Shunka Warakin |

Create a custom magic item along the lines of the synthesizer from Star Trek, able to create any food I want, whenever I want. Research a spell to prevent me from ever getting fat. Design a chair of magical comfort.
Market them.
Live cheerfully off the profits without having to even bother with more than the occasional spellcast.

Atarlost |
Atarlost wrote:I'm talking about the real world. Hence "You're an archmage."Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest...If you could do this with magic do you really think Golarion would have enough conflict to support adventuring? Or the Forgotten Realms? Or any D&D/PF setting?
Yes, and you'll be no more able to build utopia than Elminster. Utopia means fundamentally altering the mental patterns of everyone in the world. Wish doesn't do that. Neither does anything else. No spell effects enough targets to keep pace with the number of new not yet enchanted babies born every day, much less make any progress in to the six billion plus people already alive.
The hype is just hype. Wizards are not gods.

Saronian |
Hmm. If I was an archmage, what would I do?
Make sure this is a permenant thing, then start scouting around for like minded people that can be taught magic. Then start scouting around for places that have a better ambience of magic while looking into ways to prolong my life and youth for a century or two.
End it by taking over an country that can be used to setup a mage safe haven while being able to take care of it's own against other nations.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Atarlost wrote:I'm talking about the real world. Hence "You're an archmage."Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest...If you could do this with magic do you really think Golarion would have enough conflict to support adventuring? Or the Forgotten Realms? Or any D&D/PF setting?Yes, and you'll be no more able to build utopia than Elminster. Utopia means fundamentally altering the mental patterns of everyone in the world. Wish doesn't do that. Neither does anything else. No spell effects enough targets to keep pace with the number of new not yet enchanted babies born every day, much less make any progress in to the six billion plus people already alive.
The hype is just hype. Wizards are not gods.
For the record my plan had nothing to do with wishes or even really magic, for that matter. I had the idea of a long term global initiative to educate all people and promote a global culture of personal responsibility. This would also be my plan were I to inherit (somehow) some sort of vastly superior technology. "Magic" in this instance is simply the vehicle to give me the power/time/resources to bring about my goal.
I did not Plan to cast wish a bunch of times and try to bring about instant global change. That's a disaster waiting to happen on so many levels. To change a population through superior technology (or magic) is both dangerous and reckless (Capt. Picard Paraphrase). Just look at what happened with the Klingons!

Bruunwald |

First, I'd manifest all the great food I've had from various places that don't exist anymore. Like the pizza from the place down the street from where I grew up, that moved to another location way back in the mid-eighties. Or a cheeseburger as I remember it from this place that also disappeared around the same time.
I hate when you find the best burrito ever, and then the place moves to another state, or goes out of business, or whatever.
Anyway, then I'd go out and get Glamdring, because there's nothing sexier than a wizard channeling lightning through a really cool rune-engraved sword.

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A spectacular dance number supported by scores of illusions, summoned performers, and other fantastic creatures, all broadcast via a series of giant magical screens to the people of the world . . . then I retire to my demiplane and work on other projects . . . please refer to the various "Evil Overlord" threads for further reference.

OmniChaos |

I guess I would be like one of my PCs which is archmageish. Ageless, unkillable, and carries his living portal to his personal demiplane in his pocket. Would wait and watch humanity until I found them evolved enough to offer utopia or if they went the other way pick up the best among them before laying waste to the planet and starting it over. Would not be the first time depending on what you believe. ;)

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I guess I would be like one of my PCs which is archmageish. Ageless, unkillable, and carries his living portal to his personal demiplane in his pocket. Would wait and watch humanity until I found them evolved enough to offer utopia or if they went the other way pick up the best among them before laying waste to the planet and starting it over. Would not be the first time depending on what you believe. ;)
i like that.

