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This is an interesting thread. Anyone considered doing a Crusader (Cavalier/Inquisitor)?
OH MAN... I just came up with one of the best ideas I've ever had for an MCA. Summoner/Cleric (Undead Lord): Your eidolon is formed from the bones of fallen enemies. When you level up and your eidolon gets more powerful, that is represented by you adding more bones to it. Instead of summoning spells, you'd have undead animation spells. I'll try to write this up today and see how it turns out.

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Grave Summoner
Primary Class: Summoner
Secondary Class: Cleric (Undead Master)
Alignment: Any nongood
Hit Die: d8
BAB: 3/4
Saves: Good Fort and Will, Poor Ref
Bonus Skills and Ranks: A grave summoner chooses three skills from the cleric class skill list to add to the summoner’s class skill list. She gains skill ranks at each level equal to 2 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Grave summoners are proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor, but not with shields.
Spellcasting: A grave summoner casts spells as a summoner of her level. Her spells are drawn from the summoner spell list, with the addition of all cleric spells of the necromancy school and all inflict wounds spells. These additional spells are treated as summoner spells of the same level.
Undead eidolon: A grave summoner’s eidolon is an undead creature created using the parts of slain opponents; or sometimes even allies. Its home plane is a perverse place, unknown to most practitioners of magic, where undead live as the dominant creatures, and hunt the living for all eternity. This ability functions exactly as the summoner’s eidolon ability with the following changes:
-At creation, the eidolon gains the Undead Appearance evolution as a bonus.
-In addition to the strengths and weaknesses given by the Undead Appearance evolution, the eidolon has no Constitution score and its Charisma score is used to determine its hit points, Fortitude saves, etc as if it were an undead creature. It is immune to effects that require a Fortitude save unless that effect can target objects. It is still of the outsider type, not undead.
-The eidolon appears as either a zombie creature or a skeletal creature, and it gains DR 5/slashing if it is a zombie creature or 5/bludgeoning if it is a skeletal creature. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
-The eidolon does not gain evasion at 2nd level or Improved Evasion at 14th level, as its reactions are slowed similar to other undead creatures.
-The eidolon’s evolution pool is decreased by 1 at all levels (meaning it begins at first level with 2 evolutions points instead of 3).
-The eidolon recieves only 2 + Int skill points per level.
Summon undead minions: A grave summoner gains the Skeleton Summoning feat as a bonus feat. It applies to all of her uses of Summon monster spell-like abilities, and she has the option to apply either the skeleton template or the zombie template to any creature summoned. These creatures remain indefinitely until either the summoner calls her eidolon or she casts another Summon monster spell, or until they are destroyed. The summoner loses the ability at 19th level to cast gate.
Channel negative energy: Beginning at 2nd level, a grave summoner can channel negative energy as a cleric of half her level. This can manifest in a burst as normal and can be centered on either the summoner or the eidolon. In addition, the grave summoner gains the Command Undead feat as a bonus feat. This qualifies both the summoner and eidolon for any feats with channel energy as a prerequisite (though the eidolon may not command undead). This ability replaces Life Link, Shield Ally, Greater Shield Ally, and Gate.
Unlife Healer: At 8th level, the grave summoner’s spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used to heal undead (including her eidolon) heal an extra 50% damage. At 16th level, these effects automatically heal the maximum possible damage for the effect + the extra 50%. This does not stack with abilities or feats such as Empower Spell or Maximize Spell. This replaces Transposition and Merge Forms.
Undead aspect: At 10th level, a grave summoner can take on undead traits to mimic her eidolon. She may cast undead anatomy II on herself once per day as a spell-like ability, and the spell lasts for ten minutes per level. At 14th level this functions as undead anatomy III, and at 18th level this functions as undead anatomy IV. This replaces Aspect, Life bond, and Greater aspect.
Undeath Scion: At 20th level, a grave summoner becomes a master of undeath, thanks in part to her strong bond with her undead eidolon. Her type changes to undead and she gains the Skeletal Champion template. In addition, the summoner may merge forms with her eidolon (as the summoner ability of the same name), with the additional effect that the eidolon adds the summoner’s Charisma modifier to its own as a profane bonus when calculating its hit points. These hit points disappear when the summoner and eidolon un-merge, which may result in the eidolon being dismissed. The summoner’s hit point total is unchanged from before merging with her eidolon, even if the eidolon is dismissed while they are merged.

Bardess |

Just this:
Summon undead minions: A grave summoner gains the Skeleton Summoning feat as a bonus feat. It applies to all of her uses of Summon monster spell-like abilities, and she has the option to apply either the skeleton template or the zombie template to any creature summoned. These creatures remain indefinitely until either the summoner calls her eidolon or she casts another Summon monster spell, or until they are destroyed. The summoner loses the ability at 19th level to cast gate.
Channel negative energy: Beginning at 2nd level, a grave summoner can channel negative energy as a cleric of half her level. This can manifest in a burst as normal and can be centered on either the summoner or the eidolon. In addition, the grave summoner gains the Command Undead feat as a bonus feat. This qualifies both the summoner and eidolon for any feats with channel energy as a prerequisite (though the eidolon may not command undead). This ability replaces Life Link, Shield Ally, Greater Shield Ally, and Gate.
Does he cast Gate, or not? Or are these two abilities replacing the same thing?
See also a summoner undead lord archetype in Kobold Quarterly 19... I believe it's somewhat similar.I rather like it. I thought, however, that we decided not to add new archetypes to the fray before finishing the re-does, didn't we?
I thought about a Cavalier/Inquisitor once... I called him a Rosicrucian, but it never went beyond this name.^^

