Jade Regent Obituaries Page (Obvious Spoilers)

Jade Regent

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Sovereign Court

you can't die at minus 9... the earliest you can die is minus 10, regardless how low your Con score is...

Name: Stravos

Timing: Part 3 The Hungry Storm

Class: Black Blade Magus

Catalyst: Hungry Remorhaz


While traveling through the Borel expanse the caravan stumbled upon a pair of hungry Remorhaz looking for an easy meal. The party managed to deal a significant amount of damage to them killing one when the magus failed to get out of the way of the second he was grappled swallowed whole and took 22 crushing damaged followed by 48 fire damage due to previous interactions he was now at negative 50 hp...also know as the liquid state.

This resulted in the first use of the Amatsu seal and an a large magical beacon pointing to the caravan...fun times to come.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Hadji Abobo

Race: Human

Origin: Maharanha, once again in our group's homebrew planet. Think the equivalent of India and you've got it.

Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows

Location: The City of Tsai Tseng

Cause of Death: One supremely pissed off barbarian.

What the Hell Happened?!: Critical hit from a +1 battleaxe with Power Attack. Hadji takes it to the jejunum and dies miserably.

Explanations!: The party was advised by Sandru to keep a low profile as the caravan arrived at the city of Tsai Tseng. I guess the definition of "low profile" in Maharanhan Common is "throw a big &(^@%ing circus!" Party racks up 2d6 Notoriety. They publicly ask about the men sent to kill them (MOAR NOTORIETY!!!) and sell the tiger's head armbands (not only more Notoriety, but the pawn broker said "If you sell these, you are dead men! If I display them in my shop, I am a dead man!") Enough Notoriety is racked up that the Mistaken Identity event happens.

And Then?: Hadji decides to go to the Amber District to find the pawn shop that had Suishen and runs into Motoki, said barbarian above. He accuses Hadji of poisoning his horse, demands payment, both Charm Person and Diplomacy are attempted by Hadji, then he makes the mistake of showing his eidolon, a snake. Three guesses what happened.

Buuuuut...: Mike's made his third character, a human summoner named Fhen Fan. Her eidolon is the Origami Bushi, a samurai made of folded paper.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Snorb wrote:

Name: Hadji Abobo

Location: The City of Tsai Tseng

Hey Snorb just curious, what have you changed to fit JR into your home brew world? Just noticed that this doesn't take place in Karlsgard.


Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
you can't die at minus 9... the earliest you can die is minus 10, regardless how low your Con score is...

Where did you get that?

prd wrote:
When your negative hit point total is equal to your Constitution, you're dead.

Liberty's Edge

Reebo Kesh wrote:
Snorb wrote:

Name: Hadji Abobo

Location: The City of Tsai Tseng

Hey Snorb just curious, what have you changed to fit JR into your home brew world? Just noticed that this doesn't take place in Karlsgard.


The group started in our equivalent of Bangladesh (Bengali) and are headed to the equivalent of China (Zhong Guo). Right now they are in Khitan, our world's version of Mongolia. Instead of the Crown of the World, they have to get a guide to get across the mountains between Khitan and Zhong Guo.

And Karlsgard's replacement is Tsai Tseng. =p

Sovereign Court

Drejk wrote:
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
you can't die at minus 9... the earliest you can die is minus 10, regardless how low your Con score is...

Where did you get that?

prd wrote:
When your negative hit point total is equal to your Constitution, you're dead.

that must be a change from 3.5 to PRPG that I overlooked...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Snorb wrote:
Reebo Kesh wrote:
Snorb wrote:

Name: Hadji Abobo

Location: The City of Tsai Tseng

Hey Snorb just curious, what have you changed to fit JR into your home brew world? Just noticed that this doesn't take place in Karlsgard.


The group started in our equivalent of Bangladesh (Bengali) and are headed to the equivalent of China (Zhong Guo). Right now they are in Khitan, our world's version of Mongolia. Instead of the Crown of the World, they have to get a guide to get across the mountains between Khitan and Zhong Guo.

And Karlsgard's replacement is Tsai Tseng. =p

Journey to the East?

I hope Monkey is irrepressible!

Name: Lance Llandu

Race: Aasimar

Class: Cleric of Gorum 3/Sorcerer 2 (aiming to be a mystic theurge)

Place of Death: Outside the front gates of Ravenscraeg.

Cause of Death: Deathblade Poison

The party was climbing the stairs up to Ravenscraeg, the combat-summoner was at the front, backed by his eidolon (who could support him with her 10ft reach attacks). The barbarian was in the middle, in theory so he could quickly respond to attacks from the front or back, but on the narrow stairs it just meant he couldn't do much during the battle. Second from the back, was the master summoner, ready to cast (and with four small air elementals that she'd called up against the Spider Eater following them). Lance was at the back of the group and thus ended up fighting the one ninja that jumped down behind them.

Both Lance, and the summoner at the front of the party got poisoned during the short battle, and though they killed the ninja, neither of the two managed to make even a single save during the 6 rounds of Con damage from the poison. In the end the summoner survived (just barely) to stagger away from the fortress being supported by his eidolon. Lance however, died. Lance was the barbarian's best friend, and so his body was carried back to Kalsgard, and the caravan for a "proper burial".

Name: Murg

Race: Half-Orc

Class: Barbarian 7/ Rouge 2

Killed by: Frostfallen Mammoth

Catalyst: Being overconfident in ones skills.

Previously the party as a whole managed to kill a frostfallen mammoth in one turn (wizard, magus, and samurai with shuishen) pummeled it to death with fire.

