Bag of Holding vs. Handy Haversack

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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It would cost you 18,410 to have a mage cast Creat Deniplane lesser 910 gp to make it permanent 17,500 gp.

Liberty's Edge

Grab a pathfinder pouch.

1k, stores up to 10lbs, does not show up as magical, and can be converted into a normal pouch (and back again) via command word.

I've never had a finer sheath for my (backup) greatsword.

Please note, it does have the unfortunate appearance of a fanny pack.

Handy Haversack personal use.

Bag of holding party loot bag.

Aelryinth wrote:

Or you just say "I'm putting in staffs. Hollow staffs full of coins. I'm putting in javelins. BLunt javelins full of coins."

And it works perfectly.

I shook my head when i realized this was possible. Did they never think someone would come up with the idea of hollow pipes as coin holders for a Quiver?

You don't even have to go that far. Just go to a smith's or money exchange (if campaign world-appropriate) to have your coin melted into, or straight-up purchase, trade bars, ingots or billets. You can fit a trade bar into an efficient quiver into the second compartment with absolutely no problem. My players actually pulled that one their arse last weekend bickering over the logistics of carrying gold, and whether banking in a chaotic evil society would be a good idea. They settled on buying up mithral billets then stuffing them in an efficient quiver, I liked to have crapped myself at the sheer brilliance of it (and that I hadn't thought of it first).

The part that made me face palm is the guy who thought of the idea is a tea partier and buys into all that Glenn Beck Goldline crap. That's actually what gave him the idea. That quiver is so getting stolen some point in the future as a plot hook.

Aelryinth wrote:

The efficient quiver works wonders for hauling coin and gem loot, too.

You're an archer. Why do you need to haul around extra staves and javelins? replace those with long rods hollowed out to fit coins and gems inside them, of the appropriate length.

At ten coins per inch, a 4' 'javelin' and a 6' 'staff' can contain 480 coins and 720 coins respectively. That's 18 x 480 coins + 5 x 720 coins (I expect you stow your bow in there.)

that's 12,240 coins of storage, or 1,224 pounds of coins, for the low price of 900 gp. Note: there's no weight limit on the Efficient Quiver!

Between this, a minor bag of holding, and a haversack, I think you're set on loot hauling. If the DM only hands you 5000 gp life size statues, then I suggest a Wand of Item.


May I ask where did you take these size info from? I intend to try conving my GM to allow me to use the efficient quiver for golf carrying but I´ll need a source to "justify" the measures. Thanks in advance.

I use the Haversack as my utility belt and a BoH as saddlebags, it works out pretty well for me and I tend to make my own so cost is not a huge issue.

Ive always been a big, BIG fan of the Gnomish method...

Step 1) Buy a haversack. Enjoy it for a few adventures... Get frustrated at how little it holds compared to your wizard's Bag of Holding.

Step 2) Go to a tavern. Order some beer and rant about your sack with a Gnome. Have the gnome inform you "why not just use two?". Give yourself a face palm, then go buy another haversack. Use appropriate crafting skill to double them up and give yourself a GIANT backpack, like those silly people with too much junk stacked on their camping pack.

Step 3) Have a few MORE beers, and realize that even two is not going to help cart back the loot from what your expected raiding of a dragon's lair in the far future. After all, ALL adventurers do it, right?! Right!

Step 4) Buy a third haversack, and use your nifty Haversack crafting skill to put it on the same harness with the other two. This one goes in FRONT! Enjoy your adventuring!

Step 5) Return to tavern one adventure later, and lament how it got in your way with a few more beers. Oh, look, it's your gnome friend! Listen to Gnomey, and apply a 'quicklatch' to drop it all at once!

Step 6) Cry as some idiot manages to force one extradimensional space into another by being bull rushed by your barbarian into your big triple haversack....


That was one of my best, games, ever...

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