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Just this:
cartmanbeck wrote:Summon undead minions: A grave summoner gains the Skeleton Summoning feat as a bonus feat. It applies to all of her uses of Summon monster spell-like abilities, and she has the option to apply either the skeleton template or the zombie template to any creature summoned. These creatures remain indefinitely until either the summoner calls her eidolon or she casts another Summon monster spell, or until they are destroyed. The summoner loses the ability at 19th level to cast gate.
Channel negative energy: Beginning at 2nd level, a grave summoner can channel negative energy as a cleric of half her level. This can manifest in a burst as normal and can be centered on either the summoner or the eidolon. In addition, the grave summoner gains the Command Undead feat as a bonus feat. This qualifies both the summoner and eidolon for any feats with channel energy as a prerequisite (though the eidolon may not command undead). This ability replaces Life Link, Shield Ally, Greater Shield Ally, and Gate.
Does he cast Gate, or not? Or are these two abilities replacing the same thing?
See also a summoner undead lord archetype in Kobold Quarterly 19... I believe it's somewhat similar.
I rather like it. I thought, however, that we decided not to add new archetypes to the fray before finishing the re-does, didn't we?@Chtulhudrew
I thought about a Cavalier/Inquisitor once... I called him a Rosicrucian, but it never went beyond this name.^^
Gate is replaced by the channel negative energy ability, I just forgot to delete it from the undead minions part.
I know we agreed not to be posting a bunch of new ones but it was sort of an epiphany and I forgot lol. Sorry about that.

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I got this today, and looked through it, and I like it. I'm even trying to do up a Spell-less Ranger/Fighter that I call the Wild Tempest, but I'm not doing that great. I'm looking at the examples, but I'm not doing so hot with what I've got. I don't know where I should add in the fighter abilities, and also the Fighter has the exact same skills as the Ranger, minus one, so it's not looking like a very good idea at the moment.
I saw on the other thread that I wasn't the only one looking for something like this, but maybe the only one for a spell-less ranger (Kobold Quarterly 11). And I see no one's really wanted to do up one, probably for the same reasons I've brought up.
Suggestions? Any chance of new pdfs of more of these awesome hybrids?
Oh, and unfortunately the folder for all of the archetype pdfs seems to be 404 error.

Flak RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

More PDFs are in the pipeline. (We're still working on these!)
As for a spell-less ranger MCA -- it'd be pretty simple to trade out the ranger's spellcasting (perhaps along with a couple of his other more mystical/woodsy abilities) for some fighter features. But first, what's your design goal? How do you want the MCA to feel?

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More PDFs are in the pipeline. (We're still working on these!)
As for a spell-less ranger MCA -- it'd be pretty simple to trade out the ranger's spellcasting (perhaps along with a couple of his other more mystical/woodsy abilities) for some fighter features. But first, what's your design goal? How do you want the MCA to feel?
Want it to feel like it's capable of handling itself. Right now the spell-less ranger is a lot like a ranger/rogue, with ranger talents and stealth attack, but they only work in your favored terrains. Same goes for their fast movement as a monk.
I'd also like to see a ranger/cavalier too. That'd be interesting.

Raiderrpg |

We've pretty much gone into seclusion for awhile, with a new thread on the way and the wiki here undergoing updates as we speak.
Expect more from us soon :o We're working mostly on core.
Kevin_video- "handling itself" doesn't give much to work with. Bit more detail on how it plays, what it 'feels' like?

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Kevin_video- "handling itself" doesn't give much to work with. Bit more detail on how it plays, what it 'feels' like?
Feel? I don't know. Not useless? Does that count? You could ask me how I feel about the base wizard, rogue, inquisitor, and fighter, and I'd be just as confused about what you're asking of me.

Raiderrpg |

Here's an example or two;
Trick Blade, Rogue/Magus. Feels like a trickster, pulling out the odd bit of amazing damage but generally just -messing- with the other guys. Can be played as something of a utility wizard meets rogue, or can be built as a sneaking caster with more MUCH more offense but less spell versatility than the Arcane Trickster.
Euridite Bard, Bard/Wizard. Feels like a nerd stuck his head into one to many books of lore at ye old bardic college. A very tactical class who can protect and buff his allies while lying through his teeth to the head bishop of <insert paladin god here>.
That help you figure out what I'm saying? ^^

Raiderrpg |

We've had a couple people try to join the wiki as of late, so I just thought I'd jump in for a moment for this old thread.
As it stands, we are not accepting anyone to the wiki except our working members.
At some point in the near future when the new thread opens, we'll be open to expanding and seeing the work of others- but right now we're focusing on sprucing up what we have and making it presentable.
Sorry to those who've been trying to join, and I hope this explains why; we just want to keep the wikispace controlled. ^^;
Thank you for your interest, we should have something in the coming couple of weeks! ^^

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Want it to feel like it's capable of handling itself. Right now the spell-less ranger is a lot like a ranger/rogue, with ranger talents and stealth attack, but they only work in your favored terrains. Same goes for their fast movement as a monk.
Just found this thread - pretty interesting!
As far as the Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Quarterly goes, the Expanded Spell-less Ranger was just released :) It's the class from Kobold Quarterly, but newly expanded and updated with new Ranger Talents, new feats, new archetypes etc. Nature's Healing has even been expanded and clarified.
You might want to use this Expanded version of the Spell-less Ranger for your multiclass archetype ...
Check it out HERE if you'd like :)
I do agree though that rangers (spell-less ones in particular) and fighters might be too similar already to make a good MCA.