IN response Murg was out scouting with the samurai and magus and decided that the mammoth blocking their path was easy prey since they had killed one before.

First round: Murg charges provokes an attack of opportunity (27+9 cold damage)
Mammoth attacks (gore 26+5 cold damage)
Second round Murg misses mammoth attacks (gore 27+10 cold damage) Murg runs provoking an attack of opportunity (26+9 cold damage) due to orcish ferocity murg manages to finish his move action then fall dead at the feet of the oracle who had just arrived to heal him.

For the second time the amatsu seal was used to resurrect a character exactly one month in game time after the last one died.

Note: This party seems to have a knack for walking straight to the "Boss Battle" in any area #Gutwad, Nindinzego, Zaiobe - followed almost immediately by Kikonu, it was even worse in Rise of the Runelords#

Name: TPK
Race: Human Samurai, Elf Ranger, Elf Sorcerer, Human Inquisitor, Human Cleric
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Licktoad Village
Cause of Death: Fireworks
Specifics: Build of 15 pts., No Racial HP; Party is overconfident and decides to grandstand #There only goblins after all.#

R1 attempt to kick in Gutwad's door fails, alerting Gutwad who sends bodyguards to door and preps action with firework and torch

r2: door kicked in, Gutwad lights firework

r3: goblins tie up PCs at door, firework goes off doing good damage and blinding cleric, sorcerer, and ranger. Gutwad lights second firework

r4: PCs still at door dealing with goblins that were outside of blast, second firework goes off doing max damage : all PCs now unconscious

Gutwad left alone, kills PCs at leisure

Rewind time to outside the door , give them racial HP, and do over

Name: Kinryuu Takeshi
Race: Human Samurai
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Brinewall Castle
Cause of Death: Kikonu
Specifics: Taking 2 Scorching Rays, 1 good damage followed by 1 CRIT /Near MAX Damage

Fudge to resurrection abilities of Amatatsu Seal to include the Kami in Amaiko to do it

Name: Lucas
Race: Human Rogue #replacement for Human Inquisitor#
Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows
Location: Spear-shaker Point
Cause of Death: Shark-Eating Crab
Specifics: Player not really liking his Inquisitor - too spread out in responsibilities - changes to a Rogue. The first encounter they have is with the Shark-eating Crab. During the first round it proceeds to hit with both claw attacks and the constrict attack. PC unconscious. Rest of the party deal enough damage to force it to withdraw, PC drowns before he can be rescued.

Two more deaths this session, including the first that actually counted.

Name: Ghost (Again)
Race: Quadruped Eidolon
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Cavern of Shame
Catalyst: Skeletons

As this is a 6 player game with some pretty nice stuff for the party, I have been making encounters particularly evil. Because I am a good GM/jerk, I upped the skeletons by simply making each of them acid skeletons. The group plays with high AC, so the few hits they got needed to count. Then I made four of them explode too. The party came out of it with minimal damage, but I went on a hot streak of attack/damage rolls against the party eidolon, dealing it 29 damage in a single round. Poof. This makes the third time in a row that the party has lost their favorite eidolon mid-session, though the first that wasn't related to a boss-critical.

Name: Granth Fastfoot
Race: Halfling Cavalier 1
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Treasury
Catalyst: Tsutamu

I did not change Tsutamu at all. That is how much I liked this guy's build and the encounter (Also I figured it would COMPLETELY screw the party if they had just charged in without killing the skeletons). In what can only be considered 'completely freaking awesome,' Tsutamu and Granth got into a challenge-off. Granth charged and hit with his lance for double damage on the back of his riding dog. Tsutamu countered with a mighty hit with the Wakizashi--frightening the party, who had never even seen Granth so much as be touched by an enemy before. The party beat Tsutamu down as best they could, leaving him with exactly 1 HP left. In his final dying throes, he power attacked Granth Fastfoot, rolling first a threat, and then a confirmation. With a powerful 2d6+20 that dealt a total of 22 damage, Granth Fastfoot had breathed his last. The Magus followed up immediately with a disrupt undead, finishing him off, but it was too late for the poor halfling.

^ We're counting Eidolon deaths too? Well then, I've got some stuff to add I believe.

Name: Trillian
Race: Biped Eidolon
Death Count: 4
Cause(s) of Death (in order): Muthildah, a Giant Toe-Biter, a mob of Ulfen raiders, and Omoyani.

Trillian's fluff has her looking sorta of like a strange blue elf. So of course I made Muthildah go strait for her. The ogrekin didn't get a favoured enemy bonus of course, but she did focus her attacks on the 'elf' and the party took long enough taking her down that Trill fell first.

The Toe-Biter lunged at Trillian's summoner Will from hiding, and Trill was the only one who rolled high enough to notice it in time. Since her initiative was higher, she shoved Will out of the bug's path and got severed by its jaws. The Toe-Biter rolled three natural 20s in a row for its attack, which we houserule as instant death.

The Ulfen warriors simply hit very hard. Trill ran up and dropped several of them while everyone else was still recovering from the surprise of the sudden attack, and she got targeted by several attacks with high to-hit bonuses. All of them hit.

Omoyani ambushed the group and set Trill on fire with Earthfire Shuriken and then killed her with well-aimed flurries of blows. She eventually ran away as the rest of the party began to overpower her, but Trill's summoner Will didn't allow it. He used Expeditious Retreat to keep up with her and See Invisibility to negate her vanishing trick, and since the rest of the party couldn't keep up, the other summoner sent several small air elementals (which can fly really, really fast) to aid her ally. They couldn't see Omoyani of course, but Will was able to direct them well enough to get their attacks aimed at the right spot. And the 50% miss-chance did absolutely NOTHING to help Omoyani.