Necromancer |

First, demiplanes; that should be obvious and, no, one demiplane is never enough. Immediate family will enjoy access to several demiplanes along with other benefits.
Next comes immunity to poison and disease.
No archmage should have to stumble about; from now on, I will fly or hover as the situation warrants.
Immortality is assumed.
I will discourage animal abuse with violent urban legends. This will likely entail me masquerading as the Slender Man and slowly dismembering people that set house-pets alight.
If intelligent extraterrestrial life exists nearby and shows an interest in Earth, I'll initiate contact and establish a rapport.
I'll keep out of sight and discreetly counteract foolish decisions made by governments around the world. Basically, this involves ensuring that scientific research is continually funded, humanity eventually becomes capable of intergalactic travel and escapes death at the hands of a (in time) dying star.
There are a large number of people in this world that should simply not reproduce. That will be taken care of (again) discreetly.
These are the major changes that come to mind.

Ashiel |

Atarlost wrote:I'm talking about the real world. Hence "You're an archmage."Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest...If you could do this with magic do you really think Golarion would have enough conflict to support adventuring? Or the Forgotten Realms? Or any D&D/PF setting?
If we're talking about reality, stuff will get nuts pretty quickly. Firstly I would hide my phylactery and goodies on another plane or a planet somewhere safe ('cause liches are cool like that) to avoid being assassinated by some sniper who worked for someone who I would inevitably tick off.
Then I would set to changing the world. I would use my magic to craft infinite generators of power that didn't need fuel. Harnessing the power of lightning and such. I would then set to solving the issues in my own country. I would definitely be a LG or LN dictator as well. Efficiency and the betterment of people would be the first priority. Putting a stop to poverty, gang violence, and so forth. This would be the moment where I would lean most assuredly towards Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil, as I would have dangerous gangs on record for brutality and murders wiped out to the last. This brutal efficiency would seem cruel at first, but it would overall benefit the rest of society and stop the pain and corruption at its source.
Having made multiple copies of myself via simulacrum, I would delegate tasks to the growing task force of 10th level copies of myself who are under my direct control. I would have them carry out tasks from national diplomacy to subverting my existing government to create my new dictatorship. This would be without a civil war, but may involve plenty of enchantment spells, including mass enchantments, or turning any of my greatest opponents into my biggest supporters (in short, I'd cheat like a bastard without resorting to violence).
After attaining the seat of recognized power, I would go on a campaign that promoted peace. I would spread propaganda that promoted tolerance both ethnically and religiously, and institute heavy anti-violence laws and rules. I would see that education is available to the masses, and great resources would go into constructing magical items that healed the sick for use in medicine (such as a device that casts remove disease on anyone who touches it).
World leaders who decided to make war or oppose my reign from outside my country would be charmed into negotiating peace, and one of my simulacrums would be appointed to keep the peace as well. Regardless of whether local governments supported this movement or not, I would have my simulacrums spread across the globe to places where hunger, famine, and disease run rampant and set to fixing the problems, and making life better as needed (in short, eventually you'd stop seeing commercials on TV asking for you to sponsor a child, 'cause I'd fix that).
That's assuming I didn't just set my simulacrums into power around the world and simply govern the world into absolute peace and prosperity, eliminating global violence, and setting up the foundation for setting off into space in a manner similar to Star Trek: The Next Generation, as the people of the world set to explore the great beyond as a unified species; while I secretly pulled the strings from thousands of years via my simulacrums, and spent long hours enjoying the company of my family and friends.

Foghammer |

I am surprised at the number of people who actually would consider immortality. Maybe if I had the option of switching it on and off... I think I'd rather just stay young for as long as I live. Of course, that kinda sucks, too, because my significant other would still age and die.
Now, if I could stop other people from aging...

dunelord3001 |

Having read enough fiction to know how this works I'd set about getting ready for the faction war between do-gooder mages, muggle have a right to self determination mages, and EVIL MAGES MUST RULE ALL! mages. Because you KNOW it's never just you.
No self interest stuff, no/very little charity stuff, just get ready for the most bloody horrible fight the human race has ever even thought of.

SCSi |

Step 1: Go to a sorority house.
Step 2: Cast Charm Person, Mass
Step 3: Put on my Robe and Wizards Hat
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit!