Gareshra |
So I just discovered this lovely thread earlier tonight, and I just wanted to chime in with my perspective on the Stealth Mage class.
As is, it looks to be slightly stronger than it should be, but only due to a few things. First of all, the combination of Studied Trickery and the Trickery Bond can get some quite frankly absurd bonuses to skill checks. We're talking like +13 to stealth at level 1 bonuses if you went all out and grabbed the Skill Focus(stealth) feat. Anyways I think Studied Trickery needs to be removed, or be reworked. The Arcane Bond bonus is already very strong, and having another bonus available to be stacked just gives you "auto win" on whichever skills you select.
On that note, Arcane Bond seems a little wonky. Trickery Aspect is very strong, while Organization aspect feels weak. Here are my issues and suggested changes.
The Organization Bond ability to use stealth points to cast spells without verbal or somatic components is problematic:
Additionally, when casting a spell, the stealth mage can expend a number of stealth points equal to her level in order to remove either the verbal or somatic components from the spell.
This doesn't scale very well, as that means you can, at level 1 with Skill Focus(bluff), use the skip somatic or verbal components ability 4 times per day, 8 levels before you should have access to that. Then at level 2 it goes down to 2 uses per day, and drops to 1 use per day at level 4. Also, it overlaps a bit too much with tricky spells that it feels inelegant.
I would suggest merging tricky spells into the Arcane Bond Organization feature, and changing tricky spells to cost a number of stealth points equal to the spell level of the spell being cast. Also change it so that you can remove both verbal and somatic at level 8, instead of 12.
On that note, Outflank kinda doesn't make sense as a bonus feat. If you took that option, you do not gain sneak attack, so you shouldn't even BE in melee. Not to mention wizard BAB so you wouldn't be in melee even if you did have sneak attack. In place of outflank, how about at level 12(the point you would normally have gotten the Tricky Spells ability, which is now at level 8), you now grant the Stealth Point bonuses to every ally within 30 feet when spent, giving you a nice tool enhance the stealth of nearby allies.
To sum up: Currently, Arcane Bond feels heavily skewed towards sneak attack and +5 to your vital skills. Merge Tricky Spells into Organization bonuses, and give them the ability to spend stealth points to help allies sneak. This would make potential Stealth Mages have to really consider whether they want to support their allies with stealth and stay in the background, or become more of a deadly operative with sneak attack and bonuses on all of their skills.

Flak RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

First of all—hi Gareshra!
I put together most of the current Stealth Mage, though I want to excuse myself from one error.
Quote:Additionally, when casting a spell, the stealth mage can expend a number of stealth points equal to her level in order to remove either the verbal or somatic components from the spell.This doesn't scale very well, as that means you can, at level 1 with Skill Focus(bluff), use the skip somatic or verbal components ability 4 times per day, 8 levels before you should have access to that. Then at level 2 it goes down to 2 uses per day, and drops to 1 use per day at level 4. Also, it overlaps a bit too much with tricky spells that it feels inelegant.
That should be "its level" not "her level"—as in, the # of points expended is equal to the SPELL's level not the stealth mage's level (it makes no sense if the # is equal to the stealth mage's level). Got screwed in proofreading by our project lead hahahaha. Not sure how that happened.
Anyway, your other criticisms are valid, and I appreciate you putting in the time to make them. I'm going to review them later today and propose either your or other updates to the MCA.

Gareshra |
Glad I can help. I'm really looking forward to the final version. Even as is, it's one of the best homebrew things I've ever seen. As a lover of stealthy casters, I'm going to be playtesting one of these in a campaign whenever the campaign I'm currently DMing wraps up. Could be a while though. Anyways, archetypes look good. Keep up the good work.

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Glad I can help. I'm really looking forward to the final version. Even as is, it's one of the best homebrew things I've ever seen. As a lover of stealthy casters, I'm going to be playtesting one of these in a campaign whenever the campaign I'm currently DMing wraps up. Could be a while though. Anyways, archetypes look good. Keep up the good work.
Let me just say for all of us that we really appreciate your and everyone else's feedback and support on this project. It's been super fun and just keeps getting better (especially now that we're starting to work a lot on the Advanced Players Guide classes, which are my favorites :))

Gareshra |
So I've been thinking about the Stealth Mage class pretty much nonstop since I discovered it, and I realized something about it irks me. As is, the class has no BAB progression, and full caster progression. The class is well designed, but I kind of feel it's too heavily skewed towards the Wizard, with not enough focus on the Rogue.
I think it needs the Magus treatment. Lowered spellcasting progression, raised BAB, better sneak attack options, etc. To that end, I've thrown together a completely different base class, which is basically a Stealth Mage that doesn't heavily favor rogue or wizard, but tries to be equally split between the two.
The Daggermage
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: D8
Skill ranks: 4 + Int
Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge(all), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim, Use Magic Device
BAB: 3/4
Good Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Daggermages are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, sap, and shortbow. They are not proficient with armor or shields.
Arcane Bond: This functions exactly as the Wizard ability, except that it must be to a bonded object, and the bonded object must be a Masterwork Dagger.
Arcane School: This ability functions exactly as the Wizard class feature of the same name, with the following exceptions. A Daggermage who chooses to specialize in a school does not gain any of the bonus features of specialization. She still gains access to a bonus slot of each spell level for spells of that school. However, if a Daggermage chooses not to specialize, she still gains access to the Universalist school abilities.
Sneak Attack: The Daggermage gains Sneak Attack as a Rogue except as noted here. The daggermage does an extra 1d6 sneak attack damage at level 2, which increases by 1d6 for every 3 levels thereafter. Advances are at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, to a max of 7d6 at level 20.
Spells: A Daggermage casts arcane spells as a wizard, except as noted here. The Daggermage spells per day advancement is different than a wizard. Table is at bottom.
Spellbook: Exactly as Wizard
Cantrips: As Wizard
Trapfinding: As Rogue
Spell Combat: At 2nd level, the Daggermage learns to cast spells and wield weapons at the same time. This functions as the Magus ability of the same name.
Surprise Spells: At 3rd level, the Daggermage gains the Surprise Spells class feature of the Arcane Trickster. Additionally, whenever a spell qualifies for sneak attack damage(including touch spells when flanking), the DC of that spell increases by 1 for each sneak attack die the Daggermage has.
Rogue Talents: At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Daggermage gains access to a Rogue Talent, as the Rogue class feature.
Advanced Talents: At 12th level, a Daggermage can choose any of the Advanced rogue talents in place of a rogue talent, as the Rogue class feature.
Evasion: At 4th level, a Daggermage gains access to Evasion, as the Rogue class feature of the same name.
Spellstrike: At level 5, the Daggermage gains access to the Spellstrike ability of the Magus.
Ranged Legerdemain: Same as Arcane Trickster Ability. Gained at level 7.
Tricky Spells: As the Arcane Trickster Ability. Gained at level 10. Additional uses are gained every 2 levels thereafter, up to a maximum of 8 times per day at level 20.
Invisible Thief: As the arcane trickster ability. Gained at level 12. Can remain invisible for a number of rounds per day equal to her Daggermage level.
Severing Strike: At level 15, whenever a Daggermage deals sneak attack damage with her bonded weapon, she may forego dealing sneak attack damage to instead lower the enemy's spell Resistance by 1 for each sneak attack die she possesses. This ability does not stack with itself, and lasts for 1 round per Daggermage level. Additional applications may reset the duration to maximum, but will not stack.
Mage blade: At 20th level, all of the Daggermage's attacks with her bonded weapon are treated as touch attacks, and any spells delivered through her bonded weapon bypass spell resistance. Whenever the Daggermage confirms a critical with her bonded weapon which is not already delivering a spell, she may immediately cast a spell through her dagger as a free action, which automatically hits and crits.
Daggermage Spell Progression:
lvl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1: 2 0
2: 3 1
3: 4 2
4: 4 2 0
5: 4 3 1
6: 4 3 2
7: 4 3 2 0
8: 4 4 3 1
9: 4 4 3 2
10: 4 4 3 2 0
11: 4 4 4 3 1
12: 4 4 4 3 2
13: 4 4 4 3 2 0
14: 4 4 4 4 3 1
15: 4 4 4 4 3 2
16: 4 4 4 4 3 2 0
17: 4 4 4 4 4 3 1
18: 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
19: 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 0
20: 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1