The other summoner's Eidolon Chu has yet to die. Of course Chu mostly just gets used as a mount, or doesn't get summoned at all since his summoner is a master summoner and prefers elementals to her eidolon.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Fhen Fan

Race: Human

Origin: Sejong, our group's variant of Korea.

Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows

Location: The City of Tsai Tseng, within the caravan

Cause of Death: The party.

...What.: The party's alchemist, Vata, saved her life during the battle against the earth elemental with a well-timed bomb. She developed a crush on him, but then she realized: Vata Perada is sleeping with Lin Mao (catgirl gunslinger/ranger, replacement for Shalelu.) This needs to be... remedied.

Seriously, What The Hell!?: Fhen's player draws away another player and has a private conference. When they return, giggling, I recognize what's going on. The note the other player passes me confirms it: During the night, I coup-de-grace "Drunken Bullets!!! XD" girl.

"Drunken Bullets" Girl?: Lin used to make ammo for her blunderbuss while she was drunk with Duster, who I mentioned back on page one.

Anyways...: During the night, Qi (the group's ninja, and sister of our Ameiko replacement, Chai Jai-Li) sneaks into the wagon Vata and Lin share and decapitates Lin. When the killing is discovered the next morning, Fhen tries to bluff her way out of admitting complicity in Lin's murder.

So What Caused This? Really?: Fhen says "I caste Haste and get the hell out of there!!!" provoking two opportunity attacks, both from our weapon adept monk and our monk/cleric. Afterwards, Vata stops her with one of his alchemist bombs.

So That Takes Care of the Cremation, I Guess: Yup.

Now What?: Mike makes his fourth character- a halfling nature oracle.

Did Lin get resurrected? For that matter how did the rest of the party react to Qi's actions assuming they found out about them?

Liberty's Edge

Lin did not get revived- my area of the world's the part of the world where revive magic (aside from Reincarnate) doesn't work. (And even if it did, nobody in the party or caravan's high-enough level to revive anyone.)

And believe you me, Liam, they found out. The party's reactions, in rough order:

Vata Perada- *shrug* (rolls over, goes back to sleep after incinerating Fhen with one of his alchemist bombs)

Pan Li- Oh, thank God. Lin was getting really annoying- and she was incompetent, too! (The Ransacked! event happened while she was on guard at the caravan. Somehow ninja managed to evade her and every other person in the caravan just to ransack some stuff.)

Nam Jung Su- This is unconscionable! Qi has to be punished! (Note: Qi's sister, Jai-Li did punish her by almost cutting off her hand, but just left it with "I have given you your hand. If I must ask for it again, I will take it, Sister." Jung Su doesn't believe this is punishment enough, but he's a 12-year-old lawful good cleric.)

Chai Qi- Damn it! Fhen didn't pay me in advance! >_< (Also, her player justified Qi's killing Lin to my satisfaction after the game.)

Fhen Fan- Well, she's not really in any mood to judge, because she took a firebomb to the back of her head, but considering she solicited the hit, I'd imagine she's pleased in whatever messed-up afterlife exists in our group's world.

PC death today, but he only stayed dead for a few minutes until we realized a calculation error.

Name: Will Kaijitsu/Amatatsu

Race: Suli (The royal family's apparently got some genie blood in them in our campaign)

Class: Summoner 7/Monk (Weapon Master) 1

Book: The Hungry Storm

Cause of Death: Kjaerulff (only not really)

The party ticked off the local frost giant on their way through his land by insisting that they'd leave just as soon as they'd scouted around a bit, and that he could wait a day or two despite him being adamant that the leave immediately. And so fight with Kjaerulff and Mistivir ensued. Mistivir was ganged up on quickly, and Will ran up, activating his Suli elemental powers for the final blow, finishing the wolf off.

Running in to deliver the killing blow to one enemy however left him a tiny bit too close to the other. Kjaerulff promptly stepped up a bit closer to him, putting Will well within his reach, and full attacked the summoner, dealing 40 damage in one shot, dropping the already slightly hurt summoner past his Con score in negatives. And so Will died... Until we realized that he was a Suli and thus should have resisted damage from Mistivir's breath weapon on the first round of combat. In fact Will hadn't died, he was at -9 with a Con of 10.

So we rewound and the party scrambled to finish Kjaerulff off, so that the team healer could run up to Will and cast without provoking an attack. Fortunately the giant was already low on HP at that point, and one charging, raging, bull's strengthed, critical hitting barbarian attack later and the giant was not just down, but outright dead. Will was in the clear since the inquisitor's turn came next and she was able to heal him.

Shadow Lodge

Not exactly a death, but close and made me think of this thread. On round one of our combat with Tsutamu, the cleric went down when the samurai scored a crit on his first attack.

Again, Tsutami. Crit. First attack. Took the character out. After all the people talking about him doing exactly the same thing here, I had to laugh. Of course, I couldn't tell my players why I was laughing until they had survived the combat. Sure, he's deadly, but does he have to crit every time?

Do animal companions count?

Name: Rupert

Race: Awakened Polar Bear

Adv: Forest of Spirits

COD: Bull-rushed by one of the Sisters of the Broken Path. Survived the 80ft drop. Sadly, Rupert was petrified and trampled to dust before the party could reach him.

He was a good bear, and will be missed.

