*POOF* You're an archmage. What's the first thing you do?

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For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

I would make two clones of myself to do my day to day tasks. Then a 3rd to multi-play with with.

Become a master of Astral Projection, so I could go places, without going places.

Grand Lodge

Study spells...

build myself a flying city and crashit on the city of thorns

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Tsk tsk, haven't you guys read up on this?

#41 - Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices.

I'll just NUKE everything that comes in side MHUWAAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAAAA

Rojosama wrote:

I would make two clones of myself to do my day to day tasks. Then a 3rd to multi-play with with.

Become a master of Astral Projection, so I could go places, without going places.

See the spoiler for the type of clone I was talking about. I think You're looking for the Simaclrum spell.


School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8

Casting Time 10 minutes

Components V, S, M (laboratory supplies worth 1,000 gp), F (special laboratory equipment costing 500 gp)

Range 0 ft.

Effect one clone

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell makes an inert duplicate of a creature. If the original individual has been slain, its soul immediately transfers to the clone, creating a replacement (provided that the soul is free and willing to return). The original's physical remains, should they still exist, become inert and cannot thereafter be restored to life. If the original creature has reached the end of its natural life span (that is, it has died of natural causes), any cloning attempt fails.

To create the duplicate, you must have a piece of flesh (not hair, nails, scales, or the like) with a volume of at least 1 cubic inch that was taken from the original creature's living body. The piece of flesh need not be fresh, but it must be kept from rotting. Once the spell is cast, the duplicate must be grown in a laboratory for 2d4 months.

When the clone is completed, the original's soul enters it immediately, if that creature is already dead. The clone is physically identical to the original and possesses the same personality and memories as the original. In other respects, treat the clone as if it were the original character raised from the dead, including its gaining of two permanent negative levels , just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can't be cloned). If the original creature gained permanent negative levels since the flesh sample was taken, the clone gains these negative levels as well.

The spell duplicates only the original's body and mind, not its equipment. A duplicate can be grown while the original still lives, or when the original soul is unavailable, but the resulting body is merely a soulless bit of inert flesh which rots if not preserved.

I would get the GM to start a new campaign because epic games are boring... :p

Well, I hate to sound like an insipid hippie, but I'd cast wish a bunch of times and eradicate war and poverty.

And then I'd cast charm person on Scarlett Johannson, MIA, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek and Tyra Banks. Got to get one of each!

Oops--I'll also take Sun from Lost.

Jiggy wrote:

Tsk tsk, haven't you guys read up on this?

#41 - Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices.

Hysterical. Thanks for sharing.

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

And then I'd cast charm person on Scarlett Johannson, MIA, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek and Tyra Banks. Got to get one of each!

Oops--I'll also take Sun from Lost.

Gotta catch 'em all?

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Well, I hate to sound like an insipid hippie, but I'd cast wish a bunch of times and eradicate war and poverty.

I challenge you to phrase that in such a way that It can't be turned into something horrific.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I believe it would involve what trouble could be gotten up to with Planar Binding, Lesser Wish (for Death Ward), Protection from Evil, and Planar Binding.

But that may be horrible.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

And then I'd cast charm person on Scarlett Johannson, MIA, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek and Tyra Banks. Got to get one of each!

Oops--I'll also take Sun from Lost.

Charm person makes them think you're they're best friend. They'll talk to you about hair, makeup, their feelings and boys. Basically you're their new sassy gay friend. Congrats, but you're going to bed alone, or with pigtails and rouge depending on how far you take that. ;-)

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Tsk tsk, haven't you guys read up on this?

#41 - Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices.

Hysterical. Thanks for sharing.

Glad to see someone appreciated it. Or even noticed it - having not chosen an avatar yet, I sometimes wonder if people miss some of my shorter posts. :P

Jiggy wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

Tsk tsk, haven't you guys read up on this?

#41 - Once my power is secure, I will destroy all those pesky time-travel devices.

Hysterical. Thanks for sharing.
Glad to see someone appreciated it. Or even noticed it - having not chosen an avatar yet, I sometimes wonder if people miss some of my shorter posts. :P

I cant remember the exact name, but theres a book about how to be an evil dictator. It takes real life examples and extrapolates good (if dark) advice about how to accomplish such a task. Stuff like, Not having an interest in sports, or any game where you don't have an unfair advantage.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Well, I hate to sound like an insipid hippie, but I'd cast wish a bunch of times and eradicate war and poverty.

Don't be absurd. Those are well beyond the capacity of the wish spell. And where are you going to get the material component anyways?

My plan is fairly simple. Find a politician. Dominate Person to get him or her to stand still long enough to cast Geas. Use them to get me close enough to repeat the process on a more important politician. Eventually I'll have enough people geased to help me with my project to get one of them into the presidency. They appoint me Secretary of State. I use a mix of Charm Person and Suggestion, Mass to get through the senate confirmation hearings. The Sec State gets to meet with foreign heads of state...

The poor will always be with us, but I think that with the powers of a "mere" 11th level wizard in a world with no other magic I could make a good start on eradicating war.

