Aasimar in PFS

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 3/5

Do Aasimar have to be of human decendant only for pfs or can they be of other decendant races? A gm told me that they can only be of human decendants for pfs so is that true?

Dark Archive 2/5

CWheezy is incorrect. You cannot re-skin yourself. There are not halfling/gnome (small) aasimar. You must be of human descent.

There are different heritages, which are outlined in Blood of Angels


Half-human only.

Re-skinning is generally frowned upon, if not outright disallowed.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Do they have to be only human desendant for pfs?

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Do you mean they can only be born from human parents?

Or do you mean they have to be human-type aasimars? (This has been answered by redward and Nebten)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Aasimar PCs in PFS must be of human descent. I was required to change my PC from halfling Aasimar to human aasimar.

Dark Archive 2/5

Yes, aasimars must be human descendant for PFS. Click the link provided by redward for more explanation.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

If you own the Blood of Angels book there are 8 different "heritages" you may choose from that give you different ability modifiers, spell-like abilities, and skill bonuses. You must still be of Human ancestry, though. Like others have said, no small-sized Aasimars.

You could, of course, be a human descended Aasimar who was raised by a non-human race. I assume you could look vaguely like said race, but that might fall afoul of the "no reskinning" rule. Size changes are right out.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Yes, the reason for this is that unlike humans the long lived races human DNA is not only compatible with extra planar creatures but it can actually be combined.

Dwarven or Elven DNA is to powerful or to weak (depending on your point of view) to meld. Thus, both Aasimar and Tieflings can only be of human-demonic or human-angelic origins.

P.S. Obviously when I say demonic, I include both the denziens of the Abyss and Hell. And angelic by the same token, includes several of the good aligned planars and not simply angels.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Saxon wrote:

Yes, the reason for this is that unlike humans the long lived races human DNA is not only compatible with extra planar creatures but it can actually be combined.

Dwarven or Elven DNA is to powerful or to weak (depending on your point of view) to meld. Thus, both Aasimar and Tieflings can only be of human-demonic or human-angelic origins.

P.S. Obviously when I say demonic, I include both the denziens of the Abyss and Hell. And angelic by the same token, includes several of the good aligned planars and not simply angels.


This isn't true at all. Aasimar and tieflings can be born from any mortal race in Golarion, including elves, dwarves, orcs, nagaji, etc. You just have to play as human-born in PFS.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Ok so you have to be human descended aasimar but can have different heritage to get different ability modifiers, etc? So then you look human but have different ability mods based on which heritage you chose?

Dark Archive 4/5

You need to be more specific about exactly what you are interested in doing, yes it takes a little more time to be precise about what you are asking however it will also reduce the amount of time it takes to get the response to the question you are actually asking.

For the question that you have asked the answer is yes all Aasimars must be of Human descent, however like people have said before if you are asking about the alternate racial heritages (angel blooded, peri blooded etc) from the blood of angels the answer to that question is actually different.

5/5 *

poundpuppy30 wrote:
Ok so you have to be human descended aasimar but can have different heritage to get different ability modifiers, etc? So then you look human but have different ability mods based on which heritage you chose?

Aasimars CAN get different modifiers, but they are not related to their mortal racial ancestry (human, elf, halfling, etc...). The book Blood of Angels has a section on angelic Heritages, which details a few ancestry options but for the divine side of the Aasimar which DOES have different stat modifiers included. (for example, Azata-blooded, Angel-blooded, Agathion-blooded, etc...) You can't just pick stats though, each heritage has a specific set of modifiers.


Mikaze wrote:

This isn't true at all. Aasimar and tieflings can be born from any mortal race in Golarion, including elves, dwarves, orcs, nagaji, etc. You just have to play as human-born in PFS.

It's a PFS specific thing, I'm guessing purely to avoid size issues mechanically. But otherwise neither tiefling or aasimar are human specific.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

poundpuppy30 wrote:
Ok so you have to be human descended aasimar but can have different heritage to get different ability modifiers, etc? So then you look human but have different ability mods based on which heritage you chose?

Some Aasimars have green hair, some have red skin, some look bestial, and some just look divine. If you pick up the book you'll see for yourself.

Michael Brock wrote:
CRobledo wrote:


It actually has been stated before on these boards somewhere, but the only "tieflings" and "aasimar" allowed in PFS are what you would call half-human. No small race tieflings/aasimars.
This ^

I realize this is ment for Aasimar/Tieflings with respect to size. Does it also extent to other half-human issues. Such as: Do they quailify for human feats, Rangers Favorite Enemy (human), or anything else of the kind?


Slacker2010 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
CRobledo wrote:


It actually has been stated before on these boards somewhere, but the only "tieflings" and "aasimar" allowed in PFS are what you would call half-human. No small race tieflings/aasimars.
This ^

I realize this is ment for Aasimar/Tieflings with respect to size. Does it also extent to other half-human issues. Such as: Do they quailify for human feats, Rangers Favorite Enemy (human), or anything else of the kind?

No, Aasimars are type Outsiders(native), not Humanoid(human).

5/5 *

(With the sole exception of Aasimars taking the "Scion of Humanity" trait, which specifically states that THEN they count as Humanoid (human) instead)



Carlos Robledo wrote:

(With the sole exception of Aasimars taking the "Scion of Humanity" trait, which specifically states that THEN they count as Humanoid (human) instead)


Actually not "instead", "Scion of Humanity" means that you count as BOTH Outsider [native] and Humanoid [human].


Mimo Tomblebur wrote:
Carlos Robledo wrote:

(With the sole exception of Aasimars taking the "Scion of Humanity" trait, which specifically states that THEN they count as Humanoid (human) instead)


Actually not "instead", "Scion of Humanity" means that you count as BOTH Outsider [native] and Humanoid [human].

Fair enough.

Dark Archive 4/5

Note as outsiders they are not valid targets for any spell that targets humanoids only. Enlarge/Reduce/Charm/Hold/Dominate Person spells do not work on Aasimars and Tieflings unless they have the scion trait.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Slacker2010 wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
CRobledo wrote:


It actually has been stated before on these boards somewhere, but the only "tieflings" and "aasimar" allowed in PFS are what you would call half-human. No small race tieflings/aasimars.
This ^

I realize this is ment for Aasimar/Tieflings with respect to size. Does it also extent to other half-human issues. Such as: Do they quailify for human feats, Rangers Favorite Enemy (human), or anything else of the kind?

The PFS FAQ needs to be updated. At the time it was issued, the question was whether or not you could have a small-sized Aasimar, since Blood of Angels introduced the option for Aasimars that were of non-human descent. Declaring that Aasimars and Tieflings should be considered as "half-human" answered the question at the time.

However, since the Half-elf/Half-orc Rules FAQ was issued, people started misunderstanding the context for the PFS FAQ. Now being "half-human" has more meaning, and opens up feat and trait options that it didn't before.

The intention in PFS is that Tieflings and Aasimars are Native Outsiders of human descent, not "half-human", akin to a half-elf or a half-orc.

But we will continue to get questions like this until the FAQ is updated accordingly.

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