Name: Dines

Race: Human

Class: Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 8

Origin: Land of the Linnorm Kings

Adventure: The Hungry Storm

Location: The Storm Tower

Cause of Death: Lightning Crystal

So my horribly unbalance four fighter party and Sandru reached the top of the storm tower to square of against Katiyana. I knew the fight was going to be incredibly difficult for them because the Archer was shut down by windstorm level wind and they got thrown around when Air Walking, but they had steam rolled everything before that so I figured they would somehow come out on top.

What followed was 18 grueling rounds of attrition as Katiyana disabled them with spells and whittled their HP down with Call Lightning Storm. Dines, heavily weakened by constant lightning strikes, decided to sunder a lightning crystal with his adamantine great sword. He did so handily and it exploded for 9d6 lightning damage, killing him.

The rest of the party almost died if not for a timely Deus Ex Machina, and eventually managed to kill Katiyana.

Name: Hrunndalf Jarlsson

Race: Human (Ulfen)

Class: Oracle of Battle 9

Adventure: The Hungry Storm

Location: The Uqtaal Necropolis

Cause of Death: Katiyana's Ghost

The fight against Katiyana's ghost was possibly the toughest battle of the campaign thus far. Towards the end of the fight, Hrunndalf was down to first-level spells and 4 hit points, and decided to enlarge himself and charge to the front. A guisarme specialist with combat reflexes, he had periodically used his reach weapon to great effect when enlarged, dealing out punishing attacks of opportunity to a range of 20 feet.

But he had not counted on the dangers of an incorporeal foe, who vanished into the cavern floor and popped up next to him, in the area where his weapon could not reach. He made his saving throw against her Corrupting Touch, but still took 22 points of damage, taking him down to -18, with a 14 constitution.

He fell like a great toppling tree, with a massive clatter of enlarged full plate armor.

Name: Kalidel (Kal for short)

Race: Elf (From Katapesh)

Class: Kensai 4

Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows

Location: Snorri Stone Eye's Burial Ship

Cause of Death: Sneak Attack Arrows From invisible ninja.


The party had used a scroll of Water Walk to make it to the boat, carring a single Kayak in tow to help Ulf return with them.

The Dwarven Sorcerer heard the Ninja light up the bonfire on the boat he warned the party and everyone went silent and began to move towards the entrance to the hold. Kal peaked out and noticed the Ninja who were moving curiously to the hold to inspect it. Kal popped up trigging the Ninja's readied actions and took a single arrow. The following round the party storms out onto the deck launching their assault on the first ninja but unable to bring him down. The following round, the damaged ninja uses his vanishing trick to disengage while the other ninja's quaff their potions of vanish.

Kal bravely jumps onto the deck, unleashing a burning hands in an attempt to catch the injured ninja but fails to guess his square. The rest of the party sees the fire start to spread and abandons ship, allowing their water walk effect to put some distance between them. Before Kal can jump off though, the two vanished ninja line up a pair of sneak attacks to the throat.

The ninja begin a rather organized retreat at this point, losing two of their number in the ensuing retreat to a stone call spell by the desperate Dwarven Sorcerer and some spreading fire.

Name: Aurelia

Race: Human

Class: Druid (Lion Shaman) 4

Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows

Location: Just outside the Rimerunner's Guild

Cause of Death: A cloud of guards


While successfully mining for information using diplomacy with a guild factor, the alchemist had his centipede tumor familiar sneaking about on reconnaissance and found Uksahkka in the guest room. After they learned the bit about Ravenscraeg, and concluded their business, they were led out, but the gunslinger said he forgot one of his weapons back in the room. He was escorted by a pair of guards back to the meeting room where he turned and fired on one of them, the sound of the shot waking the off-duty guards upstairs, and alerting the rest of the guards around the building.

The guards demanded to be let through (as the rest of the PCs were crowding the doorway), and then eventually the other PCs got involved in the brawl. One of the guards was killed off the bat, and then two more went down, but reinforements arrived from upstairs, and the situation started to look grim. The alchemist used the distraction to slip, invisible, into Uksahkka's room and hide beneath the bed. The witch flew out of one window, and the cleric and gunslinger jumped through two others to run away, leaving only the fighter and the druid (Aurelia) left. Aurelia was second to last to leave as the fighter covered her escape, holding off the mass of guards in the hallway while she jumped out of a window, and then he rushed into a meeting room and barred and braced the door behind him. Some of the guards broke off to chase Aurelia down the street, swearing blood vengeance, and caught her and finished her and her animal companion, Nabih, off for good.

The Exchange

First PC death in the group I'm running through.

Name: Damian
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin of Iomeda 3
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Dungeon of Brinewall Castle
Catalyst: Smite target
The Gory Details: End of second incursion into brinewall castle. Nindinzego was smited by the paladin in the first round of combat, and the Decapus led with its unholy blight. A few saved or were limited in effect, but the Inquisitor failed and was knocked unconscious (who also had a negative level from Andril). The party is not good at ranged combat however and sorcerer was on last magic missile spell for the day. After being smited by the paladin, it smited the paladin in return. After being hit with a couple arrows, it pulled out a wand and got in a good scorching ray on the paladin. Seeing a brutal ranged touch attack the party mostly retreated to the alcoves for cover, and took some more shots. A couple healing buffs from spivery and the party cleric and the decapus cast poison and moved in for a touch attack on the swordmage but missed. seeing it get close the party moved in for melee trading ranged weapons for melee and getting in a couple attacks. The decapus moved back and attacked the paladin again with the scorching ray wand, this time scoring a crit that did 54 points of damage. Dead paladin. had fun constantly moving in and out making the party switch between melee and ranged attacks.

