DM Jonasty's Mwangi Madness Campaign Recruitment

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HarbinNick wrote:

I'm not into winter sports, but the Chinese Olympic team trains in a place called Yabuli, near Harbin (200km away). They have, I've heard Olympic level runs, so I'm obvious staying away. Might be your thing. Hey my qq is

1810136458 if you want to talk China.

Shamefully, I don't have a QQ account. Looked into it once, and the whole thing was in Chinese (imagine that!). Embarrassingly enough, after spending half a year hear, I still only know basic survival Mandrin, so I'm nowhere near being able to read it.

martinaj wrote:

Shamefully, I don't have a QQ account. Looked into it once, and the whole thing was in Chinese (imagine that!). Embarrassingly enough, after spending half a year hear, I still only know basic survival Mandrin, so I'm nowhere near being able to read it.

Not anymore search for qq can get it in english, korean, japanese or a few other european languages. That's what I use.

Bilbo Bang-Bang's Submission (changed the name to one I already had a profile for)

Look here for a good time:

"So you're heading out into the Expanse? Well, I was heading that way myself. I'll tell ya that it isn't an easy place to adventure and its pretty damned hard to just live there, but I know quite a bit about the people an' creatures what live there. If there is one thing you need in Mwangi, it's someone who knows the difference between the tribes and the pecualiarities of that part of the world. Who am I?", the little man wearing a brown felt derby and large caliber pistol on his side ask.

"Name's "Professor" Reginald Fezziweg. Purveyor of antiquities and curiousities. I've seen a lot of things an' been a alot of places, but the Mwangi is the strangest of the bunch. Things there you ain't ever gonna see anywhere else in Golarion,friend. Luck happens to be walking with you today. If it weren't, you'd a bumped into some fool who'd of just led ya astray. Let me grab my gear an' we'll get ta talkin' 'bout yer little safari." and with that he bounds off to grab a well worn, but well made pack turning his to look at you over his shoulder, adding, "I can't wait to tell about you some of the things I've seen in that land, friend.Hope ya don't have a nervous ticker, hahaha."

Reginald is part P.T. Barnum, part Indiana Jones.He will fill the slot of a skill monkey rogue type with a battle field control ranged fighting type. I'll wait to choose my pistol and gear till you've decided if you want this character and we have a chance to discuss such things. Thanks! Bilbo

3/4 character sheet minus gear in profile

Umgabwe's Fluff:

OOC note: This is pretty much how he sees himself; if his companions bite off more than they can chew, he's more likely to help than run, though he'll probably be berating his own foolishness while he does it...

Umgabwe is a fairly unlikely hero, all things considered. He's certainly brave enough - you have to be to guide people through the jungles of his home - but he's more than sensible enough to know that when the going gets too tough, the tough get eaten while he's making tracks the other way. This is how he's survived this long, and it's why it's strange that he'd be going on an adventure like this; adventures are dangerous. Perhaps it's the potential to make more money than he's ever seen in his life? That's possible. He always did like gold a little too much; probably the reason he tends to avoid staying in any one settlement for too long; when some gold goes missing, they always look to the stranger first...

He doesn't just know the local area, how to move around it and how to track the wild beasts that live there; he knows how to find and disable non-magical traps, since some of the tribes in the jungles like to use them for catching food and/or intruders. He also knows how to use his kukri to good effect, both as a tool for survival in the jungle and as a weapon when need be.

Also, I'd like to amend the stats, since my character has Improved Feint, but no ranks in Bluff. I know you don't like optimisation, but there's a difference between that and sensible skill placement...

Amended Stats:

Male Chaotic Good Human
Rogue (Survivalist) 6
Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 10 (0)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 10 (0)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Acrobatics: +12
Appraise: +2
Bluff: +10
Climb: +12
Diplomacy: +10
Disable Device: +10
Disguise: +1
Escape Artist: +12
Fly: +3
Handle Animal: +1
Heal: +0
Intimidate: +1
Knowledge: Geography: +12
Knowledge: Local: +11
Linguistics: +2
Perception: +9
Ride: +3
Sense Motive: +0
Sleight of Hand: +3
Spellcraft: +2
Stealth: +12
Survival: +9
Swim: +12
Use Magic Device: +1