Sissyl |

I don't get people who say they want to actually GOVERN the world... Think about when you've called the shots of only a few people. Your family, a small group... always, always, there will be personal conflicts. Now consider the sheer amount of people there is. A billion times what you're used to? No wonder you're going to be a dictator, if you actually consider grasping THOSE reins of power.
Me, I would encourage SMALLER units. Giant countries of hundreds of millions of people has always been a bad idea. Smaller countries may fight more often, but the individual has a far easier time to leave for a better country, and in general, it's at the very administrative top that things go massively wrong. See above.
Thus: Big countries get smashed and divided as needed. I would stay well clear of world rulership. If nothing else, you become the #1 target in the world for it. If you doubt this, just ask yourself why the pope needs his bulletproof pope-mobile.

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I'd like to say I'd run around and try to be an unseen superhero but the best thing I could probably do is hide away somewhere.
Having that kind of power at my fingertips is baaaaaaaaad. Don't know if I have what it takes not to let it corrupt me.
.... but for KICKS, yea, superhero. I'd also want a confusing, evil superhero name like Satan or Lucifer or Westboro Baptist Church.
Newreporter: Can you tell me who saved you, little girl?
Girl: ...
It would take at least a week for that to stop being funny.

Lathiira |

I'm a wizard now? What do I do? Lament the loss of my superior psionic abilities, of course. Now I have to handle bat crap if I want to burn people. That can't be hygienic.
I'd hope your first act as archmage would be to affirm you have the Eschew Materials feat, or to wish you had :)

KaeYoss |

KaeYoss wrote:I'm a wizard now? What do I do? Lament the loss of my superior psionic abilities, of course. Now I have to handle bat crap if I want to burn people. That can't be hygienic.I'd hope your first act as archmage would be to affirm you have the Eschew Materials feat, or to wish you had :)
I'd still have to wave around with my arms like a madman and spew inarticulate mumbo-jumbo. Not that I don't enjoy these activities, but I prefer them to be 100% for my own enjoyment, not for manifesting my will over reality.
No "Oh ordlay, ivethgay usway ouryay essingsblay. Amen-ay!" when I just want to increase my combat prowess.

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Hmm, a nice mix of teleport and permanent heightened zone of truth at every major legislative body in the world (including the UN, watch the hilarity ensue)
Make a mirror of mental prowess to watch above mentioned hillarity from my comfortable demi-plane.
Because I'm not a fan of frakking with people's free will, a nice mix of teleport and scissors to collect hair samples.
Side trek to the artic for some snow.
Simaculum a dozen or so Grace Parks. :-)
More seriously
Another wish to cast Awaken on Rocky (yes, this gives me an intelligent talking chihuahua. I think the talking would be the only change. I also think he'd sound like Antonio Bandaris)
I suppose summoning earth elementals to remove the Dome of the Rock and restore the Temple might be a bit much.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

If we're talking about reality, stuff will get nuts pretty quickly. Firstly I would hide my phylactery and goodies on another plane or a planet somewhere safe ('cause liches are cool like that) to avoid being assassinated by some sniper who worked for someone who I would inevitably tick off.
Sooo..the first thing you're going to do is become a lich? Archmage and Lich are not synonymous. Though I love that you went there. ;-)
"Ultimat power? Groovy, Where can I stash my soul?" lol
WIth the 20th level discovery I would assume most arch mages are immortal.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

I'm a wizard now? What do I do? Lament the loss of my superior psionic abilities, of course. Now I have to handle bat crap if I want to burn people. That can't be hygienic.
I know it's hand waved in the game usually, but in this scenario Eschew materials would be at the top of my list. I don't want to have to keep a supply of bat crap, much less handle it.

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Thus: Big countries get smashed and divided as needed. I would stay well clear of world rulership. If nothing else, you become the #1 target in the world for it. If you doubt this, just ask yourself why the pope needs his bulletproof pope-mobile.
Just avoid being the visible ruler, and set up some easily dominated puppet to wear the shirt with the target mark on it.