Name: Muneki

Race: Gnome

Class: Bard/Wannabe Ninja

Adventure: Tide of Honor

Location: Engankona Marketplace

Cause of Death: Drinking the Kool-Aid.

A young Gnomish lass sporting an obsession with all things ninja, Muneki met her end while on a supply run in the bustling marketplace of Engankona. After a long discussion with a harmless-looking fortune teller, Muneki partook in a tea ceremony offered up by the old Tien-Min. Sadly, the fortune teller was none other than the Jade Regent's personal assassin, Kaibuninsho, and the tea happened to be tainted with blue whinnis poison. Muneki instantly passed out, and was later found in an alleyway; a single needle driven into the back of her neck.

Luckily everyone is level 12, so resurrection was all but inevitable.

Sovereign Court

Name: Marcus

Race: Human

Class: Barbarian

Adventure: The Hungry Storm

Location: The Storm Tower; The Storm Sphere

Cause of Death: Heroic Sacrifice

Having been brought down to negative health points by Katiyana's Call Lightning Storm as well as previous fights against the Remhoraz below, Marcus used his last remaining strength to blow through one of the last lightning gems embedded in the wall. The resulting blast brought him down to a a lethal -37 hp but also allowed the team to finish off the fiendish sylph.

Though he was not with us for very long, he will always be remembered.

Luckily, it looks like additional reinforcements will be arriving to take his place.

Name: Cloud
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter 3
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Treasure Room, W1
Cause of Death: Excellent sense of direction.

This was a single death that could have been a TPK. The party of five, third level characters(Fighter, Magus, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue) took the most direct route possible to the treasure room. Defeating the wraith via words and the portcullis with ingenuity, the party found the chests and... were unable to open them. The rouge's disable device skill was not high enough to succeed, even when taking 20.

Scouting back up the stairs, the magus was blasted by kinoku's last scorching ray and quickly retreated to inform the party that a welcoming committee was forming. Thus, the party concluded to preparing themselves at the base of the stairs for whatever came seeking their deaths.

Their position served them well, until many of the castle denizens were slain, at which point Kinoku sought the aid of the mighty Nindinzego. That changed things quickly. Scorching ray rendered the stalwart Cloud uncouncious and the next round Unholy Blight finished him off. The rest of the party quickly fell victim to claws, teeth, and tentacles.

Since Kelda showed that these monsters do indeed take prisoners, and the rest of the party wasn't actually killed, just unconscious, we are continuing play with the other four party members awakening in the prison room with Kelda.

Are 8d6 scorching rays a bit much for a lv3 party?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Lloyd Jackson wrote:

Are 8d6 scorching rays a bit much for a lv3 party?

Yes, which is why none of the monsters in Brinewall have them. Nindenzego's wand has no CL listed, so it's minimum (CL 3rd), and Kikonu is CL 5th. The only way to get that sort of damage output is if the party manages to get in the unenviable position of fighting them both at once, which (on paper, at least) shouldn't happen. Shouldn't they have had time to retreat if Kikonu was off fetching the decapus? Did they stubbornly hold their ground until it was too late?

The Exchange

Lloyd Jackson wrote:

Name: Cloud

Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter 3
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Treasure Room, W1
Cause of Death: Excellent sense of direction.

This was a single death that could have been a TPK. The party of five, third level characters(Fighter, Magus, Cleric, Ranger, Rogue) took the most direct route possible to the treasure room. Defeating the wraith via words and the portcullis with ingenuity, the party found the chests and... were unable to open them. The rouge's disable device skill was not high enough to succeed, even when taking 20.

What was their route to the vault? And what was the ingenious way through the portcullis without both keys (assuming you don't have either key, since you haven't defeated Nindinzego or Kikonu) The Iron Door from the throne room is the same disable device 30 check.

Opps, looks like some mistakes were made. I'm new to the game, all of our group is, but got nominated for GM by virtue of having the rulebook.

@demiurge I thought for spell trigger items you used the activating character's caster level for the results effect. Nindenzego rolled a 7 or 8 for 20 or 21 on the Use Magic Device check to treat the wand as though it's spell was on his list. I then rolled to emulate the class feature of spellcasting. Roll was 17 for total of 30 - 20 for caster level of 10. A 10th level caster using scorching ray would end up with 8d6, so that's what I used.

I had Kikonu waiting at the top of the stairs while the dire corbies gathered more minions for the fight. At this point, the party could have just charged up the stairs and broken past Kikonu; however, they choose to wait at the bottom. After killing the minions, and fighting off Nevakali and Buttersnips, the party again choose to stay down. I don't blame them. The strategy was working quite well. However, it result in standing their ground until the Big Bad showed up.

@Chernobyl Party route was T1(Killed the two Dire Corbies), ran across T3 into T6(Killed the four Dire Corbies and injured Kikonu) debated whether up the stairs, door to left of throne, or door to right of throne. Party choose left. I missed that the door from T6 to T17 was locked. In T17, fought wight, triggered haunt, and went down. The party overcame the portcullis using an a potion of gaseous form, the three strongest members, two on one side, one on the other, working together were able to meet the break DC. I figured two of the party could use the same five foot square to work on the portcullis together.(+4 from two characters using aid another, +4 from the fighter's strength, everybody takes 20, and there you go. Party didn't use same strategy on chests because they were afraid of breaking something valuable. )

Lloyd Jackson wrote:

Opps, looks like some mistakes were made. I'm new to the game, all of our group is, but got nominated for GM by virtue of having the rulebook.