Hit Points: 48 HP
Hit Dice: 6d8
Initiative: +3
Attack Bonus: +4
(melee: +7)
(ranged: +7)
Fortitude Save: +3
Reflex Save: +9
Will Save: +3
Armor Class: 19
(touch: 14)
(flat-footed: 15)
CMB: +7
CMD: 21
(flat-footed: 17)

Feats & Traits:
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Combat Expertise
Improved Feint
Martial Weapon Proficiency: Kukri
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Weapon Focus: Kukri
Child of Nature: Survival
Scholar of Ruins: Knowledge: Geography

Special Abilities:

Evasion (Ex)
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Sneak Attack +3d6
Endure Elements (CL 6) (1/day) (Sp)
Hardy (Ex)
Resiliency (1/day) (Ex)
Undetected Sabotage +6 (Ex)


+1 Keen Kukri (+9, 1d4+4 damage, crit 15-20/x2)
Unarmed Strike (+7, 1d3+3 damage, crit 20/x2)

Magic Items:

+1 Keen Kukri
+1 Studded Leather
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Bag of Holding I (empty)
Cloak of Resistance, +1

Other Gear: Sextant
Thieves' tools, masterwork
Tindertwig (x10)

Chris Parker wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also, I'd like to amend the stats, since my character has Improved Feint, but no ranks in Bluff. I know you don't like optimisation, but there's a difference between that and sensible skill placement...

** spoiler omitted **...

Lol, I'm totally fine with optimisation. I encourage everyone to build the strongest character you can by all means. My comments were more designed to make sure everyone has a good concept for their characters is all. I don't feel that one necessarily precludes the other. If you have a strong build AND a good backstory, you've got excellent chances cause it means that 1) I don't have to hand hold you or worry about your rules knowledge and 2) I can count on you posting well written and meaningful posts.

So optimize away, I'm totally fine with that. I just want to make sure that the thought that is put into the mechanics gets the same weight put towards the concept as well.

DM Jonasty wrote:

So optimize away, I'm totally fine with that. I just want to make sure that the thought that is put into the mechanics gets the same weight put towards the concept as well.

THIS! ;-)

Heh. Actually, my character is pretty much as optimised as I'd planned for anyway; I'd just screwed up with forgetting to put ranks in bluff ;).

Alrighty at this point the recruitment time is done. I am reviewing the different concepts and will have the party selection finalized by tomorrow(Tues) afternoon/evening.

So it's been a tough time choosing, everyone submitted some really good characters. Any one of you would make an excellent addition to any game. But I've got to pick my party so here goes. If you weren't selected, it's not due to a lack of talent that's for sure, everyone did really well and all of the submissions were top notch.

Mahlturis Rhaed (martinaj)
Barquiel 'Barker' Valdane (Rotolutundro)
Finnian Suratova (Galahad0430)
Reginald Fezziweg (Bilbo Bang-Bang) *To be honest, I was on the fence with your earlier submissions, good but left me wanting more. Then your updated/changed backstory hit it out of the park for me, congrats.
Alexander Do'Rafien (imimrtl)
Grutsnick (Balodek)

Here is the link to the OOC Thread, everyone who was selected please start posting there. I will have the game thread up soon.

OOC Thread

NOTE: I do have a list of alternates prepared. If someone from my list above either drops out or doesn't check in on the OOC thread within an appropriate amount of time, I will post here the next choice on my list.

Aww man, I wish I had seen this thread sooner. I love the idea of the Mwangi Expanse adventure. Would've totally gone all out for it. Any chance you'd be willing to run a second? Doubt anyone else in on these messageboards will run anything this interesting.

Shanosuke wrote:
Aww man, I wish I had seen this thread sooner. I love the idea of the Mwangi Expanse adventure. Would've totally gone all out for it. Any chance you'd be willing to run a second? Doubt anyone else in on these messageboards will run anything this interesting.

Sorry you missed the thread, I know how frustrating that can be. Right now, this will be the second game I'm running and I'm playing in two, so I probably won't be starting up another one soon. That being said, you never know cause my madness knows no bounds it seems.

I know what you mean. I'm running six games online and am playing in four..or five. Plus I am also running three real life games and am playing in two........I have way too much free time.

Sovereign Court

I want Shanosuke's job :)

Ah well. Good luck and have fun those of you who got picked.

