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AP #29 - Mother of Flies - Asmodeus article - page 63, 65-66leo1925 wrote:Only six gods have organized orders of paladins. Paladins can exist for any other god that is only one alignment step away from LG. And Asmodeus. :PCite.
Especially on the asmodeus' paladins.
Which time and time again the Paizo folks have copped to being a MISTAKE in writing. Paladins of Asmodeous don't exist, have never existed.

Ashiel |

Posted this in another thread, but I feel it needs to be discussed more ;)In the casters vs. non-casters argument, casters may be more powerful than non-casters, but casters can never compete with non-casters in the getting laid competition. Who is the hot, rich, horny young princess that the PC group just rescued from the dragon gonna grapple between the sheets with: The pale, stringbean Wizard with braces, bifocals and acne? The smelly, pipeweed smoking, dirt-poor hippy Druid?
Or, would she rather get naked with the bronzed martial god (Fighter or Barbarian) who has sculpted abs and 24-inch biceps? Even Rogues score better than Wizards here cause they got the rebellious "bad boy" factor going for them!
Casters have power but non-casters get the girls!
However, my number one go-to class to win the poon competition is the Bard. IMHO, no other class can compete with their boy-band appeal.
Sound off gamers! Which character class would get laid most (in-game)?
While I think every class has the potential, especially if they've invested in some social skills, I'd say the Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, and Wizard have the best luck with getting laid.
In the case of Bard they have high Charisma, social skills as a class skills, and have charm person as a spell, which is excellent for breaking the ice and their Charisma combos well with it.
Sorcerers come in second due to their high Charisma, so they're only behind bards as far as the +3 class bonus to skills like Diplomacy goes, and their Charisma also lends itself very well to Charms, and fey sorcerers are probably the best of these.
Witches would probably be the 3rd. They aren't Charisma focused but they can charm people, and their hexes can make it harder to resist their charms and ability checks to get their way with their charmed individuals.
Wizards would be the fourth simply because they have Charm Person as well, so regardless of their Charisma, they can likely get some mad nookie for that reason alone.

Tharg The Pirate King |
I have tried to read all these comments but I may have missed it. But Barbarians get the most..
there is no one out there getting laid more than the barbarian, however there is a catch, they are barbarians... Majority of there partners are not willing. nuff said, thats why we have half orcs and half elves.. over half of those came by because of barbarians and raiding parties.

Ashiel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have tried to read all these comments but I may have missed it. But Barbarians get the most..
there is no one out there getting laid more than the barbarian, however there is a catch, they are barbarians... Majority of there partners are not willing. nuff said, thats why we have half orcs and half elves.. over half of those came by because of barbarians and raiding parties.
The Pathfinder iconic barbarian is likely proof that many barbarians can find more than willing partners.

Abraham spalding |

I have tried to read all these comments but I may have missed it. But Barbarians get the most..
there is no one out there getting laid more than the barbarian, however there is a catch, they are barbarians... Majority of there partners are not willing. nuff said, thats why we have half orcs and half elves.. over half of those came by because of barbarians and raiding parties.
I'm sorry I didn't realize raping live stock counted -- in which case you are of course right barbarians win hands down.

Doomed Hero |

I think we may be asking the wrong question:
Quantity is a poor gauge of prowess. I think asking which class is *the best* at it would be more interesting.
Personally, I'm going to throw my vote for the Wizard. Think about it,
Alter Self
Animate Rope
Animate Object
And if you happen to be a bit of a freak...
Black Tentacles
Summon Monster
Wizards just strike me as more creative and thoughtful than other classes. Remember Revenge of the Nerds?
"All jocks ever think about is sports. All nerds ever think about is sex."

Ashiel |

I think we may be asking the wrong question:
Quantity is a poor gauge of prowess. I think asking which class is *the best* at it would be more interesting.
Personally, I'm going to throw my vote for the Wizard. Think about it,
Alter Self
Animate Rope
Animate Object
SlowAnd if you happen to be a bit of a freak...
Black Tentacles
Summon MonsterWizards just strike me as more creative and thoughtful than other classes. Remember Revenge of the Nerds?
"All jocks ever think about is sports. All nerds ever think about is sex."
Don't forget the ever popular...
Enlarge Person (you don't have to ask), Reduce Person (but you might be afraid to), Unseen Servant (good for multitasking), various shapechanging spells ('cause there was that time you wanted to literally be hung like a...), dominate person (the safety word is Bibbity Bobbity), prestidigitation (because it heats, cools, and flavors), ant haul (triples your lifting capacity for 2 hours minimum, allowing for all sorts of fun tricks), and simulacrum plus sculpt simulacrum (oh boy you can get into some kinky stuff with this spell).