@demiurge I thought for spell trigger items you used the activating character's caster level for the results effect. Nindenzego rolled a 7 or 8 for 20 or 21 on the Use Magic Device check to treat the wand as though it's spell was on his list. I then rolled to emulate the class feature of spellcasting. Roll was 17 for total of 30 - 20 for caster level of 10. A 10th level caster using scorching ray would end up with 8d6, so that's what I used.

This is correct, and then very wrong. The DC is 20 to Use a Wand. It is then done. The secondary roll for a spellcasting level is not part of the rules and makes wands much more powerful than they were intended.

The class feature emulation is for something like if an item requires someone to have sneak attack 3d6, or bardic performance, or aura of courage to use. You roll, and compare your roll -20 to the level the ability is gained to see if you successfully emulate having that ability.


@Chernobyl Party route was T1(Killed the two Dire Corbies), ran across T3 into T6(Killed the four Dire Corbies and injured Kikonu) debated whether up the stairs, door to left of throne, or door to right of throne. Party choose left. I missed that the door from T6 to T17 was locked. In T17, fought wight, triggered haunt, and went down. The party overcame the portcullis using an a potion of gaseous form, the three strongest members, two on one side, one on the other, working together were able to meet the break DC. I figured two of the party could use the same five foot square to work on the portcullis together.(+4 from two characters using aid another, +4 from the fighter's strength, everybody takes 20, and there you go. Party didn't use same strategy on chests because they were afraid of breaking something valuable. )

Sounds legit.

The Exchange

yeah, missing that the door is locked is pretty big.

As said, opps.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

While mistakes were made, it sounds like a very fun session. Did you and your players have fun?

Name: Theran
Race: Elf
Class/level: Wizard 3
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Brinewall Castle Courtyard
Catalyst: Separating his fragile wizard self from the rest of the party while fighting a potent foe...

Having taken over the castle in the wake of Kikonu's exceptionally early death, Zaiobe decided she was bored and so ordered the PCs to bring the prisoner (Kelda) to her for excecution. The PCs, finally having had enough of her, formulated an ambush. They went through the motions of following the orders, Kelda remaining resolutely stoic the whole time, and went before Zaiobe who was standing before her newly acquired throne. (Slugwort was also present, feeling responsible for his prisoner, and mourning the death of Kikonu). The ninja forced Kelda to kneel before Zaiobe, raised his katana as if to behead her, and instead struck Zaiobe.

There began an epic fight which involved the cleric playing his Lust plot twist card to change Slugwort's allegiance; the group fighting along side "The Naked Chick" (as they still didn't know her name, she was wearing just her rag as they hadn't retrieved her stuff, and the ninja threw her his spare wakizashi); they spilled out into the courtyard so Zaiobe could use her flight and flaming arrows to her advantage; the wizard split from the group and went up on the walls to get a better vantage, only to be killed by a massive critical hit from her flaming arrow (RIP Theran); the ninja shamefully running away across the courtyard when he had cause fear cast on him; and finally the sweet feel of victory as Zaiobe fell from the sky, and Slugwort assuming the throne of Brinewall.

Grand Lodge

Name: Hayao Kaijitsu
Race: Human
Class: Samurai 3
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Under Brinewall Castle
Catalyst: Decapus

After the decapus knocks the Samurai down in the negatives with two attacks, he decides to activate his Unstoppable Resolve to remain conscious. Unfortunately, he didn't realize the decapus had MORE attacks to spare, and one more plus constrict put him down.

Name: Helgarval
Race: Cassissian Angel
Adventure: The Hungry Storm
Location: Tunuak's Bore
Cause: Missed saving throw vs. well rolled Unholy Blight

For some reason this caused much more lamenting than when PCs have died.

On a related note, it was disscussed wether or not Suishen, being an "intelligent creature" with a WIS score and therefore a WILL saving throw,should have had to make a saving throw and taken damage.

"Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and
feel the same way characters do and should be treated as

"Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures
because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores. Treat them as constructs."

Any thoughts?

Not technically a death, but this one may spell the end of this character being a PC...

Bio: Duthner Lebashterad (probably spelled his last name wrong), Male LG Dwarven Fighter.
Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows
Cause of possibly becoming an NPC: Lycanthropy

Duthner went crossbow to axe against Jorgan during a large free for all in the main hall of Ravenscraeg. Damage reduction was hard to overcome against the werebear, and the dwarf's silver bolts were the only things that were very effective against the bear-man. Duthner was bitten four times in the fight, failed his save against lycanthropy on the fourth bite, and then fell to negative from Jorgan's axe. Jorgan then moved on to fighting the party's alchemist, who killed him, and Duthner was healed back to consciousness.

Now I'll be working with the player to see if we can make his newly lycanthropic PC work in this game. Werebear is probably the easiest to make work, so we'll see whether this curse means he's now restricted to NPC duty or not.

Xan_Ning wrote:

On a related note, it was disscussed wether or not Suishen, being an "intelligent creature" with a WIS score and therefore a WILL saving throw,should have had to make a saving throw and taken damage.

"Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and
feel the same way characters do and should be treated as

"Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures
because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores. Treat them as constructs."

Any thoughts?

Suishen has only one very specific way it can be destroyed.

Book 2 stuffs:

Suishen is destroyed if used to slay the last of the Amatatsu Scions

I was curious how other parties fared against Jorgan, half of mine was blinded through the fight but our dwarf Sorcerer managed to really limit his ability to fight my party with Stone Call combined with a particular set of bad rolls on his few attacks. The only person he was able to full attack was our barbarian one round who managed to save vs the bite without much issue.

I would be rather hesitant to let the PC keep his werebear status and stay a PC myself, due to how combat heavy pathfinder games tend to be and how much of a mechanical buff it would be for just about any type of character.