Scheduling conflicts and time burden have required that one of my players drop out of the game. That being said, I'm looking for a replacement.

For those who applied, is anyone out there lurking and wanting to still get in? For new folks, if you have interest post a concept and let's see what we've got. Check the beginning of the thread for character generation stuff and what I'm looking for.

Either way, old applicant checking back in or fresh face, we lost our Wizard so my leaning will be towards an arcane caster. This isn't to say I won't choose something else but we've got plenty of combat types (rangers, fighters, barbarians) and a cleric already so it certainly gives you a leg up if you go arcane caster.

If anyone who previously submitted wants to submit a new concept instead of the original, that's fine.

Lastly, I'm hoping to get this squared away quick and the new character put into the game soon. I'd like to have all applicants in and my decision made by Monday night, Tuesday at the latest.

Would a Witch be arcane enough for you? I can write one up later this morning after I get off work.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I have wizard that got used in an old campaign that ended, his backstory can be changed to be more suited to your campaign and I'll update to your specs if he's not quite there .. Sir Percival De Looupe. Will bring him back a level if selected...but you probably get the idea.

originally I submitted Ito the druidic eagle shaman. Thanks for your consideration.

Not a wizard, but I've been trying to get Rowena here into a game. She was created for a Magnimar game, but it's easy enough to say that permission there took some time, didn't go well, and she had to flee to get away. I can easily update her to level 6.

brahma henna, human female wizard (fluff):
dharma, brahma, and siva were at a graduation post-ceremony festivity. it was siva's -- the youngest of the three sisters -- graduating class. dharma (the oldest) was, as usual, acting out her maternal inclinations, being annoying and a wet blanket. brahma and siva, however, were boy-hunting. one particularly mesmerizingly handsome boy who seemed to have caught all the girls' attention. (in fact, regardless of the boys' preferences, he captured their interest too, especially those who were in close proximity to him). this charismatic resident minstrel was entertainment for the evening's festivities, and who happened to be brahma's crush.

as the night progressed, brahma was encouraged by siva to "get her man, once and for all!" so she did. mustering up the courage after a few drinks, brahma finally found herself alone with the bard (a feat in itself, as he was continually surrounded by fans and admirers alike). the bard had other plans for brahma: to add her to his harem -- a bloodthirsty one. using his charms and charisma as his main weapon, the bard played to the will of susceptible victims, isolating and converting them to vampiric thralls.

although victimized and "infected," brahma's body's own arcane constitution wrestled with the vampiric blood that surged through her, maintaining a level of non-vampiric state. the two forces continually exerted each others' supremacy, but neither could maintain dominance. brahma had no knowledge of this "infection," and it didn't manifest itself until she suffered a traumatic psychologically event. brahma witnessed a street skirmish between stern officials and religious zealots: the zealots marched in the street and, without precedent, declared a holy purging, setting off an arcane explosion, mass murdering civilians; they were then, in turn immediately paid in kind, slaughtered by "peace keeping" local militia forces. brahma was caught in the fray and was forced to use her arcane powers to protect herself -- an act which inadvertently killed many by-standers.

the smell of blood and sight of carcasses surged her vampiric inclinations, temporarily overriding the arcane energy that kept it in check. in a trance-like, blood-frenzied state, brahma went on a blood binge that same evening. using her arcane powers, brahma reenacted the scene of the earlier street massacre, creating battles with the seedy and less fortunate creatures of the night. the transformation became a regular event, where brahma often awoke the next day with only dreamlike visions of what had happened the night before. she actually came to believe she was cursed with having regular nightmares in which she killed and lusted for blood, even using her own blood to cause more pain to others.

unbeknownst to her own transformation, the switch had often occurred in times of stress or brahma having witnessed something gruesome. (she was once transformed when having made a wrong turn to the lavatory in a tavern, and instead ended up in the cold storage of recent and butchered kills).

the surreal dreamstates have become debilitating so brahma sought counsel. "the answer you seek..." the oracle spoke for the first time since brahma arrived in the seer's tent, "it is not in your blood, nor in your mind. it is with neither death nor life... it is with the undead child-god. your path ends there: mzali, in the land of the mwangi." with that, the oracle's eyes reverted back to their normal state, no longer white and devoid of irises.

complete pc stats provided upon acceptance.