Flak RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

This is much more like a rogue/wizard than like a wizard/rogue (typically, the MCA does lean toward the primary class). It also feels maybe overly restrictive in terms of play-style. I have to use a dagger?
Spellstrike is a magus ability that reflects the merging of fighter training and wizard training. It doesn't seem thematic in a wizard/rogue MCA. The same goes for spellcombat except maybe even more strongly. The wizard/rogue should basically be a wizard, I think, but one that can do rogue-y things. When we wrote the stealth mage, yes, this included sneak attack as a weak option... but the focus is more on the stealth, the secretive casting, and the skills.
Anyway, while what you posted seems like a perfectly fun melange to play once, it's not a stealth mage. I think the clear goal for the stealth mage was to make a primary caster with some of a rogue's toys & tricks; your goals seems to have been to make an arcane trickster base class with some magus goodies. If the stealth mage "irked you" due to its casting focus, then I am glad you have come up with something that hopefully irks you less. But it's a different beast entirely.
Okay, now I'm going to go through your feedback on the stealth mage as it stands here. I don't know what, if anything, might be different between my latest snapshot and your source for the MCA's ability's, but in case there are any discrepancies, let me know.
As is, it looks to be slightly stronger than it should be, but only due to a few things. First of all, the combination of Studied Trickery and the Trickery Bond can get some quite frankly absurd bonuses to skill checks. We're talking like +13 to stealth at level 1 bonuses if you went all out and grabbed the Skill Focus(stealth) feat. Anyways I think Studied Trickery needs to be removed, or be reworked. The Arcane Bond bonus is already very strong, and having another bonus available to be stacked just gives you "auto win" on whichever skills you select.
First of all, it's impossible to take studied trickery at 1st level. You don't get your first talent until 4th level, and you only get 6 total, so you have to choose between getting skill bonuses and getting powers like evasion, uncanny dodge, not to mention the more powerful extant rogue talents.
That said, it's true that studied trickery has the potential of giving very high skill bonuses. When you take it for the first time at 4th level, it probably gives +4 to two skills (which is about as powerful as 2 feats), and that scales. I'd be open to reducing it to only 1 skill, or making it an advanced talent. Your thoughts on this?
On that note, Arcane Bond seems a little wonky. Trickery Aspect is very strong, while Organization aspect feels weak. Here are my issues and suggested changes.
I'm surprised that you feel this way. Bonding with trickery gives a weak sneak attack to a class that gets half BAB. It's certainly nice, but limited in use to either A) risky situations or B) scorching rays. The skill bonus is nice, too, but +5 over 20 levels to 5 skills seems on par with a number of other scaling skill bonuses that other classes get. Now bring in the drawback. I can definitely see just going for the half-priced headband of Intelligence over this bond.
The Organization Bond ability to use stealth points to cast spells without verbal or somatic components is problematic
Already addressed this in my previous post; I think it scales fine when accurately worded.
I would suggest merging tricky spells into the Arcane Bond Organization feature, and changing tricky spells to cost a number of stealth points equal to the spell level of the spell being cast. Also change it so that you can remove both verbal and somatic at level 8, instead of 12.
Then stealth mages with other bonds would just... lose tricky spells. Major nerf for all the other options? Seems unfair to them. Also, it's not like the redundancy between tricky spells and organization bond is a real problem—there are so many other things to spend stealth points on!
On that note, Outflank kinda doesn't make sense as a bonus feat. If you took that option, you do not gain sneak attack, so you shouldn't even BE in melee. Not to mention wizard BAB so you wouldn't be in melee even if you did have sneak attack. In place of outflank, how about at level 12(the point you would normally have gotten the Tricky Spells ability, which is now at level 8), you now grant the Stealth Point bonuses to every ally within 30 feet when spent, giving you a nice tool enhance the stealth of nearby allies.
The idea behind Outflank was that you're helping other people sneak attack better. Yes, it's risky to get in there—but it's just a somewhat weak bonus ability. You DO have invisible thief and tons of wizardly avoidance spells to make yourself more survivable. I like the idea of granting other people stealth bonuses using the stealth pool, though. Maybe a new rogue talent.
To sum up: Currently, Arcane Bond feels heavily skewed towards sneak attack and +5 to your vital skills. Merge Tricky Spells into Organization bonuses, and give them the ability to spend stealth points to help allies sneak. This would make potential Stealth Mages have to really consider whether they want to support their allies with stealth and stay in the background, or become more of a deadly operative with sneak attack and bonuses on all of their skills.
When I wrote this archetype I was honestly worried that the organization bond would be too strong. Did you miss the part about using stealth points as ki points? And being able to have a lot of stealth points, especially by level 16?
The bond options that risk being obsoleted are the familiar and bonded object, I think, though I left them as options not so much because they're necessarily perfectly balanced but because they're cool options that some stealth mages might like. Remember, the stealth mage is still a wizard. Why not let him have his cat familiar? Or his bonded ring of invisibility? These things are thematic.
Further thoughts are welcome. I'm going to be thinking about doing up a use-stealth-points-for-allies rogue talent.