Some 'players' may not mind something like that happening to their character, but I imagine most characters who know about lycanthropy would be hesitant to want to stay cursed. I think you are making the right choice about speaking it over with the player. Ultimately whatever works out best for your story is going to be the correct choice!

My advice would be possibly allowing survival checks to locate some wolfsbane in the nearby grungni(sp?) forest. Also Kalsguard is only a day away on horse as well and would have sufficently leveled casters to be able to cure it for a small sum of money(Temple of Torag/Gorum depending on the infected PC's personal belief), depending on how pressed for time your PC's are, you can make a scene out of it.

I would add that he's solely a crossbow-user (doesn't even carry other weapons), so I'm not sure if the lycanthopy would be as much of a boost to him as it would be to differently-built PCs.

In the actual fight, the fighter basically went one on one against Jorgan, the witch was in the air shooting down thugs with spells and crossbow, the alchemist was fighting off ninja, the sorcerer was outside fleeing a thug who was chasing her down, and the guest PC druid was fighting some extra monsters I threw in to balance the dungeon for more players.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Nam Jung Su

Race: Human

Origin: Sejong- our homebrew world's equivalent of Korea, which I think I mentioned last time I typed one of these out.

Adventure: The Hungry Storm

Location: Tunuak's Burrow

Cause of Death: The party. Again.

Please Tell Me You Didn't Kill Your Friend's FOURTH Character: Nope! Different player's character, this time!

Oh. So, What Happened?: The caravan makes it to Iaquat with... some difficulty. Mokiyama, the kitsune oracle of nature, is nearly eaten at a peaceful rest by two giant carp. This is played up for as much horror as humanly possible- for about five seconds, when the party realizes that the carp are saying "Karp. Karp. Magikarp." over and over again. Then the witchfyre at Point D nearly kills off the entire party. Those incidents aside, Iaquat was supposed to be a nice peaceful rest.

Buuuuuut?: They wind up killing 28 people.

...What the Hell is Wrong With Your Group?: Nothing. They just found beating the crap out of Tunuak, hitting Sonovut in the face with a +1 adamantine light mace, and throwing an alchemical bomb into a mob of piss farmers easier than talking to Tunuak and trying to calm him down.

So, About That Bore: During the second fight against Tunuak (and Naquut and the hoarfrost spirits), Mokiyama casts Bestow Curse on Jung Su, crippling his Constitution. Vata, the group's sylph alchemist, decides to use an alchemical breath weapon to take out the hoarfrost fiend. The fact that Jung Su is in the field of effect is not really of any concern. Jung Su dies in the fire, and a couple of rounds later, breath weapons the body again "just to make sure." (After looting first.)

*sigh* What's Next?: Apparently he's going ranger.

Again not really a death, but a situation that easily could have been. I was making the NPCs uncharacteristically kind.
The PCs:
M Dwarven Fighter 6
M Halfling Sorcerer 6
M Elven Alchemist 5/Fighter 1
F Tiefling Witch 5

The PCs made it to the dojo under Ravenscraeg and were worn down by the monks coming at them in waves, with thunderstones deafening the casters, and a familiar (which was being sent to deliver a cure spell) being taken hostage. After defeating all but one of the monks, Omoyani, invisible from the rafters spoke, explaining to the PCs (who were all on the edge of death) their odds against her and suggesting they surrender.

They let out a defiant attack at that, which was easily countered, and in the next two rounds both the witch and alchemist were down and the sorcerer had knocked himself to the negatives in one last-ditch attempt to blast her while he was at 0 HP (which failed). The fighter's player, dejected, declared that regardless of whether he fought on or surrendered the outcome would be the same (probably true), so I had things fade to black.

I'm working out how to engineer an "escape from Ravenscraeg" scenario for them next week now.

This is the first time this group has suffered an all-out loss and they were very upset with me for it. I'm going to have to emphasize the fact that I chose not to kill them all when realistically these NPCs would have done so, and that they can't expect to win all the time...

You could torture them a bit before their captors take a pastry and tea break. ^__^

I saw "Obituaries" and Turin the Mad as the last poster and immediately expected to see more dead kingmakers...

Drejk wrote:
I saw "Obituaries" and Turin the Mad as the last poster and immediately expected to see more dead kingmakers...

Why on earth would you think that? Oh, wait ... ;)

Name: Ninive
Race: female half-elf battle oracle 1
Adventure: Brinewall Legacy
Location: Brinestump Marsh
Catalyst: Goblins
Reason: After an intra-party argument, Ninive went off alone into the Marsh and into the hands of a bunch of randomly encountered goblins. The GM tried to "just" strip her off her "valuables". Refusing this "generous offer" by the greedy goblins, she went over to full combat mode---dying alone in that foggy, fearsome, and forlorn Brinestump marsh...

Liberty's Edge

Triple event this time!

Names: Vata Perada, Raju, and Koya Mvashti (NPC)

Races: Air Genasi, Human, and Human

Origins: Maharanha (Vata and Koya), Lepan (Raju)- Lepan is our setting's Nepal, and Maharanha is India

Adventure: The Hungry Storm

Location: The Ivory Wall, the mountains separating Lepan and Chong Kuo

Cause of Death: Yuki-onna

Triple Event This Time!?: Yup.

Holy Crap You're Not Serious Are You: 'Fraid so.

