Jade Regent for PbP Novices

Gamer Connection

I must be crazy but as the PDF will be out next week this is a call for those who are not already involved in Pay by Post Games to indicate their interest in taking part in a Jade Regent game here.

Please note that character concepts will not be required until the Players guide is available as James Jacobs has stated that it is essential to read the guide before creating a character for this AP.

Count me in. I look forward to it.

Faelar Braegen

I'm definitely interested. Looking forward to (potentially) playing this! :)

Liberty's Edge

I am very interested in playing, so please count me in!

I would also be interested.

I would love to play

Can I play too?

Shadow Lodge

Never done PbP before,but I would love to play in this one.

Thank you all..I will accept all 7 off you. Places for this game are now closed.

I'll be setting up an OOC thread for this sometime later today.

OOC thread here

Still waiting to hear from some of you

If anyone drops out, I'd love to be involved.

Hello DM Wellard! If any spot opens up in your game, I'd love to submit a character. Veteran of tabletop roleplaying, but I've never been in a PbP before and would love to see how one goes. Thanks!

I'll keep you both in mind should a place arise.

Thank you!

Fealar , Paizo Fan and Scooter have not replied to this thread despite being given almost a week to do so..therefore Phillip0614 is formally invited to the game group( I noted that Shroin has an offer for a game just now) and there are two spots now open

I would love to participate in this if it's still open.

Nirthuus..I looked over your existing Characters and Omara would fit in nicely..your welcome to come up with another concept if you wish but the party could do with a rogue.

Thanks! Omara was created specifically for Jade Regent. I'll work on stats and such and have it up by this afternoon.

The Exchange

Cant quite tell if tjis game is full now bit im happy to fill any gap and withdraw my applications from other,games im a novice so this woud be the best fit if open...

The Exchange

PirateDevon wrote:
Cant quite tell if tjis game is full now bit im happy to fill any gap and withdraw my applications from other,games im a novice so this woud be the best fit if open...

Sorry, was typing on my phone earlier and it came out a little garbled. It looks like there might be one more slot open due to lack of responses, if that is the case I would love a chance to get in I have other applications out on the boards which I am willing to rescind as this appears to be a novice pbp game and this would be my first attempt. (though I am a 18 year D&D veteran.)

Additionally I normally gm locally so I have a character concept for just about every class so I am willing to take on whatever role might best serve the group. Just thought I might make the case, thanks for your attention all the same.

If your offer is still open, DM Wellard, I'd be happy to accept! When do I need to have a character ready by?

Pirate Devon ..you are more than welcome to take part.

Current party is
Healing Witch
Celestial Sorcerer.

Characters in the ooc thread by Thursday please( that will give me Friday to review things and an intro post to the game itself on saturday

Hello DM Wellard and all other posters! I am new to the play by post scene and so far have not found a game. I do have experience with Pathfinder and plenty of overall D&D experience under my belt so far and am looking for a good group of people to play with online. If you still have room in the party I would love to take part in this game.

Going over the Jade Regent guide a couple of ideas are jumping out at me that could fit into the party so far:

Lawful Neutral Dwarf or Human Monk (of the Sacred Mountain/Qinggong/Ki Mystic/or standard monk)

Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Good Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)

True Neutral Human or Half-Elf Fighter/Horizon Walker

Let me know if you like any of the above ideas and I can flesh out a character history and stat page for you.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day!

DM Wellard wrote:

Pirate Devon ..you are more than welcome to take part.

Current party is
Healing Witch
Celestial Sorcerer.

Characters in the ooc thread by Thursday please( that will give me Friday to review things and an intro post to the game itself on saturday

I'm gonna try my best to have something ready by the end of today to post in the OOC forum. If not today, then definitely tomorrow. Thank you for letting me join in!

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