Gareshra |
Hey, I don't have time to do a full response to your comments right now, but I wanted to duck in here and give a few quick comments. First of all, I wasn't trying to replace the Stealth Mage or anything of that sort. It fits it's design purpose pretty much perfectly. I'm trying to go a different direction with the archetype, with something more suited to a rogue with a few spells on the side. I think perhaps this first incarnation kinda fails at that. I'll tinker with it. But enough about that. Back to the stealth mage.
I'm geniunely not sure how to handle Studied Trickery to be honest. I mean it scales REALLY well. With trickery bond and Studied Trickery, you're getting like +13 to those skills by level 16. Using Stealth as an example, a level 16 character would have the following bonuses:
3(class bonus)
7(Dex with gear)
7(Int with gear, studied trickery)
5(Cloak of Elvenkind)
4(Trickery Bond)
6(Skill Focus Stealth)
Total of +48 to stealth checks at level 16.
A CR 20 Balor has a +38 to perception checks.
Like I said, I'm really not sure how to handle this, but I think perhaps making the bonus of Studied Trickery a competence bonus to prevent stacking with items might be enough. It's a difficult topic, though.
About Trickery Bond and Organization Bond:
Our disagreement on this seems to come from a difference of perspective. I'll just explain why I think Organization is bad and Trickery is OP, and you can tear it apart at your leisure. I honestly hope you're right, but here goes.
The reason I think Organization is kind of bad, is because the stealth pool's stealth bonuses and silent spells are essentially limited extensions of what Tricky Spells and Trickery Bond already do. It's doubtful you'll ever be committing more than 5 points to a single stealth check, and in the long term Trickery Bond pays out better in skill bonuses than Organization. Also, I was aware of the ability to use that pool for Ki abilities, but my understanding is that the vast majority of the Ki pool abilities merely give you access to abilities that are already available to you in spell form, or useless due to the spellcasting nature of the class. Things like invisibility, acrobatics bonuses, darkvision, feather fall, extra attacks in melee, disguise self. That's what you get from Ki powers, and all of that is things you generally already have access to. Admittedly, it allows you adjust more on the fly, but once you hit level 8 or 9, and gain access to Tricky Spells, the vast majoriy of the tools in Organization fall by the wayside.
Trickery Bond, on the other hand, wouldn't be so bad if not for one slight issue. That issue is called Scorching Ray. That spell pretty much singlehandedly makes anyone with full caster progression and sneak attack a nightmare to balance. As soon as you hit level 11, you're dealing with a huge surge in damage output. At that level, the 3rd ray becomes available. A quickened second level spell ALSO becomes available. Even considering the very weak sneak attack progression of the stealth mage, you're looking at a class with access to greater invisibility and the ability to scorching ray twice a round, with sneak attack. So yeah. 2 castings of scorching ray. One at 2nd level, and one at 6th level, quickened.
That's 6 rays at 4d6 damage each, with an additional 3d6 sneak attack damage tacked on to each of them. That's 7d6 damage per ray, or a total of 42d6 points of damage in one round. Because one of those spells is only 2nd level, that actually gives the caster some leeway to attach effects like Dazing spell or some additional maximize or empower effects to it. A stealth mage could pretty easily instakill many CR 11 encounters. Thank god for spell resistances. Anyways, I know from personal experience having pissed off 2 different DMs that sneak attack and ray attacks have the potential to be extremely powerful. It's not even the damage that makes it so bad though, it's the fact that the rays are aimed at touch AC and so are extremely reliable.
The problem I foresee with Trickery bond is that it increases the damage potential of a blaster wizard to be on par or superior to most of the "real" damage classes like Paladin, Fighter, or Ranger, while at the same time boosting the skill monkey capabilities of the wizard to outclass the rogue and bard in their respective roles. This comes with no real loss of spellcasting progression. Even if it isn't OP, from a group dynamics perspective I feel like it would give the Stealth Mage too much of the spotlight, and really pull a lot of the fun from other party members.
I actually had some more to say, but I've already rambled on too long. One thing we do agree on though: The current Arcane Bond options outclass the "vanilla" wizard options by a good bit.

Flak RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

No worries about the daggermage, bro, I think it's a really good shot at what you wanted to make. I like it. It's just a totally different thing - and since you clearly agree, there's no problem here =)
For the ki point thing... yes, technically a lot of what you can do with ki points is redundant with a wizard's arsenal. But given that we've got diminished casting and potentially tons of ki points, it's kinda nice to have repeatable effects that essentially don't use your spell slots (vanishing trick, sudden disguise). Darkvision ninja trick is nicer than spending a 3rd-level spell on dark vision; shadow clone and smoke/poison bombs are all pretty neat IMHO. It's a lot of options for cool toys, at least.
Interesting analysis of sneak attack scorching ray. I'll think about it some. Though this is really an issue of one spell making an option too good, rather than the option itself being too good (with the other 400 things a wizard could be doing @ L11).
For studied trickery, how about revising it to hit all the listed skills (rather than a couple of them) and just replace dex with int? It'll be a slightly different beast, but same flavor, and a more reasonable effect?