What Happened THIS Time?: When camping for the night on the group's return trip to Iaquat following a fight against the Great White Dragon, Raju (son of Iaquat's chief, and replacement for Jung Su) heard a woman asking for help in the snowy mountains. The woman (the yuki-onna) tearfully requests a healer, as her (non-existent) family is very sick and needs help. Amazingly, Raju falls for this. "What's your name?" he asks. "Yuki," says the yuki-onna.

You Can't Be Serious: Right after this, my best friend starts playing a video of Quest For Glory IV- specifically, the part where the Hero meets the Rusalka. I hope that my friend sees the big red flag "WARNING, THIS LADY'LL KILL YA." Considering I'm writing this, he didn't. Raju is asked to bring a healer. He wakes the alchemist up, as opposed to the oracle.

What Next?: Vata (the alchemist) goes to meet the yuki-onna, and tries to hand her a Reduce Person potion. While I ponder how incorporeal undead would handle a potion like that, I keep the player busy by trying to keep eye contact. He falls for that and gets fascinated. He fails the Reflex save against Eyebite and goes comatose.

Meanwhile...: Raju is waking everyone in the caravan up. The oracle doesn't want to get up, but at least Raju wakes up Qi, our group's ninja. After yelling (in- and out-of-character) to get an actual healer, they get Koya to come with them. They find Vata comatose and injured by a Cone of Cold.

And Then...: Yuki starts things off with Ice Storm. Raju fires his bow, Koya and Qi both wisely get out of the Ice Storm. NONE OF THEM think to drag Vata's comatose body out of the Ice Storm field of effect, and Vata promptly bites it. While Qi's keeping the yuki-onna busy with Invisibility and Air Walk, Koya and Raju group together... just long enough to take a Cone of Cold. Koya was already heavily injured by Ice Storm, so she proceeds to flash-freeze as well. Raju also dies of the stupid because he was within ten feet of Koya and he was already pretty beaten up, too.

So basically, the party basically killed a quarter of Iaquat's population including the hearthmistress, disrespected them, and got the chief's only son killed. They @$#!ing ruined that town. On the plus side, Qi soloed a CR 8 monster.

Name: Dogan (apparently pronounced DOOgan)
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric 3

Catalyst: Zaiobe

The group set an ambush for Kikonu, hiding in the stables with Zaiobe waiting for Kikonu's arrival. He arrived, started to talk to her, and the PCs burst through the doors. They argued for a surprise round attack, I denied it because what are they going to do, burst through doors, weapons drawn, and THEN run 15-30 feet to reach Kikonu, without him responding, while he's facing their direction to begin with?

Magus moves in, shocking grasp spellstrike for 15 or something. Kikonu flies away and up 20 ft (AoO hurt him a bit). Zaiobe cast Entropic Shield and flew 40 ft up and 30 ft away from Kikonu.

[30 minutes of archery and minor spells]

Kikonu is dead, Zaiobe has been raining arrows on the hardy PCs, switches to fire arrows, and almost kills Sariah the Ninja. Dogan decides to Channel Energy, heals the party for 12. Zaiobe turns her attention to him.

[3-5 more rounds of piddly archery and crap spells and EVERYONE STAYED OUTSIDE]

Nat 20 (confirmed), 18. 1d8x3 + 2 + 1d8+2 = 40 damage, Dogan is now at -24 hp. Splat.

Character Name: 'Blade' Popolov, human [Ustalav] rogue (knife master/scout) 4
Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows
Location: Just outside of Jol in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings
Catalyst: A combination of flanking and charging from Ulfen warriors, good GM rolls, Critical Hit Deck
The Gory Details:
Pinned between the side of a bridge, Blade found himself the target of a charge by a just out of view Ulfen warrior. Charging forward, the Ulfen smashed into the rogue, critting on the charge. The card pulled was "Rupture Abdominal Cavity", which deals double damage and 1 point of Con bleed. The attack deals 23 points of damage, dropping the rogue from full to -1. Rushing to his aide, a party member uses the Plot Twist Flashback card "Cliffhanger" to immediately stabilize and remove the bleed from Blade, while the cleric (who doesn't have Selective Channeling) said 'screw it' and channeled in the middle of a group of enemies to heal up Blade.
Staying prone, Blade managed to avoid the attention of his attacker, trying to get back on his feet, but his luck had ran out. With a mighty roar, the Ulfen attacked him again, critting him (again). The Critical Hit card pulled was "Stand Aside"—double damage and target is pushed 1 square in any direction, 27 points of damage dealt, which dropped Blade to -12 hit points.

Blade's half-orc brother is understandably upset at this development.

Name: Kalidel (Kal for short)

Race: Elf (From Katapesh)

Class: Kensai 6

Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows

Location: The Hall Behind Kimandatsu's Chamber.

Cause of Death: Oathtaker and a bit of blood loss.

Night of Frozen Shadows has been bad for Kal, having claimed his life twice thus far. He almost single handedly wiped the floor with the Ninja hiding in Kimandatsu's chamber. But as the fight wore on and the party was in dire straights, he bravely darted down the hidden hallway to keep pressure on Kimandatsu after she used gaseous form to retreat to her hidden chamber. When he stepped into the hall, he encountered Skygni blasting Kimandatsu with his frozen breath(and staggering her in the proceess). The wolf then fled ran from the room in an attempt to escape.

Having seen this, Kal and Ameiko bravely pressed on and unfortunately both failed to connect with the Gaseous Kimandatasu. In the following turn, Kimandatsu dropped her gaseous form in order to finish off the members of the Party who advanced on her, and kills Ameiko outright and sends Kal to -8 in a single full attack. Unable to have anyone get to him in time, he expired two turns later.

The party was devastated by the loss of their close friends during such a hectic and climatic battle.

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