Ashiel |

I might be wrong here, but don't you need blood pumping for ... you know, perform?
except of course if you sparkle in sunlight, then you got other problem, like being a douche.
Well depending on what sort of lore you're going by, vampires do have blood. It really just depends on what theme of vampires you're spinning. In D&D it's silent on the issue of their blood-flow. If you go with an Interview the the Vampire style of vampire, vampires definitely have blood (as it's even a key part of their transforming others into vampires). Plus in most iterations of vampires in films, they bleed when staked and/or shot. I won't say all, because different people picture them different ways.
So I guess it depends on whether you see vampires as sandy dried up husks, or more like bodies that refuse to die.

MinstrelintheGallery |

From this article:
"What do you wanna be?" I motioned towards Soren who, until now, had been rapidly and lustily texting without pause.
"I don't know, dead? Can we just call me dead, and all of you guys will mourn? Your little fantasy wives will weep for the secret love they've harbored in their hearts that died with me, and I can leave here to go make tender but vigorous love to a disinherited Hungarian countess."
"No, you have to pick a class," I responded unevenly. I had already cycled through Independence Day and was on to Lost World-era Goldblum now; I was quickly running out of quality Goldblum roles.
"Fine. Which one's the best guy?"
"There is no best guy," Dan interjected, "every class has its own unique skills and specialties that make them invaluable to the group."
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I've seen Care Bears, Dan: We're all special in our own way. But which one's the best guy? If this was a football team, who's the quarterback? Who takes all the girls to the parking lot during fifth period and bangs them in the passenger seat of a Cherry Red Trans Am?"
"Paladin," Dan admitted.
Soren gave a quick thumbs-up and went back to his phone.
"Which one's the guy that gets the girl Soren's done with?" Michael asked, "the one that swoops in there afterward, really exploits the emotional weakness of her recent rejection, and gets her to do the weird stuff?"
"Rogue," Dan answered again. Each word from him had a little less joy in it.
Though, a bard can easily pull off rogue tricks.

The Shaman |

Though, a bard can easily pull off rogue tricks.
Well, that's quite the understatement. Just think of how many tricks you have to make someone do something they'd never normally do - heck, something that they don't want to do right now. Charisma up the wazoo? Check. Fascinate/suggestion at DC Jane Average will pretty much never meet? Check. Glibness? Check. Diplomacy-enhancing spells? Got those. Seriously, bards don't just exploit emotional weaknesses, they can create emotional weaknesses in a glacier.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:I'd like to revise my answer again. The class that gets laid the most is whatever class the DM PC is.As we have no with the party DMPC's (A crew that stays on the boat yes) then that dosen't work.
When I'm talking to you I will look at you. *kidding* Besides, despite your opinion the world does not actually revolve around your game....well, your game world does but the real world doesn't. Of course it does if you want it to, but that's between you and your DM and other social factors. ramble ramble ramble

Dragonsong |

Dragonsong wrote:When I'm talking to you I will look at you. *kidding* Besides, despite your opinion the world does not actually revolve around your game....well, your game world does but the real world doesn't. Of course it does if you want it to, but that's between you and your DM and other social factors. ramble ramble rambleTiny Coffee Golem wrote:I'd like to revise my answer again. The class that gets laid the most is whatever class the DM PC is.As we have no with the party DMPC's (A crew that stays on the boat yes) then that dosen't work.
I Laughed

The Shaman |

Anburaid wrote:Does healbotting count?TriOmegaZero wrote:My DMPCs are perfectly chaste.Do they have fastidious hobbies to manage their unclean thoughts?
Depends, how does the deity make it feel for the cleric? I imagine a cleric of Shelyn or Callistria might feel quite ecstatic channeling their god's power.
On a tangent, would any deity make the cleric feel high when casting? Maybe Desna or Cayden?

