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Floyd Prince Tanner
Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good 1 Expert 12 Str
8 HP
Class Skills: +6 Acrobatics +4 Craft - Books +6 Diplomacy +6 Intimidate +6 Knowledge - History +6 Linguistics +4 Perception +6 Perform - Act +4 Sense Motive +5 Swim Other Skills:
Fencer - You trained with blades for long hours as a youth, either taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents or by being taken under the wing of a disenfranchised fencer who may have turned to a life of crime. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons. justification – In order to develop a more “well-rounded” child, Floyd's parents felt that it was necessary that he participate in a martial art of some sort. They asked him what he would like to learn and his unexpected answer was fencing. So he spent the next 8 winters of his life learning the art of fencing. Focused Mind - Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (whether musical, academic, or other) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate task at hand. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks. justification – An intricate combination of a gifted mind with a somewhat strict upbringing in terms of school and extra-curricular activities gave Floyd a sort of mental “tunnel vision” mechanism. He can shut out various aspects of life to focus on a specific thing such as a teacher's lecture, his part in a scene of a play, or a match. Of course he needs the right motivation to bother spending the energy to focus. Elements - Primary: Water (Cold)
Floyd Prince Tanner is slightly above average when it comes to his height at 6' 1” and slightly below average for his weight at 182 lbs. His skin has a healthy tan from spending the summers at the local swimming pools and his straight, ear-length hair is brown with natural light brown highlights. He has a slender athletic build from his various physical activities and a mind that is incredibly sharp when he wants it to be. Overall he is a fairly attractive young man of 18.
He is very personable, honest, and well liked by most of his peers. It is rare to be able to put Floyd in a situation that leaves him completely at a loss for words but at the same time he knows what words are too important to say lightly. Being naturally easy going and incredibly lazy, he hasn't had much experience with the dating scene despite being raised to be respectful and courteous. In a high school standard he would rank as a very eligible bachelor with above average traits all around. Something is missing in Floyd's life. Some greater sense of purpose or meaning that he is always writing about in his free time. He wants out of this seemingly endless cycle of life to find himself, whatever that may be. One day something will just click for him and all of that untapped potential will come bursting forth for everyone to see.
RP Introduction: “Floyd Prince Tanner! Get in here, son!” his father called out angrily from the living room. The middle name was evoked, meaning that he had to go see what was so urgent, even if he did hate that name. His father and his mother were sitting on the couch staring at his report card on the coffee table. “Why do you insist on bringing home C's? We all know you can do so much better. We see it every time you perform, every time you are having fun, every time you put your mind to anything.” Floyd just stood there quietly not responding to his father. He didn't really know what to say. Even if this was a conversation that had happened a few times before, the proper answer to that question was still beyond his abilities to find. There was something about school, about authority, about that life that he was expected to lead that rubbed him the wrong way. It took too much effort to excel and at the same time too much effort to fail.
Finally caught a recruitment that hasn't already started a game, lost a person, and is re-recruiting that sounds interesting enough for me to put time into it! Granted the whole high school thing is a little cliche, but I'm sure you'll more than make up for it with the story after they get called into the other world. I'll work on creating a character that hasn't already been touched on. I have seen a lot of the same traits so far, lol. Anyway, I should have a full idea ready to post within a few hours. ![]()
Hello DM Wellard and all other posters! I am new to the play by post scene and so far have not found a game. I do have experience with Pathfinder and plenty of overall D&D experience under my belt so far and am looking for a good group of people to play with online. If you still have room in the party I would love to take part in this game. Going over the Jade Regent guide a couple of ideas are jumping out at me that could fit into the party so far: Lawful Neutral Dwarf or Human Monk (of the Sacred Mountain/Qinggong/Ki Mystic/or standard monk) Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Good Human Cavalier (Order of the Dragon) True Neutral Human or Half-Elf Fighter/Horizon Walker Let me know if you like any of the above ideas and I can flesh out a character history and stat page for you. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Have a nice day! ![]()
Hello all! I've been looking to join a game for a while and am sitting on a couple character ideas that might fit in well with this campaign (the motivations for the characters are modified slightly to better go with the campaign as I can see it). Let me know if you'd like to see any of the ideas in more detail and I can whip up a full stat breakout for it within a day. Lawful Neutral Human Archery Specialist (Monk/Zen Master; Fighter/Weapon Master; or Fighter/Archer) attempting to take his skill with the bow to greater levels by seeking adventure related to the "end of the world" Lawful Undecided Human/Dwarf/Elf Melee Monk (standard monk or one of the non-weapon based archetypes) journeying as a final pilgrimage of sorts before the "end of the world" Undecided Alignment/Race Oracle (possibly the Seer archetype) seeking answers about the coming "end of the world" and will eventually make a decision to try to prevent or facilitate this end. If you like any of those ideas and would like to send me the PC guide so I can better work out the characters this is my email:
renaud.marshall@gmail.com I am looking forward to hearing from you and possibly playing with you! ![]()
This seems very interesting indeed. I definitely would like to toss my hat in the ring for a General/Front-Line guy. I should be able to pin down a decent character concept for you all to look at by tomorrow. Hopefully it will be intriguing enough to be considered. This would be my first time doing a PBP game, but I do have some experience with the overall Pathfinder game. I am going to need to do more reading to fill in the knowledge gaps dealing with Kingmaker and seeing how my character could potentially fit in with the already created ones. I'm looking forward to reading what you all have written and possibly playing with you in the future. |