Gareshra |
That's a good point about diminished casting and ki points. It still isn't OP or anything, but I think when you put it in that perspective it actually is in line with the other vanilla wizard bonds. Should be fine as is.
On scorching ray, yeah that spell is broken for any sneak attacking wizard. Even if we went back to 3.5 volley rules, it would still be broken because each ray is resolved as a separate attack. Perhaps we could change Trickery Bond so that it doesn't actually have default Sneak Attack, but a variant like Sudden Strike. Surprise Spells as written only allows sneak attacks on flat footed targets anyways. We could then define this new sneak attack to only work once per target per spell. That way it balances out spells like scorching ray while still allowing shenanigans with fireballs and other rays. And it's not like Stealth Mage needs "real" Sneak Attack, since he'll almost never be in melee anyways.
Studied Trickery would be completely fine with that change, while still remaining extremely useful. A stealth mage isn't going to be pumping dex, so that gives a strong increase in skill power without completely outclassing other skill monkeys.

Flak RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

A stealth mage isn't going to be pumping dex, so that gives a strong increase in skill power without completely outclassing other skill monkeys.
This goes entirely against your example but I agree ;P
As for "variant" sneak attack, I think one of 3.5's major design flaws was having a lot of abilities that worked similarly and were worded similarly but did fundamentally different things. I would like to avoid that pit-fall. I'm going to think about this some more.
Thanks again =)

Elghinn Lightbringer |

FYI, MultiClass Productions has begun an new MCA thread, link below. This will be the current thread for discussions, postings of playtests, and where to find our MCA sites, and soon the pdfs for download.
MultiClass Archetypes III: The Return of the MCA
Flak, you and Gareshra may as well just continue your discussion on the Stealth Mage here, until it's resolved.

Raiderrpg |

*peeks in* A stealth mage can totally pump dex. It's easy to cast Cat's Grace or pick up an item for it.
I'd expect any stealth mage to have around 16 dex by level 8, 20 dex by level 20. Work up your examples with that in mind and assume they'd have 2 or 4 points less int than a pure wizard; since they don't need quite-as-super-high DC's, thanks to sneak attack scorching ray/polar ray/etc making blasting more viable.
(( Consider a 60+7d6 Fireball as a sixth level spell, averaging 84-85 points of damage. It's much like casting an 'empowered' for free fireball, no? Many would gamble on failed saves for the additional point, or just accept the still nice 42 points on succession as a good 'first strike )) Or if you jus' wanna stick with the rays, look at scorching ray assuming 3 hits (easy, with high dex and RT.) 12d6+21d6 for an average of 115-116 damage spread over a max of 3 targets. ))
Keep such considerations as these in mind while balancing :o

Ed Wiscombe |

Here is a magusmonk that was written by a player in my upcoming campaign. I'd like to get some feedback on it since i'd never heard of multiclass archetypes before today. thanks.
o Secondary: Monk
• HD: d8
• Skills: 3 monk skills added to Magus’s but still 2 + int/lvl
• BAB: Magus Progression
• Saves: Magus so good Fort/Will but bad Ref
• Weapon Prof: All Simple and Martial but no armor.
• Bonus Feats: Usual bonus feats for Magus but can choose from monk list and one additional bonus feat at level 2
• Can’t cast spells in armor
• Uses Monk armor instead with ac bonus but int bonus not wis with ac bonus progression
• Diminished Spell casting: 1 fewer spell of each level
• Spell Combat same
• Spellstrike (can be used with unarmed strike)
• Gets flurry of blows at lvl 1
• Fast Movement at lvl 3
• No Arcana till lvl 6
• Gets unarmed strike instead of cantrips(except for read magic)(uses monk progression)(small monk damage instead of medium for balance?)
• Arcane Ki Pool: Not gained till lvl 4, Can choose ki pool or arcane talents. = ½ lvl + Int points
• Spell recall works normally
• Never gets armor proficiencies
• Never gets fighter training
• The rest is standard magus progression

Oceanshieldwolf |

Kyras Ausks |

Oceanshieldwolf |

Hey Longino, thanks for the interest in the MCA system. You can find the creation guidelines HERE on our Multiclass Archetypes Wiki.
By all means pop over to our current thread MCA V and join our working group - we can help you with your Paladin/Barbarian, though perhaps not right away!!! We'll try and squeeze you in though!!!

Feuerrabe |
I've looked into the Divine Warden template and felt it would pretty much suit my character, however, my DM rejected it because he felt it was overpowered and I must say I would agree to some point...
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/community-creations/cartmanbeck-s-lab/multic lass-archetypes/divine-warden-ranger-cleric
I am not all too experienced with Pathfinder, so please don't take this as some kind of "you're wrong and I am right", it's just a few simple suggestions which came into my mind which I would like to see discussed.
I was wondering whether the template couldn't be simpler:
Possibility a)
You progress perfectly normal as ranger / cleric multiclass character. There is only a single one replacement - you do not get ranger spells, but every third ranger level grants a cleric caster level. If you end up with ranger 12 / cleric 8 on level 20 you may cast spells as a 12th level cleric and your effective caster level would be 12, not 20. On top of that one might design a "ranger" domain which has to be one of the two domains you pick, regardless of your deity. The first two levels must be ranger, the third must be cleric. The rest is up to you.
Possibility b)
You leave the multiclassing be and adjust ranger a little: Low reflex save progression, base attack bonus three per four levels, hit die remains a d10, but you get a spell progression as a magus using spells from the cleric spell list. No domain spells, no spontaneous casting. All ranger class features other than Hunter's Bond and the spells remain. The reason for sacrificing base attack bonus instead of the hit dice was spells like "divine power" which severly boost your attack bonus and should not be available from a class with high BAB progression.
Or you leave Hunter's Bond but instead strike reflex related things, such as Improved Evasion...
I've tried to use the magus / wizard relationship as example to balance this.

Thomas, A |

i would like to help you but i am not sure what you are doing.
i think you are taking levels in both classes
just so you know its is made to work as an archetype where as you would any of the Archetypes in the APC so you should only be taking levels in the MCA you chosen.
but if you would like to work with us to make this MCA better you are more then welcome to[http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q1jg?Multiclass-Archetypes-V-More-Ultimate-MCAs]here[/url]

Oceanshieldwolf |

MCAs are not a template. They are closest to archetypes. Just treat the MCA as an archetype of its Primary class. MCAs are full 20th level, single classes.
You can find all of our most recent MCAs on the MCA wiki.
Our creative guideline can be found here
Our latest PDF can also be found there.
This working thread is more than a year old. We have moved to a new thread twice since then.
Our latest thread can be found here
The latest version of the Divine Warden can be found here
Hope that helps...