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?I'd use magic to build the most wonderful society ever known, where crops are lush and beautiful, the weather is calm and controlled, pollution is cleansed and removed, where water is plentiful, food is readily available, everyone has an education, where crime is dealt with swiftly and justly, create grand underground tunnels from my kingdom to my allies to conduct trade through, and build airship balloons to sail the skies, and I would look down from on high as an immortal arch-lich (those good-liches in D&D lore, AKA Baelnorn) I had become to forever watch over my people and lead them to continued prosperity, while accepting council from the very heavens above.
I could even go the extra mile and do this on a plane of my own creation, with a population of people I made from the dirt in my newly created plane, as I share with them the wonders of life and knowledge. However, I would only go this route if I felt the material plane I came from was without hope for salvation and help, because I could do so much for it with the kind of power an archmage commands.
In reality though, you'd be more like Doctor Doom. Who likes to pretend to himself that he's the best thing that's ever happened to his own people. But eventually you'd lose any tie to Humanity you have because you're decrepit and undying. First they'd become playthings, then just things to stamp out... which is w hen that A-Team of good adventurers finally gets sent to take you out.

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Ashiel wrote:If we're talking about reality, stuff will get nuts pretty quickly. Firstly I would hide my phylactery and goodies on another plane or a planet somewhere safe ('cause liches are cool like that) to avoid being assassinated by some sniper who worked for someone who I would inevitably tick off.Sooo..the first thing you're going to do is become a lich? Archmage and Lich are not synonymous. Though I love that you went there. ;-)
"Ultimat power? Groovy, Where can I stash my soul?" lol
WIth the 20th level discovery I would assume most arch mages are immortal.
Ashiel never goes anywhere unless it's lichdom first. Then again ArchMages don't equal immortality unless they make it to 21st first. A lot get winnowed out in the 17-20th period.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Ashiel never goes anywhere unless it's lichdom first. Then again ArchMages don't equal immortality unless they make it to 21st first. A lot get winnowed out in the 17-20th period.Ashiel wrote:If we're talking about reality, stuff will get nuts pretty quickly. Firstly I would hide my phylactery and goodies on another plane or a planet somewhere safe ('cause liches are cool like that) to avoid being assassinated by some sniper who worked for someone who I would inevitably tick off.Sooo..the first thing you're going to do is become a lich? Archmage and Lich are not synonymous. Though I love that you went there. ;-)
"Ultimat power? Groovy, Where can I stash my soul?" lol
WIth the 20th level discovery I would assume most arch mages are immortal.
If you don't use your bonus feat at 20th level for immortality you're a fool. ;-)
Also, there are plenty of (theoretical) ways to extend your life when you have access to 9th level spells.
1) Well worded wish. Caution, high chance of backfire.
2) Contingent reincarnation
3)Plane where aging ceases, Perhaps limbo, perhaps your own. Caution: cannot leave (your body can't anyway) until immortality is achieved and I highly recommend clones as backup incase you miscalculate something.
4) Jazzercise...Speaks for itself. ;-)

Freehold DM |

I suppose summoning earth elementals to remove the Dome of the Rock and restore the Temple might be a bit much.
First off, id use teleport without error to head mm's way and smack him with a rolled up newspaper. Bad Matthew! Leave divine stuff out of the realm of the arcane!
Second, I would cast one of the older school versions of telepathy on my wife so I could know what she was thinking in a way that made sense to me.
All other issues I would handle as they arose and with subtlety, not wanting to tip my hand to the world.

KaeYoss |

KaeYoss wrote:You could always try out that Uberman sleep cycle. 22 hours awake each day. Those extra ours have to be filled somehow.That requires insane levels of discipline to maintain and results in madness, despair and degradation even if it does work. I'm mad enough already!
That's all just propaganda from... some lobby that benefits from you sleeping 8 hours or so in one piece. Whoever they are. Propaganda!

Tiny Coffee Golem |

OOH! Mind-reading magic. I completely forgot about that. Yeah! I'd pull a Mel Gibson and go around reading women's minds. Sure, mind control may be simpler, but when they do stuff of their own free will it's so much better. ;D
You mean like casting mind link and telling people you're the voice of god? Actually, that's a rather brilliant plan for some of the more bigoted politicians I can think of. hummm... Short of that a quick insanity spell will bump them out of office.