too well.

The Exchange

Twigs wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Hey, cry me a river about getting England's criminals. We got stuck with England's puritans.

... you win.

yellowdingo wrote:
So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

Oh wow, I hadn't heard about that. I can't see that ever getting through, though. From my experience owning a gun doesnt win you many friends down here. I've nothing against owning one, but guns in the hands of teenagers? My baby sister?

... yeah, I can't see that ending too well.

Its not as if all the kids dont already have guns...this just gives them in-school training on how to set up a killbox and put a bullet through elected officials from half a mile.

Mothman wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Twigs wrote:
I'm curious, yellowdingo. What's gun legislation like in the NT? I'm a Sydneysider and have only met two people in my life that knew how to shoot, and I'm bloody well happy for it to stay that way.

Wow...only two? Were they cops? Pretty much everyone who hasnt broken the law up here has a gun...even the mayor had thirteen rifles and a silencer for a gun that 'went missing'.

So they skipped your generation but Firearms will now be taught to children in Schools...bummer for you.

Yeah, I’ve got a number of friends and relatives who are in the army, navy, army reserve or police force ... but apart from them I’m not aware of anyone I know here (Sydney too) owning a gun or knowing how to shoot.

Although I was once peripherally involved in designing a house for a person who owns one of the few gun shops in Sydney (I think there are about half a dozen of them).

My grandfather had a shotgun and a few rifles. He made sure I knew how dangerous they were.

I haven't fired a rifle since university, a mate of mine had a SKS he used to shoot the wild pigs on his property, I shot up some bottles and cans...

Guns on the whole are scary... life ending tools and if you make a mistake its not one you can take back.

Dark Archive

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

I am here to stay now do you want to rule New Hampshire for me or should I give it to another servitor goblin who will do what he is told.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Hey, cry me a river about getting England's criminals. We got stuck with England's puritans.

Ug, I know. I think I'd rather be founded by thieves and whores than Puritans. At least then we wouldn't have stupid liquor laws here in the american south.


Liberty's Edge

The frustrating thing about this news story (and its daily equivelant, from anywhere on earth) is that it gives us this false picture of what humanity is. That millions are caring and devoted parents is not news. That daily people give money to all parts of the world to provide relief from disaster, illness, famine, social injustice, religious and ethnic persecution and tyranny with no thought of what they will get from it, is not news. That countless acts of kindness are performed every moment of every day does not make the news.

We humans are amazing in our capacity to give, love, and innovate. We do things today that in any sphere would have been impossible years ago, and we shall in the future do things that we currently do not believe will ever happen.

Imagine the outlook of a person 250 years ago. Prevent polio? Television? Live without American slavery? Land on the moon? Have a black President? Discover DNA? Thier list of the impossible would be nearly endless, and that is only 250 years. Imagine what will be said in 250 years, looking back on our time!

Keep in mind that the salacious and heinous make the news not because they are common but because they are so rare that we are shocked by the report. It is that feeling of shock and revulsion, that shows much more succinctly what being a human is really about.

if you use Moore's law for circuits and apply them to humanity, it becomes exponential


Removed some posts that were uncalled for. Let's be civil please!

Gruumash . wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Humans (and orcs), are you still here?

Begone, I tell you!

I am here to stay now do you want to rule New Hampshire for me or should I give it to another servitor goblin who will do what he is told.

Fair New Hampshire shall never bow to half-orc Mass-holes!

Live free or die!

Sorry, but Fecalvania (the state formerly known as Massachusetts) belongs to the monkeys.

New Hampshire shall be renamed TaxFreeGoodies and shall have their motto revised to: 'Smoke, Drink and Die'. Goblins shall be put to work at the border packies servicing the needs of Fecalvania's monkey population.

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sorry, but Fecalvania (the state formerly known as Massachusetts) belongs to the monkeys.

New Hampshire shall be renamed TaxFreeGoodies and shall have their motto revised to: 'Smoke, Drink and Die'. Goblins shall be put to work at the border packies servicing the needs of Fecalvania's monkey population.

Can we at least be in the Teamsters?

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sorry, but Fecalvania (the state formerly known as Massachusetts) belongs to the monkeys.

New Hampshire shall be renamed TaxFreeGoodies and shall have their motto revised to: 'Smoke, Drink and Die'. Goblins shall be put to work at the border packies servicing the needs of Fecalvania's monkey population.

Can we at least be in the Teamsters?

Sure, why not? We'll even dig up the Meadowlands and reanimate Jimmy Hoffa to be your leader once more. Perhaps give him an undead worg to ride and spiked platemail to hold all the rotted bits together.


Patrick Curtin wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sorry, but Fecalvania (the state formerly known as Massachusetts) belongs to the monkeys.

New Hampshire shall be renamed TaxFreeGoodies and shall have their motto revised to: 'Smoke, Drink and Die'. Goblins shall be put to work at the border packies servicing the needs of Fecalvania's monkey population.

Can we at least be in the Teamsters?
Sure, why not? We'll even dig up the Meadowlands and reanimate Jimmy Hoffa to be your leader once more. Perhaps give him an undead worg to ride and spiked platemail to hold all the rotted bits together.

Soon we will have all the five Sankara stones, and Jimmy will not need to be dug up. He'll dig himself up, and the Thugee will be all powerful!

I'd prefer an undead Hoffa, worg and all, to the current Hoffa we have as president.

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