Faelar Braegen |

Hi, I am about to start playing the Rise of the Runelords campaign and I have my heart set on a Male Shoanti Barbarian (from the Tamiir Quah - Wind Clan). I am trying to go for a pure Shoanti, so I am using the Earth-Breaker and the Hide Shirt.
However I am not sure how I can get my guy to be in Sandpoint, without him trying to kill everybody. He is a Chaotic Good guy, but he is one of the young Shoanti who vow to get Varisia and the surrounding lands back under Shoanti control. I already know that he is going to have a hard time dealing with Chelaxions because of this, but it won't make it impossible.
What I am asking is this - Does anyone have any idea's I can have this character, without causing too many problems for the GM and make it so that I can go through the campaign with a purpose?

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Hi, I am about to start playing the Rise of the Runelords campaign and I have my heart set on a Male Shoanti Barbarian (from the Tamiir Quah - Wind Clan). I am trying to go for a pure Shoanti, so I am using the Earth-Breaker and the Hide Shirt.
However I am not sure how I can get my guy to be in Sandpoint, without him trying to kill everybody. He is a Chaotic Good guy, but he is one of the young Shoanti who vow to get Varisia and the surrounding lands back under Shoanti control. I already know that he is going to have a hard time dealing with Chelaxions because of this, but it won't make it impossible.
What I am asking is this - Does anyone have any idea's I can have this character, without causing too many problems for the GM and make it so that I can go through the campaign with a purpose?
You've gone further than that.
You've created a character who won't get on with the rest of the party unless they all make traditionalist Shoanti.
Just make a proud Shoanti who is not part of the extremist fringe and he'll fit in fine. You can get some good RP going with the sherrif and his beother.
But the unnecessary extremism is character design which deliberately sets out to be antagonistic. Which you only do if you want to upset your GM.

Troubled_child |
Played a Shoanti like that in a home brew game and it wasn't a problem. The AP's set in Varisia though tend to ignore the struggle. I think it is possible but it's hard to give advice without spoilers. The fact is the Shoanti know the secrets of the land better than the invaders. Talk to the GM and try to set up a situation where you are forced to recruit these interlopers to your cause because of the greater threat.

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Hi, I am about to start playing the Rise of the Runelords campaign and I have my heart set on a Male Shoanti Barbarian (from the Tamiir Quah - Wind Clan). I am trying to go for a pure Shoanti, so I am using the Earth-Breaker and the Hide Shirt.
However I am not sure how I can get my guy to be in Sandpoint, without him trying to kill everybody. He is a Chaotic Good guy, but he is one of the young Shoanti who vow to get Varisia and the surrounding lands back under Shoanti control. I already know that he is going to have a hard time dealing with Chelaxions because of this, but it won't make it impossible.
What I am asking is this - Does anyone have any idea's I can have this character, without causing too many problems for the GM and make it so that I can go through the campaign with a purpose?
Well, for starters Shoanti never ruled all of Varisia and its surrounding lands. They were masters of the eastern part, where they lived along wandering Varisians, and from where they were cast out by conquering chelaxians.
A CG character would not be bent on a genocide mission to rid the land from ousiders no matter what, it would be more appropriate for him to rid the land from invaders who keep on the snotty conqueror attitude.
So peaceful chelaxian-descended colonist would be considered unpleasant but not guilty, while his attention should be focused on chelaxian-inspired occupying troops and aggressive colonists who destroyed and humiliated his culture - and being CG, he would grant them nonetheless a "run away lest you suffer my wrath" opportunity.
So, Magnimar and its vassal communities are less guilty than Korvosa and its sphere of influence, possibly to the point of easily putting up with the former after an initial moment of suspicious evaluation.