Liberty's Edge

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

And then I'd cast charm person on Scarlett Johannson, MIA, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek and Tyra Banks. Got to get one of each!

Oops--I'll also take Sun from Lost.

Charm person makes them think you're they're best friend. They'll talk to you about hair, makeup, their feelings and boys. Basically you're their new sassy gay friend. Congrats, but you're going to bed alone, or with pigtails and rouge depending on how far you take that. ;-)

And also allows you to make a charisma check to make them do things that they would normally be opposed to doing, but aren't inherently dangerous. Such as...

Just hope you're a sorcerer or oracle.

In the meantime, success/fail on the charisma check, they hang around for the looking at and can be asked to not talk about girly things (something which probably doesn't even take a charisma check, since it isn't an "opposed" action).

StabbittyDoom wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:

And then I'd cast charm person on Scarlett Johannson, MIA, Jessica Alba, Salma Hayek and Tyra Banks. Got to get one of each!

Oops--I'll also take Sun from Lost.

Charm person makes them think you're they're best friend. They'll talk to you about hair, makeup, their feelings and boys. Basically you're their new sassy gay friend. Congrats, but you're going to bed alone, or with pigtails and rouge depending on how far you take that. ;-)

And also allows you to make a charisma check to make them do things that they would normally be opposed to doing, but aren't inherently dangerous. Such as...

Just hope you're a sorcerer or oracle.

In the meantime, success/fail on the charisma check, they hang around for the looking at and can be asked to not talk about girly things (something which probably doesn't even take a charisma check, since it isn't an "opposed" action).

I like my pigtail and rouge imagery better. It makes me giggle.

Doomed Hero wrote:
Gotta catch 'em all?

That's what I meant, but I failed my Knowledge (Pokemon) check.

And, TCG, pigtails and rouge would be okay, but I was hoping we could all make hot cocoa and have a pillow fight.


I'm gonna raise several million dollars (legitimately or otherwise) and create some jobs in my local area by opening some businesses. An FLGS, an internet cafe, a zombie themed park, a restaurant or two, a zoo would be cool, that sorta thing.

I'd probably donate some to a childrens foundation (maybe in the form of gaming supplies).

I'd go and get my brother out of the Marines, after solving all of the problems in the middle east (by a threatening show of force to ALL parties involved).

Find some way to allow my girlfriend to have some one-on-one time with a younger Harrison Ford (so that I could justify my own actions later). XD This one is probably the most diabolical use I'd have for my power, and I admit shame for thinking it. (I guess I'm a paladin at heart.)

I'd have houses all over the world, and I'd never have to work again. Or work out, because I'd magically buff myself all the time.

StabbittyDoom wrote:

And also allows you to make a charisma check to make them do things that they would normally be opposed to doing, but aren't inherently dangerous. Such as...

What makes you think they'd normally be opposed to some hot goblin nookie?

Goblins do it in the street!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm very disappointed in all of you.

The first thing I would do is form an adventuring party.

Foghammer wrote:
I'd go and get my brother out of the Marines, after solving all of the problems in the middle east (by a threatening show of force to ALL parties involved).

That's got merit. Although there are several parts of the world where I would do so.

Ohh, make a belt (or several) of opposite gender and put it on anyone I personally deem as sexist (of either gender), a convicted sex offender, anti-gay, or anyone else that I think would learn a valuable lesson from the experience.

figure out via divination who the other archmages were and which ones would make tenable coalition/ corporation members that we didn't devalue gold markets overnight. then get my immortality plan in place before approaching them or any government magic up enough money to buy the micro country of sealand and renounce my current ctizenship to be come a citizen of sealand then begin consolidating economic avenues and beginning diplomatic/ statesmanship process so as to not have nukes lobbed against me and mine due to fear.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Ohh, make a belt (or several) of opposite gender and put it on anyone I personally deem as sexist (of either gender), a convicted sex offender, anti-gay, or anyone else that I think would learn a valuable lesson from the experience.

I can think of a lot of fun things to do with those that aren't gonna teach anyone a lesson (except that an archmage with gender-changing powers are jerks). XD

Foghammer wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Ohh, make a belt (or several) of opposite gender and put it on anyone I personally deem as sexist (of either gender), a convicted sex offender, anti-gay, or anyone else that I think would learn a valuable lesson from the experience.
I can think of a lot of fun things to do with those that aren't gonna teach anyone a lesson (except that an archmage with gender-changing powers are jerks). XD

"for my own amusement" is motivation enough. ;-)

Unlock the secrets of immortality.

I'd hold the world ransom for...


*puts pinkie to lips*

TriOmegaZero wrote:

I'm very disappointed in all of you.

The first thing I would do is form an adventuring party.

Are you kidding? That's dangerous. I'd rather call up my friends (or teleport them to me) and PRETEND to form an adventuring party.

OR... Or, I could cast a bunch of awesome illusions on myself and my friends to make us believe we had been adventuring. Magic would be infinitely better than hallucinogenic substances, and far more predictable, with no dangerous (<<;) side effects!