Arevashti |

Beyond any question, it has to be the Cavalier.
Strong, good looking, charismatic, no inconvenient vow of chastity, and RICH. Rich enough to display heavy armor and a horse.
Again: if only Alain wasn't ruining the reputation of cavaliers everywhere.
And since when are vows of chastity de rigeur? Some faiths probably encourage their favored servants/clergy to marry. (Erastil springs to mind.)

The Shaman |

And since when are vows of chastity de rigeur? Some faiths probably encourage their favored servants/clergy to marry. (Erastil springs to mind.)
Who takes Vow of Chastity to begin with? It's a waste of a perfectly good Divine Grace. Oh, and your paladin now has to fall (ok, a little bit) to get some tail. REAL smart, that. Seriously, when you have all that rules, you need some way to blow off steam.
Granted, it could be just me thinking Seelah could look quite good when she takes off that plate armor...

Irulesmost |

Nobody mentions the Gunslinger? Mysterious Stranger is MADE for this sort of thing. He has Charisma, is mysterious/uses exotic weaponry, is actively encouraged to act with panache, has flashy abilities, based off his "Grit." And he has an ability to prevent "misfires," and a few wherein, even if he misses the "target," which is unlikely, it STILL works out in his favor.
I'm not saying he's the BEST or anything, but I'm surprised no arguments have been made yet.

Abraham spalding |

The Shaman wrote:Granted, it could be just me thinking Seelah could look quite good when she takes off that plate armor...Haven't we actually seen Seelah in a slinky red dress somewhere in (IIRC) Council of Thieves?
"You want a slinky dress? I'll buy you a slinky dress! Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?"

Hu5tru |

Arevashti wrote:"You want a slinky dress? I'll buy you a slinky dress! Captain, can I have money for a slinky dress?"The Shaman wrote:Granted, it could be just me thinking Seelah could look quite good when she takes off that plate armor...Haven't we actually seen Seelah in a slinky red dress somewhere in (IIRC) Council of Thieves?
*glances at the logistics requisition orders*
"Private, are you out of your mind? I haven't a single request here for slinky red dress. You know procedures, you'll have to go to the Sergeant like everyone else and fill out form AB-7321 and get it approved."

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I read through this entire thread ... and then ... just stared blinking for awhile. A lot more thought has been put into this thread then most people do when voting.
... not sure how i feel about that. Still blinking.
I'd wager the guy/girl in a gaming group with his/her irl other half is probably getting the most and I doubt it even mattered what class the two of them are playing.
... now what RACE they are playing might matter.
So yeah ... all of them have a good chance at hooking up.
I think the Ninja probably has a better shot than the Rogue though since they're just a better rogue anyway.

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Misery wrote:Problem. My group has three gaming couples.I'd wager the guy/girl in a gaming group with his/her irl other half is probably getting the most and I doubt it even mattered what class the two of them are playing.
I want to say "three-way tie" ... but I think thats poor wording ...

Steven Tindall |

Ok time for my 2 copper on this one.
First who said that wizards are these stick thin social losers. Most of my wizards are the "faces" of the party because nobody else wants the job.
My stats are generally very good not excellent all the time(trust me my DM hawks all character creation dice rolls) I am within 1 to 2 points of the fighter in both str and con and most of the time except recently due to having a sorcerer in the party I have had the highest charisma.
Then again most of my wizards are selfish and extremely evil, example I made a bargain with a succubus to eliminate an enemy, then after fulfilling my end of the bargain thus completing the transaction I led a group of NPC paladins and good clerics into the wedding to foil her evil plans, thus ensuring that my wizard was looked upon as a "good" person for helping to stop evil. the days of wizards being uber weak are gone.
As for who gets laid the most. Druids for the win. Look at the write up for Silvanus in the Forgotten Realms. Druids have sex regularly with all manner of fey and wild "creatures" (NOT animals) Dryads,nixes,nymphs,satyrs,centaurs are just a few of the things that a druid has fun with. Add in wild-shape and now you see the reason druids really don't want to leave their forests. When they have to go to the cities the whole rugged outdoors man works well for them.