This is a continuation of the previous thread MULTICLASS ARCHETYPES, which was becoming too long. So we have begun a second thread, and will continue to do so as long as our work continues and each thread becomes too long
This is a collaborative development thread for the Multiclass ARchetypes concept presented in the previous thread. Anyone is welcome to make suggestions, give feedback, and try our playtests. Many of the MCAs (Multiclass Archetypes) are under reconstruction to be more in line with our most recent adjusted guidelines for creating them.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled developmental thread.
This is the most current paytest document for any one wishing to see what we are doing, or to actually playtest them.
Core and Base Multiclass Archetypes Playtest Document
For additional or previous documents go HERE, and go to the Multiclass Archetypes folder.
Wizard/Druid - Arcane Heirophant
Hit Die: d6
• Base Attack Bonus: +4
• Feats: Arcane Armor Training
• Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5, Knowledge (nature) 5
• Spells: Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells and 2nd level divine spells
• Special: Arcane Bond and Hunters Bond or Nature Bond class feature
Class Skills
The Arcane Hierophant's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You gain no proficiency in any weapons or armor. You abide by the same armor restrictions that druids do, and you lose your divine spellcasting ability and supernatural or spell-like class abilities if you wear prohibited armor or carry a prohibited shield.
Arcane Armor Mastery: When casting an arcane spell, the Arcane Hierophant can reduce the arcane spell failure chance for any non-metallic light or medium armor. You learn to cast arcane spells while wearing the types of armor that druids favor. You gain Arcane Armor Mastery as a virtual bonus feat when wearing non-metallic armor.
Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class and a level in a divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other class feature a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class or more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming an arcane hierophant, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Eldritch Bond: The Arcane Heirophant gains certain abilities based on her Arcane Bond/Nature Bond/Hunters Bond class Features.
the Arcane Hierophant strengthens her connection to a special animal or Bonded Item and Domain or School. At 1st level, choose either an existing animal companion, Familiar or Bonded object and if she has both a animal companion and arcane familiar she must choose one to release (though she takes no penalty for doing so).
She must also choose to continue focus on either her domain powers or her arcane school powers as part of this choice. If she chooses her arcane school she may choose her current school powers or a sub-school to advance in and gains the improved arcane bond ability with a bonded object. If choosing a Domain, she may choose to continue advancing in her current domain or gain a second domain with its related powers. If she does not have bonded object or animal, this ability does not grant her one, but improves on the choice she already made.
Levels in arcane hierophant stack with those of the class providing the companion or familiar for the purposes of determining the creature's Hit Dice, natural armor adjustment, and Strength/Dexterity adjustment, special abilities, stats, tricks and so on from the Animal Companion table (Core Rules). Treat her arcane class levels as druid levels for determining the eldritch companions abilities for a familiar on this table.
In addition, your eldritch companion (if any) gains many of the abilities that a familiar would normally possess. You add your arcane hierophant class level to your arcane spellcasting class level, and determine the Intelligence bonus and additional special abilities of your eldritch companion accordingly, taking the better of the two when needed. (Intelligence, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master, devotion, and speak with animals of its kind.)
The Hit Dice, hit points, attack bonus, saving throws, feats, and skills of the eldritch companion are determined as normal for an animal companion. Due to the eldritch companion’s unusual Intelligence score, it may very well have more skill points than other animals of its kind.
The eldritch companion is a magical beast (augmented animal), but you can bestow harmless spells on your eldritch companion as if it were an animal instead of a magical beast.
If the arcane hierophant instead chose a Cleric domain or Arcane School with a Bonded Object instead of an eldritch companion, she gives up any animal she has from any base class and her levels stack when determining the powers and bonus spells granted by this domain or her arcane school. She may not retain a lower level animal companion/arcane familiar from her base class when making this choice.
In either case the Arcane Hierophant’s effective level is equal to her base class level plus her Arcane Hierophant class levels. (Any feat taken to increase animal companion or familiar level stack for the purposes of increasing the powers and levels.)
Wild Shape (Su): If the Divine class used to qualify for the Arcane Hierophant does not have this class ability, you do not gain the ability to wild shape. However, you add your Arcane Hierophant level to your Druid level to determine the limits of wild shape ability and gaining the Wild Shape ability if you do not already possess the ability from your Druid class. You must have at least three levels in druid to take advantage of this ability.
Improved Arcane Bond:
The wizard may Spontaneously cast one additional spell per day for every 5 class levels (1 additional at 1st, 5th, 10th) from any spell she has in her spellbook; She loses this ability if she possesses a familiar or animal companion at 1st level in place of continuing her arcane school or domain. If the Wizard specializes in an arcane school, this second spell must come from that school. This additional spell otherwise follows all the rules of the standard arcane bond ability.
Combined Summoning (Su)
Starting at 1st level, a Arcane Heirophant can channel stored arcane or divine spell energy from her spell casting classes into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead of time.
She can "lose" a prepared spell from either a arcane class or divine class in order to cast either a {i}summon monster or summon natures ally{/i} spell of the same level or lower. Using arcane for {i}summon monster{/i} and divine for {i}summon natures ally.{/i}
She can cast this spell as a full round action or {b}standard action{/b} if she shares the creatures alignment subtype. Any creatures summoned in this manner remain for {b}1 minutes plus a number of minutes equal to 1/2 her caster level (minimum 1{/b};instead of 1 round per level). This increase is not doubled by {i}Extend Spell{/i}.
At 2nd level, she gains the augment summoning feat as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
At 3rd Level, the Arcane Heirophant may expend a spell one level higher from her arcane class to cast a {i}summon nature ally{/i} spell or from divine class to cast a {i}summon monster{/i} spell. When doing so, she summons one additional creature of the same kind (This does not stack with the Master Summoner Feat).
At 4th Level, When casting a summoning spell from either {i}summon natures ally or from summon monster{/i}, if the creatures shares her alignment subtype (good, neutral, evil), these summoned creatures are granted the Diehard feat. Creatures not of her alignment do not gain the feat. (note, per spell description for summoning, any creature not listed with an alignment shares your alignment subtype.)