This is Lucrezia posting under the alias I would use for my Half-Elf Witch. I should have her sheet up by this evening.

Consider me still interested. I'd probably want to resubmit my earlier elven witch, but since you have a cleric I'd drop the Hedge Witch kit and refocus her hexes to be a bit more combat oriented. Let me work up a new stat thumbnail, revise/expand the background, and I'll get that reposted for you.

Still interested.

Removing my witch submission. Never made up a wizard before, so I think I'll submit one of those instead. I will be using this same alias name for her.

I want to put forth my Ranger beast master for this campaign. He is a Half-elf named Gan Laccaran

Gan's story:

Gan was born in the shackles to a human mother. He was the illegitimate son of an elven crime lord. Gan had grown up in the slums, struggling. His mother forced to take whatever job was given. This made things very hard for Gan and his mom. All this time Gan wanted better for him and his mother. He had to confront his father. He trained for a few years but was too green to face his father. A mere boy. He did anyways. His father defeated him heartily.
His father liked him and his bravery and audacity. So he took Gan and his mother in and decided to raise Gan as his son. Life was finally picking up for Gan. His father trained him in the art of using a Eleven curved blade. When Gan wasn’t training he spent much of his time exploring the wilderness looking for rare items that have long since been lost. After he finally left his father’s care. He became a explorer and would also work closely with animals living in the lands outside of the Shackles. Sometimes Gan would leave for months at a time.
Gan had developed a knack for adapting to the wilds and soon took up ranger as a profession. He also spent much time studying and taming wild animals. He was good with animals and soon became pretty good with a sword. His father was glad he had taken on such a talented boy. Things were okay for a good while.
One day, things changed. His father was finally arrested for the numerous crimes he had committed and was beheaded. Because Gan only did honest work, he and his mother were excused from any of the charges though all of his fathers fortunes were either confiscated by the guards, or taken by other greedy leaders within his father’s underworld. This left him and his mother with nothing. One day his mother grew very ill and she ended up dying from the disease. With nothing left to lose, Gan set out to try and make a new life. Not sure what to expect. Gan decided he wanted to explore the lands beyond. So he journeyed to the Mwangi Expanse to look for rare items that have been lost for many generations. He also wanted to get closer to the more prehistoric wildlife that also lived there. He hoped that someday he may be able to make one a pet.

Gan’s personality is very righteous and a bit carefree. He hates it when injustice and wrong is enacted on others and will go above and beyond the call of duty to smite evil wherever he finds it. He loves telling stories and listening to them. Gan has seen much in his life and has many tales to tell.

Xel’dryn Khalazza
CN Drow Sorcerer(Rakshasa) 5/Ninja 1

Back Story:

Over the last 200 years, the Khalazza family name has grown exponentially in both power and influence within the great underground city Zirnakaynin, but Xel’dryn’s birth came as an unwanted surprise to both his mother and the overarching Matriarch. The two previous daughters born from the same woman were nobles, the eldest having even been chosen as “first daughter” by the Matriarch herself, so a third would have further boosted the family’s status and assured more power to Matriarch Idessa. Xel’dryn, not unlike most male Drow of the family, was hurried off at a very young age to various grooming schools so not to be a complete waste to his sisters and mothers.

As the years passed, Xel’dryn began showing advanced features in sorcery, even by standards of his naturally adept people. As time bore on his power grew and in turn he began to see more favor from Matriarch Idessa, a fact not overlooked by her heir (and his natural sister) Kyra. Though physically unfit to fill the role of Alpha male, Xel’dryn’s exceptional comeliness and gift of golden words excelled him to the palace harem soon after schooling was complete. Although honorable in his position and popularity among those in his house, he was still little more than a glorified slave. As such, the skill of alchemy he had learned quickly began working to the benefit of the women whom he lent his services to. He became tasked with assassinations, both political and personal, on what seemed a month to month basis until poison brewing evolved from to artistry.

When the time came (and it always does) that the royal guard found the Matriarch dead, it was Xel’dryn’s signature brew in the tainted chalice which killed her. Kyra grew in rank to become the new Matriarch and her first order was to capture torture and kill her brother. The crime of a male Drow murdering a woman is death without trial; if that woman was a Matriarch, the Gods only know the extent of the punishment, Drow punishment at that. Xel’dryn did what any self respecting person would do, he fled. Though many had tried in the past, few had the benefit of the arcane talents he possessed. He was able to elude most using his magic and uncanny stealth skills and escaped to the (relatively) uncivilized catacombs of the Darklands.