Get all of my friends together and play a game involving dice and strange esoteric rulebooks!

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

I'd use magic to build the most wonderful society ever known, where crops are lush and beautiful, the weather is calm and controlled, pollution is cleansed and removed, where water is plentiful, food is readily available, everyone has an education, where crime is dealt with swiftly and justly, create grand underground tunnels from my kingdom to my allies to conduct trade through, and build airship balloons to sail the skies, and I would look down from on high as an immortal arch-lich (those good-liches in D&D lore, AKA Baelnorn) I had become to forever watch over my people and lead them to continued prosperity, while accepting council from the very heavens above.

I could even go the extra mile and do this on a plane of my own creation, with a population of people I made from the dirt in my newly created plane, as I share with them the wonders of life and knowledge. However, I would only go this route if I felt the material plane I came from was without hope for salvation and help, because I could do so much for it with the kind of power an archmage commands.

I would wish up some gold, buy some land, then start constructing my own castle with my own Undermountain.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

Demiplane. Invite my friends. Get out of this ol' material plane. Minor positive align, abundant vegetation.

Then go World Wave surfing across a continent.

Ashiel wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

I'd use magic to build the most wonderful society ever known, where crops are lush and beautiful, the weather is calm and controlled, pollution is cleansed and removed, where water is plentiful, food is readily available, everyone has an education, where crime is dealt with swiftly and justly, create grand underground tunnels from my kingdom to my allies to conduct trade through, and build airship balloons to sail the skies, and I would look down from on high as an immortal arch-lich (those good-liches in D&D lore, AKA Baelnorn) I had become to forever watch over my people and lead them to continued prosperity, while accepting council from the very heavens above.

I could even go the extra mile and do this on a plane of my own creation, with a population of people I made from the dirt in my newly created plane, as I share with them the wonders of life and knowledge. However, I would only go this route if I felt the material plane I came from was without hope for salvation and help, because I could do so much for it with the kind of power an archmage commands.

I made the demiplane as my refuge from the world and a safe place to store my clones. It woudl be idillic, but I wouldnt want to be a god. Powerful and god-like, but certainly not a god. At least not for a few milinnea when the mortal planes grow dull.

As for immortality 20th level wizard has that in the bag, no lichdom necessary. It's a 20th level feat, but also probably accesable by well worded wishs.

The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest tech/magic and unllmited funding would be put toward education. Teacher standards would be strict and highly competitive, but the rewards (financial and otherwise) would be well worth it.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
For me I'm going to make a demiplane and store a few clones there. Then I'm going to create an item of Teleport with out error and plane shift at will. What about you?

I'd become a super-hero. Something like Dr. Strange.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest...

If you could do this with magic do you really think Golarion would have enough conflict to support adventuring? Or the Forgotten Realms? Or any D&D/PF setting?

Atarlost wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
The second order of business would be to start working toward what I call "social evolution." Basically utopia, but based on people working to better themselves with a sense of personal responsiblity as opposed to some universal monolithic government. Educatinn being at the core of this ideal. The highest...
If you could do this with magic do you really think Golarion would have enough conflict to support adventuring? Or the Forgotten Realms? Or any D&D/PF setting?

I'm talking about the real world. Hence "You're an archmage."

Make a demiplane. Furnish it to taste. Make sure all my covert op spells are up to specs. Start scrying/watching invisibly/whatever until I have a good idea what is going on. Then put the right information at the right place to shake things up. While people are struggling with that, methodically destroy the nuclear weapons that exist. Then find which people I really need to have a talk with. One on one, I will then interview them about their goals and histories while detecting truth. This will be recorded. Those who are misguided will be kept safe while they and I keep talking. Those who are wicked will be ruthlessly geased, dominated or whatever else to get them to do what I want. The truth of what has happened in history will then be spread far and wide, sparing nobody. Eventually, I will try to create a new enlightenment.

Oh... I am sure I would have time to enjoy myself as well...

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I put on my robe and wizard hat.

Sissyl would be one of those archmages I could work with from my post.

Grand Lodge

The first thing I do is make a you tube Video with Black Sabbath's "Wizard" playing in the back ground. "Never talking,just keeps walking weaving his magic" dah nah daah dah nah

Create a custom magic item along the lines of the synthesizer from Star Trek, able to create any food I want, whenever I want. Research a spell to prevent me from ever getting fat. Design a chair of magical comfort. Create a magical television set that allows me to see anything and everything whenever and wherever I want.

I'd write down everything and begin teaching.

An arcane society is a polite society.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Actually Changed my mind, I'd change my name and get my PI license...

Wizard for Hire
I don't do parties

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ever see Death Note? *grins wickedly while forming steeple with fingers*


I would ensure my family's economical future, settle down and start a family of my own, and continue to play roleplaying games with my friends, but enhanced with illusions. Likely create a demiplane as well, accessible only to those I trust.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

Actually Changed my mind, I'd change my name and get my PI license...

Wizard for Hire
I don't do parties

What about Love Potions?

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