gigglestick |

Faelar Braegen wrote:Hi, I am about to start playing the Rise of the Runelords campaign and I have my heart set on a Male Shoanti Barbarian (from the Tamiir Quah - Wind Clan). I am trying to go for a pure Shoanti, so I am using the Earth-Breaker and the Hide Shirt.
However I am not sure how I can get my guy to be in Sandpoint, without him trying to kill everybody. He is a Chaotic Good guy, but he is one of the young Shoanti who vow to get Varisia and the surrounding lands back under Shoanti control. I already know that he is going to have a hard time dealing with Chelaxions because of this, but it won't make it impossible.
What I am asking is this - Does anyone have any idea's I can have this character, without causing too many problems for the GM and make it so that I can go through the campaign with a purpose?
You've gone further than that.
You've created a character who won't get on with the rest of the party unless they all make traditionalist Shoanti.
Just make a proud Shoanti who is not part of the extremist fringe and he'll fit in fine. You can get some good RP going with the sherrif and his beother.
But the unnecessary extremism is character design which deliberately sets out to be antagonistic. Which you only do if you want to upset your GM.
Exactly. This sounds like an attempt to make a difficult character by deliberately choosing to take personality traits that will put you at odds with the party and surrounding peoples. Shoanti don't HAVE to be xenophobic to the point of party division.
You can play distrustful and proud of your people without playing extreme.

Faelar Braegen |

Ah okay, thanks for all your help :)
I think I will be stealing bits of all your idea's. He will be a proud man, who is proud to be Shoanti and distrusts most Non-Shoanti (at the beginning). When it comes to a group of Aggressive Colonists I will get irrate and maybe threaten them a little. Offering them the chance to flee.
He doesn't like being in Sandpoint, as he feels outnumbered and alienated, but he knows he has to be here to protect the land from any other invaders who wish to harm the Shoanti and any peaceful people. After a while he will start to feel more comfortable in Sandpoint and become a lot more trusting of the Non-Shoanti populace.
Does that sound any better?

Jaatu Bronzescale |

You can say that your character understands that it needs money to accomplish his goal of freedom, so you set out as an adventurer and you started working as bodyguard/caravan protector, and you just are a bodyguard to a merchant or some important person that goes to sandpoint for the event.
I'm playing a half-elf/shoanti of the spire clan that fostered with the hawk clan. Being of mixed cultures himself, he essentially expanded his Rite of Passage Journey to include heading to Sandpoint.
I do portray his attitude as superior to the outsiders, and since we have a Chelaxian in the group, get to participate in smack talk a lot when we're bantering back and forth on courses of action.
Honestly, it's just given me a different perspective on which actions to take IC, and reminding the other players that the townsfolk are looking at me differently because of my obvious culture.

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Honestly, I have always felt that Clan of the Spire is the most viable for PC Shoanti. Especially since they "go walkabout" as their rite of passage.
However, if you have your heart set on Clan of the Wind, I think you should work with your GM on a way to tie yourself to the group, and better yet to Sandpoint.
It is possible to exist in the RotRL campaign, even thrive, especially finding more about your people's former masters. How you deal with that is up to you. Do not expect to antagonize those of Chelaxian descent (namely the mayor of Sandpoint and each of the founding families, with the possible exception of the Kaijitsus) and be treated like a hero for saving them.
I would suggest that you play out the GOOD part of your alignment, which means that you don't like seeing people suffer, even if their ancestors chased you from your lands and killed your people. You can still be stand-offish, but you don't have to be openly hostile. Think in terms of the Native Americans and their attitudes toward the 'White Man'. You can co-exist...

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Ah okay, thanks for all your help :)
I think I will be stealing bits of all your idea's. He will be a proud man, who is proud to be Shoanti and distrusts most Non-Shoanti (at the beginning). When it comes to a group of Aggressive Colonists I will get irrate and maybe threaten them a little. Offering them the chance to flee.
He doesn't like being in Sandpoint, as he feels outnumbered and alienated, but he knows he has to be here to protect the land from any other invaders who wish to harm the Shoanti and any peaceful people. After a while he will start to feel more comfortable in Sandpoint and become a lot more trusting of the Non-Shoanti populace.
Does that sound any better?
Sounds good.
There are Shoanti living and working in Sandpoint so you won't be alone. You can even stay in an Inn with a hunting lodge vibe that is owned and run by a Shoanti.

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Sounds good.
There are Shoanti living and working in Sandpoint so you won't be alone. You can even stay in an Inn with a hunting lodge vibe that is owned and run by a Shoanti.
Actually, I think they were supposed to be Varisian. In some write-ups afterward, Sheriff Hemlock is described as Varisian. Also, Garridan Viskalai, Viskalai sounds like it is supposed to be Varisian (because of the linguistic similarities with Romanian.)
Now, I may be totally wrong, but that's how I see it.
Depending on the OP's GM, I agree that he should check out the White Deer Inn. As it is originally presented in the Sandpoint write-up, he is supposed to be Shoanti. As is the Sheriff, so he could have some kind of attachment to either of them.