As he followed the same trails and passages used by merchants and going out of his way avoid conflict or detection, Xel’dryn eventually made his way to the surface world. The light pierced his eyes and filled his mouth and nose as if it were water; overwhelmed he collapsed and went unconscious from the suffocating alien sunlight. He was found by a group of Isger travelers just outside the Candlestone Caverns and taken to a nearby village. After recovering from the initial shock of environmental change, he began his new life of freedom by traveling to Andoran where he felt he would be most accepted racially and could rejoice with others who had experienced similar hardships.


Having spent over a hundred years following orders under the threat of whips or worst, Xel’dryn takes pleasure in almost all available forms of decadence and luxury. Be it wine, gambling, women or sport, it is a near guarantee he will be up to the challenge with open arms and enthusiastic banter. His fighting techniques are unorthodox or underhanded at best. Preferring to stick to the shadows, be they natural or magically engineered, to either torch people with evocations or disable them with poisoned crossbow bolts. He encourages those who wish to go into melee to do so, if only to move attention away from himself. He makes use of his spell like abilities to blind opponents to keep them as easy targets for his spells or poison.

He seeks to gain wealth and power most of all. A Drow male in Zirnakaynin could never have either so he dreams to spite those from his past by insulting the fundamentals of their culture and society by gaining such. Ironically he still feels threatened by humanoid females and tends to act more complacent towards them.

I would advance him 2 more levels in Ninja then go Arcane Trickster for the duration of the game. If we make it past 17th level he would finish up tith sorcerer. Please ask away if you need clarification or anything or the sort. I’ll draw up a sheet in a little while. I figured this is more important so I hammered it out first.

Thanks for considering my application

Lorelei the Half-Elf Wizard. Plan to progress her all the way up as a wizard. Going for bonded item rather than familar.

Background -Lorelei is the daughter of an Elven wizard and Human mother who met during one his first journey's into the Northern areas of the Mwangi expanse to look for ancient Elven artifacts. Her mother was his guide who after having to save his life on a number of occasions (mostly due to being too preoccupied to notice danger), decided that he was helpless without her.

Lorelei inherited both her father's magical skill and her mother's love for the wilderness of the expanse and she began traveling with them on the expeditions at an early age. Digging out and dusting off various bits of artifacts by her father's side and learning about the various plants and animal of the region by her mother's side.

Sadly Lorelei did not join her parents on their last expedition due to taking a journey of her own to visit her paternal grandparents and receiving additional training from them in the magical arts. Something that Lorelei bitterly regrets since receiving word that her parent's expedition has gone missing. That was over two years ago, but Lorelei still hasn't given up hope that they could still be alive somewhere.

Since then Lorelei has made various trips to the Mwangi expanse looking for any sign of them and has been hiring herself out to various expeditions both for money to keep up her search and to question people about her parents.

Appearance -
Lorelei is tall and slender with the slighly pointed ears common to her mixed heritage. She has waist length pale blond hair that is typically pulled back into a single braid to keep it out of her way. Her eyes are a deep, dark indigo color and her skin faintly tan.

Lorelei favors loose fitting trousers and tunics over the traditional wizards garb as robes would get caught on roots and branches and trip her up. She favors clothes in colors of greens and browns.

An elven sorceror for your perusal. SHe's still very sketchy, but should give you the idea.

Sorry for the delay. Work and weather have kept me busy. I've read through all of the submissions and they were nothing less than amazing. I've got to go with one of them and at this time I'm going to have to go with Lorelei. I really liked her submission and it felt like a really good fit with the current party.

Lorelei, please feel free to start posting in the OOC thread and the IC thread whenever you are ready. Since we've just started I'm not going to worry about continuity at this point, the previous player hadn't posted enough to really need you to worry about keeping up.

To everyone else, thank you for your interest, it was a hard choice and I wish you all luck in your PBP futures.

Rats! Well thanks for the opportunity to join. I looked through your IC and it seems like a lot of fun.

Congrats Lorelei! Good luck in those jungles.

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