At 4th/6th/8th class Level, she adds {i}lesser planar ally, planar ally, greater planar ally, lesser planar binding, planar binding, greater planar binding{/i} to her spell list and can cast these spontaneously as above. (she must pay the normal material component and gold piece value as normal.)
{i}These spells and the summon spells are considered to be part of his spell list in addition to any other spells gained each level and for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, she can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.{/i}
At 10th class level, you can change the duration of one {i}summon natures ally/summon monster{/i} spell to permanent. You can have no more than one {i}summon monster{/i} spell made permanent in this way at one time.
When she gains 9th level spells, this ability can be used to add gate to her list of spells she may spontaneously cast. If used for gate, the Arcane Heirophant must pay any required material components as normal.
Spell Conduit (Bond Senses) (Su)
Starting at 3rd level, a arcane heirophant can, as a standard action establish an empathic link to passively share the senses of the creatures she summons, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the summoned creature does as per the spell magic jar.
She may on the following round as a full round action possess control of the creature, creature is considered willing. Unlike magic jar, the creatures soul is not displaced, but is just unconscious during the possession and is unharmed.
She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her class level, minimum 1 (as long as the creature is within 30 feet & the effect ends if she goes beyond 1 mile of her body) and she may end this effect as a swift action. This effect last 1 round per caster level. If the creature is under her control at the time the creature is slain or the summoning spell ends, this effect ends and she is returned to her own body, she takes 4d6 points of damage, stunned for 1 round and the creature departs as normal. However, if she is merely passively sharing senses at the time, she takes no damage and is stunned for one round.
as a swift action the arcane heirophant can expend a daily use to shift her perception to her companion or familiar, allowing her to experience what it sees, hears, and so on. On the following round, once she establishes the link to her companion or familiar, she may as a standard action take control as per the spell magic jar to share the body. She can maintain this connection as long as she likes (she must be within 1 mile to start this effect, but may move beyond this area once doing so) and end it as a free action. If her companion or familiar is slain while in control within 1 mile of her own body, she may return to her own body and the effect ends with 4d6 damage and stunned for 1 round (see above). If slain beyond 1 mile, both you and your companion/familiar die.
The arcane heirophant can only use this ability on one creature at a time, and cannot see, hear, or smell with her own body while maintaining this connection and while she is transferred to a summoned creature, companion or familiar her body is, as near as anyone can tell, dead. She may switch from control to passive as a free action but must take a full round or standard to take control once again.
During a possession keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The
body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. The creature's spells and spell-like
abilities do not stay with the body. You do gain access to the creature extraordinary abilities and supernatural abilities (like evasion and smite).
If the creature does not possess the ability to speak, you may apply your feats like natural spell that are normally used with wild shape while in this
form. While in this form, any spells cast with a target of you are cast upon the creature, companion or familiar and stay with the body when the effect is ended. if her body is slain while using this effect, she is considered slain and the link is broken, ending the effect.
Bonus Feats: At 1st, 5th and 10th, an Arcane Hierophant gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, he can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, General Feat (summoning, animal companion, or wild shape), Spell Focus feats, Arcane feat, Natural Spell or Spell Mastery. The character need not meet the prerequisites for a bonus feat. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels.
Totemic Summoning: At 6th level, an arcane hierophant may cast summon nature’s ally or summon monster as a standard action when summoning any creature with a simple template. The summon creatures hit points are maximized and they gain temporary hit points equal to her caster level.
She can apply the young template to reduce the level of the summoning spell required by one. She can apply the all simple or totem templates without level increase. She can also increase the level of summoning required by one in order to apply either the dire template, or two simple templates. (If expending a divine spell for summons monster or arcane spell for summon natures ally, you may subtract one from level required and all creatures acquire the same templates, * see note.)
*Note: When using any feat or ability to modify the summoned creature with additional templates, other than those noted in the description (i.e. dire, celestial, advanced, or augmented), the casting time increases to a full round action casting time. Any feat that is usable with {i} Summon Monster or Summon Natures Ally {/i}, stacks with this ability.
Assume Control (Su)
At 8th level, you can attempt to gain control over a summoned creature by disrupting the bond between it and the caster who summoned it. You must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) equal to 10 + the summoning caster’s level. If you know the summoned creature’s name, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on the check. If the check is successful, you can control the summoned creature as if you had summoned it for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). This does not increase the duration of the original summoning. The original summoning caster can attempt to regain control of the summoned creature as a standard action by making a caster level check against your caster level + 10. When your control ends, the creature reverts to the control of its summoner. When you gain control in this way, the creature is treated as having changed alignment to your alignment subtype and as if under effects of dominate monster. you can use this ability to bargain with called creatures as if you were the caster who conjured them. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
10 Level: Master Summoner: She gains the ability to summon creatures using Totemic Summons with no level increase. Casting time is decreased for all summoning spells to a standard action and as a full round action the arcane heirophant may cast to summoning spells gaining 1d3+1 creatures per spell, without a level increase. She may choose one summoned creature to make permanent.
10 level: Wild Shape at will.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Hey GYPSY ROSE, this thread is an old thread we moved on from almost two years ago.
Our current thread is here:
Also, your Arcane Hierophant appears to be a Prestige Class, which is not what we design.
You can find our Wiki HERE and our Creative Guidelines HERE - they will explain what and how we do what we do...

Elghinn Lightbringer |

This thread has been dead for 2+ years. We are currently on our new Multiclass Archetypes VII: MCAs Forever thread . Find us there. If you post here, you will receive no response.
Powers that be, any chance of locking this thread?